James Brabazon Grimston 1919

Head only, in three-quarter profile to the right, a gold band around his head

Oil on canvasboard, 38.1 x 30.5 cm (15 x 12 in.)

Studio Inventory, p. 66 (349): Study of the head of  a Girl. “Eton” cropped hair, wearing a gold fillet

Private Collection

This study portrait is one of the two preparatory works that de László executed for the classical double portrait of Viscountess Grimston and her son, James Brabazon Grimston [4734]. The sitter was nine when this study was made by the artist.

Compared with the pose de László chose to give James Brabazon Grimston in the finished painting, it can be seen that he is more in profile in the present study. As a pentimento is clearly visible around the head of the sitter in the finished portrait, it is likely that the artist modified the pose to that adopted in this preliminary work when “he had to make one or two alterations of pose, repainting Jim’s left arm among other details.”[1]

For biographical notes on the sitter, see [4734]


We are grateful to John Cox, the Archivist at Gorhambury, for his assistance in the writing of the biographical notes.

CC 2008

[1] Lady Grimston’s diary in the Gorhambury Collection Archive