Outline:There are to men in a desert in Arabia wandering around. Then a sand storm comes and they get split up. One of the men’s name is Acan and after getting split up wakes up in a huge castle where he might get killed but tells his story becomes king. On the other hand the other man’s name is Bason who also might get killed but he tells his story and becomes king. One day the two castles have a fight and in the middle of the fight the to kings realized who one and another is and later come together and rule a kingdom.

Intro:Two men are in a desert in Arabia

Rising action:The two men get caught in a sand storm and then they become kings of a castle

Climax:The castles go to war

Falling action:The two men realize who one and another are

Conclusion:The two men rule a kingdom together


King Shahryar came home one night after a long day of work. Dinarzad said to her sister, “Please sister tells us one of your lovely stories”.

 “I will tell the story of the two kings” said Scheherazade.

 Once upon a time there were two men wandering in a desert in Arabia. After a long time they got some water. It started getting really windy and sand was blowing in their eyes. The two men started looking for shelter, but because it was so hard to see they didn’t know where to go. When it started to get very windy the two men were split  up. Both men were  hit to the ground and when sand started going over them they both got knocked out. One of the men was named Acan. Acan woke up after being knocked out he woke up in a palace with two strange men looking over him. The two men threatened to kill Acan. But he told them his story how he got split up from his friend in the desert. The men were very gracious so they let the man live. The palace that Acan  woke up in did not have a king. So after many months of living there   he became king.

The other man was named Bason. He wok e in a palace to. He was also being threatened to be killed by two woman but he told his story about how he got split in the desert. So they let him live. After many months of living in the palace the people loved him so when the king died he became king. he overruled the king and then, he became king. Both of the men ruled the kingdoms for many years, but one year the two kingdoms went to war to get more land. Bason’s kingdom attacked Acan’s kingdom one day. The battle went on for 3 weeks many men who were fighting died and blood was going all over the place. But one day the two kings came out and realized who one another are.

But morning drew near and Scheherazade fell silent. Dinarzad said to her sister, “what an amazing story.”

“I will tell the rest tomorrow if I am still alive.”

The next day King Shahryar came home waiting to hear the rest of the two kings story. Dinarzad said “please sister tell us the rest of the two kings story”.

 With the greatest pleasure” said Scheherazade.

The two came together both very emotional to see eachother again and they gave eachother a big hug. Both men were so surprised to see each since they were separated from the sand storm. They talked for a while and when they came across the topic of being kings they were surprised to hear that they both had to tell their story to stay alive. Finally they decided that they should rule a kingdom together and when they said that a huge castle came out of sand. Both men were in so much shock that a huge castle rose to ground. The men were very surprised and quite scared.

But morning drew near and Scheherazade fell silent. Dinarzad said to her sister, “what an amazing story.”

“I will tell the rest tomorrow if I am still alive.”The next day King Shahryar came home waiting to hear the rest of the two kings story.

Dinarzad said “please sister tell us the rest of the two kings story”.

 With the greatest pleasure” said Scheherazade.

The castle was as white as a snowstorm and as tall as the clouds. With gold lining that people would die for. Outside of the castle there was a woman who said, “I am Eves  queen of the of the sand castle”. “Since you have said the magic words you now rule this kingdom the magic words are when two kings say they will rule a kingdom together this castle apries. As she said that she disintegrated into sand. When the two kings heard the news their stomachs jumped with joy. After many years of ruling the kingdom the two men passed away. After the men passed away the castle went back into the ground.

Sam, this is a good start and an interesting plot. I think certain parts of the story need to be explained in greater detail. Your element of magic (the castle popping out of the sand) and your theme (the power of storytelling) also should be explained in greater detail. I also think you can strengthen this piece by using stronger vocabulary words in certain parts. I have left comments above where I think you could explain your story further or use stronger vocabulary words.