Evidence Vocabulary

 & AF: CH 3 Work

Partner Opening Activity:

Answer the questions in your notes.

1. In what ways are the rhetorical appeals used effectively in this advertisement?

2. Identify the target audience and how the appeals affect the audience overall.

Please make sure you identify:

What is the claim?

How does the speaker appeal to logos, pathos, and ethos?

​Which appeal does this ad rely on the strongest?  Explain.

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CN: Evidence Vocabulary



Opening Activity:

The verb of today is EVALUATE.  When you evaluate, you are essentially judging the value of something.  When people write a review, they EVALUATE the product, the movie, or the person.  

In your quick write, EVALUATE yourself as a student.






  • How much evidence would be SUFFICIENT in order to convince you to save money?
  • What would be a VALID reason to eat more fruits and vegetables?
  • If you wanted to work as a nurse, what sort of volunteer experience would be RELEVANT to this career?

AF:  Chapter 3 Work


According to the text, why was the harvest a big success?


What do you think was the purpose of the Sunday ceremony on Animal Farm?  Include textual evidence to support your thinking.


How were the Seven Commandments simplified?


Why were the Seven Commandments simplified? Include textual evidence from the book to support your claim.  


Why do you think that Napoleon took the puppies away from their mother? Include textual evidence from the book to support your claim.  

Written Response:  Write an analysis of the argument in which you identify Squealer’s claims, evidence, and  how  he used appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos to persuade the other animals Include textual evidence.

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Reveals a clearly and thoroughly explained and  accurate understanding of Squealer’s claim and use of appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos.  Writer’s thinking is clear to the audience.

Reveals an accurate understanding of Squealer’s claim and use of appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos.  Writer could elaborate on thinking in more parts.  

Reveals a simple but accurate understanding of Squealer’s claim and use of appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos.

Reveals a slight misunderstanding of one of the appeals that Squealer used.  

Reveals a significant misunderstanding of Squealer’s claim and use of appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos.