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Status Report: Outreach Activities

April 2016 - September 2016
Ben Domenico

Activities Since the Last Status Report

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP) activities

Continue to work with OGC to augment international CF-netCDF standards that have been established over the last several years and on phase 2 of ODIP.

Progress has been made on the following:

Dependencies, challenges, problems, and risks include:

EarthCube Cyberconnector Project

Collaborative project with George Mason University to make Unidata real time datasets available to researchers and educators in other disciplines

Progress has been made on the following:

Dependencies, challenges, problems, and risks include:

Due to reduced FTE commitment, no effort is being expended on cloud software development

Ongoing Activities

Note that the responsibility for these ongoing activities is being transferred to other staff.

New Activities

No new activities are planned.   For the remainder of this calendar year, the objective is to keep current activities going as well as possible with resources available and make arrangements to complete those that can be completed.    Note that, in response to last year’s budget crunch, Ben reduced his Unidata FTE commitment.

Areas for Committee Feedback

Suggestions for the transfer of responsibilities to other staff members are welcome.

Strategic Focus Areas

We support the following goals described in Unidata Strategic Plan:

  1. Enable widespread, efficient access to geoscience data
    Work with representatives of other disciplines and serve on their governing boards where appropriate, e.g., NCAR GIS for Geographic Information Systems, CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for Advancement of Hydrological Science), ODIP (Ocean Data Interoperability Platform), etc.
  2. Develop and provide open-source tools for effective use of geoscience data
    Work with Unidata collection of Ipython notebooks in cloud development platforms and on native Microsoft Windows.
  3. Provide cyberinfrastructure leadership in data discovery, access, and use
    Continue to work with Opengeospatial Consortium (OGC) to augment international CF-netCDF standards that have been established over the last several years.
  4. Build, support, and advocate for the diverse geoscience community
    Serve as Co-Investigator on Earthcube Cyberconnector project which will make Unidata data available to a wide range of research and education communities beyond the traditional Unidata community.

Prepared  September 2016