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CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes, 2015/02/21
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Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Lawrence Liang-Shang Gan, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong, Xin-Wen Wang
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Elder David Ho
  3. Absentees: Jian Zhang

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:06 am
  2. Deacon Haiguo opened in prayer.
  3. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Praise God for ICF and senior high retreats last weekend.  Junior high retreat is this weekend; please pray for them.
  2. Weather related cancellations will be made by Elder Liqin, Deacon Haiguo, and Pastor Caleb, with input from stewardship.  The decision may come as late as 6:00am on Sunday (depending on whether snow can be cleared).  Unfortunately, the website has been inconsistent, because a process has not yet been established for posting cancellations.
  1. A suggestion was made to create a church twitter account for such announcements and embed the twitter feed on the church front page.
  1. Chinese ministry is modifying the sermon planning to be more flexible.  Pastor Caleb’s sermon on the mount series continues to May.
  2. Chinese fellowship ministry to resume small group leadership training on 3/1.
  3. Please pray for planning for the spring Mandarin gospel camp.
  4. Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell installed senior pastor Peter Wu on 2/8.
  5. Pastor Caleb is honored to examine and ordain elder candidates at CGC Southborough and Worcester.
  6. Elder Liqin and Pastor Caleb are very grateful with how the BoD and finance committee took initiative to set up the Metro-south plan.
  7. Please pray for the Metro-South information and membership meetings on 2/22 and 3/15.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder David Ho)
  1. The BoE had discussions regarding the Metro-south church planting process and strategy.  It is important to have strong communication between Metro-south and mother church co-workers during this process.
  2. The BoE has unanimously created a draft for the church vision which has been shared with pastoral staff.  It will be disseminated to BoD and church council before sharing with the congregation.
  3. The BoE had discussions regarding forming a community outreach committee focused on coordinating local evangelism.  The hope is for this potential committee to work closely with the Missions and Social Concerns committees.
  4. For more details, please refer to the February 2015 Board of Elders meeting minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)


Offering (January)

Expense (January)

Total (January)

Cumulative Balance


























  1. CBE Total Donation since 12/1/2012: $848,951.
  2. Up to January 31, our total expense is at 52.0%, and our total offering is at 71.0% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30).
  1. Stewardship report (Lawrence Gan)
  1. Property Projects
  1. Office basement sink was removed to enable more room for fellowship activities.
  2. Project to look into installing HVAC in the main building basement has begun.  It is projected to start in the spring and finish before the summer.
  3. The reserved parking signs for the Philly Ministry will be repositioned/replaced once the snow clears.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. The boiler pump water leakage in the church office basement has been fixed.
  2. An electric wire in the office basement that was accidentally cut while repairing a leaking pipe has been repaired.
  3. Elevator stopped working on 1/3 due to the cold but has been repaired.
  4. Fluorescent lights were replaced and some closets were cleaned on 1/10.
  5. Carriage house oil boiler had maintenance work done on 1/12.
  1. Property Management
  1. Oversaw security camera installation on 1/5.
  2. Communicated with landscaping company to remove dirt and rocks on 1/10.
  3. Cut down trees to create hill-top parking spaces on 1/11 (currently unusable due to snow and lack of gravel)
  4. RCN installed a telephone line on a temporary pole on 1/13.
  5. On 1/16, the church received a letter demanding payment for use of copyrighted pictures embedded in a guest speaker presentation hosted on our website.
  1. While the church may have certain exemptions as a religious non-profit, individual ministry leaders are asked to examine their web page content for potential copyright violations.
  1. Roof contractor replaced damaged ceilings on 1/23; insurance company was requested to send their building repair estimates on 1/29.
  1. Deacon Lawrence is starting a new job in Taiwan next week.  The board is very thankful for his ministry and wishes him well for his future.  The church will need to appoint an interim deacon to complete his term ending in December.
  1. Update on Metro-South information and membership meetings (Haiguo Wu)
  1. Deacon Haiguo presented an overview of the proposal outlining how the mother church will financially help Metro-south with their property purchase and future church building project.  Subject to church council approval, the proposal is:
  1. The mother church will provide up to $55,000 in matching funds to complement cash donations to the Metro-south building fund.
  2. 50% of the Metro-south general offering minus general expenses will be contributed to the Metro-south building fund for 3 years (7/1/2014-6/30/2017)
  3. The Metro-south building fund will pay back the no-interest loan used for the property purchase.
  4. The mother church will pay up to $15,000 for any remaining loan at the end of FY17.
  1. Deacon Lawrence closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 12:18pm.

  1. 出席:
  1. 與會者: 章開第 (主任牧師), 鄭嘉文(秘書), 張子剛, 甘良生, 胡中義, 潘瀾, Phil Sailer, 尹思瑩, 王繼勇 (財務), 吳海國 (执事會主席), 熊繼敏, 汪新文。
  2. 受邀者: 長老團成員: 何明长老
  3. 缺席: 张建

  1. 地點: 教會辦公樓會議室

  1. 會議議程及記錄
  1. 早上9:06開始
  2. 開始禱告 - 海國
  3. 主任牧師分享和更新(章開第 牧師)
  1. 感謝主,上周末大專生和高中生團契退修會得以順利結束,初中生的退修會平安進行
  2. 因天氣原因,教會活動取消與否,由利欽長老,海國执事和開第牧師綜合各方意見再行決定, 最遲不晚於周日早上六點公布(具體時間取決積雪清理情況)。因種種原因,目前教會網站還不能實時發布此類信息。
  1. 已經建義以教會名義申請一個推特帳號用與發布此類即時信息,並且與教會網站首頁相連。
  1. 中文堂牧師正在修改講道計劃,使其更加靈活。開弟牧師之登山寶訓系列要一直延續到五月。
  2. 中文團契事工已於三月一日恢復小組召集人的訓練課程
  3. 請為春季的國語福音營計畫安排禱告
  4. 教會羅威爾分堂與二月八日按立吳荣滁主任牧師
  5. 開第牧師榮幸受邀為 Southborough and Worcester吾思德教會審長老候選人.
  6. 利欽長老和開第牧師非常感謝執事會與財務委員會的努力,使得南區發展計劃得以展開。 
  7. 讓我們一起為二月二十二日舉行的南區分堂發展計劃說明會和三月十五的全體會眾大會禱告。
  1. 長老團分享(何明長老)
  1. 長老團討論了南區分堂植堂計劃。大家一致認為,此時此刻增強分堂與母堂之間的交流極其重要。
  2. 長老團無異議地通過了教堂發展規畫草案並與教牧同工分享。該草案在送交全體會眾之前,還會先由執事會和教牧長執聯會過目。
  3. 長老團還討論了關於成立社區委員會一事,该委員會侧重於本地福音传播工作,并与宣教和社會關懷委員會緊密合作。
  4. 欲知详情,请参阅今年二月長老團會議記要。

  1. 財務報告 (王繼勇執事)































  1. 教堂擴建奉獻自12/1/2012累计: $848,951.
  2. 01/31/2015, 我们总支出占年预算52.0%,总奉献占年预算71.0%  (财政年度截至630日).
  1. 資產報告(甘良生執事) 
  1. 財產工程
  1. 辦公室地下室水槽已拆除完畢,這樣團契活動會有更多的空間。
  2. 教會地下室安裝空調的評估和前期准備工作已經展開,預計春季開工,入夏以前可以完工。
  3. 一旦積雪清除,蒙愛兒童班的專用停車位標志會重新粉刷,定位。
  1. 財產維護
  1. 辦公室地下室熱水器水泵漏水問題已經修好。
  2. 維修工人在修理水泵漏水問題時意外割斷了一條電線,該電線也已修複。
  3. 1月3日,因低溫原因,教會主樓電梯停止工作,現已恢複運轉。
  4. 更換日光燈以及清理一些儲存間的工作已與1月10日完成。
  5. 馬房燃油熱水器的維護工作已與1月12日完成。
  1. 財產管理
  1. 1月5日,現場監督監控攝像頭的安裝工作。
  2. 1月10日,與園藝公司聯系有關垃圾碎石清理事宜。
  3. 1月11日,坡頂樹木已被砍除,用於修建停車場。
  4. 1月13日,RCN在臨時電線杆上新拉了一根電話線。
  5. 1月16日,教會收到一封付費通知,因教會網站在特邀演講嘉賓的宣傳報道中,使用了一些受版權保護的照片。
  1. 作為一個非贏利的宗教組織,教會在某些方面雖享有特權,但還是要求各事工負責人檢查自己的網站內容,看是否有違版權法。
  1. 1月23日,屋頂建築商更換了受損天花板。1月29日,我們已去信保險公司要求對方提供大概的修理費用。
  1. Lawrence執事下星期回台灣就任新職。執事會非常感謝他多年來在教會的事工,也祝願他一切順利。同時,教會也會指定一位代理執事,直到他的任期於今年12月結束。
  1. 有關南區分堂和會眾大會的最新消息(吳海國)
  1. 海國執事向與會者簡要介紹了有關母堂如何在經濟上幫助南區分堂購買房產以及裝修維護的提案。該提案包括:
  1. 母堂將提最高至55,000美元的匹配資金,1:1對應於南區為建堂基金的奉獻
  2. 未來3年(7/1/2014-6/30/2017),南區分堂50% 的節餘(奉獻減去開銷)將用來充實南區分堂建堂基金。
  3. 南區分堂建堂基金將用與償還零利率的購房貸款。
  4. 母堂將與2017財政年度末,支付購房貸款的尾款,最多為15,000美元。
  1. 下午1218分,甘良生執事作結束禱告,海國執事宣布會議結束。