TinkerSoc General Meeting
Wednesday 9th April
1- Allow associate members to stand for voting officer positions in the committee.
2- Allow associate members to vote in general meetings.
3- Make the "Comms Officer" non-voting position into a voting position.
4- Make the "Media Officer" non-voting position into a voting position.
5- Raise fees for both memberships by £5 making:
A0 - Rename “Comms Officer” to “Radio Officer”
A1- Discuss the nature of meetings over the summer term.
A2- Discuss the nature of meetings for the next academic year.
(30% of 59 members, 18)
Insert name below:
Daniel Knox | Simon Moore | Liam O’brien |
Bernadette Cross | Ben Adamson | Graham Harris |
Robert Meekings | Ashley Mills | Christina Nutton |
Martin Ellis | Tabetha Slade | Jordan Cook |
Jonathan Poole | Matthew Boakes | Kieran Twyford |
Emma Hickey | Matthew Prentice | Toby Huitson |
Projects undertaken, Makerspace, External Relations etc.
Financial state, sponsorships, donations, etc.
Introduced the executive committee, President: Martin Faulkner, Secretary: Matthew Prentice, Treasurer: Christina. non-voting: Media, Kieran Twyford, Comms: Liam O;brien
"4.2 All Full Members of the Society are also entitled to:
Stand and vote in Society Committee Elections. "
"On a case by case basis, the union(VP-Activities, President, and education officers) may authorise an associate member to stand and vote in Society Committee Elections"
Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous
"4.2 All Full Members of the Society are also entitled to:
Vote at all Society General Meetings."
"All Full and Associate Members of the Society are also entitled to:
Vote at all Society General Meetings "
Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous
"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:
"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:
Comms Officer "
Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous
"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:
"5.9 The Society Committee shall also consist of the following elected, voting Officers:
Media Officer”
Result: For 18, Against 0 - unanimous
Standard: £10
Associate: £13
Result: For 13, Against 2, Abstain 3 - Passed
Result: For 15, Against 0, Abstain 3 - Passed
Ashley would like to meet up next term, he likes being around us.
Brian Spratt booked Wednesday 7 - 9.30 weekly till christmas.
DK - Fortnightly Committee run meetings, Fortnightly casual meetings.
Radio Events - Foxhunt
Rube Goldberg Machine, regular radio meetups, own projects.
CNC Router, Drill Press, hot wire cutter, etc