TinkerSoc General Meeting

Wednesday 9th April

Quorum: 18

Summary of the year:



Introduce New Committee

Points to be raised:

1- Allow associate members to stand for voting officer positions in the committee.

2- Allow associate members to vote in general meetings.

3- Make the "Comms Officer" non-voting position into a voting position.

4- Make the "Media Officer" non-voting position into a voting position.

5- Raise fees for both memberships by £5 making:

Any Other Business

A0 - Rename “Comms Officer” to “Radio Officer”

A1- Discuss the nature of meetings over the summer term.

A2- Discuss the nature of meetings for the next academic year.

Quorum: 18

(30% of 59 members, 18)

Insert name below:

Daniel Knox

Simon Moore

Liam O’brien

Bernadette Cross

Ben Adamson

Graham Harris

Robert Meekings

Ashley Mills

Christina Nutton

Martin Ellis

Tabetha Slade

Jordan Cook

Jonathan Poole

Matthew Boakes

Kieran Twyford

Emma Hickey

Matthew Prentice

Toby Huitson

Summary of the year:


Projects undertaken, Makerspace, External Relations etc.


Financial state, sponsorships, donations, etc.

Introduce New Committee

        Introduced the executive committee, President: Martin Faulkner, Secretary: Matthew Prentice, Treasurer: Christina. non-voting: Media, Kieran Twyford, Comms: Liam O;brien

Points to be raised:

1- Allow associate members to stand for voting officer positions in the committee.


"4.2 All Full Members of the Society are also entitled to:

Stand and vote in Society Committee Elections. "


"On a case by case basis, the union(VP-Activities, President, and education officers) may authorise an associate member to stand and vote in Society Committee Elections"

Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous

2- Allow associate members to vote in general meetings.


"4.2 All Full Members of the Society are also entitled to:

Vote at all Society General Meetings."


"All Full and Associate Members of the Society are also entitled to:

Vote at all Society General Meetings "

Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous

3- Make the "Comms Officer" non-voting position into a voting position.


"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:



"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:

Comms Officer "

Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous

4- Make the "Media Officer" non-voting position into a voting position.


"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:



"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:

Media Officer”

Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous

5- Raise fees for both memberships by £5 making:

Standard: £10

Associate: £13

Result: For 13, Against 2, Abstain 3 - Passed

Any Other Business

A0 - Rename “Comms Officer” to “Radio Officer”

Result: For 15, Against 0, Abstain 3 - Passed

A1- Discuss the nature of meetings over the summer term.

Ashley would like to meet up next term, he likes being around us.

Brian Spratt booked Wednesday 7 - 9.30 weekly till christmas.

DK - Fortnightly Committee run meetings, Fortnightly casual meetings.

Radio Events - Foxhunt

A2- Discuss the nature of meetings for the next academic year.

Rube Goldberg Machine, regular radio meetups, own projects.

CNC Router, Drill Press, hot wire cutter, etc