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Graphic Novel Competition
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Tome Society

Fan Fiction Graphic Novel Competition


Instructions to Compete

Individual Event

Limit 2 entries per chapter


Students will create a prequel or sequel chapter of one of the current It List nominees in graphic novel format.


Anchor Standards:

Method of creation: Students can create their graphic novel by hand-drawing or by a digital method, but all art must be the student’s original work. Work should be submitted in a digital format.

Product should include in any order:

  1. A title for the graphic novel
  2. Image of inspiration book cover
  3. Inspiration book title
  4. Author of inspiration book
  5. A prequel or sequel chapter written/drawn in graphic novel form


  1. Should have perfect grammar and spelling
  2. School appropriate content
  3. No foul language or nudity
  4. Can be drawn in color or black & white, but should be finished in a professional manner
  5. Should be created in “American” graphic novel format - read top to bottom, left to right.


Method of Submission:

Advisers will submit entries through the online Canvas Adviser Group. Directions will be emailed to paid chapter advisers prior to the deadline.  

All entries must be submitted by: 

No later than February 1 - Entries must be submitted by the Chapter Advisor -- only 2 entries per chapter (4-5), (6-8) and (9-12)


Tome Society Fan Fiction Rubric

 Student submissions will include the following and will be judged on the quality of each category.






Fan Fiction Title

The document includes an appropriate, descriptive title for the fan fiction prequel or sequel graphic novel (5 points)

The document includes a title but it is inappropriate and/or non-descript (1-4 points)

The document does not have a title (0 points)

Book Title:

The document includes the title of the novel at the beginning of the document so that readers can quickly identify the novel. (5 points)

The document includes the title of the novel, however, it is not included at the beginning and the reader has a difficult time identifying the novel. (1-4 points)

The document does not include the title of the novel. (0 points)

Book Cover Image

The document includes a correct image of the book. cover (5 points)

The document does not include a correct image of the book cover. (0 points)


The document correctly identifies and names the author of the original book. (5 points)

The document does not correctly identify and name the author of the original book. (0 points)

Prologue/Epilogue Format

The document consistently up to or follows the events already described in the book. (20 points)

The document attempts to make connections to events leading up to or follows those in the book. (1-19)

The document does not consistently lead up to or follow the events already described in the book. (0 points)


The attributes of the original characters and their personalities stay intact unless an event occurs and is described that changes them. (20 points)

The attributes of the original characters and their personalities  remain somewhat intact and/or an event that changes them is lacking in explanation.(1-19 points)

The attributes of the original characters and their personalities do not stay intact and no events that change them is described. (0 points)


The document includes descriptive words and images and the setting is consistent with the original author’s work. (20 points)

The document includes some descriptive words and the setting is similar to that of the original author’s work. (1-19 points)

The document does not include descriptive words and the setting is not consistent with the original author’s work. (0 points)

Artistic Elements

Images are drawn in a polished, finished, professional manner. All images are the student’s original work. Contains no inappropriate content, such as vulgarity, obscenities, or nudity. (20 points)

Some images are drawn in a polished, finished, professional manner. All images are the student’s original work. Contains no inappropriate content, such as vulgarity, obscenities, or nudity. (1-19 points)

Images are not  drawn in a polished, finished, professional manner and/or all images are not the student’s original work and/or contains inappropriate content, such as vulgarity, obscenities, or nudity. (0 points)

Spelling and Grammar

The document is written with perfect spelling and grammar throughout. (5 points)

The document was written with 4 or less spelling and grammar errors throughout. (1-4 points)

The document was written with 5 or more spelling and grammar errors throughout. (0 points)




Tome Society Fan Fiction Lesson Plan



Tome Society


Unit Objective:

Students will be able to participate in competitions and conferences in order to showcase their knowledge with reading comprehension and technology.



Create a prologue or epilogue in the form of fan fiction for one of the IT List books. Limit 1,000 words.


Lesson Objective:

Students will create a prologue or epilogue for one of the Tome Society It List 13-14 nominees.



Tools/Equipment Needed:

Novels from the Tome Society, Word Processing Software/Online Tool, Computer/Mobile Device with Internet Connection

Links to Prior Knowledge/Activities:

Students will have already read their chosen book and participated in book club discussion.

Lesson Activities:

  1. Teachers will begin by reviewing the novels the students have read for the Tome Society.
  2. The teacher will then discuss prequels and sequels and make sure students are familiar with the term fan fiction.  Students will be given the guidelines concerning their fan fiction assignment.  The teacher will also take time to review the rubric from which the students will be graded.
  3. Students will then have opportunities, both in class and outside of class to begin writing and to complete their assignment.
  4. As students submit an entry, other students will peer review and proofread the project. The student will then be able to correct any problem areas.
  5. After any corrections, students will submit their final project which will be graded both by their teacher and by the judges of the Tome Society using a rubric.



The students’ completed prequels or sequels will be graded according to a rubric and the finished product will serve as the assessment.