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Accidents at Home
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Accidents at Home

1. What is the most dangerous thing in your home? How can your home be made less dangerous?

2. What dangers can be found in the kitchen that can cause accidents?

3. What can be done to prevent kitchen accidents?

4. What can a parent do to childproof a kitchen?

5. What dangers can be found in bathrooms that can cause accidents?

6. What can be done to prevent bathroom accidents?

7. What dangers can be found outside the home in the yard that can cause accidents?

8. What can be done to prevent yard accidents?

9. Where at home would you put your first aid kit? What would you have in it?

10. What do you need to do if...

you cut your finger preparing food?

you fall down and can not move a limb?

your child drinks a poisonous liquid?

the toilet is flooding the bathroom?

a pan on the stove is on fire?

a neighbor's dog is growling at you?

our child falls off a chair and is bleeding?