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Featured Projects
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More Projects
- Learn to Program By Writing AI For Battling Tank Robots
- Beginner and Intermediate yoyo-ing
- “The Mystery of Consciousness” (which explores the relation between systems neuroscience, meditation, computer science, and literature)" Slides
- Literary analysis of pop culture works
- How to get into hacking stuff with arduinos - Build a capacitive sensor
- Good Posts (Reddit, Quora, etc.)
Freelance Web Design
Suggestions Box for Me
- Have group of people around me just as excited about building stuff as I am to go realize ideas with. Nerdherd! Have one person I spend time programming with on a weekly or greater basis.
- furor poeticus (the maker’s frenzy)/ “the quickened, multiplied consciousness” ~Pater
- Goal: achieve balanced, wholesome luxury lifestyle in the here and now for myself and others (not in the sense of opulence, but fulfillment and softness – smoothing the sharp corners of the world).
- Challenge to all: can you make it through a super basic qigong/tai chi exercise set that 70 year/old ladies pull off with ease? I think if everybody did qigong every morning for 20min, most of the world’s problems would go away.
- Become educated and civilized (though not stiffly) and create technologies to enable others to do the same
- “I am the dance step of the paintbrush singing I am the sculpture of the song the flame breath of words giving new life to paper yes, I am the creativity that never dies I am the creativity keeping my people alive.” ~Alexis DeVeaux
- Twizzle Factory Idea Lab
- many more...
My Deepest Nature (which I aspire to embody):
- Coherent. Curious, innocent, kind, authentic.
My Schools / Teachers
- Shaolin Kempo Arts — Play
- Iyengar Yoga - Patricia Walden. Jarvis Chen. Elise Miller. Judith Lasater. Roger Cole. Peggy Cole. Dave Cole - Yoganananda. Viniyoga: TKV Desikachar
- Aro Buddhism - Wearing the Body of Visions By Ngakpa Chögyam Lama Yeshe Vajrayana Buddhism. Gelug - how to see self as you really are. Ossian.
- Qigong. Zhineng. Vajrayana - Sun, Raymond, Tiffany. Tai Chi - Cheng Man Ching. William C C Chen. Stanford tai chi. Joe Deishar. Steve Zellman . Dima Grinberg. Alexander Krakolinig.
- Engaging the Movement of Life. Non-Violent Communication. Conscious Leadership Group. Patrick Ewers.
- Naval
- Sri Aurobindo
- Shadi. Rafael.
- Torrey Pines. MIT. Harvard. Oxford. Del Mar Hills. ID Tech Camp. LEGO Mindstorms. EWMS Surf Team. The Ocean. Mokey. Karate kids. Chase. Jack.
Others’ Blogs/Sites
Projects from (my continued) Childhood
More URLs (workshop)
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