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ZZZ Damage Calculation
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Updated: 09/13/2024


The general damage formula is as follows:

For critical hits, also multiply by the Agent’s Crit DMG% for calculation. To calculate the average expected DMG including critical hits:



Calculating stats may result in a small variance. This is due to rounding errors as the menu only displays integers for non-percentage stats. “Combat” Stats are not the same as “Standard” Stats.

“Standard” Stats are found on:

“Combat” Stats are found on:

The list above is not a comprehensive list, but covers the most common sources of each. The simplest way to check between “combat” and “standard” Stats is to check the stat screen in and out of combat to see when a particular effect applies.

Base DMG

The Base DMG of a given skill is calculated as follows:

Scaling Stat should be substituted for the relevant stat, usually ATK. Skill MV is the motion value, or multiplier, of the skill and can be found in Agent Skill descriptions.


All DMG% bonuses are added together and in one place in the DMG equation as follows:

Only include DMG% multipliers if they are relevant to the calculation. These include DMG% bonuses such as Attribute, Basic, Skill, Chain, Dash Attack, Style, All-Type, etc.

DMG Reduction

All DMG Reduction effects are added together and in one place in the DMG equation as follows:

Examples of DMG Reduction effects include Corin’s 40% DMG Reduction on her Special Attacks as well as Soldier 11’s Mindscape 4 effect. There are currently no Agents who have DMG Taken increasing effects despite some wordings implying they would, such as Zhu Yuan’s Mindscape 2 effect (it’s actually a DMG% increase).


The DEF Multiplier is calculated as follows:

The Level Coefficient is based on the attacker’s level. Please refer to the Simple DMG Calculation Sheet for more info on Level Coefficient and Enemy DEF Scaling. Effective DEF cannot go below 0.


The RES Multiplier is calculated as follows:

Please refer to the Simple DMG Calculation Sheet for more info on Enemy RES.


The Stun Multiplier is calculated as follows:


If an enemy is not Stunned, Stun Bonus is 0%. If an enemy is Stunned, Stun Bonus will vary based on the enemy type. For small and elite enemies, this is usually 100%. For bosses, this will usually be 50%. Certain Agents can also increase this multiplier while an enemy is Stunned, such as Von Lycaon.


When using ranged attacks, the damage will be reduced the further away the attacker is from the target depending on the Agent. For Billy, Rina, and Zhu Yuan, when they are more than 15m away from the target, their damage will be attenuated by 25%. For every additional 5m, their damage will be attenuated by an additional 25%. For some of Grace’s skills, this attenuation is 30% when she is more than 15m away instead.

Impact & Daze

While Impact has no effect on normal damage calculation, building up Daze to Stun enemies will allow Agents to deal more damage to the Stunned target. Impact affects the rate that Daze is inflicted upon enemies, which is calculated by the following equation:

Daze MVs are found in Agent Skill descriptions. The amount of Daze required to Stun an enemy will vary between enemies and depends on their Level.

Hitting a stunned Normal Enemy triggers 1 Chain Attack, hitting a stunned Elite Enemy triggers 2 Chain Attacks, and hitting a stunned Boss Enemy triggers 3 Chain Attacks. When triggering more than 2 Chain Attacks, a Bangboo Chain Attack will also be available prior to the 3rd Chain Attack.


The Attribute Anomaly damage formula is as follows:

Some notes about Attribute Anomalies:

Anomaly DMG%

Anomaly DMG% is not the same as general DMG% as listed in the previous section. They both affect Anomaly DMG calculation but are their own multipliers.

Anomaly DMG% include DMG% bonuses such as All Anomaly, Burn, Shatter, Shock, Corruption, Assault, etc. Only include Anomaly DMG% multipliers if they are relevant to the calculation.

For example, Grace’s Additional Ability grants her up to 36% Shock DMG%, which is considered Anomaly DMG% and is a separate multiplier from general DMG% (such as Electric DMG%).

AP Bonus

The AP Bonus is calculated as follows:

Buff Level Multiplier

The Buff Level Multiplier is based on the attacker’s level. Please refer to the Simple DMG Calculation Sheet for more info on the Buff Level Multiplier. The multiplier can be expressed with the following equation:

Anomaly Buildup

The rate that Anomalies accumulate is based on an Agent’s Skills and their AM stat.

Base Anomaly Buildup will vary based on the Skill being used. Substitute the relevant Anomaly Buildup RES Multipliers.

Each Attribute accumulates independently and has a different threshold for triggering Anomalies. For example, two Fire Agents can work together to trigger Burn but neither will affect an Electric Agent’s buildup for triggering Shock.

The threshold trigger an Anomaly increases by 2% of the current threshold for each time it’s applied to them. The threshold caps at the 10th application of the same Anomaly and only resets after a certain period of time:


Burn deals continuous Fire damage to the afflicted target based on the following equation:

A single application of Burn deals damage 1 time per 0.5 seconds over 10 seconds. Organic enemies will also be interrupted when Burned.


Shock deals Electric damage to the afflicted target when they’re hit based on the following equation:

A single application of Shock can deal damage up to 1 time per second and lasts 10 seconds. Machine enemies will also be interrupted when Shocked.


Corruption deals Ether damage to the afflicted target when they’re hit based on the following equation:

A single application of Corruption can deal damage up to 1 time per 0.5 seconds and lasts 10 seconds. Ethereal enemies will also be interrupted when Corrupted.

Freeze, Shatter, & Frostbite

Upon being Frozen, enemies are inflicted with Frostbite and will take Ice damage upon being Shattered based on the following equation:

Freeze duration depends on the target it’s inflicted upon. For Normal enemies, it lasts roughly 3.5 seconds. For Elite and Boss enemies, it lasts roughly 2.5 seconds.

Frostbite increases Crit DMG taken by 10% for 10 seconds. A single application of Shatter deals damage 1 time. Note this debuff is additive with Crit DMG and should not be considered a “DMG Taken” multiplier.

Assault & Flinch

Upon being Assaulted, enemies are inflicted with Flinch and will take Physical damage based on the following equation:

Flinch increases Daze Taken by 10% for 10 seconds. A single application of Assault deals damage 1 time.


When an Anomaly of a different Attribute is applied to a target currently suffering from an Anomaly (or their respective debuffs in the case of Freeze/Assault), Disorder will be inflicted upon the target while dispelling the original Anomaly. When applying the same Anomaly on a target, it will overwrite the original Anomaly but Disorder will not be triggered.

Disorder accumulates Daze while dealing damage to the target:

The base damage is based on the original Anomaly that was dispelled and how much time (t) in seconds, rounded down, is remaining on the Anomaly:

The Agent stats used for damage calculation are snapshotted from the original Anomaly’s damage calculation. For example, if Ben applies Burn and Anby applies Shock, the subsequent Burn Disorder damage will utilize Ben’s stats that were used for the original Burn application. However, enemy stats will not be snapshotted from the original Anomaly’s damage calculation. For example, if an enemy gets their DEF reduced after Corruption application, then Disorder will use the enemy’s lowered DEF for calculation instead of their original DEF when Corruption was first applied.



Formulas & Data:







Feel free to contact Arkkus on Discord (arkkus) or Reddit (u/arkkus) for corrections.


Thanks for reading!