*UPDATE (06.05.20): La Ligue des Noirs du Québec has been re-added by request. Please read their most recent statement concerning confusion about their lawsuit and the recent TVA Nouvelles article: https://www.intexto.ca/abandon-du-recours-collectifla-ligue-des-noirs-dement/ (thank you @jca.lia for sharing this article).

*UPDATE (06.05.20): Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this doc! As requested, I’ve now credited those who have contributed, but if I’ve missed anyone or credited wrongly, please send me a dm and I’ll sort that out. All uncredited sources have been found through Google searches or on BlackMontreal.com’s list of community associations and organizations (which I have linked below).

*UPDATE (06.04.20): La Ligue des Noirs du Québec has been removed by request.

BlackMontreal.com’s list ‘Community Associations & Organizations’: http://blackmontreal.com/community_associations__orga.htm

A great ongoing list of Black initiatives and organizations in Montreal: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1-cWfUPusqTUuyc7DYjFFvMsFDeyrZWb-6BQ4gUiP9rc/htmlview#gid=1204133285

  • Created by Maître Marie-Livia Beaugé, Sarah Myriam Louis and Ricardo Lamour (permission to share from Maître Marie-Livia Beaugé)
  • Contains a form for submitting other organizations to their list
  • Brought to my attention by @louisriam

To contribute any organizations, please dm me at @em_spooner / Pour contribuer des organisations, veuillez m'envoyer un dm à @em_spooner




Center for Research-Action on Race Relations / Centre de Recherche-Action sur les Relations Raciales


The Center for Research-Action on Race Relations is a Montreal-based independent, non-profit civil rights organization that was founded in 1983 with the mandate to promote racial equality and combat racism in Canada. It is considered as one of the leading non-profit race relations organizations in Canada. As an issue-based organizations, CRARR works with all sectors of society that share its values of equality and diversity, especially equality-seeking groups.”



Générer des espaces de dialogues et des initiatives mobilisatrices pour éliminer les inégalités systémiques et développer des communautés solidaires, inclusives, sécuritaires et dynamiques.”

Afrique au Féminin


Soutenir les femmes immigrantes dans l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie et faciliter leur intégration au Québec. Il s’agit de les aider à sortir de l’isolement et les outiller afin de favoriser leur autonomie pour une meilleure prise en charge individuelle et collective. Afrique au Féminin est un centre pour les femmes qui veulent tisser des liens, vivre en harmonie avec elles-mêmes, partager leurs difficultés et mettre en commun leurs expériences et solutions. On y accueille toutes les femmes et on répond à leurs besoins (écoute, soutien, accompagnement et référence).”

Centre de justice des premiers peuples de Montréal / First People’s Justice Center of Montréal


“Support, inform and empower Indigenous persons in addressing their justice issues and in continuing their transition to a healthy and balanced quality of life; and Indigenize the justice systems, including educating key players, to engage with Indigenous persons in a fair, culturally respectful and restorative way.”

Black Community Resource Centre (BCRC)


The Black Community Resource Centre (BCRC) is a growing, resource-based organization that strengthens community capacity by providing professional support to organizations and individuals in need. The Centre is committed to helping visible minority youth rekindle their dreams, and achieve their full potential. We take a comprehensive approach to meet the needs of English-speaking youth. By referring to the “Holistic Project” approach through our community service, we recognize that youth have many needs (e.g., socio-cultural, educational, and economic, etc.) that must be addressed in order for youth to achieve their greatest potential in our society.”

*Can’t seem to find a place to donate on website

Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs / Big Brothers Big Sisters


We are dedicated to helping children and youths who are faced with personal and socio-economic difficulties, as well as their families. Our agency offers professional mentoring services and an opportunity to acquire and improve personal strengths and interpersonal skills, contributing to a healthier life over the long term.”

*Indigenous Mentoring Program (for Indigenous youth)

*Black’N Role Mentoring Program (for the English-speaking Black community)

Black Theatre Workshop


Black Theatre Workshop’s (BTW) mission is to promote and produce Black theatre that educates, entertains and inspires. The company strives to create a greater cross-cultural understanding by challenging its audience and the status quo. As Canada’s longest running Black theatre company, it maintains a high level of integrity and creativity. Elevating the representation of Black Canadian artists, the company bridges cultural barriers – uniting hearts, minds and communities.”

Native Friendship Centre of Montreal Inc. / Centre d’Amitié Autochtone de Montréal Inc.


For over 40 years the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal Inc. (NFCM) has provided continuous quality services to the urban Indigenous population of Montreal and their families and is the only comprehensive service and referral point in the Greater Montreal Area (GMA) in relation to health, social services, legal, orientation/information, education, training, and employment referral for those migrating to or through the city including those from across Quebec, Canada, and the Americas.”

  • Faire un don / donate: Link at top of their website / lien au haut de leur site web

Women on the Rise / L’envol des Femmes


Supporting women through active listening and service referrals; Providing stimulating workshops aimed at promoting self awareness of one’s strengths, potentials & limits, encouraging decision making and incorporating healthy changes; Sharing delicious, home-cooked meals together, with an emphasis on cultural cuisine and healthy vegetables; Providing an educational, bilingual childcare program that enhances all aspects of child development; Encouraging parents to adopt a positive attitude with regard to their children’s education and upbringing; We recognize the challenges of parenting and we come together to exchange insight in a non-judgemental atmosphere.

DESTA - Black Youth Network / Réseau de la jeunesse Noire


DESTA was founded in 2006 with a mandate to focus on the employability needs of Black youth in Little Burgundy. An integrated strategy was adopted to address both systemic and personal barriers to employment, such as justice involvement, housing, and lack of resources. Recognizing the economic needs of participants, DESTA’s mission was redefined in 2017 to center on education, employability, and entrepreneurship. On-site structured programming was developed to give participants access to diverse training opportunities and to help them build greater financial security.”

Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre / Centre communautaire Tyndale St-Georges (Contribué par / contributed by @anners3000)


Since 1927, Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre has provided empowering educational programming for residents of Little Burgundy from birth through adulthood. Programs range from early literacy programs for 0 to 5 year olds to life skills training for adults. Our aim is to ensure that each member of our community has the opportunity and skills needed to realise their potential.”

The Council for Black Aging Community of Montreal


The Council for Black Aging Community of Montreal Inc. exists to provide services; be an emotional support network; to organize activities and create opportunities for seniors to engage in social, recreational, cultural and educational activities; to prevent social isolation; foster their continued engagement in the community; enhance their quality of life; and to promote, encourage and assist seniors to maintain for as long as is possible, their autonomy and independence at home.”

West Island Black Community Association / Association de la Communauté Noir de l’Ouest de l'Île (Contribué par / contributed by @vanessamanroop)


“To educate the public on health issues, various cultures and multiculturalism; To relieve loneliness and isolation associated with aging and to provide recreational, educational and cultural activities for senior citizens; To operate a drop-in centre for youths, providing counselling, educational and recreational activities in a supervised setting; To provide academic scholarships to youths for the purpose of furthering their education; To do all such things that are ancillary and incidental to the achievement of the above charitable objectives; To raise funds, collect and receive monies and properties by contributions, gifts, legacies, bequests and grants to be used to promote and foster the objectives of the association.”

Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal


The goal of the Native Women’s Shelter is to provide a safe environment where women can begin to rebuild their lives. We offer support and frontline services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis (Aboriginal) women and children to promote their empowerment and independence. The NWSM is the only women’s shelter in Montreal that provides services exclusively to Aboriginal women and their children. Women are offered an up to three month stay in one of 13 private rooms, many of which are capable of accommodating more than one person so that women may stay with their children. There is a zero tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol at the shelter.”

Clinique juridique de Saint-Michel


La Clinique juridique de Saint-Michel est un organisme à but non lucratif qui cherche à promouvoir l’accessibilité à la justice en se positionnant comme étant un pionnier dans le quartier. Alors que plusieurs cliniques juridiques existent un peu partout sur l’île de Montréal, mais ont vocation à desservir principalement leur population locale et que les centres communautaires n’ont pas les ressources adéquates pour répondre à un tel besoin, nous mettons à la disposition des Michelois aux prises avec des ennuis juridiques une équipe qui à ce jour compte plus de 20 bénévoles provenant de diverses facultés de droit et de cabinets d’avocats.”

La Maison d'Haïti (Contribué par / contributed by @paulinecams)


“Dès sa création, la Maison d'Haïti a fait partie de l’histoire du mouvement communautaire québécois. Elle a participé à la mise en place de plusieurs regroupements et coalitions et a investi plusieurs dossiers importants, tant pour la communauté haïtienne et que pour l’action communautaire québécoise: alphabétisation populaire, éducation et intégration sociale des gens issus des communautés culturelles, mouvement des femmes, accès au travail, politiques d’égalité, dynamiques familiales et insertion sociale des jeunes, sans oublier les luttes contre les formes de discrimination et de racisme qui représentent l’un de ses axes d’intervention et de mobilisation.”

Les Fourchettes de l’Espoir


Notre vision est principalement de contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des citoyens en misant sur 5 valeurs essentielles : respect, intégrité, solidarité, transparence et entraide. Assumant sa mission, depuis 12 ans, l’organisme est devenu un des leaders dans la lutte au décrochage social et notre travail a pour but de favoriser l’égalité sociale et économique des citoyens en améliorant la condition de vie de la population nord-montréalaise.”

  • Faire un don / donate: Link at top of their website / lien au haut de leur site web

Pour 3 Points


Nous croyons à l’égalité sociale en faveur des jeunes issus de milieux défavorisés. Nous sommes convaincus qu’un jour, tous les jeunes auront la possibilité de développer leur potentiel pour devenir des adultes épanouis, résilients, en bonne santé et engagés dans leur communauté. C’est pourquoi nous formons les coachs sportifs de manière à ce qu’ils jouent aussi un rôle de coach de vie. En étant bien formés, les coachs peuvent aider les jeunes à développer les habiletés requises pour réussir à l’école et dans la vie.”

Solidarité sans frontières / Solidarity Across Borders / Solidaridad sin fronteras (Contribué par / contributed by @findnennen)


“Solidarité Sans Frontières est un réseau impliqué dans les luttes immigrantes, actif à Montréal depuis 2003. Nous sommes des immigrant(e)s et des allié(e)s et ensemble nous appuyons des individus et des familles qui font face au système injuste d’immigration et de détermination du statut de réfugié(e). Nous sommes engagé(e)s dans des activités d’éducation populaire et de travail de soutien. Nous organisons des mobilisations politiques prenant la forme de manifestations, lignes piquetage et actions directes.”

  • Faire un don / donate: On the sidebar of their website / sur la barre latérale de leur site web

AGIR (Contribué par / contributed by @sandie_barriere)


“Our mission is to develop and offer services, information, programs and resources, in addition to protecting and defending the legal, social and economic rights of migrants (asylum seekers, refugees, immigrants, and those with undetermined status) from lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) communities, all in a spirit of solidarity. AGIR works hand-in-hand with concerned individuals, and with lawyers, psychologists, social workers, community workers and actors in various levels of government, both federal and provincial authorities in the fields of immigration, refugee status and citizenship.”

Bureau de la communauté haïtienne de Montréal (Contribué par / contributed by @paulinecams)


“Le BCHM est un organisme communautaire à but non lucratif qui intervient auprès des familles vulnérables, issues des communautés ethnoculturelles du centre de l'île de Montréal, pour qu’elles se sortent de l’isolement et de la pauvreté en favorisant leur réussite sociale.”

Centre Haïtien d’Action Familiale (CHAF) (Contribué par / contributed by @paulinecams)


“Le Centre Haïtien d’Action Familiale (CHAF) est un lieu où les familles haïtiennes de Montréal peuvent trouver des informations leur permettant d’être plus compétentes dans l’exercice de leurs responsabilités éducatives. Elles y trouvent également des références sur les ressources communautaires existantes, pouvant les aider à faire face aux problèmes rencontrés dans le milieu d’accueil. De plus, elles reçoivent des services en fonction de leurs besoins en vue de les aider dans des événements difficiles et dans les situations de crises.”

O3 On Our Own (Contribué par / contributed by @macleansy)


O3 is a not for profit community organization located on the Benny Farm site in NDG. Our mission is to support young parents in difficulty in the achievement of their goals by providing them with affordable housing and opportunities for personal, educational and parental growth. Through living in an encouraging and community oriented environment, O3 envisions a healthy and stable next generation, one child at a time, one family at a time.”

Librairie Racines (Contribué par / contributed by @oiseauxdefevrier)


Lieu de rencontres et d’apprentissage, la librairie Racines est située dans Montréal-Nord. Gabriella Kinté y offre depuis 2017 des livres de tout horizon, mais aussi une juste place aux autrices et auteurs racisé.e.s. Loin de ne s’adresser qu’à une clientèle ethnoculturelle, Racines se veut une vitrine représentative de la société, et souhaite promouvoir la diversité dans le paysage littéraire, et dans nos bibliothèques. Au-delà du commerce, Gabriella rêve de bâtir une communauté autour de la lecture, des échanges et des découvertes, car elle est convaincue que les histoires ne se transmettent pas uniquement par le papier.”

The Black Coalition of Quebec / La Ligue des Noirs du Québec


“La Ligue œuvre pour rehausser la conscience morale, le social, la politique et l’économie du Canada. Par ses interventions constantes en faveur des sans voix, des opprimés, des moins favorisés, des laissés-pour-compte, des marginaux et tous ceux qui sont victimes, elle monte au créneau pour dénoncer les injustices et les discriminations du système vicieux.”

*Concerning recent confusion about their lawsuit: https://www.intexto.ca/abandon-du-recours-collectifla-ligue-des-noirs-dement/

  • Faire un don / donate: Link on their website / lien sur leur site web

Taking What We Need (Contribué par / contributed by @lenore.gabor)


“An informal community group dedicated to helping low income transwomen get what they need through discretionary funding.”

L’association médicale des personnes de race noire du Québec / Quebec Black Medical Association (Contribué par / contributed by @ruby.belson)


“L’AMPRNQ a créé une fiducie de bienfaisance, appelée le Fonds de recherche et d’éducation de l’AMPRNQ. Son principal objectif consiste à financer:

1. Des projets contribuant à promouvoir l’enseignement public et la compréhension des sciences médicales;

2. Des projets améliorant la qualité des services publics, médicaux ou sociaux offerts aux personnes désavantagées;

3. Des bourses aux étudiants de race noire issus de milieux économiques ou culturels défavorisés, pour leur permettre de poursuivre des études en sciences médicales; et

4. Des bourses aux étudiants de race noire faisant preuve d’un excellent leadership, possédant le potentiel, pour exceller dans leurs études et participant à des activités communautaires ou parascolaires, leur permettant ainsi de poursuivre des études en sciences médicales.”

  • Faire un don / donate: On the sidebar of their website / sur la barre latérale de leur site web

The Black Academic Scholarship Fund (Contribué par / contributed by @ruby.belson)


“The Black Academic Scholarship Fund (BASF) is a non-profit organization that has been active in the Montreal community since 1991. Its main goal is to enhance the economic status of our community and provide more education opportunities for youth from the Black community. The Fund aims to achieve this objective by promoting entrepreneurship, encouraging professionals to strive for excellence, and providing youth with financial support. Youth development is an important objective in our mandate.”

  • Faire un don / donate: Link on the sidebar of their website / lien sur la barre latérale de leur site web

Home and Healing for Mohawk Inuit 2S Trans Youth Fundraiser (Contribué par / contributed by @linkisk)


“My friends have been having a really difficult year and need your support gaining some stability so they aren’t constantly in a state of precariousness. They are two-spirit and trans indigenous youth siblings that have spent the past 2+ years facing homelessness. The two have been without a stable support system or network of family, friends, or community to look to for support during crisis. They continue to encounter racist and transphobic violence and displacement on their homeland. This fundraiser will be an attempt to offer a home, and hopefully, a start to healing for my friends. They are seeking but struggling to access a quality of life beyond survival and enduring ongoing trauma on their traditional territory. If you are a settler on these lands, please question how your stability comes at the cost of indigenous folks' instability. The money raised will offer a basis to cover housing, food, medication, trans-friendly healthcare, therapy, cell phone access, and any and other all costs related to stabilising long-term housing and resources to ensure the welfare of the siblings for the foreseeable future. In the case of e-transfer please send it to aqiggiqa(at)gmail.com with the password “support”.”