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GAP Production Team WG Agenda 20 January 2013
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Green Art People

GAP Production Team WG Meeting

20 January 2013


  1. Introduction [SD 10 min]
  1. explain WG purpose, relation to other WGs
  1. LAMP
  1. review goals from board, Q&A [SD 5 min]
  2. first In-house Acoustic Audio/Video Recordings [BS 15 min]
  1. Scheduling first event
  2. video upgrades - discuss options
  1. next LAMP WG meeting [SD 5 min]
  1. SAST
  1. review goals from board, Q&A [SD 5 min]
  2. New Video Content [BS 5 min]
  1. additional content options
  2. more volunteers
  1. next SAST WG meeting [SD 5 min]
  1. GAES
  1. review goals from board, Q&A [SD 5 min]
  2. Gear Inventory & Price List Coming [BS 5 min]
  1. announcement
  1. Lucidity and Eco Fest [BS 20 min]
  1. overview of each event
  2. update from LF on status for Lucidity [LF 10 min]
  3. Eco-Fest A20 - schedule volunteers
  1. next GAES WG meeting [SD 5 min]
  1. Scheduling next Production Team meeting [SD 5 min]



TOTAL TIME: 120 min