***This is a live document compiled by Carlisa Johnson on 5/27/20. If you wish to give credit, click here for Instagram, here for Facebook, or here for Twitter. You are free to share and post this document anywhere. ***
**Submit updates and additions to resistancerevivalatlanta@gmail.com

**Shorten link for doc bit.ly/BlackLivesAction**
En español aquí
Seeking justice means putting in the work. Say their names, share their stories, but first and foremost, take action. We must help the families of Ahmad Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and the many other Black Americans unjustly murdered and abused by law enforcement and other protectors of white supremacy. Take action today.
***Please note, while this document shares demands that promote police reform in efforts to honor demands presented by organizers, the author of this document believes in and fights for complete abolition. To learn the difference between reform and abolition, please click here.***
Cases to Know, Share and Follow
Case | Date Added |
| 8/27 |
| 8/26 |
| 8/24 |
Stay in the Know
Sign up to receive text or email notifications from these orgs. They are trusted sources for up to date information and can be tailored to events and direct actions in your area.
Quick Actions
Take a minute and complete some of these quick action items.
- Text Enough to 55156
- Text Jake to 55156
- Text Moral to 90975
- Text Police to 50409
- Text Justice to 668366
- Text Floyd to 55156
- Text Hakim to 5515
- Text TONY to 484848
Mental Health and Wellness
Know Their Names and Their Stories
Remembering the Black Lives stolen and irreversibly impacted by law enforcement and systems of white supremacy. Don’t allow them to be forgotten.
Direct Actions
***Actions can be completed more than once. ***
Trayford Pellerin(8/26)
- “Please call and express your concerns and keep them aware that we will continue to stand up until justice is served.”
- Louisiana Department of Justice- 225-326-6705
- Lafayette Mayor- 337-291-8300
- Lafayette District Attorney 337-232-5170
- Lafayette Consolidated Government- 337-291-8200
- Email to express concerns.
- Sheriff Mark T. Gerber- lpsoinfo@lafayettesheriff.com
- Deputy Sheriff Carlisa Strout- cstout@carencropd.com
- Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards- lagov@linknet.net
- Chief Kip Judice-chief@dusonpd.com
- More contacts and info available here.
Julian Henry Heyward(8/24)
TW: Extreme racial violence
- Call the Maui Police Department and demand proper investigation.
- 808-244-6400
- 808-244-6300- Chief of Police Tivoli Faamu
- crs@mpd.net- Deputy Chief of Police
- 808-244-6305
- The Department of Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui 808-270-7777, prosecuting.attorney@mauicounty.gov or prosecuting.attorney@co.maui.hi.us Attorney Don S. Guzman
Jacob Blake 8/24
Added 8/27 **Call for the immediate resignation of Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis and Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth.
**Demand the firing and arrest of all police-involved and immediate reform.
- Contact Kenosha Mayor, John Antaramian
- 262-653-4000
- Email mayor@kenosha.org
- Contact Kenosha District Attorney, Michael D. Graveley
- 262-653-2400
- Email Michael.graveley@da.wi.gove
- Call Kenosha Police Department
- 262-656-1234
- Chief of Police Daniel G. Miskinis email dgm398@kenoshapolie.com
- Call Wisconsin Attorney General, Josh Kaul
- 608-266-1221
David Mcattee
**Under federal investigation as of 8/3
**Added 6/1**
Police/National Guard murdered David Mcatee in Louisville around 12 am as they shot blindly into a crowd outside Mcatees business. Governor Beshear is allowing LMPD to independently investigate themselves. This cannot stand.
- Contact Governor Beshear and Mayor Fischer and demand accountability.
- Governor's office (502) 564-2611
- If you have a Kentucky address, submit an email here.
- Mayor Greg Fischer -Call (502) 574-2003 or Email here
- Contact County Attorney- Call (502) 574-6336
- Contact Attorney General Call (502) 429-7134
- Demands from Kentucky US Senate nominee Charles Booker
- Immediate release of all body camera
- Appoint citizen review panel with subpoena power to investigate
- Louisville Mayor must immediately appoint interim police chief
**Update 6/2 Police Chief has been fired**
- Mayor must immediately fire the officers involved responsible for Breonna Taylor Murder
Tony McDade
**Added 5/29**
- Sign the petition here to contact elected officials and demand:
- Remove Police Chief Lawrence Revell
- Open an unbiased investigation into Tony’s murder
- Arrest all the police officers involved
- Release all body camera footage
- Demand the TPD Citizens Advisory Committee be dissolved and replaced with a freely elected Citizens Police Accountability Council
- Demand response from the Mayor, City Commission, and the Mayor’s “LGBTQ Advisory Board.”
- Contact Mayor John E. Dailey and demand response and acknowledgment of Tony’s murder and establishment of Citizens Police Accountability Council
- 850-891-2000 or mayor@talgov.com
- Please also Text ‘TONY’ TO 484848 for more ways to help.
Ahmaud Arbery
- Demand the immediate resignation of District Attorneys Jackie Johnson and George Barnhill. Sign the petitions here and here.
- Complete repeal of Georgia’s Citizens Arrest Statue (OCGA 17-4-60). Contact your representative and demand it.
- Establishment of Hate Crime Bill in Georgia. HB 426 must be passed. Contact your representatives and demand it.
- Contact:
- **Added 6/3** Case has been assigned to Cobb County DA Joyette Holmes Contact (770) 528-3080 or cobbdistrictattorney@cobbcounty.org
- Glynn County District Attorney 912-554-7200
- Find your representatives www.senate.ga.gov and www.house.ga.gov
Breonna Taylor
- Sign the petition here demanding:
- Firing of LMPD Officers involved
- Charges dismissed against Breonna’s boyfriend (They are in the process of being dismissed).
- Support the demands of Louisville Branch of NAACP
- Kentucky Attorney General intervene and appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate LMPD
**Special investigator appointed as of 5/28, but transparency still required.
- File charges against everyone involved in Breonna’s Murder
- Policy change as it pertains to police raids, body cameras, and internal investigations
- Contact:
- Mayor Greg Fischer -Call (502) 574-2003 or Email greg.fischer@louisvilleky.gov
- Contact County Attorney- Call (502) 574-6336 Now please contact Attorney General
- Contact Attorney General attorney.general@ag.ky.gov or 502-429-7134
- Contact the Police chief here ( Chief Steve Conrad has resigned as of 5/28)
- New Contact ADDED 6/4 Interim Police Chief Robert Schroeder Robert.Schroeder@louisvilleky.gov
***Updated instructions and details to support Breonna’s case here***
George Floyd
- Sign the petition here demanding:
- Minneapolis Mayor block the pensions of the fired officers and ban them from ever becoming police officers again.
- District Attorney Freeman charge all four officers with murder immediately.
**Derek Chauvin has been placed under arrest and charged with 3rd-degree murder as of 5/29**
***Update! All officers have been charged.
- Demand the immediate release of the names of all officers who murdered George Floyd. (Identified as of 5/28: Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao, and J. Alexander Kueng)
- Contact:
- Police Chief Medaria Arradondo- Call 612-673-2735 or Email policepio@minneapolismn.gov, Minneapolis311@minneapolismn.gov, info@mpdfederation.com
- Mayor Jacob Frey at jacob.frey@minneapolismn.gov or (612) 673-2100
- Call Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison today and urge them to appoint an independent prosecutor to work under the Attorney General’s authority. Contacts here.
***Additional contacts and resources here.***
Sean Reed
- Sign the petition here demanding all officers involved be charged with murder
- Contact Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears(317)327-3522 and demand accountability and charges be brought forth.
- Contact Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett 312-3601 or https://www.indy.gov/workflow/write-to-the-mayor
- Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb 317-232-4567 or https://www.in.gov/gov/2752.htm
James Scurlock
**Added 6/3**
James was murdered on May 30 in Omaha, Nebraska, by a white supremacist. His murder has not been formally charged.
- Sign petition here.
- Demand Douglas County Attorney office pursue justice for James Scurlock. Currently it has been stated by the county attorney that it was self defense at charges no charges will be brought forth. This cannot stand.
- Contact Douglas County Attorney Office at 402-444-7040
- UPDATE 6/4: Grand Jury has been requested to convene with special prosecutor.
Justin Hollowell
**Added 6/4**
While protesting, Justin was shot with a “non-lethal” rubber bullet in Austin. As he was being carried by medics, they were again the target of shots from law enforcement. Justin now has a fractured skull and is in critical condition.
- Sign the petition here demanding:
- Austin Mayor Steve Adler, City Manager Spencer Cronk, and Austin City Council Members fire Austin Police Chief Brian Manley
- immediate implementation of training reforms about de-escalation.
- Contact
- Mayor Steve Adler 512-978-2100 or email here.
- City Manager Spencer Crock 512-974-2220 or email here.
- City Council Members email here
To demand the firing of Police Chief Brian Manley and implementation of de-escalation training for law enforcement.
***NOTE*** Justin has not passed away. He is in critical condition.
Manuel Ellis
***Added 6/7***
- Sign petition here.
- Demand:
- Release of complaint history, disciplinary record, and toxicology report for all officers involved
- Release the autopsy and footage to the family
- Fire, charge, and convict all officers involved( Matthew Collins, Christopher Burbank, Masyih Ford, and Timothy Rankine)
- Fire Police Chief Donald Ramsdell
- Contact
- Mayor Victoria Woodards 253-594-7848
- City Council Member for S.Tacoma District Chris Beale 253-591-5470
- Pierce County Council Member Marty Campbell 253-798-6653
- District Attorney Mary Robnett 253-798-7400
- Washington State Attorney-Tacome 253-593-5243
- Calling script available here
Jaleel Stallings
**Added 6/7**
While protesting in Minneapolis Jaleel and other protestors were fired upon from a white van. Jaleel was wrongly charged and arrested for this. Upon arrest he was also beaten. He has broken bones and his medical status is not completely known at this time.
- Sign the petition here.
- Demand:
- Jaleel’s Immediate release
- All charges dropped
- Contact
- Hennepin County Attorney’s office 612-348-5550 or email
Dion Johnson
** Added 6/7**
- Sign the petition here
- Demand:
- Outside, transparent, and public investigation because the Phoenix Police department cannot investigate without bias
- Arrest and charge of all officers involved
- All information must be made available to Dion’s family and the public
- Contact
- Mayor Kate Gallego 602-262-7100 or mayor.gallego@phoenix.gov.
- Email/Phone template here.
- More contacts and resources for #JusticeforDion here from BLM Phoenix
Sample Emails and Scripts for Contacting Officials
Use when calling and emailing.
***Added 8/24
As we approach November it is important that we all have a plan when it comes to casting out vote and making it count. Below you will find links to register, access sample ballots, and most importantly tools that protect your right to vote.
“Please do not donate to fundraisers associated with Shaun King. To learn more click here or here.”
Do not include any notes in donation descriptions mentioning Black Lives Matter. There are reports of payments being returned.
Funds for Victims of Police Brutality and America’s Unjust Criminal Justice System
Donation Link | Date Added |
| 8/26 |
| 5/30-8/24 |
Organizations to Support Financially
Mental Health and Wellness
Petitions for Black Americans who are victims of Failed Systems and Militarized Police
***Please read the petitions in full to ensure you complete actions associated with each.***
Reminder DO NOT donate through Change.org!!
Signing a petition is just the first step. Remember to follow up with these cases on a weekly or monthly basis. Search for more actions you can take. Do not allow their names to be forgotten.
Petition | Date Added |
| 8/26 |
| 5/27-8/1 |
Resources for Protestors
- Note!! If you are protesting memorize correct number or write on your body in permanent mark
Jail Support
City | Phone Number |
Atlanta | 404-689-1519 |
Charlotte | 980-224-2097 |
DC | 202-888-1731 |
Kansas City | 816-986-0493 |
LA | 310-313-3700 |
Louisville | 502-705-0081 |
Miami | 786-676-8806 |
Minneapolis | 621-444-2654 |
NYC | 216-679-6018 |
Philadelphia | 484-758-0388 |
Richmond VA | 804-291-8520 |
Bail Funds
**Split your bail fund donation between 60+ orgs at once here**
Doc with full list of bail funds and legal aid here.
Funds to support Protestors
Ways to Support Outside of Donating Financially
Additional Action-Oriented Google Docs
More Actions to support
Useful Resources and Organizations
Publications Uplifting Black Voices
***This is a live document compiled by Carlisa on 5/27/20. It is updated daily as more resources and information becomes available. ***