Examples of continuing gender inequalities

(in part, in places where students think

gender inequality is no longer a problem)

A list of links to help students see that the problem is NOT solved

Bullying, rape threats, death threats

Inequalities in pay, job status, etc.

Higher ed/universities/colleges

Incidents in the discipline of philosophy

Bullying, rape threats, death threats

Blogs and social media attacks on women, images of victims of violence and rape, and more:


Another one on the same topic: http://www.psmag.com/navigation/health-and-behavior/women-arent-welcome-internet-72170/

Kathy Sierra, “Trouble at the Kool-Aid point”: http://seriouspony.com/trouble-at-the-koolaid-point/

-- she says she’s going to take this down soon, but there’s a copy at Wired: http://www.wired.com/2014/10/trolls-will-always-win/

Threats against Anita Sarkeesian, who created a series of videos criticizing the portrayal of women in video games: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/08/29/gaming-vlogger-anita-sarkeesian-is-forced-from-home-after-receiving-harrowing-death-threats/

Sarkeesian forced to cancel talk at Utah State University after email threatens both her and the audience with death: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/58521856-78/video-feminist-sarkeesian-women.html.csp

Julie Pagano’s final post in series - explains why she has left Twitter http://juliepagano.com/blog/2014/10/10/life-and-times-of-a-tech-feminist-killjoy-you-cant-go-back-theres-no-end-in-sight/ 

Brianna Wu, a woman in gaming, has to leave her home due to threats: http://kotaku.com/another-woman-in-gaming-flees-home-following-death-thre-1645280338

Article by Brianna Wu about harassment women in gaming face:


Revenge porn, Hunter Moore, and the “Is Anyone Up” website: http://jezebel.com/one-womans-dangerous-war-against-the-most-hated-man-on-1469240835

Sexist representations of women

“The Horrific Trickle-Down of Asshole Culture: Why I’ve Just Deleted Uber From my Phone,” by Sarah Lucy. About a sexist campaign at Uber, the company that organizes people using their cars to give rides to others for money. http://pando.com/2014/10/22/the-horrific-trickle-down-of-asshole-culture-at-a-company-like-uber/

Inequalities in pay, job status, etc.

Pay inequities at the University of British Columbia

(2010 report)


Suggested strategies for addressing pay inequities at UBC (2011 report)


2012 report: http://www.facultyassociation.ubc.ca/docs/news/GenderPayEquity_UBCV%20Report%20Recommendation%20Committee2012-07.pdf

Explanation of 2% increase in pay for female faculty at UBC that was given in 2013: http://www.facultyassociation.ubc.ca/docs/news/GenderPayEquity_FAQ2013.pdf

Storify of ‘male allies’ panel at #GHC14 - shows culture in tech companies and references inequalities in  workplace https://storify.com/catehstn/ghcmanwatch 

Damage limitation panel next day when conference realised faux pas https://storify.com/catehstn/ghcmanwatch-mark-2 

Higher ed/universities/colleges



Y.O.U.N.G. chat at University of British Columbia (“rape chant”)


UBC’s response:


Incidents in the discipline of philosophy

What is it like to be a woman in philosophy? http://beingawomaninphilosophy.wordpress.com/

What we’re doing about what it’s like: making things better for women in philosophy: http://whatweredoingaboutwhatitslike.wordpress.com/