DLA095-0007  Transcription

‘Stimson in Office Today. He Will Be Sworn in by Taft as Secretary of State’, The New York Times, 28 March 1929

Special to The New York Times.

WASHINGTON, March 27.—Colonel Henry L. Stimson will take the oath of office as Secretary of State tomorrow afternoon. The oath will be administered by Chief Justice Taft in the office of the Secretary of State.

Secretary Kellogg will be present at the ceremony and will leave the next day for New York to sail Friday night on the Ile de France for Europe. His vacation plans, he said, today, are incomplete, but he will visit England and France.

In London his portrait will be painted by Philip de László for presentation to the State Department [5920]. The artist has already made two paintings of Mr. Kellogg, one of which is in the American Embassy in London [5917] and the other in his home.

