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Schaefer Connect 4 to Comprehend More
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Name: _____________________________________ Date: ________________

Connect Four to Comprehend More!

Choose one box a week to complete about the book you are reading. Turn in your choice by the end of the week. You may write it or type it. Try to connect four boxes in four weeks.

Describe the text structure of this story (chapters, scenes, stanzas, chronological, comparison, problem/solution)

Imagine you’re leading a small group discussion about this text. What questions would be most appropriate to ask to ensure that all group members understand the passage?

What were the struggles and motivations of a character in the story? How did they overcome their struggles?

Examine and analyze the main character(s)’ feelings at the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Classify and/or categorize these feelings as the same or different.

What changes would you make to the story? How would this affect the story?

Create three journal entries for one of the characters in your text. Describe their feelings and emotions based on what they are going through.

Rate the story on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest. Defend your rating of the story.

Give an example of someone you know who is like one of the characters in the story.

If you could have a conversation with one of the characters in the story, which character would you choose and what would you talk about?

A main theme of the text is _____. Find two statements that best reflect this theme.

Generate a new title for the story. Explain the reasoning for your new title.

How does the author use transition words to make the text flow smoothly? Cite an example from the text.

What is the best summary of your text?

Is your text written in 1st person or 3rd person? How do you know? Cite evidence.

How does the setting affect the story? Explain your reasons.  

Compare this story with other stories you have read in the past. Give evidence from the texts.

Name: ____________________________________  Self-Assessment Checklist

Before my entry:

  1. Title of text                                        Yes        No
  2. Title of text is underlined                        Yes        No
  3. Date of entry                                         Yes        No

As I write: 

  1. Indented                                         Yes         No
  2. Title used in intro sentence                        Yes         No
  3. Evidence from text                                Yes         No
  4. Evidence is in quotation marks                Yes         No
  5. I explain my thinking                                Yes         No
  6. Punctuation at the ends of sentences        Yes         No
  7. Handwriting is easy to read                        Yes         No
  8. I reread it to myself                                Yes         No