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Making the switch

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     Domain Best Practices

The purpose of this guide is to provide a quick and easy overview on the possible ways to setup a Google Apps for Education account.

The areas of focus will be:

  1. Overview of Best practices for Domain Design, Organizational Structure, and SSO

A brief overview of our Best Practices. We recommend you read through this document in its entirety to get a head start on your Google Apps deployment.

  1. Domain Setup Options

There are three options for domain setup, and depending on your unique environment you will need to decide on one of them.


  1. Provisioning Users and Groups

We will highlight the ways to create users in addition to groups and how you can request one of our provisioning partners to do this for you.

  1. Organizational Unit (OU) Structure

Organizational Units provide the way to control which applications, services, settings and device policies are available to users. Through good OU design, you will be able to simply and efficiently set up different services and policies for different groups of users.


  1. Online Resources

        This section includes links to our online resources and tools to give you more information.

Please note: Additional technical resources on deploying Google Apps and Chromebooks, as well as Networking best practices can be found on at

Use this guide to get started with Google Apps for Education and learn best practices

1. Best practices for Domain Setup, Provisioning, and OU structure

Review Google Apps for Education Privacy Notice

We recommend you review the Google Apps for Education Privacy Notice for information on how Google collects and uses information from Google Apps for Education accounts specifically. You can also visit the Google for Education Trust site for answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Work with a Partner

Partners make life easier. They have the experience and expertise in deploying Google Apps and can reduce the time to deploy by months! We strongly recommend working with our partners.

Use a single Google Apps account if you have multiple domains

If you have separate domains, we recommend managing these in a single Google Apps account (managed through one Admin console). We call this Multiple Domain management. We don’t recommend creating separate Google Apps accounts for each domain as this limits sharing capabilities. It is also a manual, time consuming and unsupported process to merge Google Apps accounts in the future. Obviously there are some limitations of the managing multiple domains for one account, which are listed here.  

OU structure is important

You will control all of your domain’s services via OUs. A simple way to structure OU is by Schools (if you are a district) and also Grade levels - examples are shown here.  You should decide on an OU structure which is scalable and relevant for you.

Share using Google Groups

It’s important that you create a logical OU structure, but sharing is completed through Google Groups. If you are going to be sharing within classes, then you can create Google groups which contain class members. The administrator can solely be in charge of creating Groups or you can set more granular controls and enable users to also create their own groups through Google Groups for Business.

Synchronize your LDAP structure to Google Apps OUs

If you have an LDAP server, it may be useful to map the existing OU structure into Google Apps using GADS .This simplifies the management of both environments and gives you more time to focus on other things.

Integrate your SIS or LMS with one of our partners

When provisioning Google Apps accounts, it can be time consuming to export users from a legacy environment and then import them to Google Apps. There are partners who can collect all this information, put it in the cloud, and keep it up-to-date for your users. Partners such as Clever and Learnsprout offer these and work with the majority of SIS/LMS systems in the US.

2. Domain Setup Options

There are 3 options to configure your users’ Google Apps accounts with your domain(s).

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Primary-Domain Option

This is a single Google Apps account with a single domain name. You can use domain aliases to give users the ability to send/receive mail from different email address (also called “nicknames”).

This is the simplest and easiest way to administer your domain and is best suited for Education customers.

Example - Single school or University:

Multi-Domain Option 

This configuration is still a single Google Apps account per user, but the account is setup with multiple domains or subdomains, allowing for different user names.

This is the most common design for education institutions that manage more than one domain and require user names for each domain.

Example - School, University or District with multiple related domains:, or

Separate Google Apps Accounts

This option completely separates the domains into individual Google Apps accounts (requires multiple Admin consoles).

This setup is used by  partners who manage separate customers, but it’s not recommended for schools.

Example: Reseller managing multiple customers:, and

Options Matrix

Google Apps Domain Design Comparison

This following is an overview of the capabilities of each domain design option. Please make sure you also review the Multidomain Limitations and FAQ. This should be used as a guide to help you decide which option is best for your environment.

More information on these can be found in the Managing Multiple Domains with Google Apps Guide.

Primary   Domain



Separate Accounts

Single and unified admin management experience (Admin console, Support PIN, Licences)




Collaboration functionality (Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentations, etc)




Single Google Apps Directory (list of users) of all users and shared contacts




Single booking for shared calendar resources




Email delegation available between any users



(with workaround)


Sync tool instances required (eg: GADS, GAPS)




Individual users can be created in any of the domains added to your Google Apps account ie: and




Transferring a user between domains




(Manual migration)

Please note: You cannot restrict sharing to the users in a single domain. Sharing options are based on the organization as a whole, not individual domains. It is also not possible to share document between separate Google Apps accounts via ‘Trusted domains’. A common setup example is separate Google Apps accounts for students and faculty. This is why we recommend a single Google Apps account for each student and faculty member.

Be aware that it is a manual process and time consuming to merge Google Apps accounts after you have created separate ones.  Please contact one of our partners if you require third-party assistance with this.

3. Provisioning Users and Groups

Creating users and Groups is one of the first things you will do after settings up your account.

Provisioning Users and Groups:

There are multiple ways to create users and Groups in Google Apps:

  1. Add users and groups individually through the Admin console (manual process)
  2. Add many users at once  through a userlist (.csv file upload) in the Admin console
  3. Synchronizing and creating users and groups from your LDAP automatically in Google Apps (recommended if you use an LDAP)
  4. Provisioning with partners (Clever or Learn Sprout) who can place your SIS in the cloud and then create users in Google Apps (recommended)
  5. Create your own provisioning application using the Google Apps Directory API

Provisioning method




1. Manual provisioning

      (Admin console)

Easy to do and quickest way to get setup if you don’t have many users

For a lot of users, this manual process could take a long time

Manual process and not scalable

2. CSV upload

      (Admin console)

Easy to do and quick for creating many users at once

Requires you to

create a list 

of users

Manual process

3. Google Apps Directory Sync 


Automated method to create and continually synchronize all your users and Groups

Requires time to configure the tool

(one-off setup)

Recommend if you have an LDAP as not only provisions users but can continually synchronize any new users

4. Provisioning partners

      (who use Directory API)

Automated method for  users and groups with


Legal considerations for placing SIS in the cloud

This is the quickest and easiest method in getting your Google Apps account up and running.

5. Directory API

    (custom development)

Integrates with your specific environment and useful for complex directories

Requires coding experience

Applicable for highly complex environments

Please Note: We recommend that you enter the Admin or Help desk contact information for end user password recovery, so users can contact the right team in case of any login issues, it only takes 1minute! See this article for the specific steps.

4. Organizational Unit (OU) Structure

Create an organizational structure to control which settings and device policies are available to users. A well-designed OU structure is critical to effectively and flexibly manage your Google Apps account.

Single School or University

This option involves simply creating OUs for the major groups of users who may have different services or settings enabled. You can also create sub-OUs to further organize your users, such as organizing them by Years or Subjects.  We also recommend you create a Google Group for each Year or Subject so that you can share Google Docs and other items via the Google Group.

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School, University, or District with multiple related domains:

If you have chosen to manage multiple domains within a single Google Apps account, you can create a separate OU for each school. Utilizing sub-OUs will further allow you to organize and easily manage the separate domains.  

For example:, or

Which services for which users?

For the best user experience, we recommend enabling all the services on by default. In addition to the core Google Apps services, you also have access to many other Google services listed here with their own Terms of Service.

Please note you cannot share an individual item such as a Google Spreadsheet with an OU, but if you want to share something with many users at once you can via Google Groups.

5. Online Resources

Below is a list of the links used in each section, as well as additional resources.

Best practices for Domain Design, Organizational Structure and SSO

Domain Setup Options

Provisioning Users

Organizational Unit (OU) Structure

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Additional Guides and websites

. Google Apps for Education - Deployment Best Practices