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WE Johnson pocket diary transcription
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[Inside Cover] Miss Henrietta McWillie Johnson

Camden SC

2 27 1912

[Recto] WE Johnson

1st of Jan 186[?]

Liberty Hill

South Carolina

See Jan 8/65

[Verso] [Illegible]

[Recto] [Pocket Diary Printed Title Page]

[Verso] [Printed Rates Of Postage]
[Recto] [Printed 1864 Calendar]

[Verso] [Blank]

[Recto] [Printed] TUESDAY, January 1, 1861


Love + Weinges[?] 72.50

West + Villioe[?] 1084.44

Edgerton + Brichaim[?]

Paid for fish at Perkins

+++++  5.13

Paid for Harpers Weekly

+ Magaren[2] 30th April 1860

Paid Scot - 2.00 June 9th ,,60

Received a Pair of Essex
Pigs from Summer 14 June,,60

said to be 8 weeks old

absent 5 + 6 Feby 61
Scot came Oct -15th 1860
absent  1st/2nd of Jan 1861

[Verso] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, January 2, 1861.



JP Cunningham sent
4 loads of corn 25 of Oct,,60

Cure for mange

½ lb of flour[?] of Sulphur

1 Pint of Fish oil

[?] of Turpentine

mix well

2 Sows had pigs

20th Dec 60

glass for [?][3]

2 lights 12 + 18 + 4 lights

12 + 9

weight of Hogs bought

of C B [?][4] 3235 lbs

[Recto] [Printed] THURSDAY, January 3, 1861.



Borrowed 1900 Shingles

from Mr Sammuels[?]

Sows had 7 pigs 13th March[?] 1860

2210 ____4 March ,,61

500 ____11 Feb ,,61

Scot lost one day from Rain

Lent Joseph 1,000


left with Tadwell -

Willies Pony + Bits - 40

Bits 5 J Adv Horses 2.50

Sow had 8 pigs Jany 21 61

Scot was absent 14th Feb 61

[Verso] [Printed] FRIDAY, January 4, 1861.



Paid for Herald

Wilks Sprint Cutivator [sic]


Essex Pig wieghed [sic] 144 lbs

in 25 Feby 1861

Essex Boar weighed 124

25 Feb 1860

I owe Scot $8

H B B 97

Fleas[?] 91.96

[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, January 5, 1861.



2. Catabas[?]  R +Left

‘’ Warren “ “

“ Isabella” “

“ Lenoir “ “

1 Deveaurney Right

Arms left -

1 Cataba[?] Right -

“ Lenoir Left-

“ Sept [?] - Black Right-

“Herbemons[?] Nadine Left-

“ Blands “ Right-

“ To Kalon Left-

[Verso] [Printed] SUNDAY, January 6, 1861.



for him

Recd of John to[?] Rup [?] 11.25

Put 4 squirrel hides in tan

march 11th ,,64

“ 2 rabbit - 3 squirrel hides in tan

march 23rd 64

Wrote to Ann July 24th

“ to Janus the 25th

“ to East + Deas[?] August 4th

Dubose + [?] “ 8th

Floyd “ 6th

[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, January 7, 1861.


[Verso] [Printed] TUESDAY, January 8, 1861.


[Recto] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, January 9, 1861.



Lot Bennes have

24 ½ lbs of Hams

for Q.P.C.

[Verso] [Printed] THURSDAY, January 10, 1861



Travelling Expenses from

Liberty Hill to Greenville SC

Ferrage at Rocky Mount


Ferrage at Broad River .10

Hotel Bill at Gossets 12.00

“         “   “  Cunninghams 6.40

Paid Freight on Boy 9.15

“ for Washing 1.00

“   “  Newspaper 3.00

“    “     “ 3.00

Paid Hotel Bill at Longs 3.00

“ for bunch of No 9 Thread 10.00

Paid for Tournament 5.00

“         “  B[illegible] a [illegible]        2.00

Bye[?] Coffee Pot .50

Postage on [illegible] .70

Bunch of Shoe[?] Thread 9.50

[Recto] [Printed] FRIDAY, January 11, 1861.



WCB Bunch of Thread 3.00

Apples 14.50

Rep Bootts [sic] 5.50

1 Bunch [illegible] 20.00

Rep bit + stirrups 3.00

1 bus[?] meal 10.00

Rep Camp Stool 4.25

Rep Watch 30.00

Washing clothes 1.50

10 lbs Hogs (High Point) 8 00

Paid for “exaimmen” 4.00

2 newspapers 1.00

3 loafs[sic] Bread 3.33

[Verso] [Handwritten] Feby [Printed] SATURDAY, January 12, 18614[5]




Money list Lt Jones date

“ “ Hall 4.00

“ “ Marshall 4.00

“ “ Lt Arrant[?] 20.00

“ “ Mickle 7.00

Dessausure[?] 5.00

Lieut Arrant 10.00

 “ Teams[?] 10.00

Dunkin 1.00

Sent Picket April 18th 1864 5.00

“ Gamwill[?] May 2[?] “ 10.00

Mickle “ 3rd “ 5.00

[Recto] [Printed] SUNDAY, January 13, 1861.



Point Look Out June 1864

Sold one gold Sleeve Button

for 2.00

Paid for 2 Cups coffee 20

2 Postage Stamps 6

1 Paper of Smoking Tobacco

[Verso] [Printed] MONDAY, January 14, 1861
[Blank] 12

[Recto] [Handwritten top margin] Aug 3rd 1864      13[7]

[Printed] TUESDAY, January 15, 1861



Private acct

Tobacco 10 cts

1 can strawberrys 75”

1 Gutta Percha Button 75 cts

2 glasses Beer 10

2 glasses Beer 10 cts

Hair Brush 75 “

4 cups Beer 20

Washing 35

3 News Papers + Beer 56 cts

newspapers + milk 55 cts

3 lbs crackers + smoke tobacco 2,25

Sundries 3.50

Morris Iland[sic] Sep 12 1864

1 bottle Honey 50 tobacco 1.25 1.75

Bread 6 loafs 150 tobacco 150 3.50

Bread 2.50 Ring50 Tobacco50 350

2 gha percha Buttons 75

2 loafs Bread 55

[Verso] [Printed]  WEDNESDAY,January 16, 1861.  12A[8]

[Handwritten] Private Acct Morris Island

1 Hat 3.00

[Recto] [Printed] THURSDAY, January 17, 1861.



Private acct.

Fort Delaware

1 doz G Percha Buttons .60

1  file .1 Saw Frame

3 Saws .1 pz plyers 4.10

Oil Stone 110 Vice125 3 [illegible]1.50 3.85

[Verso] [Printed] FRIDAY, January 18, 1861.


[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, January 19, 1861.

[Handwritten Mathematics:]








[Verso] [Printed] SUNDAY, January 20, 1861.


[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, January 21, 1861.


[Verso] [Printed] TUESDAY, January 22, 1861.



Went to Camp today very wet + muddy

the Capt + Robt went to hunt winter quarters set a while in Leut

Brykons[?] tent

1862 [in sharper pencil]

[Recto] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, January 23, 1861.


[Verso] [Printed] THURSDAY, January 24, 1861.


[Recto] [Printed] FRIDAY, January 25, 1861.


[Verso] [Printed] SATURDAY, January 26, 1861.


[Recto] [Printed] SUNDAY, January 27, 1861.


[Verso] [Printed] MONDAY, January 28, 1861.


[Recto] [Printed] TUESDAY, January 29, 1861.


[Verso] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, January 30, 1861.


[Recto] [Printed] THURSDAY, January 31, 1861.


[Verso] [Printed] February 1, 1861.



I gave Bill + Wylie a new Axe each

[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, February 2, 1861.


[Verso] May 30 1864

 [Printed] SUNDAY, February 3, , 1861 [Crossed out]



May 30th 1864

I was captured by the enemy 4 oclock today near Old Church Hanover

County Vig. Lieut W.P. Bormey Leut Nowell[?] Lieut McCrosby[?] were captured at the same time. We were carried about 3 miles and confined in a carriage house. Next day we marched about 12 miles and suffered intensely from heat + thirst + dust were halted at a farm house where we found Capt Pinckney, (an old class mate of mine) and

[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, February 4, 1861.



about 20 other officers and 600 privates, next day were marched about 20 miles + again suffered dredfully from heat, dust thirst + hunger, so much so that I became exhausted and had to be taken in a waggon with several others. next day was another day of intense suffering from extreme heat, want of water + food. We reached White Point about 4 o’clock, which is understood to be our point of embarcation[sic] for another prison whilst halted 

[Verso] [Printed] TUESDAY, February 5, 1861.



halted here a yankee Sentinel very kindly allowed me to take a bath in the river which I found very refreshing

2nd June Still camped here without tents or covering of any kind in low, hot disagreeable place, rations of salt pork + crackers, sugar + coffee were issued to us to day for the first time since our capture

June 2nd 3rd 4th 5th still

encamped here enduring all kinds of hardships. It has rained several times and we are

[Recto] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, February 6, 1861.



guarded sometimes by negroe[sic] tropps

June 6th Sill[sic] camped here

the camp becoming very filthy. The hottest day felt yet

and to add to my discomfort I am suffering with a bad cold

I desire very much to be moved, great numbers of yankee wounded coming in, heard very heavy firing last night in the direction of Richmond

June 7th was taken on board George Weems about 9 o’clock last night it

was intensely hot, but the officers were com

[Verso] [Printed] THURSDAY, February 7, 1861.



fortably placed in the cabin. Had a heavy rain in the night. to day is cold + raining. we are on the York River + expect to reach York Town in an hour. Eat a little raw salt pork + crackers for breakfast found it very unpalatable have no means of cooking in the boat. Expect to reach Point Look Out to night. Reached Point Look Out about 7 oclock. was carried to the Provost Marshalls Office was searched. had my blanket

[Recto] [Printed] FRIDAY, February 8, 1861.



fine gold wacth[sic] + chain and three dollars in gold (all I had) taken away, were lodged in the cook house of the Officers Prison and was guarded by negroes passed a very uncomfortable night it being quite cold without blakets[sic]

June 8th Woke up to day for the first time in my life in prison. feel wretch-edly[?]. find 600 officers in the prison living in Sibley Tents. have but one meal a day. sleep on the ground with W.P Bormey[?] in one blanket found the pebles on the ground very

[Verso] [Printed] SATURDAY, February 9, 1861.



hard + uncomfortable

June 9th 

Passed a tolerably comfortable day, got a cup of coffee from the cook for breakfast, enjoyed it very much, wrote to Mr D Solomon for money and underclothes, need it very much, borrowed some clean clothes from Lieut Collier of Ark. and took a bathe[sic] in the beach feel much refreshed, have not had a change of clothes in two weeks, our mess has just eaten some meat + bread saved from dinner, looks very much

[Recto] [Printed] SUNDAY, February 10, 1861.



like rain, has been a warm day

June 10th Had a very heavy rain storm last night tent leaked + made it very uncomfortable  

quite cold today, strong breeze all day Yankee officials ordered us all out on the beach  + searched our tents took away my box valise + haversack left us with nothing to put anything in. Two prisoners escaped last night, walked a good deal for exercise

June 11th A very long monotonous day, quite cool, read 2 chapters in the bible and the

[Verso] [Printed] MONDAY, February 11, 1861.



New York Herald. had bacon + pea soup for for [sic] dinner + good baked bread. 43 more officers were brought in today mostly North Carolinians

June 13th A very long monotonous day, quite cool. read McClellands[sic] report of Battles around Richmond

June 14th Still quite cool. wrote to Mr. James Lee of New York for money

June 15th. Very dry and quite warm. feel quite badly am suffering much from diarhea [sic].  drops[?] McC

[Recto] [Printed] TUESDAY, February 12, 1861.



McClelland report of battles around Richmond into the bay + lost it much disappointed found it very interesting + helped me very much to get through with the long days. Wish I had something else to read.

June 16th A very warm day am suffering much with diarhea.

June 17th Another very warm day, am still suffering with diarhea. got a dose of laudnum + peppermint from the hospital. hope it will relieve me. dare not drink this water. would give any thing for a drink

[Verso] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, February 13, 1861.



from my spring at home. how delicious it would be.

18th: Still quite sick. very warm.

June 19th. Still quite sick had fever all night. feel very badly. cant get any thing to eat but corned beff[sic] + bread. This the warmest morning I experienced since I have been here brought in 18 officers yesterday 4 oclock, in hospital ward no. 1 with 12 officers, hospital is made of 2 large wall tents strecthed [sic] together.

[Recto] [Printed] THURSDAY, February 14, 1861.



June 21st, the longest day of the year. quite warm. felt some better, Lieut Bormey[?; as above] been to see me. The yankee surgeon came and took the names of all the sick + wounded and the report was spread that they were intended for an exchange and that the Flag of Truce boat was at the warfs it caused joyfull hopes for a while but it was soon accertained [sic] that they intended to move some of the officers to fort Delaware or some other Northern Prison. I am

[Verso] [Printed ] FRIDAY, February 15, 1861.



very uneasy lest I may be separated from my SC friends. Capt Pinckney + Leut. Norvill[?] came to see me this evenig[sic]

June 22nd much better today. weather pleasant, much anxiety about where we are to be sent. report says we are to be sent to Fort Delaware hear dreadful accounts of that prison. all prefer to to stay here

June 23rd A most unhappy day to me. I am utterly miserable + sick. expect to be sent off this morning to some other wretched

[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, February 16, 1861.



prison. can form no idea where, suppose to Deleware[sic] Capt. Pinckney Leut. Bormey[?; as above] Dr [?] Tyrrel came to see me today weather very warm + dry 4 oclock. Received orders to get ready to move. all the convalescent officers were marched on board Transport “John Rice” about sunset a large number were put in the hold so closely crowded they almost suffocated, they are so thick they can not lie down. I was but on top of the boat with other sick. have plenty of fresh air. am quite sick.

[Verso] [Printed] SUNDAY, February 17, 1861


[Handwritten] I feel very uneasy about myself can eat nothing but find plenty of good water on board.

June 24th Sill[sic] quite sick eat a small piece of bread for breakfast + a little meat + bread for dinner. Could get the best of any thing to eat if I only had the money. Never felt the want of it so much in my life. hear there was great suffering among the officers last night from heat + want of fresh air. They are being taken out a few at a time to day to get

[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, February 18, 1861.



fresh air

June 25th Sill[sic]] sick. eat nothing scarcely. reached Fort Delaware about 2 oclock was much harassed by Yankee officers halting us in the sun as often as possible [?] us + annoying us in any possible way[.] find Fort Deleware[sic] the most horrible. hot. low stinking sickly looking place I ever behold. about 1000 officers with us confined in hot barracks around about 3 acres. found Capt. W Stewart + E Hall[10] here Capt Stewart gave me

[Verso] [ Printed] TUESDAY, February 19, 1861.



the most delightfull[sic] cup of Tea I ever drank still sick took some more opium.

June 26th Feel better to day hope I will get well My experiences of the Prison to day, give me a more disgusting opinion of it than I had yesterday. it seems to me great numbers of us will die this summer[.] attended Church service this morning[,] heard an excellent sermon

attended service again this evening. sacramental service was administered to about

[Recto][Printed] WEDNESDAY, February 20, 1861.



300 officers. the service under the circumstances was very impressive. whilest[sic] service was going on permission was given to go bathing in the bay[,] a large number went.

June 27th A warm cloudy sultry day. feel better. bought a cup of sweet milk for breakfast. it was most delightfull. have 30 cts left just returned from a visit to Capt Stewarts quarters. spent an hour. met Dwight Howell[?] McErvrey[?], Anderson there, 12 oclock very warm. Bormey[?; as above] has come in with Frank Leslie’s paper waiting anxiously for him

[Verso] [Printed] THURSDAY, February 21, 1861.



to get done looking over it water gave out in the Tanks today. have to drink brackish water out of the bay. woke up this morning at the break of day took a walk in my shirt + drawers. reminded me of my walks to the stable at home early in the morning [—] oh how happy I would be if I were there now, but my prospect of seeing home for a long time if ever again is very bad. I can but hope for the best.

June 28th moved our quarters to day to No 28 in uper [sic] bunk find them much more comfortable than the

[Recto] [Printed] FRIDAY, February 22, 1861.



lower ones. quite cool to day.

June 29th. Weather still pleasant feel much better in health[.] dreamed last night my son Robt was very sick affects me most unpleasantly all day[.] find prison life dreadfully irksome + hard to bear[.] the days are very long + tiresome[,] no hopes of exchange are entertained by any one before late if then.

June 30th quite cool + cloudy nothing of interest has occured[sic] to day, read 12 + 13 chapters of ST Luke[,] attended prayer meeting this morning + [?] last night. this the last day of June what

[Verso] [Printed] SATURDAY, February 23, 1861.



will another month bring forth, have been captured one month today. seems as long as three. some of the men in this barrack are reading, some making gutta perrcha[sic] rings + some playing cards

July 1st 10 oclock. A very warm morning, have just returned from breakfast consisting of a small peice[sic] of bacon + bakers bread. bought a ½ pnt of cool milk for 5 cts find it delightfull. am greatly in want of money, have but 10 cts left. 7 oclock a dreadfully warm day[,] found it very uncomfortable

[Recto] [Printed] SUNDAY, February 24, 1861.



shut up in prison, almost unendurable[.]

July 2nd. The most miserable day to me yet spent in prison. it has been a cloudy[,] close[,] sultry[,] intensely warm day[.] had a heavy rain about 2 oclock. still sultry. the face of the ground is covered with black dirty water, it is a most dismal low[,] wet[,] muddy[-]looking looking place[.] [S]emes[11][sic] to have been selected for the most unhealthy[,] unpleasant place that could be found. I got up at day light + was washed in the dicth[12][sic], Dr Terrell was brought in to day has no news

[Verso] [Printed] MONDAY, February 25, 1861.



feel dreadfully at the prospect ahead of me in this dreadfull[sic] prison this summer. can only hope + pray that I may live + be exchanged soon[.]

July 3rd Sunday morning ½ 6oclock[,] cool + pleasant this morning got up at ½ past 5 oclock found Leiut McCrorey had been up since day light. read 2 chapters in Bible + a prayer am going to walk a little before it gets too warm. yesterday + day before were the warmest + most unpleasant days I ever passed. am much afraid I will have many such to endure in this awfull[sic] prison[.] will attend divine service

[Recto] [Printed] TUESDAY, February 26,1861.



to day + hope + pray I may receive some benefit + consolation from it. I am in a most unhappy state. I feel the so[?] ant[?] of those Christian feelings + hopes that I hear described + although I desire them much + pray for them earnestly I do not posess[sic] them but will continue to pray God to bless me with them + direct me in the right path. yesterday Joseph (12 months) was killed it makes me very sad to think of this untimely death. hope + pray the rest of those who are near + dear to me may be well this bright Sunday morning 12 oclock attended divine in Division 31 the sermon was not

[Verso][Printed] WEDNESDAY, February 27, 1861



a very impressive one in my poor judgement, there were services in the other divisions.

Dr. Handy preached in Division 22 was sorry I did not hear him. he is an excellent preacher. is imprisoned because he would not pray for Linlcon[sic][13]. it is an affecting sight to see the venerable long haired old gentleman walking about this miserable prison yard with a body of soldiers he seems to bear the punishment with much fortitude the result I suppose of Christian resignation, to whatever suffering is sent upon him. I pray God that I may be

[Recto] [Printed] THURSDAY, February 28, 1861



blessed with more of this blessed resignation, and bear the great suffering that I am hourly enduring as a punishment sent upon me by God for his own wise purpose + that it may be intended for my eternal welfare[.]

        no meat for breakfast this morning nothing but a peice[sic] of stale bread + a cup of water[.] spent my last 5 cts for a cup of milk. will have to do without hereafter. can scarcely exist upon the food furnished, never felt the want of money so much in all my life before[.]

        Read a letter received from my dear wife before I was

[Verso] [Printed] FRIDAY, March 1, 1861.



captured, in which she speaks of the condition of things about my dear home + expresses the hope that I am growing in grace + am putting my trust in my Redeemer. it affects me very unpleasantly as I feel that I am not growing much in grace althoug[sic] I desire it much + pray for ^it^ earnestly I know it is the dearest wish of her heart that I should so improve, I can but hope + pray, attend divine service at night by Dr Handy[.] on the ground the sentinel on the fence ordered all into the barracks before sermon was    

[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, March 2, 1861.



concluded . suffered a good deal from hunger to day

July 4th

        Cool + pleasant day attended divine service in Division 32. Yankees celebrated the day by music + cannon firing, very hungry all this morning Capt Hall[14] treated me to a plate of Ice Cream had cold beef + stale bread + rice soup for dinner had enough Mag[15] Lamar Fontaine + another are having a tusle[sic] half in play half mad

        July 5th A cool pleasant day attended prayer meeting in Division 32. in which several members of the Methodist

[Verso] [Printed] SUNDAY, March 3, 1861.



Church gave their experience it was very instructive + interesting. in the evening all of us were ordered out of the Barracks into the ally[sic] behind the dinning[sic] hall it was very warm in the sun. I burried[sic] my knife whilst there + as we were let in each man was searched for money watches + blue clothes were taken away. they also took all the canteens + although I hid mine under the floor of the barracks they took it which I regret very much as I was attached to

[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, March 4, 1861.



it. July 6th , coudy[sic] + sultry much to my joy I received a check from Mrs James Lee N.York this morning. I am truly thankfull [sic] for this + will be able to buy such things as I can eat + will not suffer from hunger whilst it lasts. Capt Pinkney[sic] + Lt Norvill[?, as above] have just came up to our bunk, all of us very low spirited + desponding[,] nothing to do but lie down + think about home + talk about the doubtful prospect of exchange[.] have had no newspapers for two days. a few ago [sic] a yankee Sergt came in + enquired for La Dosia[?]

[Verso] [Printed] TUESDAY, March 5, 1861.



of SC + took him out we have just heard that he has been confined in a cell in the Fort in retaliation for some one, it is no unusual thing for them to call for several officers + take them out on five minnets[sic] + confine them in cells in retaliation for some of their soldiers

         2 oclock. Feel very low spirited. have been thinking about home + the many pleasant hours I have spent there[.] the knowledge that I am imprisoned here for an in defenite time is most distressing

[Recto] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, March 6, 1861.



if there could be a period fixed I could bear it with more patience[.] it is a most unhappy time to me, the days are so long + so hot + evry body[sic] so dull[.] was shaved by the Barber in a Dining room. Attended service in Div 32. but in the midst of Dr Handys sermon he fell in a fainting fit.

        July 7th. Got up at sun rise + washed all over in the dicth[sic]. was joined by Mag[16] Emanuel. had to put on my soiled clothes. have no others + have to borrow when I have them washed. got very hungry before I got my breakfast

[Verso] [Printed] THURSDAY, March 7, 1861.


about ½ 9 oclock had a piece of cold beef + bread + bought a cup of milk, attended prayer meeting in 32 will persevere in all attending all church which I take pleasure with the hope that the Almighty [will? may?] at last bless me in that knowledge + [?] that becomes a Christian.  

about 3 oclock we were ordered out to roll call which took untill[sic] near sunset. did not get dinner untill that time. had a peice of stale bread + salt back bone[.] it was so warm in the dining room took my meat + bread out + lay down in the dicth + eat

[Recto] [Printed] FRIDAY, March 8, 1861.



it. this has been the warmest day yet, it rained a little in the evening about 8 oclock. Lt Col Wilson was + supposed to be mortally wounded at the Privy by a sentinel. The sentinel ordered him to move off faster which he could not do being lame + was murdered in cold blood, the sentinels at this prison are 100 day men + are very insolent + overbearing. there was much excitement among them last night. July 8th, last night was the warmest night yet felt here, to day is cloudy + very warm + close, I think this is the hottest place I ever was at in my life[.] I waited 3 hours this morning to get

[Verso] [Printed] SATURDAY, March 9, 1861.


the money on the draft sent by Mr James for 100.00 but could not get it. attended prayer meeting in Div 34. they sung “Watchman what of the night” which carries me back most vividly to the dear old Church at G.H[.] it is opressinly[sic] warm now I am sweltering with heat + it is just 11 oclock. eat 4 glasses of ice cream 1 [illegible] cakes 1 cup of beer, this first day I have had enough to eat in a long time. the yankees had our air holes stoped[sic] up yesterday, without any reason that I can hear of

[Recto] [Printed] SUNDAY, March 10, 1861.



it makes it very warm in the uper shelves where we sleep. Gen Scheopf was in our prison today is a fine looking man was and is generally well liked by the prisoners

July 9th Woke up this morning with a very sore throat + considerable fever did not sleep much last night. I anticipate a most unpleasant day, shut up in this hot place with 100 men + having fever. hope the fever may be the result of a bad cold which I have taken. that it may leave me soon.

[Verso] [Printed] MONDAY, March 11, 1861.

[Handwritten] tolerably cool day, still feel very badly, will take medicine to night, Capt Stewart has just left had a long talk with him about a ^old^ acquaintances at, expeccily[sic] like the Summervilles + the good dinners we used to get there 5 oclock, feel a little better about 100 boxes for prisoners are being delivered this morning[?] Leftwicth[sic] has just given Bormey[?; as above] a can of green corn it smells very nice but i cant eat any. There is a game of cards going on in our barrack as usual Just bought a lead pencil gave 15cts for it, dry dusty[?]

[Recto] [Printed] TUESDAY, March 12, 1861.

[Handwritten] cool evening

Sunday Morning July 10th 1864 cool cloudy morning, feel better to day than I have before in a month. begin to have my senses + feel like myself I thank God for it; my situation is extremely unpleasant in health, but almost unendurable when sick. it is with great difficuly[sic] a sick man can get into the hospital at this prison or get any medicine there all severeal that are quite sick and can get the medicine or attention at Point Lookout Prison sick men were well cared for, this is a miserable place in all respects. Lt Col Wilson

[Verso] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, March 13, 1861.

[Handwritten] died this morning from the gun shot wound by a sentence on the 7th I paid 50cts to buy a metalic Coffin to send his body to Baltimore

12 oclock Dr Handy preached in this division to day. he is one of the best preachers I ever heard, attended the Bible class in Div 34. found it very interesting + instructive. will attend regularly hereafter with the hope of being much benefitted by it. July 11th. Had a very early breakfast. Took a refreshing bath in a tub with dicth water borrowed a change of underclothes from Lt. Nowell wrote to Miss

[Recto] [Printed] THURSDAY, March 14, 1861.

[Handwritten] Paid for Journal to Get 1864 “ “ Mercury 1862 Advertising 2 P.e.s. glass 2,50 [line drawn]

Ellen Smith to day asking her to send some underclothes 7 oclock, all the evening has been consumed calling the roll not done yet, a very warm day. am sitting in in the “Bull Pen” waiting for my name to be called, in looking out of the barrack window to day, saw 9 splendid cows standing in the water of the moat around the Fort. reminded me of “Dora” also a nicely dressed

[Verso] [Printed] FRIDAY, March 15, 1861.

[Handwritten] little girl. reminded me of dear little “Mattie”

July 12th Last night was excessively warm. not a breath of air moving. were made to go into our Bunks at 9 oclock, to day is also exceedingly warm, attended prayer meeting in Div 34. I am on the sweeping + water detail for this div to day. had Roll call at sundown for the first time, excedingly warm evening + night feel very low spirited this evng

July 13th Got up early + had a bathe in a tub. fried meat + made coffee for breakfast, not so

[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, March 16, 1861.

[Handwritten] warm as yesterday, had the number of my wacth which had been sent from Point Lookout given me to day it was 32824, it is to be given me when I leave here wonder when that blessed day will come. The prison authorities for some reason will not [sic] the newspapers to come in to us. it is a most unpleasant condition to have, we hear all kinds of “Grape Vine” rumours. some one got possession of a paper the 12th, in which it was stated that we had defeated the enemy near Frederick City and were advancing upon

[Verso] [Printed] SUNDAY, March 17, 1861.

[Handwritten] Washington. hope they will be allowed to come in to us soon again, in the mean time have made arrangements to get them by “underground RR” Have been looking out a hole in the back of our Barrack. can see some fine farms a long distance across the river. they look very cool + green + beautiful from this low hot place. long for the time to come when I will be free + breath the fresh fine open air, this confinement has a sense of suffocation to me although I have enough room for air + exercise. The

[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, March 18, 1861

[Handwritten] knowledge that I can not leave this low hot place has that effect upon. but I thank God that I am shut up as many good men are in the cells of the Fort which is in full view about 100 yds distance, it is a gloomy looking place.

July 14th attended prayermeeting in Div 34 last night. This is a very warm morning, have been looking out of my hole at a very fine cow feeding on the moat. She had the largest bags I ever saw 3 oclock. Feel quite ? to day. Tolerably cool. drought

[Verso] [Printed] TUESDAY, March 19, 1861.

[Handwritten] + dry wether. made me pay 35 cts for bringing my watch from POint Lookout to this place never expected to see it again am sorry I did not leave it at home wrote to Ann to day. Ronny + Lt. Anderson are playing cards in our bunk. 5 oclock, have just heard a rumour that we are to be removed from here to Prison at Elmira NY. I hope it may be so as I do not believe we could get to a worse place, any change would be agreeable to me, Gen Sherpt the Chief in Command here has just passed on ? back attended prayer meeting in Div 34 very poor sermon

[Recto] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, March 20, 1861.

[Handwritten] Quite cool + pleasant this morning I feel very badly. headacke dry mouth + general uneasy feeling am sorry I did not take medicine last night, had molasses ? + coffee for breakfast we hear this morning that our forces hold Georgetown heights near washington + that Grant has been repulesd in 3 attacks upon Petersburg can’t form any idea of thier truth wish I was there. often think of the delightful days I have spent fishing upon the ponds about home at this season of the year + the nice cool spring water that I could get at any time, here I am surrounded

[Verso] [Printed] THURSDAY, March 21, 1861.

[Handwritten] by a high yellow fence + buildings, no grass, + nothing overhead but the bright sky + the dry black ground beneath with 2 muddy green skinny dicthes through it. 4 oclock a bright dry dusty evening. feel very low spirited. wrot to Co ? at camp ? the days are so long + tiresome if I could play cards as most of the prisoners do + go to sleep when I get tired the time would not hang so wearily upon me it is a dreadfull life to lead I pray God I may soon be delivered from it but the prospect is bad for an early deliverance. If i could hear that

[Recto] [Printed] FRIDAY, March 22, 1861.

[Handwritten] [Circle]Omit here [Page is starred]

When any company now in service for 12 months shall- before the 16th day of July next attain the maximum minutes presericed by this [?] including the men under 18 or over 35 years of age all such men may be discharged + such of them as remain in service on said day will upon their apllea This be the discharged wether such maximum be attained or not

May 2nd 1802

[Verso] [Printed] SATURDAY, March 23, 1861.

[Handwritten] that the dear nes[?] at home well well. it would be a good consolation to me

July 16th

Another bright, cool, very dusty day, I spent all the morning in div 22, cooking on at a game of wheat. I feel very badly today. have scarely had 2 meel days ms noission[?] since I have been captured, cannot tell what is the matter with me. The sulten has received his prices. from 5 to 10 cts a loaf of bread + other which in prayer them, we aught that Gedual money is depreciating [?] d[?]ly

[Recto] [Printed] SUNDAY, March 24, 1861.

[Handwritten] have had no newspapers for some time, all very anxious to know what is going on in the outside world in these exciting times. I received a  a check from mr James Lee on the 5th + have not been able to get the money for it yet, it is most provoking the way we are treated in such matter by the Prison authorities, their purpose seems to be to anoy us as much as possible. A ? games of cards are going on in our barracks at this time, think[?] most of the evening at Capt Diroghs [?] attended prayer

[Verso] [Printed] MONDAY, March 25, 1861.

[Handwritten] meeting in Div 34

Sunday July 17th 1864

A warm bright morning I still feel quite badly took some calomel + Blue mass last night. 2 oclock nearly dinner time quite warm Capt Hale + Pinkney have just left our bunk. attended church service[?] in 34 this morning it was very much crowded. did not like the sermon much it was upon the trial + crucifixion of Christ by the Jews attended Bibble class in the morning did not find the exercises so interesting as the last meeting. it was the 2nd Chapter of [?]. feel badly this evening

[Recto] [Printed] TUESDAY, March 26, 1861.

[Handwritten] July 18th 1864-

A very warm morning, took more medicine last night am taking quinine this morning my head in a very confused state. wonder what all are doing at home this bright summer morning. here I am sitting at 10 oclock in the morning with the long day before ^me^ with nothing to do nothing to read + nothing to think about, it is an utterly miserable un[?]tion to be in. + the prospect of dilvery from it is most uncertain I may be kept  here during the war. a good many officers[?] in here think such will be our fate while others think we will be exchanged when the campain is over. 4 oclock rumours are afloat this evening that we are to be moved from this

[Verso] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, March 27, 1861.

[Handwritten] to I lmma[?] hg in some other prison I hope it is so. as I am sure we could not get to a worse place. Capt Wright in the next bunk to us has just got a box of provisions from a lady in Kentucky. he has just ^given^ me 2 slices of delicious pound cake. I also got some corn bread from Capt Brickleis[?] enjoyed it as much as the pound cake. both reminded me of home sweet home + my sweet wife

        July 19th I slept badly last night but am thankfull I feel better to day Man I have for sometime, weather bright not very warm. 3oclock. have just eaten 3 glasses of ice cream

[Recto] [Printed] THURSDAY, March 28, 1861.

[Handwritten] in borrowed money. the sn[?] says it is the last he will have as it does not pay. I am very sorry as it was a great [?] to me_. wrote again to mr D Solomon to day. 5 oclock McCruig has just come in with coffee several masses in this Div are eating supper June 20th

sick again this warm morning woke up last night with a fever on me had hoped I was getting well. it headfull to be well[?] in Prison. can get no attention or necessary medecine + it is impossible to get to the hospital unless you have to be almost carried there in a blanket hope I may escape a serious case

[Verso] [Printed] FRIDAY, March 29, 1861.

[Handwritten] 2 Brooms 145.98

Weunges 76.12

Edgerln[?] 130 50

McCas 16.50

Hews 91.76

Mc Gile 20.91

Patterson 93.30

Comissioner 45.21

Cameton 249. 47

McEwen 30 52

Schooling 44. 56

Kennydy 571. 15

Booney 21 31

Alden 108.00

Warren 11.00

Oaks 33. 75

Malheson 228.12


[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, March 30, 1861.

[Handwritten] Mc Kain 53 50

Mc Dorivele 23. 06

Young 28. 68

Shannon 150.00

Shaw 228. 60

Zemp 1.95

Shuen 11.75

        497. 54



[Verso] [Printed] SUNDAY, March 31, 1861.

[Handwritten] sickness. had our quarters searched again today got 25 dollars of the money the James Lee sent me today the first [?]thing on the ck[?] was signed on the 20 line[?]. had a letter from Charley McDowell yesterday little did I think when we parted at my house a year ago that we would both be in northern prisons at this time.

        July 21st Had a light season last night. the first rains in a long time, it is very cool this morning + very muddy. letters were received from the south last night

[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, April 1, 1861.

[Handwritten] the first in several months feel tolerably well today. commenced a gritta perena ring to day                        July 22nd

     A cold un[?] fortable day + night. woke up quite cold in the night. have no blanket of my own. slept on Romneys blankets feel tolerably well today hope I may escape fever tonight. my well days are the exception with me now. have eat no meat for several days. 4 oclock Have harassing rumours of an exchange being effected. no one believes it. but all hope it may be true God grant that my time may soon come, it will be the hapiest time of my life

[Verso] [Printed] Tuesday, April 2, 1861.

[Handwritten] wonder what they are all doing at home this evening

        July 23. Feel badly this morning. have fever I think dont know what I am to do now have taken all the medicine I know anything about think I had better stop taking medicine + let the diseas run it course. have unpleasant rummours of Gen Johnston having been whiped at Atlanta by Gen Sherman, also have rummours of an effort being made to exchange prisoners

12 oclock. have finished reading an old copy of the World + Harald the first papers I have seen in ten days it is a great dippri

[Pages of List Skipped]

[Recto] [Printed] SATURDAY, April 13, 1861.

[Handwritten] vation this stopping of the newspapers. prison life is bad enough at the best, but without honoring what is going on in the outside world it is uncomfortable indeed. it is quite warm to day + all are lying + lolling[?] about looking very miserable indeed some sick. + all much bored except the card players who do not seem to be aware that they are in prison. If I can get out of this prison I think I will be contented with my lot. whatever it may it can never be as miserable as this, the stance of consolation to me is that there are many of the best men of war can + in the same unpleasant condition + that such is

[Verso] [Printed] SUNDAY, April 14, 1861.

[Handwritten] one of the unavoidable chances of this dreadfull war. 60 officers were brought in this evening. several from SC but none of my acquaintances they say there is no breath[?] in the reportt we had this morning that an exchange had been agreed upon, + confirm the report that Atlanta had fallen. The seemed very blue upon their arrival at this miserable prison. the sight of is enough to dishearten any one who is hurried with this pen with the prospect of a long confinement found it I think the most horrible looking place conceivable

[Recto] [Printed] MONDAY, April 15, 1861.

[Handwritten] woke up last night quite cold. The changes of temperature are more sudden here in the night than any I have experienced. I go to bed sweltering with heat + wake up in the night chilled through

        Sunday July 24th

Another long long week gone. feel a good deal better this morning. hope I may continue so through the day wonder what all the dear men are doing at home this bright Sunday morning

4 oclock did not attended division service this morning think yet best to keep quiet in order

[Verso] [Printed] TUESDAY, April 16, 1861.

[Handwritten] to avoid a fever to day although I believe it is coming on now, will attend bible class meeting this evening hope I may bemfited. How long + lonesome this sunday is. several cases of small [?] have been taken out of this prison to [?] at lately     July 25th

Rained hard last night today is a cold very mudy wet day feel better to day than I have before for several weeks thank god first, hope I am getting well.

July 26th

A bright cool windy morning I have not eaten any thing

[Recto] [Printed] WEDNESDAY, April 17, 1861.

[Handwritten] for several days + being insited by Capt Pinckney to take breakfast with him very probably made a hearty breakfast off of sliced galmnd. am very much afraid I will pay for the imprudence. Hand [?] + St. Bomney are playing “seven up” in our bunk Capt Bootler looking looking on. hear this morning that Atlanta had not fallen all much reforced the news. Are not allowed newspapers yet. Find it very unpleasant not to know- what is going on in the outside world hear we are to be all owe of papers to day hope et is

[Verso] [ Printed] THURSDAY, April 18, 1861.

[Handwritten] July 27th

   Feel [?] well to day weather very warm + sultry received some underclothing from Miss Ellen Smith of Baltimore to day needed them very much. have had but one ^no^ suit of underclothes [?] except those I have had on since my capture had my head shampood sh[?]s bath+ put on clean clothes feel very much [?]

        July 28th

 Certainly the hottest day yet about fifty men are playing cards in the Barracks, + have been at it for several days. the rest of us are lying in

[Recto] [Printed] FRIDAY, April 19, 1861.

[Handwritten] our Bunks sweltering with heat

        July 29th

  A pleasant summer day. a considerable breeze. nothing of interest has seemed to day to break the terrible months[?] [?] of this miserable Prison received a letter yesterday from Mr Wood of Moorestown  New Jersey making any[?] as to the fate of G L Boy Ken + Syeh Deas. Card playing still going on this barrack [?]. the table at work

July 8th

Another intensely warm day day, thank god I feel quite well to day


[Verso] [Printed] Saturday, April 20, 1861.

[Handwritten] Sunday July 31st 1864

quite warm, had a bathe in tub + have on clean clothes this morning, attended service in Division 84,

August 1st

A warm sultry cloudy [?]rainy the warmest day yet had [?] + Irish [?] for dinner today enjoyed them very much

August 2nd

Very warm, had a light rain

August 3rd

Very warm, had a light storm, several prisoners tryed to escape last night it being very dark much fairing a [?] among[?]


[Printed] SUNDAY, April 21, 1861.

[Handwritten] the ^sentence they carried one moor[?] fellows hasnt our under this morning that had been drowned in this attempt to escape.

August 4th

Glad a heavy rain last night gentle cool this morning + [?] any where, had boiled eggs + Ham for beakfast this morning

Augst 6th

Very warm + dry. had my hair cut- close to day

Sunday July Augst 7th

A very bright warm sunday morning. Bathed in the ditch + put on clean clothes. the surgent [?]


[Printed] MONDAY, April 22, 1861

[Handwritten] Expected to leave for exchange this morning. 11 oclock had preaching in [?] today by Dr. geandy. of the many very hot days we have experienced here, this is the hottest. it is the hottest place I ever was in. god grant that I may be delvered from it soon. it will be the happiest day of my life when I leave here for “[?]” the [?] of [?] ?cames New York is at the wharfe about to start for the James River north the [?][ on [?] every them. {transcription by LM begins} I feel utterly miserable today. It seems to me that the last six months


[Printed] TUESDAY, April 23, 1861


L G Patterson - 1

J L Thompson - 2

W Wardlaw[?] - 1

D George - 1

J Perry - 1

R C Patterson -1

R B Cunningham - 1

[There is vertical text between the names and the numbers in the columns above. An arrow points down to the text following (or Cunningham’s name) and the text appears to read: “This not in [illegible].” The difference between the pencil shades in the list and the prose that follows may indicate the list was written before the prose. Which continues:]

of my life has been completely miserable + getting more so every day. The period of my imprisonment is very uncertain it may be for a month or six months or for the long and uncertain of time of the war. There are many of the best men of our country in this prison that have been in prison 12 + 14 months. They are more disponding[17] [sic] about the prospect of exchange


[printed] Wednesday, April 24, 1861


[list with annotations similar to previous page]

R C Patterson

D George

W Wardlaw

[narrative continues]

than the new prisoners it is terrible to  to think that I may be imprisoned 12 months, but if it should be so I must bear it as many better men have had to do before me. When I think of the green grass + woods + all as[?] cool water at home it almost distracts me in this dreadful hot muddy prison

augst 8

a dry foggy day. had two watermelons today enjoyed them much


[printed]Thursday, April 25, 1861

[handwritten next to printed date:] Augst 9th

A very warm day. bought 60 Peaches for one dollar eat 25 myself. did not get enough. they were most delicious. but were very small. Took a wash in the dicth[sic] this evening.

Augst 10th

Another sweltering day, this is certainly the warmest place I ever was at. it is a low muddy bog inland. the surface in this prison is 3 feet lower than the water in the river 4 oclock I have never experienced such teribly[sic] hot wether[sic] in my life. I am drenched with perspiration in the coolest place I can find, sitting perfectly still. We have just heard


[printed] Friday, April 26, 1861

[handwritten] that the sutler has orders to close his shop it will be the greatest deprivation that could happen to us in this dreadfull[sic] prison. I don’t see how we can live on the rations furnis[h]ed by us. I am much disturbed by it

Augst 11th

The weather gets warmer this is the warmest day yet it is almost unendurable no prospect of a change in the weather The sky looks dry and yellow, spent most of the morning at Capt Dwight quarters, feel very disponding about the prospect of exchange there are many men who


[printed] Saturday, April 27, 1861

[handwritten] have been in prison 12 + 15 months don’t see how I can stand the winter in this cold damp place[.] orders were issued yesterday that no letters would be forwarded from Prisoners except those written to Fathers Mothers wifes Brothers or Sisters, it will prevent my getting money + food from friends at the North. God grant that the dear ones at home may be well today.

12th August

A very hot long day it is certain 600 officers are to be sent from here to Hilton Head with the prospect of exchange. Oh how happy I would be if I could go with


[printed[ Sunday, April 28, 1861

[handwritten] Augst 13th

Thank God I am one of the 600 my name being called this morning it is the happiest day I have spent in a long time. Thank God. I have been all day preparing to start: I hope it may end in my seeing my dear home once more

a very hot day

Sunday Augst14

Another very warm day expect to leave today. had Fever all night last night did not sleep much feel unwell this morning attended church services in 34[?]


[printed] Monday, April 29, 1861

[handwritten] Quite cool this morning the first cool morning for a long long time. Still unwell. began to get quite anxious about getting off the order has been countermanded. it will be a dreadfull dischantment[sic] to me if I do not get away from this miserable place

Augst 16th

Tolerably cool today. Still feel very anxious about getting off. Still unwell have eaten nothing scarcly[sic] for three days Capt Wardlaw + Bormey[?] are playing chess  on our Bunk


A warm day. Took a bath in dicth water + put on


[printed] Tuesday, April 30, 1861

[handwritten] clean clothes, rained hard today, the first good rain since I have been here still no prospect of our leaving here.

Augst 18th

Received a letter from Father on the 16th of the 23rd Jnry[?]

a cloudy cool day, no prospect of leaving yet


Cool day, no prospect of leaving today, still have some hope

Augst 20

Left Fort Delaware about 8 ocl today (600 officers) very much [?] Thank God I have some prospect of seeing


[printed] Wednesday, May 1, 1861

[handwritten] my dear home once, though I may be disheartened

Sunday Augst 21st

Lay over all night in the Delaware river about 30 miles from the Fort, went about 20 miles to the mouth of the bay + anchored until 4 oclock, 6 oclock, are under weighs[sic] again the sea is very rough, many of the men are very sick, anticipate a bad night. I canhardly realise[?] that this is the Sabbath on this crowded boat, with so much swearing + cursing + sickness[.] Leut[sic] L[?] G McCrory[?] one of my mess, died suddenly on the 20 from a congestive [??]


[printed] Thursday, May 2, 1861

[handwritten] Augst 28

It has been so crowded + hot on the boat that I have not been able to get to my note book, we have been on this boat a week today + have been most unpleasantly situated, so much crowded that it is with difficulty I can move across the boat, + so exceedingly warm I can scarcely bear it my clothes are drenched with perspiration all the time. many are getting sick + will continue to do so, as long as they are fed upon salt bacon and hard tack. We are cooped like chickens for market. We have been here at Hilton Head SC on this boat 5 long hot


[printed] Friday, May 3, 1861

[handwritten] days. hope evryday[sic] day to landed[sic] or sent to Morris Island to be placed under fire or to be exchanged[.] God grant that it may come soon, weather pleasant upon the sea heere[sic] prevails but teribly warm when there is a calm.

Augst 30th

A very warm calm morning[.] I had a bath in salt water this morning early, stood on a plank pushed out from the side lights between decks + with a bucket + towel washed. + put on clean clothes I feel much refreshed[.] h’ed my soiled clothes by a wire over the sea to wash them. [??] two ___ on me this morning. A sentinel has just fallen on


[printed] Saturday, May 4, 1861

[handwritten] post from sunstroke. we are all extremely anxious to be removed from this boa boat, so that we may stretch our legs. I am sitting cramp[ed] in the bow of the boat in a very constrained position + have been sitting here for several days. I get plenty of fresh air  here[.] 4 oclock. A good [?] blowing[?][.] no rations given out yet, am getting very tired sitting all day in this cramped position. Oh how I long to be exchanged + be free once more.

Augst 31st

A cloudy calm morning. Lt Anderson sitting with me in


[printed] Sunday, May 5, 1861

[handwritten] the bow of the boat[.] had a very warm night last night did not sleep much, coughed nearly all night, was woke u[sic] up about 4 oclock by a Yankee Sergt putting a drunk in private in the coal hole near me[.] he tumbled him in very unceremoniously. got ½ lb coffe[sic] + 2 lbs sugar from Lt Master[?] had a good drink of coffee this morning ½ 2 oclock has been up to this time very warm no breeze all day, all are getting very anxious to be removed from this boat. We are  in a most unpleasant state of uncertainty[,] don’t know wether[sic] we are to be exchanged, sent to Morris


[printed] Monday, May 6, 1861

[handwritten] Island + exposed to fire or possibly sent back to Fort Delaware[.] we have a great many harassing rumors, but will have to wait with all the patience we have for the final result of this move[?]. God grant it may end in an exchange. ½ 3 oclock a fine[?] breeze[?] is stirring[?] us[?][.] we all are on board the Steamer “Crescent City” a fine boat that used to run between New Orleans + Mobile + was captured by the Yankees[.] her hull is covered with iron. there are six hundred Confederate Officers, three hundred Yankees + two hundred of the crew making about eleven


[printed] Tuesday, May 7, 1861

[handwritten] hundred men on board[.] it is very much crowded so much so that we can move about or turn round with much difficulty. I sit all day in the bow of the boat in a very constrained position with a blanket stretched over me to keep of[sic] the broiling Augst sun[.] we are anchored near a very large old fashioned wooden man of war called the Delaware, said to be sixty years old she has about sixty[?] guns on her + seems to be some Admirals Headquarters as all the vessels in the harbour[sic] seem[?] to go to her for orders + one is constantly signaling[sic] some of them[.] she has been a very fine vesel


[printed] Wednesday, May 8, 1861

[handwritten] three of our officers escaped from this boat some days ago with life preservers which they got off the boat + nearly reached our pickets about ten miles off but two of them were recaptured in an [exhausted?] condition.  since that a a [sic] gun boat moves around us all night about thirty yards off. there are about 100 vesels[sic] in this harbour near us, + their movements keep us help us to pass the time they are constantly passing about. we were guarded from Fort Delaware by a detachment of 100 day Ohio Volunteers who were very overbearing + insu[l]ting[?]


[printed] Thursday, May 9, 1861

[handwritten] and often threatened us with their Pistols + bayonets + were a very blackguard set, but since we have been here we have been guarded by the 157 N York Regt who are extremely kind + polite to us both officers and men[.] they are always willing to do all they can for us, they have seen much hard service. + whenever we have been guarded by men who have seen service we have always been treated kindly

Sept 1st

Left Hilton Head about 9 oclock conveyed by a Gun Boat, passage quite rough, a good many sick[.] I sat in the bow all day found the [?] [?] pleasant


[printed] Friday, May 10, 1861

[handwritten] reached Charleston Harbour about 6 oclock + anchored in the midst of the Yankee Fleet three first class Monitors in three hundred yds of us

Sept 2nd

A long anxious day. hope to be exchanged soon, but can[?] hear nothing deffinite[sic], the suspense is very painfull[sic]

Sept 3rd

Still hoping for exchange but no indications of it. we are lying in the Yankee Fleet in full view of Morris Island[,] Moultrie, Sumpter [sic], the steeples of Charleston. occasional firing going on between the batteries.


[printed] Saturday, May 11, 1861

[handwritten] a flag of Truce has just met our Truce boat in front of Sumpter + has returned + gone to sea probably to Hilton Head we are much disapointed[sic] as we hoped we might be exchanged today or tomorrow[.] it is a most painfull condition to be in. This the 15th day we have been crowded on this boat on short rations + are almost worn out[.] we long to get on land once more. I have just discovered that I am __ and feel much disgusted, but that is the condition of all on the boat, as we have no way of boiling our clothes + can only wash them by hanging them overboard. I wonder what all the dear ones are


[printed]Sunday, May 12, 1861

[handwritten] doing at home this cool Sept. evening. to think that I am so near home + may yet be carried back to a disgusting northern Prison distresses me much. The report is [?] [?] that we are to be sent back to Fort Delware but I hope not. any other place than that I prefer to go to. I can still but hope we may yet be exchanged + I may see the dear ones once again

Sunday Sept 4th

[?] cool, stiff breeze blowing feel much discouraged about being exchanged this morning a Yankee officer told us no exchange had been


[printed] Monday, May 13, 1861

[handwritten] agreed upon yesterday, we think we will be sent to Morris Island + placed under fire soon[.] got up at daylight this morning + washed all over with a towel drooped into the bay + put on clothes that had been soaked in the bay, feel much refreshed had a cup of pea soup issued to us for breakfast this morning read three Chapters in the Bible did not sleep much last night was kept awake by the heat ↓___ + crowd, desire very much to be taken off this boat, it is getting to be almost unendurable

Sept 6th

A fine cool breeze blowing


[printed]Tuesday, May 14, 1861

[handwritten] had a bath this morning but had no change of clothes. hung out the only suit I had to wash _ got them fastened around the anchor chain suppose I will loose[sic] them dont see how I can get along without them, we are all almost worn out cramped up on this boat this is the 17th day + no prospect of being moved it can not be possible that the  Yankees intend to keep us imprisoned on this boat in this crowded condition.

Sept 6th

A very warm day had


[printed] Wednesday, May 15, 1861

[handwritten] a very heavy storm of wind rain + lightning last night the warmest evening I have yet felt

Sept 7th

Cool + cloudy + windy, hope to be removed to Morris Island today, have almost given up all hope of exchange soon, desire very much to get on land once more

Sept. 8

Was landed today + placed in a Pen made of Pine Poles between Halloran’s[?] Grog[?] + Wagon[?] on Morris Island, it rained hard to day

Sept 9

nothing of interest today


[printed] Tuesday, May 11, 1861

[handwritten] today untill 5 oclock in the evening, when the enemys + our batteries commenced firing on each other 3 or 4 hundred shells was fire[sic] + some of them passed very disagreeably close to us

Sept 10th

A monotonous day amused myself making a Gutta Percha Ring

Sunday Sept 11th

Another long monotonous day wrote to Father a good eal of firing last night

Sept 12th

Another monotonous day amused myself making an Gutta Percha rings[sic], rations have


[printed] Friday, May 17, 1861

[handwritten] been reduced untill some of[?] suffer, we get 4 small worm[?] eaten crackers + a piece of fat meat 1 inch square, said to be in retaliation for our treatment of their prisoners. it is very unpleasant to be exposed to the fire of batteries + half starved too

Sept 13

Still[?] dry and tiresome, still making rings the only passtime I have

Sept 14th

A very tiresome day. have written home several times[.] hope soon to get something to eat + money from there[?]

Sept 16th

Very long + tiresome do not sleep well, often get up + chew


[printed] Saturday, May 18, 1861

[handwritten] tobacco at the tent door a great deal of firing from the Yankee Guns last night none from ours. a cool very dry fall morning. The blowing + penetrating every where filling mouth nose ears + getting my[?] clothes very unpleasant. not much hopes of being delivered from this miserable condition soon. read two chapters in Bible this morning, made me a barrel seat yesterday evening find it very comfortable.

Sept 16th

Very tiresome day, worked on rings all day


[printed] Sunday, May 19, 1861

[handwritten] Sept 17th

A cool cloudy day. worked on rings. the rations were something better today. bought 1 qrt molasses 70 cts 1 box[?] blacking 20 lb[?] coffee 50 cts [?] of tobacco 80 cts from Sutler have 170 left. looks like rain fond[?] the sand + dust very disagreeable, much prefer this place notwithstanding the short rations to Fort Delaware plenty of fine fresh air here, dread being sent back north to prison agai. We have constant harrassing rumours of exchange but nothing reliable. can but hope that I may soon be delivered from this miserable life


[printed] Monday, May 20, 1861

[handwritten] Sunday Sept 18

A cloudy morning dropping rain, read 4 chapters in the Bible. very dull day. men washing shaving + put on clean clothes. an occassional shot is fired at Charleston can hear the Church bells from there, also the rail road whistle.

Sept 19th

A couldy rainy day, worked on rings all day, received my first letter from my dear Wife all well at home Thank God I am really suffering for the want of food yesterday + today. am distressingly hungry now (sunset) + have eaten all my rations


[printed] Sunday, May 19, 1861

[handwritten] Sept 21st

A long day, worked on rings all day. rainy weather

Sept 21st

Another [?] day worked on rings. Mas[?] paid me 5.00 today enabled me to buy some molasses + crackers + tobacco, which I much needed[.] 3 oclock We were ordered to pack up about 9 oclock this morning, which caused great rejoicing as we were led to believe that we were to be exchange[sic] we were marched to the boat landing about 3 miles through the hot sun, + put on board two[?] rice[?] boats,+ all expected to go at once to Charleston


[printed] Wednesday, May 22, 1861

[handwritten] but to our great surprise + distress were carried along side two dilapidated Schooners + packed into the hold which are dark + hot. The prospect is very miserable but must be borne[?] as one of the necessities[?] of War it will be dreadfull to be confined here any length[?] of time

22nd On board the schooner, worked on rings found last night intensely[?] [word missing?]  not in bunks in the hold of the ship.

Sept 23rd

[?] [?] [?] back to the stockade Pen yesterday


[printed] Thursday, May 23, 1861

[handwritten]  hopes of exchange very low this morning

Sunday Sept 22

A cool bright day, chill + fever[?] weather. washed + put on clean clothes. read a chapter in bible before breakfast as daily habit, had one more cracker + a small piece of fat meat, suffer a good deal from hunger, 1 oclock had two more crackers + ½ cup of bean soup not one fourth enough, am hoping unpiously[?] for money or a box from home


A monotonous day, worked on two rings weather cool


[printed] Friday, May 24, 1861

[handwritten] Sept 27th

Weather cool + bright +[?] and very disagreeable. no news still hope for exchange

Sept 28th

cool + bright. nights chily[sic] want more blankets. Capt Brist[?] sent to Charleston for exchange yesterday[.] am looking anxiously for money + a box of provisions[.] will try to sell my watch chain today in order to get money to buy something to eat. am positively suffering from hunger

Sept 29th

Received a letter from Father today yesterday all 50 from H.[?]W. Comer + Co am much


[printed] Saturday, May 23, 1861

[handwritten] relieved by it[.] was also informed by Provost Marshall that we could write as long + and as frequent letters as we pleased, sent Ann[?] a ring by Mastern[?] yesterday[.] rained a little last night

Sept 30th

A warm cloudy morning. Master[? -as above] left us yesterday. worked on Rings all day

Oct 1st

A warm day, cut my finger today + broke a peice[sic] of Gutta Percha which annoyed me very much

Oct 2nd

A very warm day

Oct 3

A warm day. The Flags


[printed] Sunday, May 26, 1861

[handwritten] of Truce Boats met today in the harbour in sight of our “pen” +  confered[sic] all day[.] we still hope the meeting may have been in relation to out exchange but know nothing

45678 Oct

Monotonous days weather cloudy + rainy, had a Flag of Truce on Monday[.] Rec’d a Box sent by Mother. got letters from Father + Robt

Oct 9th

Very cold last night + today. so cold I could no sleep. been unpleasantly cold all day. need more Blankets + warmer clothes


[printed] Monday, May 27, 1861

[handwritten] Oct 10, 11, 12

Monotonous days, worked on Gutta Percha Neck Lace for Anne. suffer a good with[?] cold before day. have but one blanket to cover with

Oct 21st

The interval from the 12th thru[?] 21st has been very monotonous the weather has been fine every night or two a large number of shell were thrown from our batteries to the batteries nearest us, it was very harrassing[sic[ but no one was hurt, we are today on board of the same old schooner we put[?] on before, in tow of a steamer this time + suppose we are[?]


[printed]Tuesday, May 28, 1861

[handwritten] Fort Pulaski  + hope it may soon result in the long hoped for exchange[.] an officer left his tent about daylight this morning + a sentinel shot at him + wound two others one in the knee + the other in the shoulder[?]

Oct 22nd

Were put in two old schooners today yesterday + started in tow[?] of two steamers for Fort Pulaski[.] arrived today and lay in the Oct 22 river cooped on the boats all night. three officers [?] [?] to our boat last + all[?] led to escape but were recaptured[?]


[printed] Wednesday, May 23, 1861

Oct 28th

Was landed + put in the casemates in Fort Pulaski like the change from Morris Island very .[sic]  hear promising accounts of our early exchange but I am afraid we will be again disappointed.

Sunday Nov 13th

Still here but still hope for an early exchange. what little we hear (if true) leads us to [believe] we will be delivered soon. This is a beautiful bright bracing[?] winter day. I have suffered much with cold but have received a blanket + warm underclothes from home + hope to be comfortable hereafter, most of my


[printed]Thursday, May 30, 1861

[handwritten] time since I have been here has been spent walking back + forth in the casemate, tho[?] we can see large numbers of exchanged sick + wound[ed?] going up daily. The Federals have [?] church service every Sunday in the parade ground[.] we are guarded by a polite + courteous set of men[?] who[?] endeavour to make us as comfortable as [?] be[.] (the[?] 157 NY) Col Brown commanding

Oct 14th

A warm bright day, thanksgiving day

Sunday Oct Nov 27th

A warm foggy day


[printed] Sunday, June 2, 1861

[handwritten] still in hopes of being exchanged, but will be disappointed again I am afraid[.] no boxes or money letters are allowed us now, spend [?] days walking up + down the casemates. had some extremely cold weather a few days since. There was much suffering for the want of blankets

Saturday night Dec 3rd

This has been a spring like day made some shells sets for rings [?] feel very much desponding upon the subject of our exchange news not favourable today. received a mail but no letters for me


[printed] Saturday, June 1, 1861

[handwritten] Dec 14t

A Spring like day, a most unhappy day, with me I was quite confident of being exchanged this week but to my great disapointment, the sick + disabled with 8 or 10 who had special exchanges arranged by their friends were taken out last night to be exchanged at Charleston today which indicates that no general exchange will be made. I feel very unhappy at the prospect before me. can not but hope some steps have been made to have me exchanged[.] am working on a cross


[printed] Sunday, June 2, 1861

[handwritten] but take no interest in it. heavy cannonnading[sic] banging on for several days within hearing of us the Yankees say Sherman has taken Savannah, is probably untrue[?][.] Yankees playing ball in the parade ground. Mrs Brown + Col Brown looking from the parapet in the direction of the firing

Dec 18th

A foggy warm day. Fell sick today pain in the back legs + chest. no prospect of exchange[.] Boggs C Johnson[?] talking by my side, Yankee band playing in the parade ground

4 oclock still feel very


[printed] Monday, June 3, 1861

[handwritten] badly, wrote Anne today[.] hear we are to be put through the starving process again. the gloomiest day I have passed since I have been in this prison

Dec 20th

A warm cloudy day, finished a cross today. dont like it the shell with which it is set is too dark. eat one orange + two apples. have 80 cts left + no prospect of any more soon much heavy firing heard today, think we will be sent to Hilton Head, hear they have completed a stockade there suppose it is for our accomodations[.] hopes of exchange


[printed] Tuesday, June 4, 1861

[handwritten] almost gone. two confederate deserters or prisoners were brought into the Fort today. rations not reduced yet.

Sunday Christmas Dec 25th 1864

A cloudy dismal morning. All lay in bed untill after roll call except Capt. Campbell. had cofee + cracker for breakfast, a Gloomy unpleasant morning to us all. I was quite unwell all night did not sleep much have just heard that  Col DeYoung had been recaptured having been exchanged a few days since. have all kinds of discouraging accounts from our army from the Yankees, feel extremely anxious + uneasy think we have no prospect


[printed] Wednesday, June 5, 1861

[handwritten] of exchange now, great depression in the prison on that account: as all had hope [in?] to be exchanged soon. Lt Anderson + Charley Johnson cutting up “hard Tack” to make biscuit. 8 oclock

A miserable day, we hear Savannah was captured with 15,000 Prisoners, also that Hood was whiped[sic] with heavy loss. Christmas 61 I spent at the stone Point on the Potomac Virga. 62 at Gov McWillies [?] 63 at Home + this the most miserable I ever spent at Fort Pulaski[.] Bally Johnson + Boggs talking in our quarters now


[printed] Thursday, June 6, 1861


May Pass +++

Dec 27th

A clear fine day[.] much bad news for us in Prison today Gen Hardee is said to have been compeled[sic] to surrender with 10,000 men. flashes of cannon constantly seen tonight in a north westerly direction. we suppose a great battle is going on. all hopes of exchange gone it is said we are to removed to H Head + probably soon. it makes me very miserable to think of it.

Janry 2nd 1865

A bright cold day. I walked in the open air all the morning a most miserable day to


[printed] Friday, June 7, 1861

Paid for daily Mercury for 3 months from this time also Richmond examiner[?]


for me. no hopes of being exchanged. all boxes money + letters have been stopped. for what reason we can not tell. yesterday + night before last extremely cold. much suffering among us on that account our rations have been reduced ⅝ of a pint of wormy corn meal + a small quantity of pickles[?] (a day, no meat, am out of money out of tobacco


[printed] Saturday, June 8, 1861

[handwritten] got [?] bus of corn[?] today

Jany 8th. 65

A very cold day. saw officers eating a fried cat today meat looked very nice, in the absence of any other kind. it was fat

Jany 9th

A warm damp cloudy morning very windy, nothing of interest to be noted, we are more unpleasantly situated than we have[?] ever been in Prison. we are not allowed to receive boxes money + very few letters. The purpose of those who have us in charge seem to be punish us as much as possible, which


[printed] Sunday, June 9, 1861



[printed] Monday, June 10, 1861

[handwritten] Scot came today


[printed] Tuesday, June 11, 1861

[handwritten] W.E. Johnson

will produce similar treatment to them if we ever get them in a like situation


A cold bright day, walked a long time up and down the casements with Maj Wilson the P Marshall said he would give me my wacth[sic] yesyerday, will believe it when I see it, he wanted to buy it

Jany 21st

A wet foggy day. warm enough. my wacth has not been given me yet. C Johnson writing Maj [?]


[printed] Wednesday, June 12, 1861

[handwritten] -son just left our alcove, have just finished reading “Russells Diary North + South” the only book I have had to read since I have been in prison (8 months) it was a great treat to me, am at a great loss what to do now

Feby 1st

A very pleasant day after a week of very cold weather

There is much suffering among us for the want of proper food may are sick + some will die unless  the food is changed soon[.] sat most of the evening in Gordons quarters, attended prayer meeting this evening


[printed] Thursday, June 13, 1861

[handwritten] Feby 6th

A very pleasant spring like day, went to the sutlers tonight bought a Portfolio + writing materials also went to hospital. the sick looked very uncomfortable some will die

Feby 19t

Heard of the fall of Charleston today. The Yankees [?] a salute in honner[sic] of that event, expect to be sent to a northern Prison in a few days for exchange

Febry 26th

A cloudy misty day, have nueralgia am suffering much. heard last night that Richmond had been evacuated.

Febry 27th

A cloudy warm day, eight officers attempted to escape last night but were soon captured and are now confined in the dungeon. The yankees have sent us all out into the parade ground and are searching our quarters


[printed] Saturday, June 15, 1861


Febry 8th 1865

A cold bright day very windy. much sickness in this prison, cuased by extrememy scanty + insuficent[sic] food, there are many very bad cases of scurvy, +dyarhea[sic], there 340 men in the prison + 156 are sick + suffer much for the want of blankets + clothes + food

Febry 11th Sunday

A bright winter day, fish sent in to us yesterday by Col Carmikel[sic] was much needed as many were suffering for the want of food.


[printed] Sunday, June 16, 1861


Febry 22nd

A cloudy pleasant day heard that Columbia had been evacuated today

Febry 3rd

A bright warm day__

Thank God there is evry[?] probabilioty we will leave this miserable Fort tomorrow for exchange at City Point

Feby 4th ✰

Left Ft Pulaski today for Hilton Head on transport___ a service steamer___ reached H Head at one oclock boat rolled very much a great many very


[printed] Monday, June 17, 1861

[handwritten] Scot was absent today ✰

sea sick

Febry 5th

Was transfered to steamer Ericson a very large vessel now on the way to Fortress [Monroe?] almost all suffering from sea sickness

Febry 6

Sea quite rough find it cold + very unpleasant the ship is in a disgustingly filthy condition


[printed]Tuesday, June 18, 1861

[handwritten] Soct was absent today ✰

6 yds homespun for Scot 183/4 cts

I let Scott have in September 50cts

Febry 14th Ft Delaware

Reached this (point, much to my disgust) on the 12th

When we left Ft Pulaski we had no doubt that we were on the way home once more, but were suddenly taken from the mouth of James River to this place with a prospect of a long imprisonment again ahead of us, I felt very badly


[printed] Wednesday, June 19, 1861

[handwritten]March 25th

A cold cloudy day just had tea, Apple Butter + bread for supper


[printed] Thursday, June 20, 1861



[printed] Wednesday, July 17, 1861


Address, of

Mrs Margaret Stewart

Dry Creek P.O. Lancaster

District S.C. Please write to her. See you Farther about a letter of Credit.

W.G. Stewart Capt Co. A 5th S.C. Regt.

22nd Div

C. McClenaghan Post C.S. Make some arrangement by which I will be supplied with money.

E.J.H. Capt. + A.D.M.

1st Sc cavalry


[printed] Thursday, July 18, 1861


Address of

Miss F.A. Bookter[?]


So Carolina

S.C.[?] Bookter


Oktibbeha Co


Please tell Father to send me a letter of credit through the Enquirer + New York News as well as by letter on New York Baltimore or Philda. I wish my new mare sent home + oblige

R.P. Bormey


[printed] Friday, July 19, 1861


Capt James Beaty Co D 17th Regt S.C. Regt [?] [?] arrange

Mrs W M Dwight

Care of Mrs. S.C. Gailland

Winnsboro, S.C.

Prisoner at Fort Delaware W.B. Twitty, W Matthias, T Q[?] Duncan, I[?] L Moody, S[?] Humphries G H Gardner Y C R A Haile, L B Guton [?] + others not known. information for  Q.[?] S[?] Williams

12th S C Regt


[printed] Saturday July 20, 1861

[handwritten] Fort Delaware

Aug 14th 1864

List of the names of men Captured in Co B” 4th S.C. Cavalry from May 28th to June 12

M.S. Fripp

B.A. Grant

A.J. Lecrest

J.S. Young

T. MCullough

J MCullough

LM Ford

JL Ford

OM Cox

TT Lumpkin

J Grant

C Bell

DH Riighley[?]

R.N. Smith

T.C. Worthy

Thomas Gibson


[printed] Sunday, July 21, 1861


Frank Boulevare

Taylor Marion

Watson Adams

Robt Nickels

Robt Cameron

Wounded + Captured

William Swate[?]

William Sanders

Thos Hefly

R N Culp (supposed to be killed

Liet Carlisle of Co “D” 17th S.C.V. arrived here night before last. Reports 28 men Captured with him. he only gave me the names of Alex Beatz[?] WL Ford Nelson Ford

Sumpter M. Watters,

Latter wounded


[printed] Monday, July 22, 1861

[handwritten] The men of my Company were at Point Lookout when I left them June 23rd Some of the Regt have been transferred to Elmira N.Y. Lieut Corlise[sic] thinks his men were shiped to Elmira

J L McCrory LT

Co “B” 4th S.C. Cavalry


[printed] Thursday, August 22, 1861


March 1865

Miss Acct Ft Del

Sugar bread butter 1.00

Water Bucket .60

1 lb Sugar 60 Oil + wick 25 85

1lb Sugar, 1 lb Sugar 60 120

Sugar + Tea + Bread 1.50

Bread . 40

[recto blank]

[verso blank]


[printed] Sunday, August 25, 1861

[handwritten] Paid Capt Campbell 14.00

“    Maj Yagler 5.00


[printed] Thursday, October 31, 1861

[handwritten] Fort Pulaski Georgia

Pribate Acct

Fort Pulaski Febry 10 . 65

Tobacco 40 20 cts of silver 50 90

PortFolio 1.00 paper envelopes 90 $1.90

Tobacco .75 [illegible] 1.00 1.75

Tobacco  45 45

Washing clothes 35

[rest blank]


[printed] Saturday, November 30, 1861

[handwritten] Wrote to Father [?] .65

special evening short rations

Wrote to W.P. Broney Jun 4 + 65

[remainder blank]

[skipped blank pages]


[printed] Saturday, December 28, 1861

[handwritten] Paid for W. [?]

6.00 to Mrs. Norman

5.00 to Holms

[remainder blank]


[printed] Memoranda


Scoops__Brandy {?]

Wine__Corn Plank

Chicken_ Pigeons

Boots__Shaving Brush

Corn__Plat of Land


Carrot Seed__ MIllet Seed[?]

12 Exr [?] Logwood[?]

12 Ges Bracrmate “ Potrash


Sh[???] Pills

Strek[?]_ Leather Gloves

[?] Mustard

[?] No 4 Shoes

Bottle of Mustard

3 cakes of [?]

1 [?] [?]


[handwritten] M L + 13 strong boys shoes

500 + Feby 11th

2500 March 8th

$4088 [?]


Envelops[sic] Garden

Seeds__Millet + Carrot Seasoning


Millet Seed Carrot Do Lumber__ Carpenter Chicken [?] [?] Tooth brush drawer Sack_ Black Pepper Rice

Cellery + Artichoke Seed [?] [?] Freight

Saddle Blanket

[1] Such numbers at the top of pages, written in dark pencil, indicates a handwritten page number perhaps inserted by Johnson, perhaps by another owner in the chain of custody.

[2] Margarine?

[3] Perhaps “Aquarium.”

[4] Surname appearing to begin with C.

[5] Here Johnson’s intent appears to be to date the entry February 18, 1864.

[6] Handwritten page number.

[7] Ditto.

[8] Ditto.

[9] Handwritten page number.

[10] Perhaps “Hale.”

[11] “Seems.”

[12] “Ditch.” Johnson frequently mispells words ending in “-tch” (such as “ditch” or “watch”) with “-cth.”

[13] Appearing to mean “Lincoln.”

[14] Or “Hale.”

[15] Probably meaning “Maj” for “Major.”

[16] Meaning “Maj” for “Major.”

[17] Probably meaning “despondent.”