The Hydrogen Story

By: Clara Cornick

Chapter 1:


13.7 billion years ago. Hi my name is Olivia and I am a hydrogen atom. I live in space as you can tell already. I am moving so fast I can’t see, well I don’t have eyes. But it is making me dizzy. I can hear something that sounds like a BANG, it is the anomaly whoa it is getting louder. BANG something just happened that they call nowadays “The Big Bang.” I can feel my family around me because we were born in a clump, like many other families. Did you know that two of me makes Helium? Helium has more mass than me because it is bigger. I’m getting tired I need more energy in me, I know that there is a lot of energy but there are also a lot of atoms that need energy. So I can’t really get any more.

Chapter 2:


I look like this, in the middle of me there are neutrons and protons and on the outside there are electrons. The electrons spin around me and that is called and electron cloud. My protons give me positive charge, my neutrons give me no charge and my electrons give me negative charge. Did you know that atomic charge is all of the names of my body combined? Do you remember that a proton, plus a neutron, equals a nucleus? Did you know that atomic number is the number of protons in me?

Chapter 3:

A long time ago

Let me go back a little. One day me and my family went on a fly around space we flew past many stars that were in galaxies. Then BOOM there was just a supernova all we could see from it was little pieces of nothing. You know I was just thinking without gravity the things on earth would be floating… WEIRD. Did you know that heavy elements literally means elements that are heavier than others? This morning I woke up with the sun shining in my face the sun is fueled by the nuclear fusion. Hey I wonder where helium comes from. “I know, it comes from a gas and it is an element” said mom. “Also hydrogen is an element, and it comes from gas.” That’s cool I thought to myself.

Chapter 4:

Sweet Sweet Home!

Home I am finally home. I can still hear booming noises from supernovas and I can still see shining lights from the stars in the galaxies also I can see the solar system with it’s pretty planets surrounding the sun also I can see the moon standing right next to me [when I say that I mean like not that far but very far.] Tonight I think I am going to dream about the things that are floating without gravity, the sun getting fueled by the nuclear fusion, two of the elements helium and hydrogen and especially the heavier elements that literally means heavier elements. I think I am going to go on a night fly by myself I wonder what else I am going to see. 5 minutes later. Ahh it is so nice being outside, but I am kind of lonely. “HELLO, HELLO” said a girl in the distance. Is she lost I thought to myself. I will find out. I am heading towards the girl's voice I see her. We talk for a little her name is Annika. I say “that is a very pretty name. Are you lost?” She says “yes my family and I split apart by something I shore do miss them my four brothers James, Theo, Archie, Patrick and my three sisters, Kate, Halle and Abby.” “Well if you need me I live over there” I said as I pointed to the left. I said “I had a fun time talking to you but I am a little tired, wait a second isn’t it the election tonight” She said “ya, but I have no T.V. to watch it on” I said “do want to watch it with me”She said “okay.” So we both went to my house and are about to see who the next spacident is. I said “It is probably going to be the moon [Hillery.] She said “I think is going to be the sun [Trump] he is getting bright orange on T.V. I said “Wow he really is I think he is getting mad, oh no.”