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 Bee” Respectful      “Bee” Responsible         “Bee” Safe


Dear Wawaloam School Community,


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2021-22 School Year. Wawaloam School is a place where professional educators work together to ensure the best educational outcome for EVERY child. I admire the zest and joy that I witness on a daily basis and treasure the fact that I have the privilege of leading this talented staff!


We will treasure your children as though they are our own. We will work together to maximize the learning potential of every child and we will celebrate their growth together with you.


Please do not hesitate to contact me.  I can answer any questions or address any wonders you may have. We prefer hearing from you at the onset of a concern. I am looking forward to another great year!! Let’s embrace the journey together.




Melissa Marino, Principal















Paul R. McFadden , Chairperson

Diane Bampton Allen, Vice Chairperson

Claudine Pande

Michael Picillo

Andrea Munro

Donna Gamache-Griffiths

John Holderman



Superintendent of Schools - James H. Erinakes, II

Director of Administration – Robert Ross, 397-5125

District Treasurer – Patricia Ruizzo, 397-5125

Director of Special Education – Sarah Dentz  397-7420

Director of Curriculum - Dr. Marie Ahern  397-5125

Director of Maintenance & Custodians – Steve Bailey




100 Victory Highway

Exeter, RI 02822

Phone: 401-295-8808 - Fax: 401-295-5340 Web page – Wawaloam Office Hours - 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Principal – Melissa A. Marino

School Hours - 8:45 a.m. - 3:08 p.m.


*Please note for your child’s safety that adult supervision is available only after 8:25 a.m.




Principal-Melissa Marino

Secretary –Claudette Murley

Building Clerk –Eileen Dunford



 Sharon Callanan,  Tammie Cash,  Lauren Evans,  Olga Lerner,

Alexandra Stepanian

Special Education  Amy Bustin  


Occupational Therapist  Julie Fornuto


Speech Deb Bannon


Academic Interventionist/Library Media Specialist Donna Gagner


Grade 1


Carin Corcoran   Melissa Cohen, Cynthia Donnelly, Kimberly Grossman, Steven McGrane,  LisaMarie Titus


Special Education  Kathleen Levett


Psychologist  Alessandra Lyman

                       Karen Murray


ELL  Donna Brodeur


Reading Teachers  Jayne Ward, Deborah Blake, Donna Gagner


Custodians   Joanne Kenyon, Carmine Petrarca


Teacher Assistants                                

Sharon Bonner,  Sandra Carter, Colleen Duffy, Diane Pastore, Caroline Moriarty, Sue Searle

Recess/Cafeteria  Meghan Flynn



School Nurse /Teacher  Carrie Anne Hokeness, RN




Health/PE  Paul DeCastro, Matthew Anzalone


Steam  Abby Neill                








Wawaloam School is home to approximately 250 students. In the Spring of 1999, retired art teacher, Lenore Dorson, created the publication, Watching Wawaloam Grow. This book, supported by a School to Career Grant, chronicled the construction of the new addition while linking the school to the roots of its history. This is Lenore’s preface as it is significant to all that is Wawaloam School.


In order for children to be successful in school, they need to have a positive self-image. A school helps foster this image by providing a supportive environment where children acquire a sense of belonging. There is an oak tree, which sits outside the original entrance that was used when the school first opened. The tree adds the nurturing element that the students experience from the Wawaloam staff. The rock, positioned next to the tree, is symbolic of all that is consistent in their daily lives at school.


The rock and the tree have a long history. Before Wawaloam School was constructed in 1951-1952, the Metcalf family donated the land to the town of Exeter for the building of a school. Former superintendent of Exeter Schools, John Eldridge, recalls the story of Helen Metcalf Danforth, Chair- woman of the building committee. She requested that the large rock on the site never be moved. Legend has it that Princess Wawaloam is buried beneath the rock and tree. To this day, the rock sits embedded firmly in the ground near the southwest side of the school with a stately oak tree by its side.


For nearly fifty years, busses have circled the rock and the tree to drop off and pick up students. Daily schedules have flowed into months, and seasons have evolved into years. Students, teachers, and administrators have come and gone. The rock and the tree have remained.


Watching Wawaloam Grow is dedicated to all the students of Wawaloam Elementary School. They, like the oak tree, are rooted in Wawaloam’s  fertile soil, grow in a safe and nurturing environment, and branch out in many directions as the cycle of seasons continue. May the journey continue...








Our primary goal is to provide a comprehensive foundation in literacy to enable all students to become proficient readers, writers, listeners and communicators. Students will receive a daily block of reading, writing and language arts instruction.




Wawaloam School uses Everyday Math 4. In addition K-1 teachers use materials from a variety of resources to support instructional needs.  Instruction is aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Grade 1 students also have access bi-weekly to use Mathletics On-line Supplementary Resource.




Students of each grade level engage in “hands-on, minds-on” science, emphasizing knowledge of science content as well as the processes of scientific inquiry. Topics are taught through the use of GEMS-NET (Guiding Education in Mathematics and Science Network) science kits. All kits are aligned with Rhode Island Science Frameworks Curriculum Grade Level Expectations. Kindergarten will be incorporating Science Instruction into their program and Grade 1 teaches science daily. Our new STEAM position will also play a role in carrying out this curriculum and adding technology, engineering, art and math into the rotation of topics.


Kindergarten Kits:   Weather and Trees, Animals Two By Two, Motion

Grade 1 Kits: Air and Weather, Plants, Sound and Light




Social Studies instruction is integrated into all subject areas. At the primary level, the focus is on awareness of self, family and community.


Early Literacy and Reading Special

Literacy development is enhanced through the explicit teaching of library skills, appropriate book selection, literature appreciation, print & story concepts, author studies, thematic units, information literacy and technology. A vast array of children’s literature, non-fiction titles and reference materials support student learning. Grades K-1  students receive literacy development once a week.



Wawaloam School offers a sequential visual arts program promoting art appreciation, production and analysis. Student creativity, originality, and independence are stimulated through a variety of exploratory experiences with various art media. Grades K - 1 students receive art each week. We strive to create cross curriculum lessons when possible.



K-1 students are provided the opportunity to gain a lifelong appreciation of

music through participation in a vibrant and comprehensive program that includes listening, creating and performing. All students receive music each week.




Our standards-based health and physical education programs address the cognitive, psychomotor and affective areas of a child’s development. At the primary level, general health topics are explored and students routinely engage in exercise, games, creative movement and good sportsmanship to promote healthy minds and bodies. Students are expected to come with proper dress and sneakers that tie to participate in the program. Students receive Health and Physical Education each week.


Wawaloam School Mission Statement


Wawaloam School is a Professional Learning Community committed to challenging and motivating each child. Children acquire skills and strategies needed for continuous learning in a safe and nurturing environment where personal connections are critical and encouraged. We value vital partnerships with families and the community. We celebrate this precious time called childhood!

Vision Statement

Wawaloam Elementary School aims to improve learner outcomes for all by utilizing blended and personalized learning in order to create lifelong learners.  

Our classrooms are safe, joyful, collaborative learning spaces

where students move toward mastery by fully engaging in their learning, taking risks and developing a growth mindset.

Our teachers guide our young learners in a supportive environment and facilitate purposeful learning experiences that incorporate both face-to-face and digital learning.


My School Pledge


Today I will do my best to be the best. I will listen.

I will follow directions.

I will be honest.

I will respect the rights of others.

I can learn.

I will learn.

You see, I know it is all up to me.




Make a routine out of asking your child to tell you about his or her day at school. Read, Read, Read together daily~ to enhance your child’s vocabulary, comprehension and reading readiness.

Talk together, count together, enjoy exploring places and things together!

Set strict limits for television, computer and video game use.

Select age appropriate television programming.

Provide all of the tools at home children need to explore their creativity: pencils, pens, markers, scissors, paint, glue.

Help children become patient listeners and positive contributors.

Develop routines for age appropriate chores together.

Make a spot for homework that is free from distraction and clutter.

Celebrate accomplishments together!

Teach empathy at home.




A RI Certified School Nurse-Teacher is available at school to provide both population- based and individualized health services to students in accordance with the Department of Health and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules and Regulations for School Health Programs. Medications in school are administered only by the nurse and must be ordered for school by a physician. Please refer to the current medication policy #8701 for specific information. In the case of an emergency, the school nurse will be contacted and the parent notified. For your child's health and safety, it is important to keep the school nurse notified of any medical concerns or issues that may impact your child's learning or functioning in the school setting. In addition, please keep the health office informed of emergency numbers available at all times, so that the school can reach parents in the event of an emergency or unexpected illness at school.


Annual Screenings: RI Law requires that students be screened for vision, hearing, dental, and scoliosis (older students). Parents/guardians will be contacted if follow up with a physician is indicated.


Deciding when a child is too sick to attend school can be difficult. Please know that while it is very important that your child attends school on a daily basis, good health is more important that a perfect attendance record. When to keep your child home: In general, for a child to feel well enough to learn and to prevent the spread of disease, a child with the following symptoms must remain home from school: fever over 100 degrees (despite drinking adequate fluids), vomiting, diarrhea, persistent and disruptive cough, ear pain, unknown rash, drainage from eyes, etc. Please contact the nurse if you have any questions, 295-8802. Further information to assist you in determining if your child is well enough for school is available on the Wawaloam web site under the Health Office web page.


If your child is ill and will not be attending school, please notify the main office, Wawaloam 295-8808.



Responsibility for prescribing medication to meet the needs of the student shall rest with the student’s physician and parent or guardian. Whenever possible, medication should be arranged to be taken outside of school hours


Except as provided in this policy, no student will be allowed to possess medication in school or on the bus. It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to bring medication to the school in the original container with the appropriate label intact. If the medication is not properly labeled, it shall not be administered.


School Nurse-Teacher


The administering of student medication in school shall be the responsibility of the school nurse-teacher and only that medication under her or his direction or authorization shall be administered.


When it is necessary to give medication at school, it shall be in the original container with the proper labeling of content, dose, and directions from the pharmacist, physician, and parent. Non-prescription drugs shall require a physician order. The school nurse- teacher shall not administer alternatives such as herbal remedies.


The single dose auto injector shall be the only acceptable type of Epi Pen to administer epinephrine to a student suffering from anaphylactic shock. The school nurse-teacher, at each school, shall instruct school administrators, teachers, teacher aides and purchased- service employees who work directly with students in the proper use of an Epi Pen. The nurse-teacher’s instruction shall be extended to school bus drivers and school bus monitors, if requested. Rhode Island General Law 16-21-22(d) provides that school personnel shall not be liable for civil damages from their acts or omissions in the use of an EPI - PEN or a prescription inhaler on behalf of a student.


Aspirin-free substances may be administered upon the authorization of parents, with the school district physician's order and at the discretion of the school nurse-teacher. If a student requires frequent non-aspirin medication, a written [physician] authorization shall be required from the student’s private physician.


All student medications, except as provided in the Self-Carry and Self Administered Student Medication section of this policy, shall be kept locked in a location provided by the building administrator, preferably located in the school health office.





Parent Authorizations and Physician Orders


A completed parent authorization form and physician order shall be on file in the school health office before a school nurse-teacher will administer student medication. Authorization forms are available from each school health office.


Completed forms and physician orders shall be renewed annually or in the event there are prescription, dosage or medication schedule changes.


A written physician’s order, written parental authorization and authorization from the school nurse-teacher shall be required for a student to self-carry or self-administer any emergency or specific medications.


Parents or guardians must identify their children, who have been diagnosed with asthma and/or anaphylactic allergies, to the school health office. They must also provide the school health office with an asthma and/or allergy history form, parental permission form and physician’s order for medical intervention. These forms must be completed and provided annually prior to the first day of school.


Please refer to Medication Policy #8701 on district website:








In Kindergarten, students demonstrating difficulty may be selected to work with reading specialists using multi-modalities to reinforce and support introductory literacy skills.

Students who are identified in Grade 1 based on Marie Clay’s Observation Survey and/or teacher recommendations may be selected for additional assistance through the combined efforts of the classroom and reading teachers.




Students who are identified through formal assessments with learning difficulties are provided additional help through consultative and/or direct instruction from specialists such as the Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist, School Psychologist and Special Education/ Resource Teachers.




The PTA provides tremendous support to our schools through a variety of volunteer activities. Monthly meetings are held throughout the school year. Look for more information about events and opportunities to become involved through email, backpack express and the Exeter West Greenwich PTA Facebook Page!                         




Parent volunteers are welcomed and sought to participate in the life of our school. Many activities are offered to all parents, including those who work. Please look for the sign up sheet early in the school year or during our Open House with a list of opportunities! All volunteers are required to complete a background check prior to volunteering or visiting classrooms for events. Siblings may not come to school when a parent is volunteering.




Back to School Celebration on the First Day of School (for students)

Kindergarten Orientation

Open House

PBIS Kick-off Assembly to reinforce Respectful, Responsible and Safe Choices!

Scholastic Book Fair

Book Giveaway

Fall School Pictures by Lifetouch

Cultural Arts Programs

Reading Week


PTA Sponsored Events

Field Day




Wawaloam READ Program

Wawaloam Popcorn Day!

Grade 1 Step Up Day visit to Metcalf

School Spirit Events

Whole School Meetings to reinforce PBIS expectations                                 





☺Read for ☺Excitement ☺Adventure and☺Discovery

The READ Program is a Literacy Incentive Program designed to motivate our

student population to engage in self-selected reading outside of the school day.




To increase student reading of self-selected books outside of the school day.


To increase student reading comprehension and strategy development through reading practice.


To increase expressive competency through book conferences by trained volunteers.




As your child reads 10 books he/she will record the 10 books on the READ validation form. (For chapter book readers, 35 pages of a chapter book = one book read.)


After completing the entire form he/she brings the form to his/her teacher along with one book listed on the form to “book conference” with a trained volunteer.


Volunteers will keep the READ validation form and maintain the student’s yearly total of books read.


After conferencing with a trained volunteer, the student will receive either a new book or a writing journal and pencil.


READ Program at Wawaloam School


The vital READ program continues to thrive due to the generous support of local businesses and our tremendous school community volunteers.


We look forward to continuing our partnership with them and welcome any new possible partnerships.


We continue to seek support; any suggestions as to possible companies are welcome!


Can you help?


1-2 volunteers to coordinate the program

10 – 18 volunteers to be trained in the program


Questions / Contact:


Deborah Blake, Reading Specialist




100 Victory Highway Exeter, RI 02822 Tel: (401) 295-8808 Fax: (401) 295-5340
















What do you do if you have questions, concerns or suggestions?


Let’s problem solve together!


Please call the school to speak with your child’s teacher at 295-8808 at Wawaloam School. We will make every effort to get back to you within 24 hours.


Brainstorm potential solutions together and put them into action.


If you still need help, perhaps the school principal can help. Please call or ask your child’s teacher to invite the school principal to your next meeting.


Put the new solutions into action!


We will continue to work together in the best interest of your child. We may need to try several tactics, but we will not give up!


Together we can!


Thank you for working together in the best interest of our children!!!


















Daily attendance is essential for a child’s academic and social success in school. Our students are expected to be in school except in cases of personal illness, bereavement and religious holidays. The scheduling of vacations when school is in session is strongly discouraged. These days are considered unexcused absences. Ten absent days or 2 absences per month without any communication with the school is cause for concern. Should a student reach ten days of absence, the school administration will contact parents. The educational implication of any avoidable absence is significant. We seek a partnership with parents to avoid unnecessary absences that can negatively impact a child’s school success. We also understand the importance of a sick child staying home. Let us work together through communication. For more information regarding attendance:


*A student dismissed before 9:30 a.m. or arriving after 11:00 a.m. shall be considered absent for the purpose of annual school attendance.



Students reporting to school after 8:45 a.m. must report to the office with a parent to sign the child in. Students are not considered tardy because of bus delays. A significant number of tardy arrivals warrants concern and families will be contacted.



ARRIVAL at Wawaloam

If you are dropping your child off for school, please pull up to one of the two drop-off spots in front of the school at the main entrance between 8:25-8:45 a.m. Please note that it is mandatory that students must be on the passenger side of the vehicle during parent drop off. Once your car is in one of these spots a staff member will open the vehicle door so your child may exit the vehicle. Please watch your child exit the vehicle and make eye contact with the person monitoring drop-offs. Once you have checked for any children in your proximity, you may pull away to EXIT. The following procedures are intended to ensure the safety of our students. We appreciate your full cooperation.

*If you arrive after 8:45 a.m., your child will be considered tardy.  You must park your vehicle and walk your child into the building using the crosswalk and sign him/her in.  Under NO circumstances may you cross while a bus is in front of the school.

DISMISSAL at Wawaloam


Please be reminded that the driveway in front of the school is for BUSSES ONLY  between the hours of 2:30 – 3:15 p.m. This plan is in place to assure a proper flow of traffic and a safe loading and unloading of students from busses.                                         

Early Dismissal:


Although the release of students prior to 3:08 p.m. is discouraged, we realize that occasionally early dismissal is necessary. To release a child before regular dismissal time, a parent must send in a dated note naming the adult picking up the child and the time of expected dismissal. Students will be called to the office when the parent or adult arrives to sign the student out. Identification in the form of a driver’s license may be requested from the adult. No one under the age of eighteen may sign out or transport a Wawaloam Student. With the exception of an immediate emergency, please avoid calling the school for early dismissal under any circumstances. This uncertainty can pose a hardship on your child.


Regular Dismissal for Wawaloam School:


Parent Pick ups will be at the Library door, which is located in the front of the school.  Parents will need to park their vehicles in the parking lot, walk to the library door to sign out their student(s) starting at 2:50.  Parents must show identification.  In order to further insure the safety of your child, NO UNAUTHORIZED persons may pick up a student and all authorized persons must be at least 18 years of age.  A list of authorized persons is kept in the school office.  


                                                                                                                                                                                                       EXETER-WEST GREENWICH SCHOOLS K-1 EARLY SCHOOL DISMISSAL PROCEDURE WAWALOAM SCHOOLS


As we all know, schools are compelled on occasion to dismiss early due to inclement weather and unexpected emergencies. On these rare days, it is important for us to collaborate together to ensure the safety of our children. Thanks to everyone in our school community, we have been very successful thus far, yet each year we seek to ensure that Alternate Destination Plans, Wawaloam Email ListServs for instantaneous announcements, and Classroom Telephone Trees for Unexpected Emergencies (i.e. those unrelated to weather) are established.


*We ask all parents to review the following collaborative plan of responsibility for early dismissal events, and to submit alternative plans if needed. Thank you!




                                        SCHOOL & DISTRICT






School closing information will be announced:


On local television channels 6, 10 & 12. Ch. 10 website:


On local radio stations WPRO, WHJJ, WKFD

                                                Wawaloam’s email ListServs                        

Parents and guardians will check for school closing information on local television and radio stations.

Parents will check listserv emails.


Parents may sign up for a closing notifica- tion service on Ch. 10’s website they will email or text -message cell phones.












K-1 schools will maintain Alternate Destination Plans in order to assure there is a plan for a child who may be uncertain as to where to go.


Schools will ensure that no child be released without proper identification of the person picking up. This person must be designated by parents and listed on the School Emergency Card.


The YMCA After School Program will contact their students’ families directly.


In the event of an evacuation exclusive to Wawaloam School, students will be transported to a different school in the district. This will be determined at the time of the incident. Ex. Power outage.




Parents will set and discuss a plan with their child as to where he or she is to go in the event that they will not be home. This location must be on the same bus route.

                                                Parents will notify the child if a  

designated person is assigned to pick him or her up. This person must present proper identification and be listed by parents on the child’s School Emergency Card.


Parents will submit an Alternate

Destination Plan form to their child’s teacher for safekeeping.





In cooperation with Ocean State Transit, K-1 children will not be dropped off unless greeted by an adult. Any such child will be safely returned to the bus company to await pick-up by parents at Black Plain Road, Exeter.





Parents will notify their child that they may need to await pick up at Ocean State Transit in the event that there is no one available to greet them at the bus stop. They may call the bus company at 397-7415 to make arrangements. Proper identification will be presented at that time.







Due to limited capacity to do so, parents may not be contacted directly for early school dismissal. However, we will make every attempt to do so Public announcements as mentioned above are assured.





Parents should send in a note for dismissal that contains the following information: Date of pickup – Student’s full name – Parent’s full name – Teacher’s name




Each student, staff member, teacher, and administrator has a right to attend and/or work at a school which is safe, secure, and peaceful, which is conducive to learning, and which is free from the threat, actual or implied, of physical harm by a disruptive student.




The safety of your child is our top priority. To ensure a safe environment, all doors, except for the main entrance, will be locked. Visitors are required to stop in the school office, sign in, and obtain a visitor’s pass. When leaving the building, visitors must return to the office, sign out, return visitor’s pass, and exit through the main door.



                                                                                                   VISITS TO SCHOOL


ALL Visitors and volunteers must complete a background check prior to entering any classroom or participating in any field trip. This process may be initiated in the main office at each school. Thank you for understanding this important safety precaution.

Teachers are involved with students during the day and cannot leave the class un- attended to speak with parents. If you wish to speak with your child’s teacher, please make an appointment in advance.




Fire drills are held routinely during the school year as an important activity and safety precaution. It is essential that when the signal is given, everyone obey orders promptly. Exiting procedures are posted in each classroom. All students are to move away from the building and remain in class groups to give the teacher an opportunity to take attendance. Students must never re-enter the building except by verbal order from the principal or teacher.


Evacuation Drill and Lockdown Shelter in Place procedures will be followed.




An emergency card is on file for each child. It is sent home on the first day of school; and must be completed carefully and completely.


This card is important when your child is ill or when there are parental restrictions concerning custody or visitation rights. The card also identifies individuals to whom your child may be released. No child will be released to a person who is not identified on the card.



Ocean State Transit Company provides the transportation for the district students. Please notify them in advance if there is to be a change in transportation for your child. The district manager may be reached

at 397-7415.

Proper conduct is required of all students riding the bus. Wawaloam/Lineham students are expected to obey all rules and respect the drivers and monitors.





Be at the bus stop five minutes early.

Be considerate, show respect to others.

Stay in your seat at all times. Do not change seats without permission. Use a quiet voice.

Keep hands and objects to yourself.

Keep the aisle clear at all times.

What you bring on the bus must fit at your feet or on your lap.

No unsafe objects are allowed on the bus. Examples include: animals, stereos, glass and skateboards.

No eating, drinking, or chewing gum on the bus.

The use of foul language and gestures is not allowed.

All school behavior rules apply on the bus.


Please be sure that you are familiar with these bus rules. They will be strictly enforced with consequences that can include removal from the bus.



Birthday Celebrations and Holidays

In an effort to adhere to the District’s Wellness Policy 8705 and as a result of our School Improvement Team, we are no longer allowing food items to be sent in to share or serve to the whole class. There are many other options for these special days. A book could be purchased for the class library. Stickers, pencils, bookmarks or even a special craft project are some wonderful alternatives. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.


Due to the importance of providing a supportive environment where healthy eating habits are practiced and endorsed, the following policies will apply for all celebrations. No candy is permitted. Food served in the classroom should be healthy, nutritious and have an educational connection to the curriculum. PLEASE NOTE: Any food sent in not meeting this criteria will be sent home. To avoid upsetting your child, refrain from sending items that are not approved. We have many students with severe allergies, exposure can be life-threatening!



Electronics, Toys and Cell Phones


Please do not send your child to school with toys. Electronic Games, MP3 players, cell phones, IPODS and or trading cards are not appropriate at any time. These items can be lost easily and will cause distress to your child.

Items will be taken away from children if seen and will be held in the office for a parent to pick-up, again causing a great deal of stress to a child. We are not responsible for any missing items.



Thank you for helping to put Children and Learning First!




Certain types of information may be released without consent unless parents object within ten (10) days of receipt of notice. Notice shall include a listing of what information may be released without consent and directions on how to object. Inclusion of this information in a student handbook constitutes notice. Information that may be released without consent is limited to:


Non-confidential, or directory, information, limited to name, grade, dates of attendance, participation in school-sponsored sports and activities, awards received, and height and weight for members of athletic teams.


Names, addresses and telephone numbers to military recruiters or institutions of higher education.


Policy 8901: Student Records


Non-confidential, or directory, information may be released without consent providing notice of what constitutes non-confidential, or directory, information is provided to parents along with an opportunity to object within a specified timeline to the release. Directory information shall be released only if there is no objection and shall be limited to name and grade. Inclusion of this information in the student handbook constitutes notice.



                                                                                                            Policy 8905: Publication of Student Images


The school district operates a local access television studio that includes material created within the district. The district also has an Internet web site that includes information created within the district. Material relating to the district communicated to the public through these and other media often contains student images and/or identification. This policy describes the manner in which student images and/or identification may be presented to the public.


1. Identified images of students shall not be made public without the written consent of the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s), with the exception of the specific instances included in this policy.


2. Unidentified featured images of students shall not be made public without the written consent of the student, parent(s), or guardian(s), with the exception of the specific

instances included in this policy. Featured images are those that are in the forefront and/or remain visible for more than a moment, as opposed to incidental images, which are momentary and in the background.


3. Exception: In the case of school-sponsored programs or courses of study that create material for either the television studio or the web site, parents shall be notified in writing prior to the start of the program their child’s image may be published. Inclusion of this information in the student handbook or program

                                                                                                         Exception: Students who participate in school-sponsored programs that include public performances or events may have their image and/or name published. Musical performances, plays, athletic events, graduations and other ceremonies are often recorded for public presentation. Participation in such a performance or event shall be regarded as consent. Inclusion of this information in the student handbook or program information constitutes notice of this exception.                                                                Exception: Images may be released if they are incidental and unidentified. Inci- dental images are momentary and in the background.

8310: Elementary School Dismissal



With so many young children being simultaneously dismissed at the elementary

schools, student safety and security becomes the paramount concern; and as such,

requires full cooperation among students, parents, school personnel, and bus drivers.

I. Proclamation

To assure that the dismissal process in the district elementary schools goes smoothly

and that all students arrive home safely, the Exeter-West Greenwich School Committee

herein promulgates rules and procedures that the superintendent and administrators shall

implement during the dismissal process and the homebound busing of district elementary

school children.

II. Scope of Policy

This policy sets forth the school committee’s rules for parental pickup of their

children at the end of the school day and the rules for supervision and controlling of

elementary school children during dismissal and bus transit.

III. Parents Defined

In the context of this policy, parent shall mean the parent(s) of the student and

includes natural parent, a guardian or other person acting as a parent in the absence of the

natural parent or guardian. Also includes a student’s step parent who resides with the


IV. Parental Pickup

Parents who pick up their child are required to conform to the school committee’s

rules, which have been written to assure the safety of all children. Rules for parental

pickup are listed below:

1. Parents must pick up their child at the designated area within 15 minutes after school

is let out. Parents shall not be permitted to go to classrooms or wait in hallways to

pick up their child.

2. Parents may pre-approve other adults age 18 or older to pick up their child. School

administrators shall require parents to provide the names of pre-approved adults,

which shall be listed on the Student Emergency Card.

3. School administrators may issue coded identification cards to expedite daily

identification of parents or pre-approved adults who regularly pick up students. A

coded identification card or photo identification shall be required for release of any

child to any adult.

4. Additionally, parents from time-to-time may authorize other adults to pick up their

child. School administrators will approve such authorization provided there is a

written note of the authorization from the parent. The authorization note must be

dated and received at the school on or before the authorized pickup. Telephone

notification shall be denied. Pre-approved adults picking up the child shall be age 18

or older and shall present photo identification, which shall be verified with the

parent’s written authorization by a school administrator, or designee.

5. In extenuating circumstances, a waiver to the age requirement for child pick up by a

responsible family member under the age of 18 may be granted by the building

principal to accommodate a parent/guardian request. All requirements regarding

school notification must be met for a waiver to be considered.

6. School administrators shall require a written request note from the parent to change a

student's dismissal process. The request note must be dated and received at school on

or before the day of the requested change. Except in the case of an emergency,

telephone requests shall be denied.

7. Parents may pre-arrange early pickup of their child via a written request note. Such

request note must be dated and received on or before the day of the requested early

pickup. Except in an emergency, a telephone request for early pickup shall be denied.

Upon arrival at the school entry door a school administrator or designee shall meet

and escort the parent to the principal’s office or other designated area for photo

identification before the child is released. At Metcalf and Wawaloam Schools, office

personnel shall call for the student to come to the office. At Lineham School, school

personnel shall escort the student to the designated area for release to parents.

Parents shall remain in the designated area until joined with the child, and then the

parent and child shall be escorted to the exit door.

V. Bus Pickup and Transport

All students are required to ride their assigned bus home unless they are picked up at

school by parents or other pre-approved adults. The school committee’s bus rules are

listed below:

8. Each school principal, or designees, shall assure that during dismissal all school

children are under supervision and control of school employees until they are safely

onto their assigned buses.

9. Parents who want their child bused to a location other than home on a permanent or

semi-permanent basis must get the approval of the school bus company, and provide

specific written notification to the school administration where their child is enrolled.

10. Parents of students in grade 2 through grade 6 who want their child bused to a

location other than home for a specific purpose on a one-time or occasional basis

must have approval of the bus company and provide specific written notification to

the school principal. No such arrangement shall be approved for students in PK

through grade 1.

11. Students shall remain in the custody of the school district during all phases of bus

transit. Homeward bound bus transit shall begin when the student enters the bus and

shall continue until the student leaves the bus at the home designation. Bus transit

shall also include any such time at a bus transfer station, during which the student

leaves an intermediate bus to board their homeward bound bus. During bus transit,

parents shall not be permitted to enter the bus, retrieve their child from the bus or

intercept their child at a bus transfer station.

12. Kindergarten students shall not be permitted to leave the bus at their home

designation unless there is an adult present to receive them.

VI. Retention of Parental Notes

All notes written by parents regarding dismissal of students shall be held in the

school office for at least 30 days.

VII. Policy Dissemination

This policy shall be disseminated in elementary school offices and appropriate

portions of the policy shall be incorporated into elementary school handbooks along with

any additional dismissal rules in effect at the school.




Revision adopted: August 22, 2018


7710: Technology—Responsible Use

      The Exeter-West Greenwich School Committee recognizes technology is an important part of 21st century education.  Accordingly, the committee provides technology resources to students, teachers and staff and requires that these resources are used responsibly and consistent with the district’s educational goals.

I. Proclamation

      The school committee herein directs the superintendent to implement this policy in coordination with school principals and the Director of Instructional and Information Technology.

II. Scope

     This policy states the expected responsible use and forbidden use of district technology, and establishes the requirement that all persons granted use of district technology acknowledge responsible and forbidden use by signed agreement.

III. Definitions

School district—means the power and authority that the state delegates to the school committee, superintendent and school administrators to operate the educational programs.

Parent— means the parent(s) of a student and includes natural parent, a guardian or other person acting as a parent in the absence of the natural parent or guardian.  Also included is a student’s step parent who resides with the student.

Technology Resources—Means both physical assets related to technology (e.g. computer hardware, computer systems, networking equipment, security equipment) and technological assets which may be virtual or non-tangible (e.g. software, system access, internet access, virtual machines, energy, information)

District Systems - means servers owned or leased by the district, district networks, and information services and systems provided and controlled by the district through third parties via an agreement (e.g. Google Apps for Education, ASPEN, etc.)

IV.   Guidelines for Responsible Use

      Use of the district’s technology, networks and internet services is a privilege not a right. To obtain and maintain their privilege, users are expected to:

V. Personalization of Issued and Assigned Devices

       Users are allowed to personalize devices; provided that:

VI. District’s Reserved Rights and User’s Expectation of Privacy

      The district shall retain control, custody and supervision of all technology resources owned or leased by the district and shall reserve the right to:

       Users should have an expectation of privacy regarding their use of district technology resources, as outlined below:

VII. Use of Copyright Materials 

      In the operation of technology resources, the district complies with all applicable copyright laws.  Users of the district’s technology resources who violate copyright laws may be subject to disciplinary actions, legal suit and loss of technology privileges. The district assumes no responsibility or liability for any person who violates the copyright laws while using district technology resources.

      Federal Public Law 94-533–October 1976 provides limitations on exclusive rights in a Fair Use doctrine where brief excerpts of copyrighted material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.  Prior to using any copyrighted material allowed by the Fair Use doctrine or any other copyrighted material, users of district technology resources are cautioned to seek advice from the Library Media Teacher.

VIII. Prohibited Use and Consequences

      Users who fail to utilize district technology in a way that conforms to this policy, or violate l applicable copyright laws or any of the prohibitions listed below shall be subject to loss of district technology privileges and any other applicable disciplinary actions up to and including criminal prosecution in accordance with sections of Rhode Island General Laws Title 11, Chapter 52—Computer Crime.


IX. District Technology Access—Use Agreement

      Prior to being granted access to the district’s technology resources, the applicant shall be required to sign an agreement that binds him or her to  responsible use of the district technology assets as set forth in this policy.  The signed agreement is required of all district employees, and parents of students through grade 6, and both parents and students in grade 7 and above; except that, parent’s signature is not required for students age 18 or older.  District wireless access will be made available for non-employee guest persons who bring their own devices.  Guest users will be required to acknowledge and agree to follow school district policies to obtain access to the guest network through use of a captive portal.

      The Responsible Technology Use Agreement model form is attached to this policy.  Signed agreements shall be retained on file—employee agreements in the employee records maintained in the superintendent’s office, and students in accordance with school committee policy 8901: Maintaining Confidentiality of Student Records.  Previously signed agreements related to the 1997 version of policy 7710 are not valid to gain access to 2017 district technology.

X. Applicable Rhode Island General Laws, as amended

16-21.6-1 Internet filtering.

11-52-2 Access to computer for fraudulent purposes.

11-52-3 Intentional access, alteration, damage, or destruction.

11-52-4 Computer theft.

11-52-4.1 Computer trespass.

11-52-4.2 Cyberstalking and cyberharassment prohibited.  

11-52-7 Use of false information.

11-52-7.1 Online impersonation.

11-52-8 Tampering with computer source documents.

X. Dissemination

      This policy shall be disseminated to all policy book holders, posted on the district’s web site, and provided to parents signing for their child’s access.

XI. Effective Date

      This policy shall become effective on the date adopted by the school committee.

First Reading:October 28, 1997    Second Reading:November 25, 1997

Adopted:November 25, 1997         Amended:June 27, 2017




8505: Family Responsibilities


The district recognizes the integral role that families play in supporting learning. Parents can help insure their children’s school success in the following ways:


♥communicating with teachers, counselors, and principals; ♥supporting all school policies;

♥providing a distraction-free area for student; ♥maintaining active interest in daily work;


♥insuring a healthy and safe home environment;

♥attending school-sponsored activities;

♥encouraging a positive attitude toward learning and schools.


Adopted: January 26, 1993


♥The Exeter-West Greenwich School Committee is committed to the safety and health of district students and employees. The committee has adopted policies that restrict the stocking of school vending machines to only healthy snacks and drinks. The committee is now ready for early compliance with the 2005 Rhode Island General imitative requiring a comprehensive health and wellness program in each of the state’s school districts.


Health and Wellness Program


The district’s health and wellness program shall promote the general health and well-being of employees and students, with emphasis on reducing obesity among students, through increased physical activity and learned healthy eating habits.


Parental involvement will be encouraged. The program shall be structured within new policies and strategies that strengthen and increase the K-12 health and physical education curriculums and instruction. The school health and wellness subcommittee shall develop such policies and strategies.


Subcommittee’s Responsibilities


The health and wellness sub committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the development of policies, strategies and implementation plans that meet the requirements of the ‘child nutrition and WIC reauthorization act of 2004’.


During the development of its recommendations, the subcommittee shall call on the resources of the R.I. Departments of Health and Education for technical assistance and support on best practice, professional development on coordinated school health issues, suggested initiatives, and the sharing of information on the activities of other district subcommittees.


The subcommittee shall forward its recommendations regarding the district’s health education and physical education and instruction, nutrition policies, and physical activities policies to the full school committee.


Adopted: October 25, 2005


*The restriction of sugary treats for birthday celebrations is supported by this policy and the initiatives of our School Improvement Team.

Please notify the school office immediately if you request that your child’s identified photograph, name or work not be made public on the district’s website or in local newspapers.






8518: Bullying—Prohibited


The Exeter-West Greenwich School Committee recognizes bullying creates a school climate of fear and disrespect which seriously undermines the safe learning environment that students need to achieve their full potential.


I. Policy Proclamation


The school committee does not tolerate bullying in the district schools. To manage the prevention of bullying the school committee herein directs the superintendent to implement and enforce all elements of this policy.


II. Scope of Policy


This policy codifies the school committee’s prohibitions against bullying. Bullying is defined and the processes for preventing, reporting, investigating, mediating any occurrence of bullying in E-WG schools are set forth. Guidelines for appropriate disciplining of student offenders are included. The policy fully incorporates the requirements of the model bullying policy, promulgated by the Rhode Island Department of Education, and applicable to all public school districts not later than June 30, 2012.


III. Definitions


In the context of this policy, terms used have the following meaning:


Bullying— the use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof directed at a student that:









internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications; with the intent to embarrass, humiliate, threaten or intimidate the victim. The cyber bully may remain anonymous or may self-inflate while cavorting with a circle of attending minions using electronic means to maliciously bullying the victim. Forms of cyber-bullying may include but are not limited to:



Admonitions and warnings,





















officials. If such notification leads to a police investigation, the principal shall ensure that any police interrogation of a student (s) on school premises is conducted only in accordance with school committee policy 8516: Police Investigations on School Premises.


At any time during an investigation that the superintendent deems appropriate, but in no event later than when police officials become involved in the investigation of a bullying situation, the superintendent shall notify school committee members.


XI. Prevention—School Climate/ Environment


School staff shall take all reasonable measures to prevent bullying at school. Such measures may include professional development and prevention activities, parental workshops, and student assemblies among other strategies.


School staff, at all times, shall model courteous behavior to each other, to students, parents and to school visitors. Abusive or humiliating language or churlish demeanor will not be accepted among school employees. Additionally, students and their families are expected to exhibit courteous behavior to all members of the learning community in school and at school sponsored events.


To the extent possible, the influence of cliques and other exclusive student grouping shall be diminished by the creation of inclusive school activities in which all students are encouraged to participate.


The junior high and senior high school principals, or their designees, shall ensure that students and staff are instructed in how to recognize and report bullying. If bullying becomes a serious issue within a school, the principal may refer remediation to the school Safe and Drug-free Schools Team. The team will develop recommended policies and protocols designed to prevent and diminish the bullying. The team’s recommendations shall be reviewed by the superintendent and, if approved, submitted to the school committee for final review and approval before being implemented.


XII. Compliance with Protective Orders


School principals shall comply with all restraining and no-contact orders issued by a court to protect one student from another. The principal shall meet separately with the student under protection and the student to whom the protective order is directed and their respective parents. At such meetings, the principal shall review the ramifications of the protective order and explain the school’s rules that will be strictly enforced to avoid any at school face-to-face contact between the students named in the protective order.


XIII. Confidentiality


School principals shall ensure that all reports, investigations and actions taken regarding bullying are filed with the involved students’ confidential educational records in accordance with the 1974 Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and school committee policy 8901: Maintaining Confidentiality of Student Records.


XIV. Appeal Process


Parents of students under age 18 and students age 18 or older may appeal disciplinary actions taken by school principals regarding bullying to the superintendent, and if not satisfied with the superintendent’s decision, to the school committee. A school committee’s decision to expel a student for bullying offences may be appealed to the Rhode Island Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education RI Department of Education.










XV. Other Redress


Neither this policy nor the RIDE mandated policy nor Rhode Island General Laws 16-21-33 and 16-21- 34, which directed the implementation of the statewide policy, create or alter any tort liability or prevent a victim or parent of a victim of bullying, cyber bullying or retaliation from seeking redress under any other available law, either civil or criminal.


XVI. Policy Enforceability


This policy is enforceable to the extent it is consistent with federal and state laws and regulations.


XVII. Applicable State Laws, As Amended


The Rhode Island General Laws applicable to the prevention and control of bullying in public and private schools include:


11-42-2 Extortion and Blackmail,


11-59-2 Stalking Prohibited,


16-7.1-2 (e) Accountability for student performance,


16-21-7 School Health Program,


16-21.5 Student Interrogations,


16-21-21 School Discipline,


16-21-23 School Safety plans,


16-21-24 Requirements of school safety plans, school emergency response plans and school crisis response plans,


16-21-33 Safe school act,

16-21-34 Statewide bulling policy implemented, and 16-38-4 Exclusive Clubs.


XVII. Information and Policy Dissemination


The principal in each school shall ensure that students, staff, volunteers, and parents are provided information regarding this policy. This information shall include methods of discouraging and preventing bullying, the duty to report bullying, the procedure for filing reports, and the disciplinary action that may be taken against those who commit acts in violation of this policy.


The prevention of bullying shall also be part of the school district strategic plan and school safety plan.


This policy upon adoption shall be disseminated to all policy book holders, and shall be distributed annually to students, staff, parents and school volunteers. Appropriate excerpts shall be included in the annual student hand books.


XVIII. Effective Date


This policy shall become effective upon approval by the school committee.






First Reading: Second Reading: Adopted:




May 22, 2012 June 13, 2012 July 17, 2012



REPORT FORM (Bullying and/or Cyberbullying)


Name: __________________________Student ID: ______________ Grade: ________Date:  

Time: ______________ School: __________________________________

Please answer the following questions about this reporting incident:


List the name of the alleged bully, and/or cyberbully. If name is not known, provide any other identifiable information:


Relationship between you and the alleged bully, and/or cyberbully:


Describe the incident:

When and where did it happen?


Were there any witnesses? [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, who? _________________________________________________


Other information, including previous incidents or threats:

Student or parent declines to complete this form: Initial: ______________ Date:


I certify that all statements made in the complaint are true and complete. Any intentional false statement of fact will subject me to appropriate discipline. I authorize school officials to disclose the information I provide only as necessary in pursuing the investigation.



Student:                                                                                                        Date:

School official receiving complaint:                                                            Date:

School official conducting follow-up:                                                         Date:


This document shall remain confidential







                STUDENT/PARENT AWARENESS FORM 2021-22


  We have received the Student Handbook of Wawaloam and Lineham School. We have read it and understand all of the information contained within it.


______________________________________ (Name of Student)


_______________________________________ (Parent/Guardian’s Signature)


Please return this completed form to your child’s teacher within three school days after receiving the handbook.


Thank you for helping us strengthen our home/school connection.














”Bee” A Great Parent


Make school a priority.

Read to and with your child every day. Limit television and video game time. Establish routines.

Make breakfast a priority each day. Ensure a good night of sleep.

Voice your concerns.

Review communication from school daily.


Teach empathy.


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