Erika Bias


English 10


Animal Farm

I am going to tell you about the characters in Animal Farm, specifically Napoleon, Snowball, Boxer, and Squealer. I feel like these are the main characters because they come up the most in the book. They are the leaders and the strongest of the animals. Most of the time they are the animals who are speaking the most also. They are also of the smartest on the farm compared to most all the animals.

Boxer is the muscle of the farm and he pushes himself to do his best. When Boxer fails to do something he gets up and tells everyone he is going to do better the next day. He gets up a little earlier every day. When he does do his job he never gives up and he keeps pushing to do his best. Everytime he is told that something he could have sworn happened didn’t happen he gets confused and he starts digging in the dirt and shaking his mane thinking and trying to remember. When Squealer tells them that Snowball was working with Jones the whole time Boxer of all of them is most confused because he saw Snowball run ahead of all of them and get shot by Jones during the battle. But Squealer assures them that this is not the truth and that Snowball was a coward at the battle and that Napoleon was the one who ran off Jones and the other farmers.

Squealer is the messenger of the farm, he tells everyone how Napoleon feels because he is Napoleon’s follower. He is devoted to helping Napoleon and getting everyone on Napoleon’s side. Squealer dances and skips around to catch the animals attention so they can hear his message. He is the messenger who does Napoleon’s dirty work. Squealer tells everyone that all of Snowballs ideas were actually Napoleons and that he had stolen them from Napoleon’s notes. This everyone believed because Squealer did his little dance and skip and made certain that they all thought that this was the truth of course it wasn’t.

Snowball was a fair and just leader, he tried to do things for the animals to make their lives better. He wanted to build things to make their lives better and to where they didn’t have to do as much work. He wanted everyone to support him because he felt that he was supporting the farm and doing everything for him. Napoleon is completely against Snowball and they are enemies during the whole book. Everyone follows Snowball into glorious battle and they fight with him against Jones to save the farm from humans. Snowball was said to be  in league with Jones and the other farmers trying to take the farm.

Napoleon is a ruthless leader who will not accept failure to recognize who is in charge. He trained dogs to be his bodyguards and he made them chase Snowball off the farm. Napoleon didn’t like Snowball, but he told all the other animals that all of Snowballs ideas were originally his and that Snowball stole them from him. This made all of the animals trust Napoleon and follow him. Napoleon had Snowball run off by the dogs and then he started changing the rules that Snowball had made for all of them to follow. Napoleon started making the farm a terrible place to live and all the other animals weren’t smart enough to realize it.


Animal Farm