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GoTour FAQ
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How do I add meal choices for a restaurant to my tour?

How do I add variable prices to a tour?

Q: How do I add a meal choice for a restaurant to my tour?

A: The “Selections” field appears on both the Restaurant and Attraction tour components.  On a restaurant tour component, this field can be used to offer each passenger food selections for specific restaurants.  On an attraction tour component this can be used to offer each passenger a choice of activity at the particular attraction:  For example the Bronx Zoo may offer camel rides or a monorail ride.

There is a very specific format that must be followed for entering selections:

An entry in the restaurant “Selections” field may look like this:

1 Chicken. Chicken with tarragon

2 Beef. Steak Au Poivre

3 Vegetarian. Pasta with grilled vegetables


An entry in the attraction “Selections” field may look like this:

1 Animal Ride. Camel Ride

2 Animal Ride. Elephant Ride

3 Transportation. Monorail


Tips for Success:

Selections are entered on the Restaurant or Attraction Tour Component page

Selections are assigned to the passenger on the passenger reservation page under the Selections/options tab.

Selections will appear on the party or passenger summary if “S” is entered in the “Show Details” and/or the “Show Detail Summaries” print parameter when printing the summaries.

A report can be printed showing the selections and a list of passengers that have chosen that selection.  It also prints out a list of passengers with no selection chosen.  Navigate to the main Tour page, click on the “Reports” button and select “Tour Selections” report.

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Q: How do I add variable prices to a tour?

A: There are times when you may need or want to charge different prices on the same tour, for instance child and/or senior rates.  These can be set for one day and multiday tours

One-day Tour:

Navigate to the main tour page of a one day tour.  Navigate to the Price and Revenue Info section. In the Pax Prices field enter the full price plus the variable prices. A price with no variable rate designation is considered a “full” rate by GoTour. Variable prices are entered in the” Pax Price” field and further described in the “Rate Names” field.  These are specific letters that can be used to describe rates S, P, C, I, T, Y. Z is reserved for comp rates, D is reserved for Driver rates and G is reserved for Guide rates.

The “Pax Prices” field for a tour with variable rates may look like this:


The Rate Name field may look like this:

S=Senior, C=Employee Spouse

Multi-day Tour: Navigate to the main tour page of multi day tour.  Navigate to the Price and Revenue Info section. Variable prices can be entered for each room type listed. In the Sgl Prices field enter the full price plus the variable prices.( 250+240S)  A price with no variable rate designation is considered a “full” rate by GoTour. Variable prices are entered in the “Pax Price” field and further described in the “Rate Names” field.  These are specific letters that can be used to describe rates S, P, C, I, T, Y. Z is reserved for comp rates, D is reserved for Driver rates and G is reserved for Guide rates.

The “Pax Prices” field for a tour with variable rates may look like this:

250+240S+ 200C

The Rate Name field may look like this:

S=Senior, C=Employee Spouse

Tips for success: In order for the passengers to be assigned the appropriate rate, the rate must be designated upon creating the reservation or at the passenger reservation page in the Rate field.  Use the first letter only when assigning a rate.  This drop down list has not been updated and includes the original rate types. Refer to the first letter and the rate name that is assigned on the main tour page.

There are two ways that rates can be assigned to reservations

One-day Tour:

Best: The best way to create a reservation with variable rates is to create a reservation for 2 and navigate to each passenger reservation and select the desired rate in the Rate drop down list under the Price Info section.  Remember to select the rate with the initial letter not the full word (In this case select “Child” because it starts with “C”, which we have defined on the main tour page as being “Employee Spouse”.)

Other:  The other way is to create a reservation for 2 with 1 Senior rate and one Employee Spouse rate; enter 1S+1C in the Pax field under the Price Info section of the Reservation Page. Click “Save”.  This will save your reservation with two different rate types.  Since GoTour does not know to which customer to assign the rate, both reservations are added as anonymous. You must navigate to the passenger reservation page and enter the passenger information.  Be sure that you are entering the correct customer information with the correct rate.

Multi-day Tour:

Best: The best way to to create reservations (for variable rates) is by designating the number of rooms for a specific room type.  Be sure the room type has a variable rate assigned.  Enter the number of rooms in the room type field. Navigate to the passenger reservation page and select the desired rate in the Rate drop down list under the Price Info section.  Remember to select the rate with the initial letter, not the full word (In this case select “Child” because it starts with “C”, which we have defined on the main tour page as being “Employee Spouse”.)

Other: The other way to create reservations (for variable rates) is by designating the number of rooms for a specific room type.  Be sure the room type has a variable rate assigned.  Enter the number of rooms in the room type field. For a double with a full and “C” rate, enter in the double room field:  “1fc”.  Since GoTour does not know to which customer to assign the rate, both reservations are added as anonymous. You must navigate to the passenger reservation page and enter the passenger information.  Be sure that you are entering the correct customer information with the correct rate.

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