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ASSESSMENT TASK: My Survival Diary
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My Survival Diary


Imagine you are living in New Zealand in 1914 when war breaks out. Your life now has to focus on supporting your country through this difficult time. How will your life change?


Your task is to write a journal of your experiences through this difficult time. Your journal must record what is happening to you and around you. You will provide details, so that your children and your children's children will know exactly what you experienced during the war. By reading your journal, people will be able to understand the hardship and traumatic time you and others encountered.

You will write a minimum of SIX journal entries and present them in an authentic looking journal.


Before you begin to write your journal, you must choose one of these identities:

  1. New Zealand soldier
  2. Twelve-year-old child whose father or older brother(s) have gone to fight in the war
  3. Doctor or nurse who travels overseas to help
  4. Reporter who travels overseas to report on NZ’s involvement in the war
  5. New Zealand tunnel digger who has volunteered to help build trenches


By reading your journal, others should understand some or all of the following about war:


It’s important that you have a believable timeline for your journal entries. When planning your journal, you should first look at World War One timelines (click here to view timelines) and note at least SIX important events which might have had an impact on your character (eg declarations of war, training, major battles/campaigns, armistice etc).

Due Date

Your teacher will notify you of the due date for your journal. Make sure you plan your time so that you do not leave things too late.


Your journal entries can vary in length, but at least 2 should be minimum three paragraphs long (approx. 200 words).

You should carry out some research to find details of important events. Part of your grade depends on how well you use what you’ve learnt in this topic, as well as your own research, in your diary.

Your exercise books should have evidence of the following:

View the assessment rubric against which you will be assessed. Make your own copy and share it with your teacher.

View journals from previous students and others online → Click here

Visit the Homeroom site to learn more about the ANZAC’s involvement in WWI.

Year 8 Assessment Task: My Survival Diary