DLA019-0007  Transcription 



May 30, 1930

Dear friend de Laszlo:

I am delighted to have your note of May 17[1] upon my return from a week’s visit to Washington where I attended the Convention of the Advertising Federation of America, the members of which I addressed at dinner last Tuesday night. The other speakers were Secretary of the Interior and Senator Harrison.

While in Washington I dined at the Hungarian Legation with Count and Countess Szechenyi.[2]

I note with interest that you executed portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Ochs [6480][6486], which I look forward with much pleasure to seeing.

Thank you for the reproductions of the portraits of Marshal Lyautey [6118] and Marchesa del Merito [13322]. I am showing them to our pictorial editor. I agree with you that the lady is very beautiful.

I spent Tuesday of this week in New London, Connecticut, where I addressed the students of the Connecticut College for Women.[3]

I greatly enjoyed meeting the Earl of Derby[4] on his recent visit here. I attended several functions in his honor and he was our guest in The Times building.

I am looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you in the Autumn. I shall tell Paul[5] of your letter when I see him.

With regards, | Sincerely yours,

Louis Wiley

Philip A. de Laszlo, Esq.

3 Fitzjohn’s Avenue

London, England

Editorial Note:

Louis Wiley (1869-1935), newspaperman; business manager of The New York Times from 1906 to 1935; for biographical notes, see [111433]. 




[1] DLA019-0008, letter from de László to Louis Wiley, 17 May 1930

[2] Count László Széchényi (1879-1938) [4236], Royal Hungarian Minister to Washington, D.C. from 1921 to 1933; Countess László Széchényi, née Gladys Vanderbilt (1886-1965) [4238]

[3] For this address, see DLA019-0010, remarks of Louis Wiley given at a dinner for the Press Board of Connecticut College for Women, Connecticut, 27 May 1930

[4] Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby (1865-1948)

[5] Paul Leonardo de Laszlo (1906-1983) [13214], third son of Philip and Lucy de László