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You’re reading this because you’ve seen the Dobbs V Jackson Women’s Health Organization SCOTUS decision that was recently handed down and you’re asking yourself the question “what can I do to support abortion access?”
Please remember this isn't the time to move with urgency, it's the time to take a beat, take a deep breath, and listen to the folks on the ground. Listen to people who have been doing this work for years, for decades. You don’t need to start your own, or new, efforts. There are extraordinary folks who have been setting up the infrastructure, preparing for this, and doing this work non-stop. Black and Brown folks have been leading Reproductive Justice efforts for decades, listen to them. Give them your money. Invest in their leadership. They are the experts
- If you’re looking to learn more about self-managing, abortion with pills, or to make an appt at a clinic
- If you’re looking to give money
- If you’re looking to talk about abortion
- If you’re looking to share on social about abortion
- If you’re wondering how to speak to kids in your life about what’s happening
- If you’re looking to do something politically
- If you’re looking for background information about the state of abortion access
- If you’re wanting to buy abortion merch
- If you’re a business leader looking to take action
- If you're wanting to get out in the streets for abortion access
If you’re looking to learn more about self-managing, abortion with pills, or to make an appt at a clinic
- Download the signal app and move all conversations there. Remember that we live in a highly surveilled state.
If you’re looking to give money:
- *Remember to give locally. Now is not the time to support Planned Parenthood, NARAL, The ACLU, or The Center for Reproductive Rights*
- Now is the time to invest locally in abortion funds. Funding abortion builds power. Funding abortion is a radical act of empathy. Here is a great list from @helmsinki
- Even better, and if you have the capacity! Start a monthly recurring donation to your local abortion fund. Sustaining contributions and support are vital, especially during times like this. $5 a month goes a long way!
- Support local, independent abortion clinics via the Keep Our Clinics campaign and the Abortion Care Network
- The Red River Women's Clinic of Fargo, North Dakota, is readying a move to a new location in Moorhead, Minnesota because of the SCOTUS decision. Red River has been North Dakota’s ONLY abortion clinic for 20yrs. Give them a few bucks to ensure folks in the area are able to access abortion care.
- Give to state-based orgs led by Black, Brown, and Indigenous folks. These leaders have been investing in this long-term fight, and will continue to be leading for years to come:
If you’re looking to talk about abortion:
- Get free stickers sent to you and put them all over your neighborhood so your community knows how to access care.
- Say the word abortion. Don’t say “a woman’s right to choose”, “choice” or any of the other euphemisms. Say abortion. Talking about abortion reduces abortion stigma.
- Talk to your community about abortion. Talk to your barista, your mail carrier, the people you’re having sex with, your best friend, the other parents at drop-off, your kids, your roommates, and the folks in your book club. The next time you meet up with friends for a beer, a meal, or a playdate that’s a perfect time to talk about abortion! If you’re at a birthday party that’s a perfect time to talk about abortion! Talk to your employer about abortion. Does your employer-sponsored health insurance cover abortion? Does it cover IVF? Egg freezing? Talk about abortion with your family. Remember that everyone loves someone who has had an abortion. Say the word abortion. Open yourself up to these conversations, I promise your community will thank you, and you’ll be glad you did.
- No talk about coat hangers or handmaids, nothing about “going back”, nothing about abortions being “unsafe”, always use gender-inclusive language, and remember that everyone loves someone who has had an abortion.
- When talking about abortion use and reference the Let's Talk About Abortion Toolkit from Avow Texas. This will provide you with helpful information, messaging, and do’s and don’ts. And this beautiful reminder why we are always pro-abortion.
- Talking points here from the Liberate Abortion Campaign
- If this news inspires you to share your abortion story, we are ready to meet you with love and support. You can quote tweet this, and share why you’re grateful for your abortion. You can also share your abortion story with the amazing organization We Testify
- If you’re a reporter or know any reporters, here are great Do’s and Don’ts from the Liberate Abortion Campaign
- Watch and share this video from We Testify and Super Majority
If you’re looking to share on social about abortion:
- Here are some great accounts that you can easily repost and retweet.
- Again, please only share messages that are grounded in love, justice, and freedom. No coat hanger or handmaid imagery, nothing about “going back”, nothing about abortions being “unsafe”, use gender-inclusive language, and remember that everyone loves someone who has had an abortion.
- Lift up the voices of people who have had abortions, Black and Brown folks, folks who have been doing this work for decades within the Reproductive Justice movement.
If you’re wondering how to speak to kids in your life about what’s happening:
- Children in your life will pick up that you’re upset, angry, frustrated, and sad. Talk to them about what’s going on. Ground your conversation in love
- Abortion is always grounded in love, freedom, and justice. It’s a decision you make for your family. It’s the least selfish thing anyone will ever do. Everyone loves someone who has had an abortion, so it’s vital that we always use language and messaging that’s loving when we talk about it. Your child may grow up and have an abortion and we want them to know you’re always a safe space to return to and talk about it if they need.
- Often we as adults see how politicized things are in our world and then we complicate them for kids. Abortion isn’t complicated, abortion is about helping people build their families when they’re ready, it’s about helping someone determine if, when, and how to become a parent on their own terms. Abortion is beautiful.
- The children’s book “What’s an Abortion, Anyway?” is a wonderful addition to any bookshelf
If you’re looking to do something politically or locally:
- Remember that these orgs are going to be overrun with volunteers now so be patient.
If you’re looking for background information about the state of abortion access:
If you’re wanting to buy abortion merch & swag:
If you’re a business leader looking to take action
- And if they haven’t then push them to say they support abortion access publicly
If you’re wanting to get out in the streets for abortion access
- Google it! The internet can be magic and probably has all the answers for you. Also, follow your local abortion fund on social and they’ll most likely be posting
General Information:
This document was made by Alison Turkos (@alisonturkos or @alisonturkos). If you have suggestions to add feel free to DM me. You have my full and enthusiastic consent to share it far and wide. Share this with everyone you know, in your group texts, with your co-workers, on social media, and beyond! This document will be updated as I have the capacity.