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Ключи к упражнению "Собирательные существительные"
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Ключи без пояснений – для тех, кому недосуг разбираться во всех деталях, но хочется узнать, как точно правильно.

1 What is your news? – My news is good but a little shocking – the penguin started speaking without any accent.

2 At the picnic the whole class were swimming and the teacher was building a wigwam.

3 The band were playing loudly and nobody heard the shots.

4 When we returned to the plane, the crew were drunk and were playing parachutes.

5 Honey, will you do something! All your family insist on calling our son Alphonse! – They don’t insist, honey. They recommend.

6 The Congo police don’t know English but they can run quickly.

7 The crowd were shouting to the Queen: “More! More! Please dance more!”

8 This orchestra are very successful. – Why? – Very easy. They always wear swimsuits.

9 When this team are losing, the coach always eloquently removes his false teeth from his mouth.

Ключи с пояснениями – для тех, кто хочет разобраться во всех деталях.

1 What
is your news? – My news is good but a little shocking (без вариантов) – the penguin started speaking without any accent.

2 At the picnic the whole class were swimming and the teacher was building a wigwam (можно was, но чаще were).

3 The band were playing loudly and nobody heard the shots (можно was, но чаще were).

4 When we returned to the plane, the crew were drunk and were playing parachutes (можно was, но чаще were).

5 Honey, will you do something! All your family insist on calling our son Alphonse! (можно insists, но чаще insist). – They don’t insist, honey. They recommend (можно it doesn’t, но чаще they don’t).

6 The Congo police don’t know English but they can run quickly (без вариантов).

7 The crowd were shouting to the Queen: “More! More! Please dance more!” (можно was, но чаще were).

8 This orchestra are very successful. (this – без вариантов; можно is, но чаще are)– Why? – Very easy. They always wear swimsuits.

9 When this team are losing (this – без вариантов; можно is, но чаще are), the coach always eloquently removes his false teeth from his mouth.

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