DLA166-0071  Transcription

8 Collingham Road.


March 27. 1919.

My dear Mr. de Laszlo,

With regard to the enclosed account  somewhat belated I fear, after Mrs. de Laszlo’s request!  I want you to know that it is for 2 years “professional attendance” on the family  and that I have not made any charges for visiting you at the Nursing Home. I can only consider it an honour to have had that privilege, and to have helped, in however small a way to alleviate the sufferings of so distinguished an artist. I have felt so acutely the disgrace of our Government's action with regard to their treatment of you. That as an Englishman

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I should like to feel that I have done something towards wiping out the stain and stigma of that treatment. This is boldly put, but I hope you will understand.

I should like to have seen you at your country seat  but I have been exceedingly busy since Christmas.

Now, is there any chance of your being able to do a black & white portrait of a friend of mine in the near future? His wife is so taken with your sketch of me [111041], that she wants one done of her husband. He is a very clever man
 & had a head you would do justice to. (By the way he is the man who translated your book into French just before the war.) How could this be managed?

Please give my kindest regards to your wife & with every good wish to yourself

Believe me very sincerely

Kenneth F. Lund.

Editorial Note:

Doctor Kenneth Fraser Lund (1871-1953) [111041], the de László family doctor for many years. From 1914 to 1918 he was Honorary Surgeon-in-Charge of the Queen’s Gate Hospital and, from 1918 to 1920, Assistant Surgeon and Physician.

