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REVIEWS: All Quiet on the Western Front
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What did you learn about war from watching All Quiet On the Western Front?


This movie taught me...


From this movie, I learnt that war wasn't any board game or joke and it wasn't what i thought it was. Secondly I learnt that there was no reason to have a war because it only damages everything.


From this movie I learnt that war is a serious business and it is not laughing matter. People who talks like they know how it feels being in the war but they don’t know the reality . They don’t know how hospitals treat the soldiers, they don't know how it feels when your friend dies in front of you.


from this movie I have learnt that war is the worst way to die because you die with memories of you killing people and you don’t want to die with that memory


This story taught me that War is not a place that you go to and have fun with your friends... Every soldier trusts his luck but can not survive 1000’s of times.


Young kids dying at only 16 and over.

How bad the hospitals were how they did not care about deaths.

How it became their new home and how it grew onto them so much.

people lied to their self saying its okay when really it's the opposite.

Soldiers walking with bombs flying down into the ground like it happens every day.

Shell shock is a horrible thing and that it can make you kill yourself because you hate your life it would just be horrible to have shell shock.

Dylan A

 Every Soldier trusts his luck & learnt the famous

Phrase "every soldier believes in chance but none survive 1000 chances".

Shell shock can change people's lives.

When you go into war you're a boy if you survive you come out a man.


>WW1 is nothing like the shooting games that I play.

>Way more gruesome than  thought it would be.

>Extremely loud

>Very long/miss family,friends ect./exhausting.

>It would be horrible having your friends die around you.


  • when at war you only have two goals, to kill and survive
  • that second you get distracted that second your dead
  • when you have been at war so long you hardly remember who you are anymore
  • things feel different when you come home, then you realize it never really was home.
  • War is not what you expect it but then when you are there you regret it.
  • what shells do to you are horrible and disgusting!!!
  • life was never easy when war was going on
  • i learnt about that the went to the trenches every second day and the other day they rested.
  • that they gave you little food.


*First....! I think war is so bad!!!

It makes many people died...:(

and thanks to born in 2000^^

*Second... it was so sad to die so early...

 and they are amazing to go and fight them~!


World War 1 was a bloody and long war that ran from 1914 to 1918.

More than 30 million people died in the cold blooded war which is not very nice conditions to die in.

There where harsh conditions like muddy, stagnant water  shell holes with rotting and decaying bodies. Screeching bombs coming down at a imaginable speeds and blowing up everything in a blast.

Bodies of soldiers lying out side by side rotting in the sun waiting to get buried.

If you have a good weapon like a machine gun in your trench ,you know your teratory is better when men come and run to cut the barbwire so they can get in and attack. But you can machine gun them all.

Shell shock can ruin your balance because the liquid in your eardrums would blast out and you would constantly fell dizzy and sick.

Mustard gas was a huge killer and uwefull way to die, sometimes it took 2-5 weeks to die.

People in villages ran out of every day supplies but for the men they got all the essientuals.

when seeing the dead and injured bodies come off the train youxr going to be riding a death train.

Trentures weren't very nice because if you get distracted and you put your head above ground level, your dead.

This movie was a great movie to take notes on, too me I think the director put a lot of thought and time into this movie.

Dylan Gibbons

It is disgusting. It ruins lives and eventually ends them. Your could be finished in a second. Or you could have a long agonizing death. Billions of people die because of a domination hungry countries  and its allies. When you

 sign up for war it affects your family as well as you. Musturd gas is a unforgivable thing to do and I am glad i wont have to suffer something like that.


War is terrible. When it is declared it is like dooming the soldiers and the people, yet some see it as something similar to a game of chess. Those who survive war will still be damaged for life, whether they were injured or not.


-Dont stick your hed out of a trench!!

-Bombs are really really loud especially when they are falling to the ground

-There is a dead room where they put people if they think they wont survive and they let them die

-You  can get shell shock and when you have it you act a bit insain

-War is horribly horrible

-I learnt that smoking is good

-As their technology improved they got flame throwers

-All soldiers believe in luck and chance

-No soldier can outlive onethousand chances

-War is nothing like a board game it no where near as fun or simple

-Most soldiers dont make it out alive if they do they are really lucky

-Most soldiers that volunteer are under aged somtimes they are only 16 years old

-Some of the solldiers are desperate for girls

-Thousands of people died including someone who stuck his head out of a trench. . . .


-Not all soldiers are lucky enough to make it out alive  

-Never get distracted when fighting in a war, especially when you're in a trench there's always a bullet

-When your soldiers never believe everything you are told some people will try to lie and deceive to do what they believe is right

-When the war is over most soldiers end up losing their minds having nightmares about the war,  always ready to fight.

-All soldiers have given their lives to the war

-When a friend falls it is too late to try and save them you just end getting yourself killed

-The enemy has bigger and better guns, tanks and weapons.

-The more that soldiers were dying meant the younger boys had to sign up.

- War is not a bored game it is a lot harder, not as simple as people make it out to be and people die out their people with families, wives and children.

- More than 30 million innocent soldiers died out on the battle.

- People like you and me ran out of everyday supplies so that the soldiers could eat, have medical supplies, the wound could have a bed and because the war demand the things that families won’t need.


-Not many soldiers make it out alive.

-That war is nothing like call of duty and gun games that I play.

-Many of the soldiers lied that they were old enough to fight when they were under age.

-Millions of soldiers lives were consumed by war and many were just kids.

-That most deaths were not quick,clean and peaceful and that many deaths were slow,agonising and painful , some deaths lasted for hours!

- This movie taught me that war is a gigantic waste of time and young lives.


from this movie I learnt ,that how intense war was and how emotional , I never knew the distruction and the demolition and dead soldiers mostly all under age and how they treated all of the sick

soldiers I was really shocked how they treated them and also what war could actually do to some poor normal life people


I learnt that war was really different to what people say it is. Men would fight for their lives and get killed . Really its a waste of time because the germans stopped so why did we fight ?the movie was very emotional especially the end...

Men became injured for the rest of their life from all the loud noises and gunshots. I personally liked the statement (my knowledge of life is limited to death .)


I learnt that war is anything but peaceful and happy.

The conditions were horrible with fatigued rats eating the live and dead, mud puddles with corpses and ammunition everywhere and blood on everything.


I learnt that war isn't worth it because we just go killing random people and die.Many teenager people die just for their country, I mean like it could get only more worse and there no price for what we have done.


WAR is not a computer game its not like your playstations it is  the real thing if you die you can't just have another go thats it!  

The rats were disgusting and the fact that your head  could be blown off any second without you knowing  or can be stabbed  or gassed and could spend weeks in hospital  in pure  agony . The boys that went to war were very young and most boys lied about their age some boys said that they were 18 and turned out only to be 14 only to go and die in a pointless war with nothing to gain but a lot of dead carcasses and muddy stink hole with bacteria festering and blood on your hands.


War kills millions of men and its horrible how they died.  It can be really horrible how so many died  and how they were killed. I also learned that war isn’t like some kind of playstation game where if you die you can’t just try again.


War can be a really horrible experience for some,losing mates,having the pain of dying or just the fact that you're killing someone.

That it could have been hard for some people to keep control because of the explosions, blood,mud and bodys

War destroys heaps of peoples lives in the fact that everyones lives get ruined and


This movie taught me how not everyone is bad and how so many people suffered. Also how you lost your friends and you have to feel guilt of killing someone. War is never an adventure it always end in a bloodbath with bodies lying everywhere with shrapnel tearing through their flesh. With bullet holes through their heads. In the end hardly anyone survives.