Feiren Call Out

AKA drowsypvppy, howlsirens, pvppyteas, gravefawnz, tragictrips, luvhbites, crywolvesss, jvpiters, or lucidren



This document was written in May 2022 by Jordan (prismabunny, previously leporibae). It is a rewrite of the document I published in August 2020, immediately after my experience with Feiren. I rewrote it because the first version was written in a highly emotional state, it didn’t properly emphasize Feiren’s most dangerous behavior.

After everything that happened, I would not call myself (or Cody or Jacob) one of Feiren’s victims. He put us through a lot, but in the end, we still had all the power in the dynamic. I am writing this as someone who has witnessed a majority of Feiren’s toxic and abusive patterns, and as someone who has been working with many of his actual victims for several years now.

This is not a call to harass Feiren. Do not attempt to contact any of his victims unless they have explicitly stated that they’re okay with others approaching them about their experiences with Feiren.

You have an open invitation to contact me on Twitter or Instagram if you’d like to add your experiences to this document or privately discuss your experiences with me. drowsypvppy_ on Instagram is also open to being contacted.

Trigger Warnings

This document will contain mentions of and details about the following:


Homophobia; transphobia and enbyphobia

Sexual abuse; sexual assault

Sexual abuse of minors

Lying; manipulation; general toxic behavior

Pet abuse and neglect

Threatening suicide; suicide attempts

Threatening or weaponizing police intervention

Drug and alcohol use

Any text that discusses these topics will be highlighted with the corresponding color.

Feiren’s Information

Name: Feiren (previously Ashe, Adrien, Oliver)

Birth year: 1999

He/him or they/them pronouns are appropriate.

He is not cis or straight, but he is white.

None of the names listed are his dead name.

He is currently active on Instagram and Twitter only.

Instagram: drowsypvppy

Old main accounts: howlsirens_; pvppyteas / gravefawnz; tragictripss / luvhbites / lucidren

Old side accounts: forest.echos / emotwinkbutt; milkveins; deadxones; decayingpvppy; basilistinky; luvhbites_; luvhbites_sales; puppybiites; pastelsugar___; luvhbites_archive; rawr_its_ren99

Twitter: drowsypvppy & sleepyawoos

Old main accounts: howlsirens; puppyteas / gravefawnz / tragictrips / luvhbites; luvhbites_moved

Old side accounts: dreamylusts; stonibaby

DeviantART: luvhbites / crywolvesss / jvpiters / lucidren

Toyhouse: Feiren

Old accounts: trippyote*; tragictrips / acidtrips; luvhbites; crywolves

*Account was owned by one of Feiren’s victims, but housed Feiren’s characters and designs in Feiren’s attempt to ban evade. Archive link)

Pinterest: luvhbites (archive link)

Carrd: https://drowsypvppy.carrd.co

Old Carrd sites: gravefawnzinfo; luvhbites--info; luvhbites-info; luvhbites

Trello: “things to be done” list

The list used to mention over 50 pieces of owed art, but has been wiped clean. However, you can view at least some of the old cards by clicking on Feiren’s icon at the top of the page (to the right of the board title), clicking “View member’s board activity,” and scrolling through his account history of deleting and archiving unfinished and un-refunded commissions.

Change Log

Nothing yet!

The Call Out

        This will be a mostly chronological summary of what I have witnessed as Feiren’s host, and then his behavior that I have observed or have been informed about after he left my home.

The sections with the most dangerous behavior documented are in the sections “The Assault” and “September 2020 Onwards.” If you’re short on time or want to cut to the chase, that is the least of what you need to know regarding Feiren’s abuse.

Let me reiterate that this is a rewrite of my initial call out, which was written in August 2020 immediately after Feiren left my home. I’ve removed a lot of what I’d written there as it feels petty, therefore it detracted from the main point of the document. It was not my intention to undermine the assault or the worst of his abusive behavior, I just thought that if I didn’t detail every last thing he did that it would make my accusations seem less credible. Either way, I’ve left the untouched version here if you want to read about everything he did during his stay.

August 2020

Background Information

        My name is Jordan, I’m 24 (I was 22 in August 2020), I’m non-binary (they/them), I’m white. I have a dog named Bambi (she was 1.5 in August 2020), she’s very fearful of other people but displays “fawning” behavior when scared.

I have two roommates. Cody is 23 (he was 21 in August 2020), he’s a trans man (he/him), he’s white. Jacob is 24 (he was 22 in August 2020), he’s a cis man (he/him), he’s Latino. Cody and Jacob are engaged. They have a dog named Fish (he was 2.5 in August 2020) who is generally well-mannered and well-adjusted.

We rent a small house in rural Oregon, about a 30-40 minute long drive from any cities.

Feiren is 22 (he was just about to turn 21 in August 2020). He went by Oliver when he stayed with us. (Any mentions of his name from here onward have been changed to Feiren, including in transcripts, for sake of continuity. But keep in mind that any screenshots from that time period will name him as Oliver or Oli.) He also identified as a binary trans man while he stayed with us. He’s white. He has a young cat named Basil that he brought with him to our home.

Initial Agreements

In August 2020, Feiren was looking to escape an abusive relationship in his home. He had a GoFundMe up and was planning on moving to South Dakota in a month or so, but he was also asking if any followers in Oregon would let him crash on their couch until he could move in order to get away from his abusive partner as quickly as possible.

At the time, we had a spare room meant for a fourth roommate, so when Cody saw Feiren’s post, we conveniently had the space to offer him a place to stay. We did not know Feiren personally, and in fact, only Cody was following him in the beginning. But we are able to support each other and stay safe fairly well, and we won’t say no to helping a fellow queer person if possible. Feiren’s plans to move to South Dakota were also presented as very solid at the time, as if he’d already purchased plane tickets and that his future roommate had already worked everything out with their landlord, so we felt we were in no danger of his plans falling through.

We also agreed that we would not have Feiren pay any rent or utilities while he stayed with us. At the most, we figured he could contribute to groceries if he wanted to, but the idea was that he’d live with us virtually for free since he’d only be with us for a short time and it didn’t feel right to ask him to pay us given his situation.

We talked it over with Feiren, and we laid down a few rules: He needed to keep his room clean. He was bringing his cat, Basil, with him, so if his cat damaged any part of the house, he’d need to tell us right away. He needed to respect our dogs and our training for them, especially since Bambi is fearful and would need space. He also needed to make sure he kept his cat in his room if the dogs were out, since neither of our dogs had been introduced to cats. (We clarified that the dogs would not be out all the time, and that if he ever wanted to let Basil stretch his legs, we’d be happy to take the dogs outside or put them in their crates for a bit. This was also safest for Basil since being in a new home made him very anxious too.) And finally, he could not smoke or be high in our home. Not only is smoking indoors against our lease, but we all have trauma surrounding drug use, and we knew beforehand that he smokes weed. He would be allowed to keep any weed in his room and if he wanted to, he could bring it to visit a friend and just come home when sober enough.

First Half of Stay

Trauma Bombing

        Cody and I were driving him somewhere the morning after he got to our house. In the middle of our casual conversation that had nothing to do with trauma, he said, “... when my step dad was doing something to me AKA raping me from age [x] to age [y] …” And later on, he cornered me in the kitchen while crying to tell me very explicit details about some of the abuse his ex had put him through. Normally I would completely understand someone struggling to share their trauma with others at the right time immediately after experiencing it, but with Feiren, it followed a specific pattern. It was always in extremely casual conversations when he was feeling relatively normal or it was used to keep me from doing something he didn’t want me to do. It was always when I physically could not leave, too.

Towards the end of the first half of his stay, we held a group talk to reiterate the ground rules and address some of his recent behavior. We specifically mentioned that we weren’t comfortable with him talking so explicitly about his trauma with no warning beforehand and without asking us if we would be okay with it. Immediately afterwards and without warning, he mentioned his last suicide attempt in an attempt to guilt trip us.


        Cody ended up picking Feiren up a day earlier than planned due to Feiren insisting it was urgent. Cody had told Feiren everyone’s names and pronouns during the car ride to our house, but Feiren immediately misgendered me by using she/her pronouns for me as we unpacked his belongings. I didn’t say anything at that moment, both because I wasn’t sure if he actually knew my pronouns yet (Cody hadn’t told me about the car ride yet) and because I’m very shy about correcting others.

Later, Feiren told us about and then tweeted publicly about a match he made on Tinder. He used he/him pronouns exclusively while telling us about the match in person. When I saw the tweet(s) later, I noticed that he’d posted this person’s selfie and then referred to them with he/him pronouns agan and called them a “guy.” After speaking to Grey, one of Feiren’s previous friends (they wrote a section for this document, jump to “Grey, previous friend” if you want to read it), I found out that this person is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns exclusively. Not to mention, the conversations he had with this person (which he later shared with a friend and will be touched on in their account) didn’t show him asking permission to share that selfie whatsoever.

Transcript: the image is of Feiren’s tweets on August 6th. They read as follows:



(Tweet) Anyway,,, HE 🥺💞 (Attached image of someone’s selfie from Tinder)

End transcript.

By the end of the week, Feiren had misgendered me multiple times without apologizing or correcting himself. In fact, the only times he gendered me in any way (using pronouns for me or otherwise) was incorrectly. He called me Bambi’s “mom,” and laughed when Jacob tried to call me Bambi’s “parent” instead. I am incredibly slow to correct others for misgendering me, but I finally found a good opportunity to discuss this with him. I asked him if I could talk to him about something that was upsetting me and he agreed. Essentially, I went over the instances in which he’d misgendered me and finished by asking, “So what’s going on?”

Feiren started to cry as he apologized. At first he said that he didn't know, and I said that Cody had told me that he’d given Fairen everyone’s names and pronouns on the drive here. He then claimed that his mental state was off because of what he had been going through, and said that he’d only misgendered me a few times. I said that he’d only referred to me a few times, and that each time he had gendered me, it was incorrectly. I also pointed out that he’d never apologized or corrected himself in any way. He said that he didn’t because he didn’t want us to think he was “stupid and uncultured.” He then tried to say that he thought it was “just a little thing,” and I told him that it’s not little. He explained that he’d seen memes referring to people - regardless of gender - as their pets’ moms, so that's why he did that to me. I said that I wished he had asked me instead of just assuming I’d be comfortable with that. Finally, I said, “I know you were out as non-binary for a while before you came out as a man. I thought you would understand because of that,” and he replied, “Well, back then, no one respected me. They all used my biological pronouns-” (his words, not mine) “-and mistreated me.”

At this point I was very angry and upset, so I needed to remove myself. I didn’t want to blow up on him in anger or start fawning, which would let him believe everything was okay. I told him that I needed to go inside and take a little bit of time for myself. He kept crying and apologizing, so I said, “I appreciate your apology, I just need a while to think.”

I went straight to Cody’s room to talk privately with him, and Feiren started tweeting about me to complain and to be comforted by his followers. In said tweets, he acted as if I was angry that he had been crying during his apology, and implied he had not misgendered me much or that he had apologized or corrected himself at all when it happened.

Transcript: the first image is of Feiren’s tweets in reverse chronological order. The following three images are of replies to one of his tweets from various accounts. They read as follows:

(Tweet) I hate how when it comes to these things of someone being upset or angry I hide away… It’s always been a defense mechanism for me

Just so I can avoid any further accidents

(Tweet) I’m so sorry being so mentally out of place still and too scared reaching out for help

It’s been a lot for me this week still

I’m so sorry Jordan

(Tweet) I feel like shit,,,I’ve ruined something on accident already staying here

I’m shaking and scared I’ve hurt them and idk how to make it up to them

(Tweet) Why hello cramps, I thought you left me for good 2 years ago

(Next image)


(Tweet) I feel like shit,,,I’ve ruined something on accident already staying here

I’m shaking and scared I’ve hurt them and idk how to make it up to them

(Thread start: reply to Feiren) [redacted 1] awh hey im sure its okay ! try to talk it out ?

(Feiren’s reply to [redacted 1]) Idk they seem upset still so my anxious ass is just gonna be a hermit… I’m still crying and feel terrible

I felt like my apology was bad to them for me getting all teary and shaky to them cause now I look like a emotional mess unable to function properly

(Reply to Feiren) [redacted 1] hey its alright , im sure they know youve been through a lot lately , its good you said something so they know you dont mean any bad by it

(New thread start: reply to Feiren) [redacted 2] Was it a physical item or trust? It’s usually not that big of a deal if you talk it out like adults. No need to fret over it, your both adjusting to each other.

(Feiren’s reply to [redacted 2]) I’ve been accidentally slipping up on their pronouns

(Reply to Feiren, same thread as above) [redacted 3] That happens, and it takes time. There are times where I mis-pronoun people because I hear a voice and my brain auto-reacts. Just a simple sorry, then restating the proper gender, helps, since most people know its a bit hard. Overly apologizing, I was told, makes them feel (1/2)

(Reply to [redacted 3]) (2/2) crappy about having to correct. “I didn’t hear what she, sorry, he, said”. Since your friend is helping you out, they must be aware of how you are not fully mentally there. Just make a note somewhere, and let them know you are at least trying.

End transcript.

Feiren also started texting Cody. After huddling with Cody and Jacob (who got home from work in the middle of all this), we decided it would be best to ask him to take some time to calm down and relax, and ask him to have a group talk with us later that night.

Transcript: the images are of Cody’s conversation with Feiren over text. They read as follows:

(Received text) I’m crying...I feel so bad and stupid slipping up on accident with Jordan’s pronouns and too scared or nervous asking for help.. if you guys rather have me gone sooner I can try figuring something out … I told them I’m sincerely sorry, I knew I did something bad and I’ve been hiding trying to avoid to make anything worse

Idk what to do they seem mad at me and I feel like hiding even more

(Sent text) What do you need help with? And I mean I thought you were staying with us until you had something figured out to move and not like… idk just crashing here? Ya know what I mean? Like we really wanted to help you out of that unsafe situation and get you headed down the path you wanted but we can’t afford to just kinda wait and drag our feet when it comes to your plan you know? Basically what I’m trying to say is that I thought you were already trying to figure out something to move out and get your own place and not just like chilling here if that makes sense. In response to your first chunk I mean

(Received text) I do have something figured out I just have to wait till college starts this September then get my loans and move since my doctor and case managers said moving to a whole new state for the circumstances I’m in and needing help will worsen things up..

and if anything [redacted] will take me in once I’ve been engaging with them enough in case you guys do want me gone if I’m this much of a bother

But if I’m this bad for you guys to have Jordan mad or even have you all uncomfortable I can see if I can get to [redacted] faster even though they said it could take them another month

I’m just scared and idk if I am this much of a bother to you all thinking I’m better off to just leave

(Received text) I’m so anxious and awkward lately and too nervous so I’ve been hiding in case I do anything bad on accident

(Sent text) We don’t want you to be on the street or anything. Maybe take a bit to calm down and stuff and we can all have a talk later and discuss what the house rules are more clearly and our expectations of someone living with us

(Received text, continued in next image) Okay and I’m sorry if I end up crying I truly feel bad and want to fix my mistakes with Jordan

(Received text) I’m still trying to fix myself emotionally and mentally I’m so sorry

Sun, Aug 9, 8:26 PM

(Sent text) Are you ready to come out and talk?

(Received text) Yeah gimme a bit to drink some water

(Sent text) Okay 👌 There’s pho if you want some

End transcript.

        Essentially, we had a group talk afterwards where my roommates and I reiterated the rules we’d laid out from the start, told him he wasn’t in danger of being kicked out for this or anything like that, and more firmly asked him to consider looking for places to live and/or a job. Nothing else came of him misgendering me, I never received an apology that didn’t revolve around how hard things were for him or how it wasn’t actually a big deal.


At one point, I was deeply upset about a family pet I’d just lost, and Feiren awkwardly tried to comfort me. I wasn’t very cheered up, so he said, “Well, I can tell a racist joke my mom used to tell that I still think is kinda funny!” I told him to keep it to himself.

Feiren had been talking to me and to Cody as often as he could, but he’d hardly spoken a word to Jacob. Cody and I are both white, but Jacob is Latino and he wanted me to note that he is noticeably darker skinned during the summer. No matter how frequently Feiren and Jacob were in the same space together, Feiren would pointedly avoid talking to or even looking at Jacob whatsoever. At one point, Cody and Jacob and I were sitting down to eat dinner and Feiren had come to the kitchen to bring a plate of food to his room. Before leaving, Feiren walked up to the table and said, “Cody, could you tell Jacob thank you for the food?” despite how Jacob was sitting just 5 feet away from Feiren.

By the end of Feiren’s stay, he’d spoken maybe four sentences to Jacob at most. Jacob fully believes that this is because he’s not white, and this is supported by Feiren’s history of racism (covered in the “Information from Others” section).

Misuse of Funds & Lying

It was slowly revealed to us that Feiren’s plan for moving to South Dakota was not nearly as solid as he’d made it out to be. We later found out his prospective future roommate had been seriously hurt by Feiren right before he came to stay with us and they no longer felt comfortable inviting him to live with them. (He’d also outright lied to us about the landlord being notified and cool with everything.) Essentially, it was entirely his fault that he could not move to South Dakota and he lied to us so he could stay with us anyway. He just assumed from the start that he could stay with us indefinitely despite us stating multiple times that we were only able to do this because it would be a finite and short stay. Seeing that we didn’t want to just kick him out, we convinced him to get in touch with a shelter or start looking at apartments in the area. He did get in touch with a shelter, but they could not prioritize his case because it was not an emergency. He just kept insisting that he would go to the shelter when they could make room for him eventually instead of looking for or pursuing any other options that would take less time.

This is a good time to mention that Feiren didn’t work on any owed art during his entire stay. When we’d first discussed letting him stay with us, we asked him to just work as much as he realistically could during his stay. But this was when we were under the impression that his stay would be for less than a month. We only asked him to work for his own benefit, it wasn’t really a rule. However, after he finally let us know that his plans to move to South Dakota had fallen through - meaning he had nowhere else to go and would have to stay with us indefinitely - we told him more firmly that he needed to be working. He couldn’t get a job in town (there are only two stores here that he’d be able to apply for; one wasn’t hiring and he was asked to leave the interview for the other), and he already had an extremely long list of owed art. So we told him he needed to be at least attempting to work on owed art and start selling commissions again after he finished. He continued to take new commissions (and ask for/accept donations) while staying with us, but by the end, the only thing he’d drawn was several pieces of personal art.

Feiren also tried to buy gifts for Cody multiple times. Cody expressed that he didn’t want gifts, but Feiren was pushy both with Cody and me (since I’d have to drive him to the store to buy it) about buying him a gift anyway. Later, Feiren approached Cody in person to say, “Oh, by the way, did you see what I sent you?” Cody said he hadn’t, so Feiren said, “I just sent you some money and when you see it, don’t send it back!” and left. Cody then looked to see that Feiren had attempted to send him $150.

Transcript: the image is of Cody’s PayPal history for August 5th in reverse chronological order. In summary, it shows that Feiren sent $145.35 to Cody on August 5th with an attached note reading “Cause you’re helping me so much so here’s to help since I…” and that Cody refunded it in full with an attached note reading “Save up lol But thank you!!” End transcript.

At this point, we had reiterated multiple times that we were happy to keep Feiren here without him paying us for anything, and that we would much rather him save his money so that he could find his own place and pay for Basil’s needs. Feiren kept ignoring our wishes in a way that was beyond just trying to be thankful for our help. Not only was he ignoring us no matter how many times we told him not to buy/make us gifts or send us money, he’d keep trying in some way or another. It felt like he was doing this either to flex or to establish some sort of proof that he was being good to us. I say this because he clearly knew that we’d send the money back or turn down offers for gifts, so it wasn’t like he would have to actually lose the money he sent Cody by making that gesture. I ended up being right about this, because since blocking us, Feiren has cited the fact that he tried to send Cody money as proof that he was nice to us and was a good guest. This is also another example of him misusing donations and funds from commissions instead of using it to move (like he’d keep telling his audience) or to take care of Basil.

Pet Concerns

        Feiren began ignoring our instructions on how to interact with our dogs literally from the moment he walked in the door. Fish is sweet but excitable, and Feiren encouraged his bad behavior by inviting him to jump up on him. He also made Bambi fear pee in our kitchen because he took her fawning behavior (nervous tail wags, frantic licking, etc) as a sign of happiness and began petting her.

Feiren was practically begging us to have us introduce the dogs to Basil right from the start. Essentially, we had agreed that we could introduce the dogs to Basil if Basil seemed to be adjusting to the house well enough. But not only was Basil clearly not up to it (he was terrified of me and my roommates and Feiren had given him very little time to explore the house outside of his room), but Feiren had demonstrated several times by now that he wouldn’t listen to us about how he should interact with our dogs. Bambi was terrified of Feiren because he continued to get in her space despite how many times I told him to just leave her be. Clearly the ideal would be to have Basil comfortable with everyone in the home, but Feiren was setting him up for failure and there was no need to rush an introduction to the dogs considering Feiren wouldn’t be living with us for long.

Basil was just not having a good time. Feiren was feeding him the cheapest cat food he could find - a brand which offers very few nutrients and is generally just filler food. He brought absolutely no toys for Basil and turned us down any time we offered to buy toys for him, considering he had absolutely nothing stimulating and had no outlets for his anxiety from being in a completely new area full of new people and dogs. He didn’t even have a proper bed or carrier out for Basil to hide in. He only cleaned the litter box every 3 or 4 days. Feiren had admitted from the jump that Basil had separation anxiety, but he’d always framed it as, “Oh, my poor anxious bean! He’s anxious like me, haha! We imprinted on each other, that’s why he can’t be away from me!” rather than the serious but treatable condition it is. Every time Feiren left the room, Basil would scratch at the door. Feiren never acknowledged it no matter how many times we asked about it, and eventually we discovered that the door had sustained noticeable damage from Basil’s scratching.

Soon enough, Basil was scratching himself often and hard enough to warrant concern. Feiren thought our dogs had given Basil fleas, which was extremely unlikely given that our dogs were not showing any symptoms of having fleas. We scheduled a vet appointment for him at a new clinic since Feiren was from out of town, and I drove him to it. Before we left, Feiren mentioned how he didn’t want the vet to tell him that he’d need to buy lots of things or try to get Feiren to put Basil on any medications, just because of the cost. There is nothing wrong with owning pets while not having a ton of disposable income, there are ways to make it work as long as you care and any good vet will be more than happy to help you find solutions if the care they propose is out of your budget. But the way Feiren was framing it was very strange, he just did not want the vet to tell him that he would need to spend any money on Basil.

I dropped him off at the vet and left to run errands. When I came back, I asked how the vet visit went. He told me that after walking in and handing Basil to the vet, he left the clinic to get snacks. He said he just didn’t want to stay and find out if Basil would meow when getting his shots, because he’d just feel “so bad” if he did. Basil was anxious purely because Feiren refused to address his anxiety in any meaningful way. So to drop Basil off at a completely new vet, then feel “too sad” to see the results of the anxiety he caused and refuse to alleviate it just by staying in the clinic… Disgusting.

The itching we’d noticed? Also from anxiety. The vet pointed out scabs covering Basil’s ears and back (Feiren admitted to me that he hadn’t even noticed the scabs). They prescribed an antifungal just in case and strongly recommended Feiren buy some wet food and a pheromone diffuser to help Basil feel more comfortable at home. Feiren said he’d buy the wet cat food (he bought the absolute cheapest, least nutritional brand again) but refused to buy the diffuser or any other items to alleviate his anxiety.

One day, Feiren came out of his room to ask me if I knew what it meant if cats were shaking. He said he’d looked up the symptoms and that it could be a sign of diabetes or a number of other serious conditions, but he was pretty convinced that it just meant that Basil was cold. I told him that cats can acclimate to pretty severe cold or heat with their fur coat, there was no chance that Basil was just cold in a house that was 67°. I told him to call the vet. Feiren didn’t like that answer and said he didn’t have the money to take Basil to the vet. I told him he should call and just get a quote for the visit. He never called for a quote, but he then started posting on his Instagram asking for donations, saying that he needed $100-$200 to take Basil to the vet.

The next day, Feiren posted another update saying that Basil wasn’t shaking anymore so he was no longer asking for donations to take him to the vet. He never followed up on this with a medical professional. My guess is that Basil’s shivering was another serious sign of his extremely high anxiety at the time, which was never treated or addressed by Feiren.


While helping Feiren with laundry, he told me that he owned an ahegao hoodie in a weirdly giddy voice. That upset me, and I told him as much. He hadn’t brought it to the washer, but he told me he wanted to wear it around, and I told him in a serious tone that he wasn’t allowed to wear it in the house or if we were going to go out. He didn’t take me seriously at all and laughed it off.

If you’re not sure what an ahegao hoodie is, it’s a hoodie with a print made up of different images of anime girls orgasming. It’s pretty explicit, and it’s well known that the hoodie has multiple children on it. If you’d like to fact check this for yourself, Know Your Meme has an image of the hoodie with all its image sources named, and you can look up the sources. The first one listed is tagged with “loli” among other extremely concerning tags.

The Assault

Prior Behavior

        Within the first few days of staying with us, Feiren approached me and Cody to show us someone’s Facebook profile. I have now realize that this was a friend of his, the person he’d later sexually assault. What he’d said to us was, “Aren’t they so cute? They’re such a crackhead, they make dolphin noises and shit. I love them, they’re perfect for me. I’m so mad that they’re taken!”

        He would later start referring to someone on and off as his girlfriend. We didn’t know until later that this was the same friend mentioned above. He’d tweet about the future visit with said person, saying he was going to “spend time with his favorite girl.” We had no idea who this person was or if he was actually in a relationship with them, partly because he would go back and forth between calling them his friend and his girlfriend (both to us and to his online audience).

We received a few packages in the mail during Feiren’s stay. Feiren constantly checked our mail and frequently asked us if there was anything in the mail for him. I now understand that this is because he had ordered a sex toy for himself that he planned to bring when visiting his friend. Please read the testimony from Grey (go to the “Grey, previous friend” section under “Information from Others”) for more information about the sex toy, and also for more instances of Feiren lying to others about his relationship status with this friend. He went so far as to tell Grey that they had told him they wanted to have sex on the night of their visit, despite this friend later saying they never had any intentions of romance or sex during the visit and that they never told Feiren anything to make him believe that’s what they wanted.

The Visit

        Feiren had asked us if we could watch Basil for a day so that he could visit a friend of his on August 13th and 14th. The plan was that he would stay with that friend at a hotel overnight. We agreed, since the only other option was to look for a place for Basil to board, but Feiren didn’t have the money for it and it was very short notice. Basil was still very scared of us at this point, and I can’t blame him at all for it, so we left him alone in Feiren’s room except to feed him, get him fresh water, and change his litter box. It was by no means ideal, but it was the only option, and Ferien was insisting on visiting his friend overnight.

August 13th came and went, and Feiren was dropped off back at our house on the 14th. He didn’t say much when he first came in, but later that day, he expressed both in person to us and online that he was sad because his “girlfriend” didn’t want to work things out with him. We didn’t ask for more details. Here are the tweets he wrote:

Transcript: the image is of Feiren’s tweets in reverse chronological order from August 13th through 14th. They read as follows:

(Tweet) And I feel a bit suicidal again… I hate this all so much. I do so much to show how much I love them then get treated like I was nothing to them

I’ll be okay I just really need to be left alone with all this going on. I hate showing myself like this cause I feel weak

(Tweet) I don’t feel mentally well at all

(Tweet) Notifications will be on mute only for today 💞✌️ hanging out with my favorite girl

End transcript.


This didn’t come up again until August 17th, when I saw that Feiren posted a personal art piece.

Transcript: the image is of one of Feiren’s tweets. It reads as follows:

(Tweet) It only gets better


Small vent, I’m okay…

(Attached image of Feiren’s art of one of his characters, who is crying and smiling sadly)

End transcript.

        At first, my alarm bells were ringing because this was the first art he’d posted after we’d told him in no uncertain terms to work on his owed art, and it was personal art. I wondered if he’d been posting any more personal art on Instagram, so I checked his account. There, I found that he had posted the following images on his story.

Transcript: the images are of two story posts from Feiren’s Instagram story. The first has an attachment to Feiren’s previously mentioned vent art next to the caption, the second uses the vent art as a background for the caption. They read as follows:

(Story post 1) I just wanna say tysm to all the kind comments…

If anything as why I’m still severely depressed and such is that my friend (GF I mentioned) decided to give up on me.

When we saw each other before we got high, we consented if it was okay for me to cuddle and pet them. Which they said yes.

I swear nothing sexual happened but when they drove me home on Friday and after I woke up from my nap to get back to normal and sober they blocked me everywhere everywher. I apologised everywhere I could to them.

Mind you I’ve known them for about 5 years and was my bestest friend only ex who was perfect to me. But sadly I guess they didn’t want anything to do with me after…

I really needed to draw this to remind myself that things here and out are only going to get better. I know I’ll find happiness, I know I’ll find the love I deserve even if that love wasn’t meant to be.

I still have 70-80 years left on this planet and want everything I can to be happy with everything and get over everything I’ve gone through.

It won’t be easy but I’ll recover soon.

May not be tomorrow, in a week, or even in a month but I am going to make it.

(Story post 2) There was typo error back there Asd … (Keysmashing)

But yeah, tysm to all the kind words.

I Honestly don’t know anyone else I know and trust/love so much around here so I’m definitely still heartbroken they’re gone…

I doubt they’ll ever want to be friends again but I’m going to let them go and be happy with others because they deserve it.

I just don’t care anymore

End transcript.

        Clearly something had happened between the two of them during their visit, and the defensive wording Feiren was using immediately made me suspect that he had done something worse to his friend than he was saying.

        That night, I found his friend’s Instagram and sent a message. Through our conversation, they explained that during their hangout, Feiren was angry that they were with someone else and he refused to understand that they still wanted to be with their current boyfriend. Feiren then spent nearly the entire visit with them incessantly asking for sex, and blaming his sexual frustration on testosterone. Finally, said friend felt so uncomfortable and so unable to tell Feiren “no” that they reluctantly consented to him cuddling and feeling them up. The next morning, they drove him home. He asked multiple times if something was wrong, saying his memory was fuzzy from being too high the night before, and kept apologizing in a general way (as in “I’m sorry if I did anything that made you uncomfortable”). They insisted that everything was okay, since they still had to drive him home and they were too afraid of him to confront him about the assault. And as soon as they’d dropped him off at our house, they immediately blocked him on every platform they could.

        Cody, Jacob, and I were clearly shaken when Feiren’s friend told me all of this. We had no idea he was capable of this kind of behavior, but his friend had no reason to lie to us, and Feiren had already crossed our boundaries in so many ways that it no longer sounded unthinkable.

We were no longer comfortable with allowing him to stay with us, but he was still not able to move into the shelter he was looking at, and he was still broke. We didn’t want to kick Feiren out on the streets, we were in no way comfortable with him continuing to stay with us, so we came up with as fair of a plan for him as we could.

The Confrontation

        Jacob, Cody, and I decided that we would approach Feiren about this the next morning, August 18th. Jacob would be at work, so the three of us agreed that Cody and I would handle it. When Feiren was ready to talk, we sat in the living room and told him about what we had discovered the night before. We also told him that because of the assault, we had decided that we were no longer able to keep him here, and that the plan was that he would be allowed to stay with us for a maximum of two more weeks. We did add a few conditions: if he showed genuine, noticeable initiative to better himself, he could extend the two weeks and stay as long as he needed to find alternative housing. We explained that to mean that he would have to be working on his owed art, and he would have to be actively seeking out a therapist and/or psychiatrist. Even if he had trouble finding one he could afford, looking for one would be enough for us. However, we also said that if he did anything to disrespect our boundaries or anyone else’s during the two week grace period, he would have to leave immediately.

        We also told him that by this point, we were worried that he was not fit to care for Basil. By no means did we dictate that he had to surrender Basil, but we encouraged him to consider it, since he had continually displayed complete disregard for Basil’s health and that he was unable to afford even decent care for him. This was even more prevalent considering that Feiren would be moving again sooner or later, and Basil still hadn’t recovered at all from moving to our home. The stress of moving again, the fact that Feiren’s already extremely limited finances would likely be going to housing soon, and the way Feiren had neglected Basil so badly during his stay here made us worry for Basil’s health, and we wanted Ferein to at least have some understanding of how much this was affecting Basil.

        Once we finished telling him all of the above, Feiren went back to his room. He hadn’t said anything to us in the moment, but soon enough, he started posting about our conversation on Instagram and started texting Cody to argue with him about what we had discussed.

Transcript: the image is of Feiren’s story on Instagram. The caption reads as follows:

If nothing gets figured out with [shelter] or anyone else I may need to go back to my ex…

Till I get my loans and move… It’s the last thing I want to do but I may need to if I have no other choice… I’m not giving up basil… If I did: I’d feel so suicidal like I was before I got him.. I hate my life, I hate how [redacted] most likely lied to the people I’m staying with, I hate my life and I just want things to get better but somehow they ruined this opportunity for me to get on my feet.

She said they wanted to leave him, they said they wanted to move in with me, they said all these hopeful things to me thinking everything could be alright

This isn’t alright and I want to just smash my skull into metal

Idk why this keeps happening to me, my mom lost our home in 2015, moved in with [redacted] got kicked out for being gay and dating with them, stayed with parents, moved into my most abusive ex in 2016, left and almost got shot in the back, stayed with the family of the half dad who r@ped me, left, stayed with my mom’s ex husband, kicked out due to having a boyfriend, went into [redacted] kicked me out cause of my mental illness’s/wanted nothing to do with the church, moved in with my previous ex, used me and hurt me so much, left, moved in with nice people who now want me gone cause [redacted] decided to lie most likely for everything that happened Thursday, nothing sexual happened, they said it was okay if we cuddled then they blocked me everywhere the next day and now this… I have nobody

End transcript.

Transcript: the image is of Cody’s conversation with Feiren over text. It reads as follows:

(Sent text) Hey could Jordan and I talk to you out here?

(Received text) Yeah

(Sent text) We’re on the phone w/ centurylink right now. Might be a problem on their end so hopefully we’ll have WiFi in a bit

(Received text) Ok

(Received text) I really feel like they lied… Like they told me they missed me, wanted to be with me and leave them bf

(Received text) I remember vividly we consented, we were goofy before and having a good time just sitting, getting high, putting my face into the bed since I was so high, they wanted me to take a bath with them in the jacuzzi, we went to bed and all I did was cuddle and pet them which was fine with them

(Received text) Nothing sexual happened at all

(Sent text) Once we’re done trying to sort out the internet we can talk about it

End transcript.

When we’d finished handling the problem with our Wi-fi, Feiren came back out and we invited him to say whatever he’d like to say and that once he was done, we’d tell him what we thought. I took an audio recording of this encounter, and for the most part I will summarize what we all said, but any direct quotes from Feiren will be bolded. There will be a short TL;DR at the end of this section as it’s rather long, I just wanted to include some direct quotes so that you can get an idea of how Feiren was speaking about this person.

He started by reiterating everything he’d just texted Cody: that they’d hung out, nothing sexual happened, and when his friend dropped him off, said friend then blocked him on everything. He also said that he had no idea why they would lie to us about what happened. He repeated this a lot - he’d say, “I don’t know why they’d say that, it makes no sense,” at virtually every part of the conversation. He “knew” they still liked him, and he said he posed his question about touching them as, “Hey, I know I get touchy when I get high, is it okay if we cuddle? I won’t if you don’t want to,” and that they eventually agreed. He also started saying that he’d gotten so high that he couldn’t remember all the details of what had happened, that there were gaps in his memory from that night, but that he knew he didn’t do anything “sexual.”

He then said that after realizing he’d been blocked, he block evaded them to apologize. “I told them, ‘I’m so sorry, I don’t know what I did, I don’t remember anything that I did, I never meant to hurt you, I’m sorry if I did anything wrong, because all I remember is that we cuddled.’” He said that he “let them go” at this point, and that’s why he made the vent art - he wanted to let go of them and move on from his hurt feelings. He said that they’d told him they were into someone else, but they only told him that when he block evaded to apologize.

I started by explaining that they had told me that they were dating their current boyfriend, not just into someone else. They’d told him that upfront several times during their visit, but Feiren had always ignored them. I also pointed out that Feiren had been lying to us when he’d on-and-off called this person his girlfriend, both to us and to his followers. He tried to deflect blame by saying that he’d meant they were just a girl who was his friend, we weren’t convinced.

I also explained that while they’d eventually consented to cuddling, the biggest problem we’d had with his behavior was that he’d asked them for sex incessantly, blaming his sexual frustration on testosterone, ignoring them when they said no, and making them feel so pressured that they eventually agreed to cuddling.

He immediately tried to argue, saying he’d never asked them for sex that night. He said that in the past, they’d wanted to move in with him, that they’d wanted to break up with their current boyfriend, and that the two had dated previously. “Well, in the past … they’d mentioned that they’d wanted to move out with me, I don’t know if they mentioned that, like they wanted to move out, they wanted to break up with [current boyfriend] around the same time that I wanted to leave. And so I said, ‘Okay, maybe we can be together,’ and stuff like that. They even mentioned things back in the past of us doing sex and I think that maybe with us going to the hotel, that’s probably what they thought I was trying to do, which I wasn’t. I told them, ‘I am extremely touch starved and stuff, but if you don’t want this, I understand,’ and I didn’t push at it anymore when they said ‘no’ to it.

I asked why they’d cut him off if that was the case. He said he didn’t know. Maybe all this kind of stuff I’m going through, they just didn’t want to be part of the drama - because I know that they’re like that. They used to do that - back when I was dating [abusive ex 1], they cut me off completely, because they didn’t want anything to do with me venting, ranting, or asking for help from them at all. I don’t know. They cut me off even before when I started dating [abusive ex 2], so I don’t know why exactly they would cut me off like this. If they would have just said, ‘Hey …’ explaining how they felt, and then cut me off, then maybe I’d understand why they cut me off a little bit more, but for them to cut me off and just say, ‘Hey, I’m still into [current boyfriend], so you need to move on,’ kind of thing. Because it didn’t make sense because they said that they wanted to leave him and everything, it just didn’t make sense to me, and I’m like, ‘Why did you pretend things were gonna be this way in the beginning about us moving out and getting together and stuff like that? Why did you say all this stuff and then just...’ I don’t know, it just doesn’t make sense, because I know them like that. They twist, like- They’re a gemini, too, not to be bitchy towards geminis but I’ve known them being like that before, that they’ve cut me off like this, but this time it was just different and I don’t know.

Cody said that it sounded like Feiren had pushed past their boundaries. We explained that the way they mentioned the visit to us made it sound like they had every intention of hanging out that night as friends, and that Feiren had just kept pushing for sex to a point where it made them severely uncomfortable. We also said that this person had absolutely no reason to lie to us. We reached out to them, they had nothing to gain by telling us a lie, and they expressed concern for Feiren even after he’d hurt them.

He tried to say that he didn’t even want to do anything sexual, because the day before their visit, they’d told him that they didn’t want to have sex, so he respected that.

I repeated that they had no incentive or reason to lie, and that with their testimony, the way Feiren had framed it afterwards, and the way Feiren had treated us so far led me to believe that they were absolutely telling the truth about his actions.

After some talk about how he treated us, he returned to talking about the assault. She said all these things when they weren’t- Some of it was true, yes, I would have to admit it. Some of it was true, but I don’t know why they was saying all these other things about what I was trying to do at the hotel even though I wasn’t. I asked which parts were true. The thing that was true was all the stuff and like, when we were at the hotel, like I … I didn’t want to do anything sexual, I didn’t want to do anything to hurt them, I did not want to do any of these things to them, and I was not trying to oversee what they told me. When they told me, ‘Hey, let’s not do this at the hotel, I still kinda like [current boyfriend],’ so we didn’t. And then I got high and they took me to the jacuzzi, and we hung out, and they flirted with me even a little bit, it seemed like, by what I remember. So, I don’t know if they remembers it differently because they also got high, but what I remember is I did nothing to them, and I don’t know why they’re thinking I wanted to do all these sexual things with them when we got to the hotel.

Cody explained that the way they’d told us about it was that Feiren had asked so many times that it became incessant, and that it wasn’t just that Feiren had asked once. I mentioned that they’d said that they felt pressured to a point where they felt like they had to agree to cuddle.

He said, Yeah, I wasn't trying to do anything sexual. If anything, by what I remember before we got stoned, I remember that we were just watching TV, hanging out, they was talking about drama going on in their life. And I got so high that I was silent and just wanted to go to bed. That’s all I remember. I don’t know why they’re saying all these things about me wanting to be sexual, it just doesn’t make sense to me, it’s just kinda weird of them trying to say it, because that’s not true at all.

I pointed out again that they had no reason to lie to us, and he said, I know, it just doesn’t make any sense, I don’t know why they’re doing this. At least by what I remember.” He said that he’d even asked them multiple times the next day if he’d crossed any lines or if he’d hurt them.

 I said that even if he had gotten so high that he couldn’t remember what he’d done, he’d still be responsible for his actions while under the influence. He said he knows he acts flirty when he gets high, but that he immediately stops if the person he’s being flirty with is uncomfortable.

He then went back to what happened that night. When I woke up, they were feeling nauseous, so I was trying to see if they was okay. I wanted to reevaluate what happened last night, like, ‘Hey, was everything okay last night? Did I do anything?’ And they were like, ‘No, you didn’t do anything bad.’ ‘Are you sure? Cause tell me now,’ and they were just like, ‘I’m fine,’ kind of thing, ‘And let’s just go home,’ they told me. … Yeah, I felt like something was wrong, like when they blocked me and everything when I got home, or even driving. My emotions were like, ‘Okay, maybe I pet them too much, I feel sorry.’ So I even told them sorry in the car, and they were like, ‘It’s fine, it’s fine.’ So all of this just doesn’t make sense to me, like it frustrates me because they said it’s okay, but yet, suddenly it somehow wasn’t okay for some reason.

Cody said it sounded like he knew exactly what he’d done, because of the way he incessantly asked them the next day if he’d done anything wrong, specifically if he’d done anything to hurt them. I also said that his friend told me directly that they had only said things were fine because they were scared of him, and they knew they’d still have to be in the car with him whether or not they confronted him.

TL;DR: Feiren kept admitting to and revealing more and more as the conversation went on. He blamed his actions on being high. He claimed he didn’t remember what he did, but that he did remember that he respected their boundaries when they said no. He said they didn’t tell him they were still seeing someone until after the visit, even though that directly contradicts what they told me. He said that they were lying to us about everything just to be bitchy and manipulative (because they’re a gemini). He said over and over that he didn’t understand why they cut him off, especially because they didn’t confront him about it and instead blocked him on everything after they dropped him off.

Feiren also started posting a lot of self pity on Instagram and Twitter after this. He framed the fact that he was being asked to leave as just the world being cruel to him, never admitting that this was solely because he had just assaulted someone. If he did mention the assault, he always claimed that his friend was lying about everything just to ruin his life.

Transcript: the image is of Feiren’s Instagram story. The caption reads the following:

I wish I stopped existing… I’m a bother to everyone, no one on this planet is kind to anyone like it used to, I wish when I was born the cord around my neck actually killed me. No one truly cares and everyone just pitys me and people I talk to in counseling only do it for the money.

Life is nothing but suffering to me and I’ll never get a fucking break. I just want to be happy but somehow things keep getting worse and worse. I’ve lost everyone I loved in my life and no one wants to take the time to understand me…

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

End transcript.

Second Half of Stay


When I say “second half,” I really mean 3 days. We confronted him on the 18th and he left on the 21st. The confrontation essentially put his departure in motion, although we did not tell him at any point that he needed to go, and we had been trying to encourage him to meet the criteria we’d set for him to stay longer (working on owed art and looking for a therapist). He ended up leaving on his own volition, but his departure caused a ton of issues for us.

We had gotten an inspection notice early into Feiren’s stay, and we had extensive plans to hide his presence before the landlord would visit. We knew we would be breaking lease by taking Feiren and Basil in, so we were sure to play it safe, and Feiren had initially agreed to help clean his room before we would hide his belongings in the attic during the inspection. Feiren would then take Basil to be boarded for a few hours and hang around town so that there would be no visitors and nothing out of the ordinary in his room.

However, after sending him a list of things to clean two days before the inspection, he communicated with us less and less. He wouldn’t come out of his room, and if he did, he would immediately leave and not come back for hours. On the morning of the inspection, he left the house and eventually texted me to promise that he would come back in time to clean. Just two hours before the inspection would take place, he finally came back. I asked him what was going on, and he told me he was moving out immediately.

As it turned out, he was choosing to leave on his own volition. He wasn’t “comfortable” with us telling him to work and look for a therapist, and he didn’t feel like cleaning his room like he’d promised multiple times, so he lied to the shelter he’d been speaking to and said he was being kicked out. He claimed it was an emergency so that they would take him in immediately. He left without cleaning a thing (including the extremely strong cat litter smell that would easily tip off our landlord that something was up) as one final “fuck you.” He blocked me, Jacob, and Cody on every platform (and our numbers) as he left.

Threats & Harassment

Since leaving, he has continued to affect us. I called him out publicly immediately after he left and wrote the first version of this document within a week, which he did not like. He interpreted me posting information found on his public accounts here to mean I was doxxing him, and he threatened us accordingly.

An anonymous source who was friends with him until I posted the call out said that he’d posted screenshots of his text conversations with me in his Discord, where he did not censor my phone number. I suddenly started getting a lot of marketing bot texts using my dead name after that. He also threatened police intervention, despite none of us having done anything illegal. This is also an extremely notable, possibly even deadly threat when all three of us are queer and Jacob is a large brown man. We also live in an extremely conservative area and stick out like sore thumbs, and he knows this well.

Transcript: the image is of Feiren’s tweet. It reads as follows:

I don’t want these people who barely know me to spread things that aren’t even true because they don’t even want to know/understand me

I’ll be contacting law enforcement if this continues

I want Jordan and Cody to leave me alone

End transcript.

I’ve also gotten a steady influx of sock puppet accounts harassing me while directly referring to Feiren and the call out. They usually subtly misgender me by calling me a bitch. Many of them claim to be one of Feiren’s close friends or something along those lines, and they always include very personal details or brags on behalf of Feiren that not even a close friend would care to make (“He’s doing so much better than you,” “Basil hates you,” et cetera). One account acting this way DM’d another Twitter user, where the account owner referred to themselves as Feiren.

Transcript: the images are of tweets from a Twitter account called cherriebxby, with the display name Jessy, in reverse chronological order. The tweets read as follows:

(Tweet) Lol okay be a bitch and hide from the fact that you are also in the wrong

(Tweet) Are you always this stuck up bitch who thinks they’re in the right? And thinking he lies about stamps and thinking he abuses his cat? Wtf? Feiren is doing far better and he is so happy he escaped before you hurt him more. His cat is doing much better away from you.

(Tweet) The fact this is all one sided though too is unfair. No matter what he says you are aggressive and accuse him of guilt tripping. Thats low. He trusted you he told me and you just have no empathy to what he was going through at the time. You could of just communicated better @leporibae

End transcript.

Transcript: the image is of an anonymous Twitter user’s DMs with cherriebxby. The DMs also show cherriebxby’s bio, which reads, “she/her 🌿 20 🌿 bisexual; Joined October 2020.” The DM from cherriebxby reads as follows:

Hello I just wanted to check in and say thank you on that callout against me (yes this is luvhbites) I know its strange of me to say thank you but I’ve learned what I did wasn’t right and I agree on mostly everything you said in the document. Some things in there

Image cuts off there. End transcript.

The Assault Victim

        I also want to cover the treatment of his assault victim. When I reached out to them for the first time about the visit, I told them I would keep them in the loop about anything I would do with the information they gave me. But I failed to notify them before I publicly called Feiren out. It was an enormous mistake on my part, and it allowed the victim to easily be guilt tripped and manipulated by Feiren into taking his side. We had a short argument, they blocked me, and Feiren eventually convinced them to make a public statement saying Feiren had never raped them. (No one calling Feiren out, including me, had ever used the word “rape” to describe what he did to this person, just “sexual assault.”) They eventually rescinded that and cut him out of their life again, and now publicly condemn Feiren as someone who abused them and assaulted them. I’ve also since been able to apologize to the victim and we’ve patched things up. I just want to clarify this detail since some of the claims Feiren made (both on his own accounts and his sock puppet accounts) that I had lied about the assault (“rape,” in his words) and that his friend/victim was on his side.

September 2020 Onwards

        Since Feiren left my home, he’s gone on to abuse and sexually harass multiple people, including minors. A few anonymous Instagram and Twitter users have been able to send me evidence of this behavior, and I’ve been in contact with several of his more recent victims, who have been able to provide plenty of evidence that paints Feiren as a serial abuser and predator.

Sexual Misconduct


On October 15th, Feiren tweeted this:

Transcript: the image is of a tweet from Feiren. It reads as follows:

Lol I think it’s funny that I’m able to hold back being perverted to people I think are pretty while cis men like to sexually harass women. If a transmale can keep it in his pants so can you lmao

p.s yes since I’ve started T I’ve gotten more and more frustrated you may say

End transcript.

        This isn’t the first time Feiren has blamed his testosterone injections on his sexual urges. He also used it as an excuse for why he sexually assaulted his friend in August 2020, and the implication that he thinks testosterone makes cis men and transmasculine people who take T either experience desires to assault others or unable to control their sexual desires is scary, to say the least.

Misconduct With Minors

In April 2021, Feiren posted this to his Instagram story:

Transcript: the image is of Feiren’s Instagram story. It’s a photo of a mouth gag in the shape of a cartoon dog bone. A bubble of text reading “Totally not a gag” is placed across the gag itself, but not in a way that obscures the gag whatsoever. It reads as follows:

If you are assuming I’m the friend who gives advice/facts about human sexuality to my friends and such, yes lol

Low-key though I’m surprised only two thought I owned this lol and yes it is what you think it is, cause I’m just a loser who is obsessed on collecting these things unironically

Things = toys/accessories

But besides that the other possible answers are also true lol

End transcript.

This is by no means the first or only time he’s posted about suggestive or explicitly NSFW topics on his main accounts, but it’s the most recent example. His account is not listed as being NSFW anywhere, and many of his followers on Instagram are minors.

Joey (safomeART on Twitter) mentioned that Feiren had an extensive history of talking about NSFW topics on his server full of minors despite having been confronted about it/asked to stop several times. Joey has only just barely turned 18, he was well under age when Feiren did this in his server.

Transcript: the image is of one of Joey’s tweets. It reads as follows:

Hayyy if you support @/luvhbites then unfollow me, continuous dude used to talk about drugs and sexual things in my server full of goddamn minors multiple times even though people told him to cut that shit out #LAUGHOUTLOUD

End transcript.

Art of Minors

On April 24th, 2021, an anonymous person directed me to Feiren’s Pinterest account. I found that he’d recently saved multiple pieces of highly suggestive, borderline fetishistic art of characters who are minors. Said characters are Deku (14-16) and Bakugo (14-16) from My Hero Academia, as well as Megumi (15) and Yuji (15) from Jujutsu Kaisen. One piece he saved is a panel of a doujinshi where an unknown narrator (presumably Deku) says “And when I’m cross-dressing, Bakugo gets really turned on.” Bakugou is sitting on the floor, lifting his shirt and licking his lips, saying, “Come here.” Another is of Megumi and Yuji, however Yuji is possessed(?) by a thousand year old spirit named Sukuna who can manifest partly as a mouth on Yuji’s palm. The point is that Yuji/Sukuna is forcibly shoving his tongue down Megumi’s throat by grabbing his face.

Instead of screenshotting everything, I archived his account and all the suspect folders. Here’s a link to the archive. The folders I managed to archive are “comfort ship & comfort character stuff,” “ok but babies,” “insert eyes emoji,” “yes,” “i love whatever this is,” “gay shit i need to read,” “don't ship, but cute,” and “kink stuff.” (All highlighted folder titles contain suggestive art of minors.) He has since deleted the account in an attempt to hide it, so the archive is the only way to access it.

Keep in mind that Pinterest doesn’t allow explicit art on its platform, and I seriously doubt Feiren would show restraint by only consuming extremely suggestive content of minors and never anything explicit.

Information from Others

Previous & Following Call Outs


An account that was initially made to call out one of Feiren’s victims in the height of their relationship with each other. After the victim moved out, the account owner recognized that a vast majority of the victim’s worrisome behavior was purely caused by Feiren’s influence and abuse, so it was repurposed to document Feiren’s behavior instead. The account contains evidence of abuse, abuse of minors, general toxic behavior, sexual abuse, and sexual abuse of/misconduct with minors. It also mentions drug use and overdosing.

Beware by Angelo

A DeviantART journal written by Angelo (bxssethound/nijkoesmikk) in December of 2019. It details Feiren’s instances of lying, tracing, impersonation, ban evasion, block evasion, and generally toxic behavior towards his friends, customers, or anyone he stole from. It also covers how he knowingly supported and defended an artist who drew child porn, and how he exposed minors to adult content by creating a public NSFW channel on a server full of minors without warning and against all advice. Evidence and testimonies can also be found in the comments section of the journal.

Testimonies from Others

The following pieces were written by the people who experienced them, save for the anonymous accounts at the end. Jacob declined my offer for him to add to this section, mostly because he had so few interactions with Feiren.

Cody, fellow host

Provides more insight for Feiren’s stay at our home.

I’m one of Jordan’s roomies like they’ve stated above. While Feiren’s experiences with me weren’t as victimizing, which I’ll explain, there were still several instances where he made me uncomfortable, triggered me, showed bigoted views, and/or hurt Jordan/Jacob/both.

I was the one he was first in contact with so he went through me when we were first discussing how and when to get him and his things here. We had everything planned for his safety and then at the last second, right when I was about to get off of an eight hour shift, he DMed me saying he needed to be picked up now. I assumed he was in danger so I said I could be headed there as soon as I was off. The drive was about an hour and then I had to wait for him to pack, drive him to give some stuff to a friend, and then finally get headed to my house. The drive back with him was awkward. I barely got a word in as he trauma-barfed all over me. He warned me that he would probably talk about his issues but I really didn’t expect a full hour and a half of just telling me horrific story after story, just listing every bad experience. A lot of it was triggering topics like sexual assault, child abuse, drug abuse, etc etc. If we were talking about that we were talking about transition except also not giving me any time to talk about my experiences. When I was talking to him about medical transitioning or being trans in the midwest since he originally wanted to move to SD, and these are both topics I have a lot of experience with, he’d talk over me or just ‘agree’ and get back to talking about whatever misinformation he had. It was a pretty long, exhausting drive.

We also stopped at McDonalds for him on the way there (where he loudly complained that the service wasn’t fast enough even though he ordered a lot of food at 11:40pm) and WinCo so he could get a litterbox, litter, and cheap cat food.

We finally reached my house around midnight. As we pulled up the driveway I could see Jordan on the couch waiting for us and pointed out who they were. When we got out and started bringing his things indoors Feiren also saw Jacob. He asked if that was Jacob (since I told him all who lived at the house) and I said yes to which Feiren replied, “Ohhh, cute boyfriend!” in a creepy/interested tone but I just ignored it as I know I’m touchy about stuff like that. I carried all of his luggage and items in, making multiple trips, while he just brought in his cat and stood in the doorway.

So at the beginning I was already kind of thrown off. Jordan detailed all of the big meaty things that happened but here are some smaller, yet still creepy and/or shitty, things that happened just with me:

  • He’d make lots of weird comments about how much the house we live in would be worth if we were on the coast and would make comments that complimented the house in one breath and then insulted it as not being the most updated or the biggest or something
  • He’d come to me with questions about transitioning/T and I’d answer him and he just….. Would not believe me lmao and ignored every piece of information or help that I gave him
  • He asked me multiple times to buy weed for him and even offered his friend weed on behalf of us getting it for him, even though he didn’t check with us first
  • He’d try to win “trans brownie points” with me by trying to get my validation on some trans drama he was in and completely ignore the existence of Jordan when they were in the room with us as he asked me a “trans question”. 
  • He tried to pit me against Jordan (shown in screenshots) when Jordan was just putting their foot down with him in regards to the expectations we ALL set for him

Grey, previous friend

Shows some manipulative/toxic patterns in how Feiren treats his friends and provides more context to the August 2020 assault.

My experience with Feiren has been a strange one. We first began speaking in 2018 and developed a friendship, we even shipped our sonas at one point (neither of us have ever dated each other, though). I cut him off when I noticed that he had continuously been either heavily referencing or tracing the art of another good friend of mine. I blocked him, chose not to associate, and tried to move on. He later named his sona Caiden, which isn't a rare name by any means but the fact that it was the name I'd been going by when we were friends (same spelling and everything), it put me off. He later claims to have not known that was my name but I know that's a lie. He'd called me it before.

Later on, in early 2020, I started speaking with him again. He said he'd moved past his tracing / referencing and I warily forgave him and we started speaking again. We became friends again and I never thought much more of it. He told me about his troubles with his boyfriend and their roommate and I tried to comfort him. He'd often go into detail about past traumas but I didn't mind because we were friends, he knew I didn't have any triggers involving those topics, and I figured he just needed to vent. I felt awful for him, having to deal with that and I'd help out when I could, even sending him money for food. I let him store his characters in my Toyhouse and just tried to help out.

In July 2020, he had finally decided it was time to move out and he'd started to make plans with my close friend, I'll just call her D. D put a lot of trust into him, and revealed that she had feelings for me when Feiren had confessed the same. Instead of respecting the privacy of his possible future roommate, Feiren immediately came to me and told me what D had said, without asking her if that was okay. He played matchmaker and egged us both on into a relationship that didn't last. Luckily, the two of us talked it out and have remained very close. But now that I think about it, I realize that his meddling in our lives could've ruined our friendship.

Transcript: the images are of Grey’s conversation with Feiren over private messages. They read as follows:

(Received message) Got them yesterday

(Sent message) GOTCHA

(Received message) They might confess later to you xgcxgc… (Keysmashing)

(Received message) Hhh

(Received message) They cried hard hh I’m sorry if I’m making you feel weird at all too

(Received message) Just letting you know gchchch… (Keysmashing)

(Sent message) no dude its okay,, it happens haha

(Received message) *panics and hides under mushrooms*

(Sent message) i pick u up and eat u

(Sent message) mmm teeny

(Conversation continues in next image)


(Sent message) oh [redacted]? i had a feeling ahah,, but audkaka why??? im rlly not all that ;; im kinda garby actually

(Received message) ;;;;+:-’-’+:+: WHAT SHOULD I DOOOOO

(Received message) They are actually crying

(Received message) I feel like shit now

(Received message) They wanna tell you but scared ;;

(Received message) I shouldn’t be gossiping omfg I’m so fucking stupid but I feel obligated

End transcripts.

Over the course of July and August, Feiren spoke about things he was buying. He commissioned me to draw a new character he'd bought on July 9th and then on July 10th told me the switch he ordered was coming in. On July 24th, he showed me a commission he'd been able to purchase because of being subscribed to the artist's Patreon and on August 8th, told me about a $50 sex toy he'd purchased. I don't know if he was taking donations at these times but I do know that he's complained of people rushing him for commissions or refunds. So that's where the money's going.

Transcript: The image is of Grey’s conversation with Feiren over private messages. It reads as follows:

July 24, 7:18 PM

(Received message) Zfyzfyxfx my thingy from [redacted] us done zydzfysfjdg

(Received image of art of Feiren’s character surfing, sent twice)

(Received message) Babbbbbb

(Sent message) ajskakska RUDE

(Sent message) i want a comm from them so bad

End transcript.

Transcript: the image is of Grey’s conversation with Feiren over private messages. It reads as follows:

(Sent message) when you mix it, you’ll want it to be a paste

(Received message) Do you do it with the dye?

(Sent message) you bleach first then do the dye after

(Received message) Ok

(Received message) I’m dumb about a decision I just made

(Sent message) uh oh-

(Received message) *buys a replacement dildo and wastes $50 together so it can ship fast and be here by Tuesday*

Ah the joys of being a Scorpio

(Sent message) ME

(Received message) PPGfgfgFJFHF

End transcript.

On August 6th, Feiren told me about a "cute boy he'd found on tinder" and upon sending me the profile, I quickly saw that the person he was talking to was nonbinary and used they/them pronouns. I corrected myself quickly by saying "They're rlly cute," and Feiren later responded that he'd messed up because he was tired. Maybe, but given the reports of him misgendering one of the people he was staying with, I felt it was necessary to add.


Transcript: The images are of Grey’s conversation with Feiren over private messages. They read as follows:

(Received message) TFW you find a cute boy on tinder and it’s a match 😔🥺

(Received image of Tinder profile reading the following:)

Bisexual Non-binary

73 miles away

friend shaped, bi, they/them

(End transcript of image of Tinder profile)

(Sent message) awhh he’s really cute

(Sent message) oh!! they***

(Sent message) They’re rlly cute

August 06, 12:31 PM

End transcript.

August 8th, Feiren told me about how his ex girlfriend was going to meet him and expressed his desire to have sex with them, saying he "hoped she accepts his moves" and hoping she wanted to sleep with him and maybe get back together and move in with him. He claims they'd previously broken up because of their parents. Again on August 9th, he told me his ex wanted to meet up with him and once again expressed his hopes to sleep with them, also claiming to be "flustered and impatient."

Transcript: the image is of Grey’s conversation with Feiren over private messages. It reads as follows:

(Received message) AAA … AAA

(Received message) AAA … AAA

(Received message) AAA … AAA

(Sent message) ahhh???

(Received message) I’m seeing them Thursday and they want to get laid with meeee 👉👈

Confused panic noises

(Sent message) oh fu ck-

(Sent message) literally lmao

(Received message) Fsf … (Keysmashing)

(Received message) I’m flustered and too impatient

End transcript.

Transcript: the image is of Grey’s conversation with Feiren over private messages. It reads as follows:

(Received message) Poor baby

(Received message) I really hope my ex GF accepts my like moves cause I’m getting a motel Thursday for them cause I need comforting from them and low-key to maybe fuck just once ;;;;;; ik they still like me and is wanting to move in with me just asfghkkgh

(Received message) Tmi but whatever

(Received message of Feiren reacting to Grey’s story)

(Received message) My baby 🥺

(Sent message) YOUR ANGELS

End transcript.

I cut off contact with Feiren as of August 22nd. My experience with him had been mixed, there were good times where I saw a friend but now all I see is someone who assumed I would side with him without a word. But after what I've seen, which eerily lines up with things he's said to me, I can see that he is not a good person. And I'm sharing my experience in hopes to keep other people from falling victim to his manipulation.

Bo, customer/donor

Shows how Feiren typically treats his commissioners, especially those who seek refunds.

Hello! My name is Bo (i originally had my username here, but have decided to remove it so please respect that decision! ) I am 22 years old, white, neurodivergent, and a bisexual mlm enby.

For context to my situation, I graduated last spring but due to covid-19 had been out of a job and out of savings, and my partner and I had to move back to my mom’s and save money all summer. We only recently moved into an apartment of our own, and have been budgeting on a lot of things.

Almost all of my experience with Feiren happened when I was going to commission him. On 1 Aug, the second full day I was in my apartment, Feiren tweeted about asking for donations as he was in a very toxic situation. We had yet to furnish the apartment and buy groceries, so I just sent over 5$, as it was at least something. In terms of messaging, I also just messaged him the tip that you can use your first initial on PayPal instead of listing your legal name, as he was tweeting that he was upset people had to see it, but he never responded to the message. Below is a screenshot proving I was involved with him monetarily:

Transcript: the image is of Bo’s PayPal history with Feiren in reverse chronological order. In summary, it shows that Bo sent Feiren $5 on August 1st, then sent Feiren $30 on August 16th, then that Feiren eventually refunded the $30. End transcript.

On 16 August, I saw Feiren tweet that he needed some supplies for personal care and was taking a (discounted) full body commission @ 30$. The tweet was only a few minutes old, and at this point, I realized I had over budgeted (yay!) for things we would need for the apartment, so I figured, why not? I had also donated/commissioned a few other artists I had liked. I would also like to note that, in the tweet, there were no details about the commission other than the cost. I have unfollowed him and he has gone private, so I don’t have a screenshot of the tweet.

I messaged Feiren and he responded almost immediately, sending his PayPal address. I didn’t think much of this and sent the money, as I believe it to be courteous to send money before the commission is completed anyway. After, I sent Feiren the character I wanted art of, which was an anthro moose girl OC of mine. He responded he didn’t want to do art of her because he was bad at drawing humans. I didn’t know how to respond, because she isn’t a human, and he already had my money, so I tried to be polite by saying that’s ok and that’s why I asked if she was alright. He then asked for any animal characters, so I sent my fursona and a very new cat OC, in case he declined that one, too. He asked if the cat was indeed a cat, and when I said yes, he said he would draw that one instead. Again, trying to be polite, I said ok, and later sent a lot of poses and described the character so that he wasn’t left with nothing or no direction with the commission. This was a rather bulky message, and he responded with a short message that he only wanted to draw them feral. The conversation felt a little tense at that point, and, again, he had my money so I wasn’t sure what to do- he was in need and had probably spent it already anyway- so I just said I was sorry if it was awkward then and he just said “yeah” which felt.. almost condescending to me.

For the full exchange, below are screenshots of the whole conversation and a transcript (disclaimer- the pose refs I sent him were not mine and I am not claiming them to be. I found them via google, and unfortunately I don’t think most of them had watermarks, but since I was just sending them to him to say “hey these are the vibe I want” I didn’t think it would be wrong as I was not wrongfully using them for my own gain):

Transcript: the images are of Bo’s conversation with Feiren over Twitter DMs. They read as follows:

(Sent DM) Howdy I’m interested in the 30$ commission you posted about if it’s still open!

(Received DM) Omg ye for sure!!!

(Received DM) My PayPal is polaroidskiies@gmail.com … Also send a ref if you can pls

(Sent image of an anthropomorphic moose character belonging to Bo)

(Sent DM) Would you be ok doing a character like this?

(Received DM) Hhh my human art is kinda bad atm…. You got any animals?

(Sent DM) Yea nah don’t worry!!! that’s why I thought to ask :^) one sec

(Sent image of an anthropomorphic cat character belonging to Bo)

(Next image)

(Sent DM) I have another bc. I know that this ones design is just. Dark since he’s all dark grey and dark brown lmao, so if that is an issue in terms of eye strain or anything I also have this one :

(Sent image of an anthropomorphic harbor seal character belonging to Bo)

(Sent DM) Also I know I give them. Not paws but that’s just because I can’t draw paws not bc it’s strictly their design haha

(Received DM) Is the first one a cat?

(Received DM) Also sorry on being slow was doing the Amazon order for things I needed

(Received DM) I’m just really horrible with flat faces ;;;;

(Sent DM) No you’re alright ! Sorry I didn’t respond I wasn’t home and my phone died but yes he’s a cat !

(Received DM) Oki I can do him then!!! For sure!

(Sent DM) So sorry I didn’t respond last night, I had some stupid personal stuff come up lol, so I’m not sure if you’ve started it (I didn’t expect u immediately to or anything) but if ud like I have some pose references that I found ! I’m not sure if you have a preference to like sitting or standing poses etc so there’s some of both, and in general. The character is like very very mischievous and sneaky type, so he always looks smug or like he’s up to something

(Sent images of pose references in this and next image)

(Sent DM) I know these are all pretty different I just thought I’d send multiple different ones I thought would be good for him to you have room to chose what you like to do

(Sent DM, continues in next image) Also sorry about his “ref” not necessarily being that great, he’s a pretty new character, but in general he’s just sleek shorthair cat with a super long and fluffy tail, and any shade of fur from medium dark to dark grey is good and the tips of his tail and his ears are medium dark brown ! (Sorry if this seems like too much info I’ve just seen a lot going around lately about people not being specific enough in commissions so I don’t wanna be that person”

(Received DM) I was hoping I could do them feral if that's okay? ;w; I'm starting today

(Sent DM) Oooo ye no worries that’s fine! Like I said I didn’t wanna just. Give you nothing

(Sent DM) Sorry if that was awkward to have sent them haha!

(Sent DM) Then*

(Received DM) Ye dgd… (Keysmashing)

End transcript.

So, at this point, I had turned to my partner and best friend. I told them my experience so far because honestly, the conversation made me feel kind of bad about myself. He had somehow made me feel bad about my OCs, feel like I was asking too much and for too specific of a commission, even though, ultimately, /I/ was paying with /my/ money, so I should be able to choose what is commissioned. I felt like I wasn’t even going to want the art or use it in the end, but felt at blame for that because I didn’t withdraw from it- but again, he accepted the money straight away and had even let me know he already spent it. I expressed this to them and they nudged me to cancel if he still hadn’t started. I felt too guilty to, so I did not.

A couple days later, Feiren had tweeted a somewhat vague tweet about “what he was being accused of”. This confused me, so I searched his username, and found Jordan’s thread on their private Twitter after they had retweeted it and mentioned his username in it. Shocked, I read through the whole thing, and it made me feel very gross. I am a past victim of sexual harassment, assault, and coercion, so this especially hit home with me and brought up a lot of terrible feelings. Since reading this a few days ago, I have been frequently reliving a lot of my old memories, and I feel like I’m stuck back in those times of my life again. It has been extremely stressful on me. I debated for a day or so of whether I should reach out to Feiren- whole I hoped he wouldn’t stoop so low, I was afraid he would block me and just never return my money. Again, I consulted my partner and friend and both of them urged me to. I began another dialogue with him and sent a PayPal chargeback request at the same time.

Transcript: the images are of Bo’s conversation with Feiren over Twitter DMs. They read as follows:

(Sent DM) hi there, I’m not sure if you have started my commission or not yet but I would like to ask for a refund. I understand that you are short on funds right now but I felt that you were acting very unprofessional considering I’m paying to make you art, and you declined several of my ideas of what I wanted (when again, I’m paying for it). I considered backing out of it directly after our conversation but after the recent tweets that have come out I am very uncomfortable with commissioning you. Regardless of whether or not you can prove what has come out didn’t happen, considering I and multiple other people have had uncomfortable experiences I think that’s enough reason to ask. Again, I’m sorry for this but I will be requesting a chargeback from PayPal.

(Received DM) Ok I can barely afford it. I'll be coming out with a explanation. None of those things that happened are true either

(Received DM) I'm honestly on the streets if anything.

(Sent DM, not pictured, with attached link to one of Feiren’s tweets about people “forcing” him to send refunds, which Feiren had posted immediately after Bo had asked for a refund)

(Sent DM) Hey also it’s pretty unprofessional to subtweet me like this. I get being upset that I asked but that’s pretty rude to say about a potential client. I also didn’t “force” you to do anything. The PayPal chargeback doesn’t even actually do anything unless you take action, and is a formality so it’s documented at the time of this happening. i wish you well and hope you find a safe place, but just being in a bad situation doesn’t mean you can be rude to others.

(Received DM) I never been rude to anyone I was just explaining how I felt to them when I was living with them. I'd really appreciate if you can just hold off on me trying to refund you until I get situated with my living situation cuz it's just really tough right now and I'm just hurt that no one wants to believe my side on how they treated me

(Received DM) I'd like you to please just hold on until I can refund you this December I'm trying to save every penny I can in order to keep a roof over my head and keep me and my cat fed.

I'm sorry I'm not perfect but please just be a little patient. if I have the funds to be able to I can try and refund you once I get my college loans this fall. It won't be right away once I get it I need to budget and get my own place first. I haven't even declined any of these pieces yet I'm still trying to work on getting time to do it too. I'm currently borderline about to be sleeping on the streets so I don't know if you have any empathy towards that. Right now I'm being focused to keep a roof over my head get a job and trying to take care of myself. And in no way this is selfish or unprofessional.

I'm trying to stay alive and safe

I still have a lot of other art to do so please bare with me. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do it on the day that I said I would because things came up that were out of my control. I can either refund you or you can be a little bit more patient until I can get to your art.

(Sent DM) I never said that the reasons you were not doing commissions were unwarranted and that was not at all what I said was unprofessional? I thought it was unprofessional that you didn’t say that you were only taking specific types of commissions and I originally said yes because you already had my money and I didn’t know what else to do. I felt that if I was paying money for art, it should be art that I actually wanted. I also have done nothing after the initial chargeback request which, again, doesn’t do anything unless you take action so I don’t know why you keep saying I’m trying to force you into giving me money at this moment. If you’re going to bring in empathy this entire thing has actually been very triggering to me as a victim of sexual assault and coercion, and I didn’t want to mention it because I felt I shouldn’t have to give my entire personal reasons for being uncomfortable with being connected to it at all- It should have been fine that I said I was uncomfortable and that have been that. I also have repeatedly said that I’m not even saying I believe you did it or not, again, the subject is just triggering to me in general and I would like to distance myself from anyone involved. And, by the way, since you’re trying to guilt me with empathy towards your general situation, I did donate to you beforehand when you were still at your ex boyfriends. Not that I think I should receive praise for that but you seem to be highly on the defense that I’m trying to take back support or whatever.

(Sent DM) Also, I NEVER said I was upset you didn’t do it THAT specific day or in one sitting, I know your TOS has long wait times, so I really don’t know where you’re pulling this all from.

(Received DM) Well right now A lot of people are against me and just bringing up a bunch of stuff I would never do so I'm on high defense on trying to stand up to what I have done and what I haven't done. 

I never assaulted anyone and I would never do that since I myself am also a victim of assault.

End transcript.

When Feiren sent this to me, my partner’s mother and brother had come to visit for the day so I wasn’t online. At this point, I wasn’t following him, and he put his account on private, so I don’t know anything he has been tweeting, but I know he was asking for donations again at that point. Today, 22 Aug, I woke up and he actually went through with my PayPal chargeback at 5 AM EST, so pretty late in his time zone.

Honestly, my issue with Feiren wasn’t necessarily the money, though, like I’ve stated- this material is pretty sensitive to me and was triggering to me and I didn’t want to be connected to it. Toward the end of our exchange though, Feiren was being so frustrating that I almost wanted to tell him to keep the money and just not message me more. I'm not sure if Feiren was copy-pasting messages to people, but it really felt like he wasn’t even reading what I was saying, and that he was just trying to make sure he was the victim in the situation. For me, it was less about the allegation- while I believe they should all be taken seriously I did explicitly say I wasn’t even stating what “side” (heavy quotes) I was taking because I didn’t want him to act aggressively that I wasn’t on his side, but he kept battling me that I needed to believe him, even though I never made an accusation to him myself. He also accused me of not having empathy, which I frankly find ableist anyway, and continuously guilted me with his story. Meanwhile, when I finally told him the specifics of why I wanted the refund, he almost completely ignored it and talked about his experience being a victim instead and why that should excuse him from ever possibly being a predator (which is not how it works anyway). If he was trying to get me to just commission him anyway, it felt like no way to treat a customer.

Despite the fact that Jordan had video and photo proof along with screenshots of how Feiren acted and treated their home, I feel that, taking into account how Feiren treated me, it would make sense for him to do those things. He definitely reminds me of some abusive ex friends, and my partner said the same after they read Jordan’s thread. Even when you read Feiren’s tweets during the entire week, he went VERY back and forth on some things. Originally, he said they were cuddling and bathing together, then he admitted to being sexually frustrated and trying to vent those emotions on his friend and that she had to stop him, and even after that he insisted they ONLY cuddled. He also keeps blaming his mental illnesses and the fact that they were high on this, which honestly, makes it worse in my opinion.

Transcript: The images are of various tweets by Feiren. They read as follows:

(Tweet) On my ex best friend sexually, ever…. even when she said no the day before, All I remember was us consenting to cuddle, we got stoned, got sleepy, she wanted me to take a bath with her, I did, went to bed and cuddled. She took me home and blocked me everywhere cause she still--

(Tweet) And yes I’d admit I’ve been sexually frustrated. And ex Friend was okay with that, if anything she brought up old memories of us on Snapchat and tik tok just for the hell of it. She eventually told me to stop which I did

(Tweet) For now I have blocked the people I was staying at since they got so mad about me leaving.

Sorry but I didn’t want someone breathing down my neck of things that weren’t even your business to begin with

I am over [redacted] and wanted to move on and now you all are thinking to-

(Tweet) Believe I raped my ex friend



End transcript.

Additionally- I don’t have a screenshot because I didn’t take one before he privated- he retweeted a tweet from assumably the girl he saw where she said he didn’t rape him. However, she DID say he made her uncomfortable, aka sexual harassment. Considering he stated she blocked him everywhere, this means he presumably had to dig to find a way to contact her/borderline online stalk her.

Considering he was talking like this, begging people to just “get over it” and basically said “why would you accuse someone of sexual assault”, it seems to me like regardless of what happened, he is lying about SOMETHING, and if you aren’t 100% on his side or giving him money, he will give you hell for it. Even with me, he took no pity on my history with it, and expected me to take back any decision I made and give him money because he had been there too. And he wants to tell me I have no empathy (/sarcasm). I understand feeling attacked and alone, even though a lot of his followers were still chiming in for support (monetary and simple comments), but that doesn’t really give him the right to be so rude and make fake accusations of what I have said to him, especially when I was mostly always polite (if stern) about everything. (The exception to this is when I thought he was subtweeting me. I will admit this is petty, but to be fair, he claimed I said he was rude for a completely different topic anyway.) 

The only other thing I want to tack on is this screenshot. At this point he was taking donations, yet still subscribed to someone’s patreon. I understand needing positive things, including art, during these times, but I do think it is deceitful to say you’ll use your followers money to escape an abusive household and then spend it on art; and, like Jordan said, he only worked on personal art during his time with them, and even lied to me about started the commission.

Transcript: the image is of a tweet from an anonymous artist. It reads as follows:

(Tweet) Don’t mind ‘em, he just vibin’ <3 patreon reward! For the always amazingly sweet @luvhbites ! #furry #furryarr

(Image of furry character belonging to Feiren)

End transcript.

This is mostly where my experience with Feiren ends. I do wish that after he declined my initial commission request I had just said I’m sorry but I would like to withdraw and have a refund. I’ve heard that a lot of others were treated similarly to him, and while I tried to be very courteous before asking for the refund, I still felt like I was not being treated very kindly. Even if you’re just taking that away- that he isn’t a very kind person to work with- please, just do yourself a favor and don’t interact.

Angelo, previous callout writer

Provides more context to Angelo’s 2019 call out.

Hi, I’m Angelo. I am 17, and a white bisexual trans man (he/him). I wrote the past callout on Feiren with the help of a small group chat of people (they were listed in my callout unless they wanted to remain anon). I will make a note and say here that my callout is now outdated, meaning pronouns and names used for some individuals are no longer accurate, and I apologize for that. I’m really behind on updating that callout and there is so much stolen or traced art that isn’t even added to the sta.sh folder. I’m here to add my testimony about my time interacting/dealing with Feiren and writing my own callout.
        I first came in contact with Feiren through deviantART groups I was in. Typical emo dog groups, you know the type. I used to like his posts, thinking that they were @wulfui’s second account or something along those lines because Feiren’s art style was so similar.
Later, I came across @wulfui’s original beware post. I don’t have much screenshots of that because I almost instantly unfollowed Feiren without a second thought. @wulfui later took down that first beware because it had been resolved, but Feiren hadn’t changed. I had noticed where Feiren had traced other people’s vent art to make his own, as well as tracing various artists and even “Frankenstein-ing” pieces together to trace them. It was like he had gotten worse after @wulfui’s callout. 
        At the time, I was relatively active online.
I noticed a lot of guilt tripping, begging for money, and after a while, I saw that he’d been buying character designs - expensive character designs. By that time, I had begun to write my own callout, and I had published it with the help of a small group chat of people who had seen what Feiren was doing.

The callout I made went live on December 26th, 2019. It can be found here, where it had garnered a small amount of publicity before going quiet. I know Feiren hasn’t changed. I remember the apology post for the callout had traced art… Ironic. His entire apology (from what I remember - the apology is no longer up) was a lot of guilt tripping, manipulation, and outright trying to discredit the work that my friends and I had made. I left my callout up and finally blocked Feiren. I heard bits about him every now and then, and I’m glad that he’s now got a 3rd callout up against him.
        I hope this has more of an impact than my callout did, and I hope that everyone that has had to deal with Feiren gets some closure and recovery from the things they’ve been put through.

Anonymous, previous friend

More information from someone who went to high school with Feiren and who was in touch with him for several years since.

        I’m not sure the exact dates and I don’t have screenshots, so this is all just word of mouth. I would like to preface that I was a shitty person when all this happened, I was at a pretty low point due to some personal issues, and I really thought Feiren and I could become friends. I guess that wasn’t meant to be. A lot of my behavior and actions honestly mirrored his, and I’m deeply ashamed for the part I played in all this initially as I should have seen him for what he was and stayed clear at least. I hope by warning people now I can do some damage control for my part so here it is.

I initially started contact due to the drama surrounding his furona (which he has heavily referenced a popular artist’s furona to create). I’ve stated before that I don’t think you can copyright aspects of designs like colors and markings so I came to his defense. (But looking back on all this now, I realize it wasn’t so much about the fursona’s similarities as it was that they were basically stalking this poor person in an attempt to imitate them). Pretty quickly that became talking about more personal things in his life and I was invited to his server. He vented to me a few times about his relationship, and I did my best to give him advice (which I guess was the wrong kind of advice because usually I’d suggest more civil options than just blowing up which seemed to be his usual pattern). At one point he asked for my number and I gave it to him, he called me once (I think drunk but I can’t confirm this), vent vomited all over me and then asked if he could stay with me. To which I basically danced around a no, because I don’t live in my own home yet. After that he suddenly became pretty distant despite my attempts at maintaining a friendship.

During my time on the server I bought art from him, and characters on two occasions (which I claim as my own now as well, I paid for them under the premise he would be paying me back). During my time on the server, I had asked Feiren if I could make a brother for his fursona, to which he agreed. So I did, simple as that. I drew him and Feiren (the character) a couple times. Out of pettiness mostly, I decided to reference another one of his characters and played with a design, it was similar but not copied, and I had it marked authorized users only because I honestly never intended to use it lol). I shouldn’t have done it and definitely have learned from it but basically he saw it and FREAKed on me. Instead of coming to me (ya know like you think he would considering I’d gone to bat for him about this very issue), he sent me a long guilt trippy message and kicked me. Which is when I went to DA to share my experience.
As far as things on the server I witnessed, It was basically just daily bitching about needing money despite sharing with us that he splurged on this or that. I don’t think there's anything wrong with splurging on yourself on occasion but his spending was pretty much a daily thing where he could have been saving it instead. I also witnessed him literally blow through $5,000 of college loans in about a week (like I’m pretty sure he used part of the money to buy a fursuit) and then when it was gone he immediately would turn on the “pity me” act again.

He also had mostly minors in his server and despite this he had a NSFW channel which he would share on pretty frequently. He had a pretty close relationship with one of the younger members (who I believe is 17 now) and would flirt/ship his OC with them.

He at one point said he was into age regression as well which therapeutically I don’t see a problem with but I’m pretty sure his was sexual from the context. It also came out that one of the members (@Staghounds, who has his own bewares written about him) [Jordan interruption: the call out linked has been deleted because the user moved accounts. I’ll keep an eye out for any other call outs on this user that I can add later] who was in the Discord group drew and posted violent CP, but instead of doing/saying anything to him, Feiren actually defended him. (I’m not sure what @Staghouds’ age is, but a potential pedophile in a group of minors was yikes and I had planned to bring it up with Feiren, but I got kicked before I could.) Just generally he wasn’t pleasant to be around aha.

I think that’s about all I have. He’s so problematic but layers it in so much self pity and so many fake personalities that you just don’t really see how manipulative he’s being. I really hope he can learn from this all and maybe improve, I don’t want to see anyone hurt because this adult doesn’t know how to handle himself.

General Anonymous Accounts

        This is a list of tips that people have sent me who have consented to having their experiences shared in the document but have asked to remain anonymous.

  • In high school, he would suicide bait and guilt trip his crush, and then share the messages he’d sent to them with his friends. He would openly talk about sex and trauma in class, and then downplay anyone else’s trauma should they mention it to or in front of him.
  • He knowingly tried to flirt with someone much younger than him when he was an adult (Feiren was a senior in high school but had been held back a year, so he was 18-19 and this person was 14), by saying he’d try to date them if they were older and generally making sexual or otherwise inappropriate comments towards them.
  • He was horribly racist, even while attending a highschool mostly populated by students of color.
  • He was extremely transphobic with any trans people he knew before he came out; he would deadname them and use the wrong pronouns constantly, tell them he’d believe they were a “real [man/woman]” if they hadn’t mentioned it, if he thought they passed especially well. He would also pester other trans people for them to tell him their deadname(s).
  • With any in-person friends, he’d try to get them to let him stay at their house, even if said friends (and their parents) were uncomfortable with it or after they’d told him “no.” He’d ask if he could just stay in said friends’ room(s), even while they weren’t home.
  • He’d previously talked about trying to move away from his now ex-boyfriend and ex-roommate before Cody first met him, and he made over $1500 in donations during that time. He bought his Switch immediately after he got those donations … and then didn’t move out, and later asked for more donations before he came to us.
  • His behavior of never finishing commissions goes all the way back to high school, and a friend noted that when they would watch him draw, he would always be sketching over a layer with finished lineart.
  • He makes friends with other artists, especially those with bigger followings than his own, then would beg them to retweet or like his posts. He would complain to them about being sad and hungry until they’d offer to send him whatever money they could or they’d make or buy gifts to cheer him up, then he’d never give a sincere or proper thanks. When those friends needed financial or emotional support or at least a boost on their posts asking for help, Feiren was nowhere to be found.


        It is extremely challenging to keep up with Feiren so please let me know if I’ve missed anything big. I have sincerely tried my hardest to provide ample proof for any claims I’ve made in this document or to at least point to posts or accounts that do display evidence for my claims. If there’s any point you believe hasn’t been sufficiently backed up, please message me, I will gladly provide what I can, I can only cover so much and add so many screenshots to this document before it becomes overbearing for any reader.

Please, don’t take any of the information in this document lightly. Feiren’s actions have severely hurt and endangered tens of people, most of whom are minors. Don’t fall for his “I’ve changed uwu” routine that he performs every time he returns from a hiatus or moves to a new account, because within a week, it’ll be back to the same. Stay safe, steer clear.