DLA123-0100  Transcription



Dear Mr de Laszlo.

The Portrait [111036] is very much admired & is considered a very good likeness.

It was presented to me on Friday at Quarter sessions & I in my turn presented

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it to the County of Denbigh to be hung in the County Hall – Where I hope some day you & Mrs de Laszlo will come & see it.[1]

I remain | yours very truly

W Cornwallis West


Editorial Note:

Colonel William Cornwallis-West (1835-1917) [111036], British politician; High Sheriff of Denbighshire in 1872, Lord-Lieutenant of Denbighshire from 1872 to 1917, and Justice of the Peace for Hampshire and Denbighshire.



[1] On Friday 8 January 1915, The Liverpool Echo recorded the following: “At Denbighshire Quarter Sessions to-day Colonel Cornwallis-West was presented with his portrait in oils in recognition of his public services to the country during the last half century. The presentation was made by Sir Watkin Wynne on behalf of the magistrates and 200 subscribers” (“Colonel Cornwallis-Wests Honour”, The Liverpool Echo, 8 January 1915, p. 6).