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Galaxy SL I9003 - Known issues on 3.0.8 kernel
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Galaxy SL GT-I9003 (LATONA)

Kernel 3.0.8

Known Issues

1. USB Doesn’t Work

FSA9480 controller that is used on Latona works fine. It detects charger and the usb cable, however, the musb has issues. For some reason musb_interrupt doesn’t trigger due to which the gadget doesn’t load at all. Unfortunately MUSB used on TI platform doesn’t have public documentation, making things worse.

2. Reboot Doesn’t Work

When a reboot command is issued from the device, the device turns off but never comes back on. The Mach code for this functionality is in place, but something is broken.

3. RIL Crashes and Network Instability

Although Radio Interface Layer (RIL) works, there are some issues with the kernel driver due to which the signal rssi doesn’t appear and there are occasional crashes due to which the network is unstable. Incoming calls don’t show up at times. In Theory, SIM and Network Detection, Date/Time sync, Packet Data, SMS and Outgoing calls work fine.

** There seems to be some issue with the Baseband processor. There are occasional freezes, due to which network connectivity is lost. It could only be restored by suspending and resuming the system (Screen ON and OFF). It is basically at this point that the driver notices a timeout and resets the Baseband processor, which eventually freezes again at some point of time. Unfortunately this is very hard to replicate easily and the lack of availability of datasheet for the baseband processor and a dirty samsung driver provided with 2.6 kernel makes things really hard.

4. Bluetooth breaks other things Sound

Bluetooth works perfectly. However, when bluetooth is enabled, WIFI and Sound is broken. There seems to be some issue with Multichannel Buffered Serial Port (McBSP) that causes issues with sound and wifi. I have posted in the TI Discussion board and awaiting a response.

5. Touchscreen has issues

The touchscreen has some calibration issues due to which it misses inputs occasionally. I suspect that it is happening because of the sysfs interface not working properly.

6. Screen Tear on few panels

Few Panels on Latona are suffering from mysterious minor screen tearing issue when scrolling. This has to be tested.

** Seems to be caused due to the Panel refresh rate being low compared to the Android

Rendering Rate. Currently the NT35510 Panel is capped at 30fps and we not sure if it would ever make it to 60fps.

7. HWComposer doesn’t work

HWComposer doesn’t work yet. It boots but it is very laggy. I tried to change the ram allocated for the framebuffer, but it the display doesn’t show up.

8. Issues with I2C Bitbanging

I2C Bitbanging has issues with data integrity and often results in ack timeout. This causes the orientation sensor to respond slow and also the battery temperature doesn’t report correctly.

9. Random Crashes and Battery drain (?)

What do you expect from a 20 day old kernel?

** Fixed upto some extent.

10. Home Button doesn’t work

Home button doesn’t work for some reason. However power and volume buttons work fine.

11. Android Related issues

There are few android related issues that need to be worked upon. With the change in the kernel, few stuff on the userspace has to be fixed too. For example, the new OMX used for 3.0 kernel broke the video recording. These kind of issues are the last things I would be focussing on.

12. Proximity and Light Sensors not enabled

        We are currently trying to use the Proximity and Light sensors from other Samsung Phones possibly OMAP4. Hence we haven’t considered using the old driver because of its messy code.

Dheeraj CVR

Last Modified: 12th June 2013 3:56 PM IST