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Design Sprint - Jul 6, 2013 - Announcement & Schedule (wiki)
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OSE is hosting our first coordinated Design Sprint where we have a specific, project-based schedule for every hour.

Sprint Details:

When: 6 July 2013 from 9am-5pm CST-USA

Topics: CNC Torch Table, Lifetrac, Hydrafabber, Open Source Car, Documentation, & Graphics/UI Sessions

Media: Via Google Hangout (an email, with the link to the sprint, will be sent to participants by 8:45am on Saturday)

Sprint Facilitator: Marcin Jakubowski

Agenda for each session:

1. Discuss topic.

2. Jot notes in Pirate Pad on Dashboard.

3. Start Google Doc Drawings and record link on Pirate Pad.

4. Develop Google Doc Drawings collaboratively.

5. Record links to all work, including links to participant logs - on Pirate Pad.

6. Then at the end of the day, 4 PM -  we put all generated content and module placeholders up at Dozuki.


9 AM - CNC Torch table Session.  Drawing up a Systems Engineering Breakdown Diagram for the big picture of component integration for OSE torch table - a full sized, open source CNC torch table with auto height control. Open Source stepper motor controls, drivers, and height control, and open source control code.  Main development points involve a Systems Engineering Breakdown Diagram and detailed Interface Design between components. Needs to document installation procedure of CoolDRV into RAMPS. Needs detailed procedure of creating all RAMPS connections. Starts with Concept SEBD which inserts number labels within Google Drawing. Numbers are listed in Google Spreadsheet below to generate a BOM for sourcing. This is a working session inviting all electronics, automation, RAMPS, and other people. Integration of code with electronics. Needs exporting existing CNC torch table at Factor e Farm to Sketchup or FreeCAD. Talent Needed: calling all electronics, mechatronics, automation, power electronics., CNC Torch SMEs, people who worked with RAMPS (RepRap community), Jeff Moe, Kliment Yanev, Salvatore. Chuck H on code integration.

10AM - LifeTrac Session - Finishing up design of Articulated LifeTrac for a single day build on July 12. Design Review of Foot Pedals. Integration of Pivot Module + Groundhugging Module. Integrating all modules from the 6 in 60. People Needed: mechanical engineer, Sketchup person, hydraulics people, mechatronics, agricultural engineers.

11 AM - HydraFabber Session - We need to integrate the existing Lulzbot 3D Print head mount - and reconcile the 2 different mounts being used now (John's log shows  a simple one and the more complex original from MIT). We probably want clamping instead of press fit? Then if we decide on this - then we can generate a printing file so we can priint the new head with TAZ at Factor e Farm or elsewhere. Then we can verify all the parts, buy them, and build the router part. Still missing is the control software for routing.

Noon - Documentation Session. Start with posting modules for each machine at Involve Dozuki team. Start with the 20 Agriculture and Construction Tools. Each will have a dozen or so modules. Break it up to manageable size. See Brick Press as example. Begin with introduction by Rob or Tim of Dozuki. Discuss best Mobile Phone to use for Dozuki mobile app.

2 PM - Open Source Car session. Design of wheel mounting. Generation of procedure for lost-PLA casting of mount parts. Build procedure for furnace. Work on Power Cube integration. Discussion with Wikispeed on buildout of chassis. Sourcing of wheels. VW engine pump calculations based on VW engine RPM. Hydraulic Pump mounting strategy for VW engine. Documentation of VW engine at Factor e Farm.

3 PM - Graphics, UI, Interface Session. Graphics Artists, Modeling, animations, Simulations Session - begin drawing up uniform icon set for all Modules identified during work day. Continue documenting modules on Dozuki while adding Module Icons. Take existing modules and animate them. Start by defining a script, and work from Script Backlog. Requested People: Dozuki Team, Rob Kirk, Animators, Graphics Artists to generate Infographics for each of 50 Machines, and to draw up Module Breakdown Diagrams for each of 50 Machines after Module Breakdown Concepts are generated. Perhaps in this session, start by defining an Infographic Template that includes Device Dashboard defined in the Doc Jam.

4 PM - Document and set up placeholders for all modules in development at Dozuki. Led by Sprint Facilitator.