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2015-16 Appraisal Rubric, updated Sept 2015
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CAC Teacher Appraisal Rubric

The following criteria will be employed when evaluating teacher effectiveness, growth, employee behavior and community contributions at CAC. This document and the process to be used in applying it is designed to promote growth, reflection, and excellence in teaching at CAC. Cairo American College has long prided itself on outstanding teaching and learning; these criteria reflect the beliefs of Administration and Teachers regarding what Excellence looks like at CAC.. As we strive for outstanding teaching, Teachers are expected to “Meet Distinguished expectations” in three of the five listed Teaching categories, and in two of the three listed Employee categories. Teachers who are “Not Meeting Expectations” in any category will be assisted in constructing a Growth Plan to ensure necessary improvement.

Only truly exceptional teachers will be marked as “Innovators/Mentors”. It is not expected that any teacher will be given this mark in multiple areas; it is hoped that we will have at least one “Innovator/Mentor’ in each category at each division of the school. This column represents truly outstanding work, the top few percentile, and is recognition of those who deeply impact the education and climate at CAC. Each teacher is encouraged to aspire to an “Innovator/Mentor” assessment in one category, and Admin and Teachers will work together to target that goal.

Assumptions, Beliefs, and Research upon which this Rubric was built:

  1. Growth happens every year and is supported by annual conversations, observations and reflection.
  2. The rubric has no ‘ceiling’ as it is designed for growth. We are all always able to improve.
  3. It All Matters….everything you do on campus is a reflection of your professionalism, commitment to education and students.
  4. “...we know empirically that of all school-related factors, teachers have the greatest impact on student success.” --Dr. James Stronge, College of William and Mary. (TIE newsletter, April 2014, p4)
  5. “...a Principal’s primary function is to increase student achievement. Teachers have the greatest impact on student learning and Principals must engage directly with teachers around the realities of the process” [of appraisal, growth, and improvement of learning] Sarah Putnam, Head IS Aruba. (TIE newsletter, April 2014, p4)
  6. “Teachers crave more frequent and authentic feedback and the opportunity to discuss what is working and what is not in their classrooms” Kim Marshall, Boston area retired Principal, Author of the “Marshall Memo,” (TIE newsletter, April 2014, p4); this sentiment was echoed by teachers involved in the committee and by teachers at the CACTA meeting at which the Principles, Rubric, and Process were shared and approved (June 2014).

(note: the process to develop the Teaching and Learning Principles, Rubric, and Process was a three month endeavor involving a committee which included teachers from each division and Administrators). The Committee’s final draft was shared with CACTA on June 6, 2014 (where it met with acceptance and support--see CACTA minutes) and with all Principals on June 15, 2014, (where some final adjustments were suggested and integrated.) This document was adjusted in June 2015, based on Teacher and Admin feedback after one year of use--wdr, 7 Sept 2015

Qualities of an Excellent Teacher



...Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations

Growth Oriented:

Learning is strengthened  when there are coherent goals aimed at the academic and social growth of students.

Growth oriented teachers are expert in their field.  They are, passionate about teaching and learning, partake enthusiastically in meaningful professional development and share their learning with their colleagues.

Creates engaging and innovative projects and assessments that make connections with other subjects.

Leads with expertise and engages colleagues in pursuing team/ department and school-wide development goals.

Actively, frequently and with expertise, leads and engages others in deepening CAC’s curriculum expectations.

Informs students of the content, expectations, projects and assessments and scaffolds instruction to support successful learning.

Actively supports, pursues, and reflects on individual, team/department and school-wide professional development goals.

Demonstrates evidence of comprehensive content knowledge and effectively implements best instructional strategies and practices to deliver CAC curriculum. Enthusiastically shares content  with colleagues, students and parents.

Informs students of learning goals, projects and assessments.

Plans professional development goals with Administrators and meets those goals annually.

Shows command of and implements relevant content knowledge and instructional strategies.

Is enthusiastic about subject and conveys that enthusiasm to students.



Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and...

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations


Learning is strengthened  through the skillful use of engaging instruction, questioning, and inquiry practices which address a broad array of learning styles. Engagement is strengthened by highly positive relationships with students.

Rich and supportive learning environment that inspires students to take risks, make mistakes and try new ideas.

Demonstrates creative approaches to curriculum delivery.

Discussions about learning are frequent, empowering, and lead toward independent learning.

Has positive, supportive connections with nearly all students and those connections extend beyond the limits of the classroom. 

Actively, frequently and with expertise, uses essential questions to spark interest and inquiry; students are engaged in meaning making as they learn.

Provides constructive, timely, and frequent feedback, in various ways, to support student learning.

Provides a rich learning environment in classroom, including extra resources, project possibilities, and stimulating opportunities for further reflection. .

Has positive, supportive connections with nearly all students.

Uses essential questions to engage student thinking and learning.

Provides meaningful feedback to students on their work in a timely manner.

Creates a safe, comfortable, encouraging classroom environment.

Has positive, supportive connections with some students.



Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and...

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations


Learning can occur in both a linear and nonlinear, developmental fashion. It is strengthened when teachers accept mastery, as appropriate, when demonstrated by a student in any form, via traditional or nontraditional assessment, and when students pursue self-efficacy.

Implements inspired improvements to a variety of differentiated learning experiences to help students meet and exceed learning goals. Shares and models to colleagues and students.

Discusses and provides specific, meaningful feedback with the students during goal setting; provides structured, regular and meaningful time for student reflection on learning, and engages with students over those reflections.

Instills in students a deep sense of responsibility for learning.

Demonstrates and implements a variety of differentiated learning experiences that include opportunities for application and transfer, to help students meet and exceed learning goals; instruction is student-centered.

Records formal and informal data to create a profile of each student’s performance, strengths and weaknesses. Discusses and provides feedback with the students while reflecting.

Instills in students a sense of responsibility for learning.

Shows evidence of planning and preparation to help students meet and exceed learning goals in some instances.

Records formal and informal data to create a student profile.

Conveys expectations for student responsibility for their own learning.



Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and...

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations


Learning is strengthened when instructional time is highly valued and used with purpose. Teachers consistently and seamlessly use classroom procedures to support learning and the CAC Core values.Teachers have, can share, and can reflect upon the progress and success of a yearly (or semester) ‘game plan’ for their course.

Leads, shares and models strong classroom management practices that are centered on creating a positive learning environment, maximising instructional time; builds classroom culture such that students steer themselves and their peers to exhibit CAC Core values and SLOs inside and outside of the classroom.

Demonstrates strong classroom management practices that are focused on creating a positive learning environment, maximising instructional time; fosters CAC Core values and SLOs inside and outside of the classroom.

Communicates learning plans and objectives to students in an appropropriate, strategic way.

Demonstrates strong classroom management practices that make effective use of instructional time as well as incorporating CAC Core values and SLOs in the class.

Has a yearly plan for the course, how ideas, concepts and skills are developed, and how that development is woven throughout the units of study during the year.



Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and...

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations


Learning is deepened through thoughtful student and teacher reflections and analysis of student assessments in relation to overall patterns in the class, grade, school and international data. 

Demonstrates leadership by sharing various models of exemplary assessments and steering his/her  team/department in the gathering and analysis of assessment data; initiates and/or pilots new initiatives to improve student learning based on reflective practices.

Uses and analyzes a wide variety of formative and summative assessments for instructional improvement, and to determine and support achievement of individual student learners.

Gathers formative and summative assessment data and uses for instructional improvement and  improved student learning.

Qualities of an Excellent Employee and Community Contributor


Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and...

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations


Expert teachers  demonstrate professionalism in the service of students and the profession.

Models and shares effective and efficient methods of planning and preparation and is a professional ambassador of CAC to the community.

Leads and models--collaboratively and/or individually--quality documentation of all stages of Curriculum design. Initiates and/or leads self and peer reviews of teaching and learning.

Actively models the implementation of CAC’s strategic plan, curricular initiatives and divisional goals.

Provides evidence of effective planning and preparation for classes and meetings.

Contributes collaboratively and/or individually to the effective documentation of all stages of curriculum development.

Implements and supports CAC’s strategic plan, curricular initiatives and divisional goals.

Provides evidence of planning and preparation for classes and meetings.

When requested, readily supports the school’s strategic plan, curricular initiatives and divisional goals.

Demonstrates professional conduct at community events.

Is punctual with regards to all professional expectations.


Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and...

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations


Exemplary employees communicate proactively, respectfully, and in a timely fashion to ensure common understanding, and manage conflicts as effectively as possible within the CAC community.

Models and executes proactive and effective communication with colleagues, students, parents and the wider CAC community.

Exemplifies problem solving. Leads and engages in teaming, mentoring, and collaborative activities.

Willingly experiments with new forms of communication to most effectively reach students, parents and colleagues.

Connects and communicates with colleagues, students and parents in meaningful ways.

Communicates respectfully and responsibly with the intention of generating solutions while remaining open-minded and flexible.

Establishes connections and communication with colleagues, students and parents in a respectful and amicable way.

Contributes thoughts and ideas that enhance positive communication.

Fulfills all basic expectations for communication with parents, peers, and students (ie: report cards, parent conferences, meetings as needed with parents or others).

Assumes positive intent in communications and interactions.


Innovator/Master Teacher meets all Distinguished qualities, and...

Distinguished Teacher; meets professional expectations and...

Professional Teacher is/does/shows/has...

Not meeting  Professional expectations

Positive Contributor

CAC Teachers contribute to making the school a better place for students, for their colleagues, and for the community beyond their role in the classroom.

Schools are most effective when each employee is a positive force on student, school and community morale.

Initiates, leads, and promotes events and activities for the school and community that enrich school culture.

Thoughtfully affirms, exemplifies and upholds school ethos, morale and policy for the good of the institution.

Consistently models the values and SLOs of CAC. Demonstrates adaptability to our international school and community.

Is an active, positive force on morale through actions, words, and contributions. 

Contributes meaningfully to multiple curricular and co-curricular activities.

Respects  and safeguards school ethos and policy for the good of the institution; uses proper communications channels when seeking clarification or addressing problems.

Imparts and brings to life the values and SLOs of CAC. 

Attends and participates in required school and/or community events.

Demonstrates acceptance of and upholds school ethos and policy