Name: Jean Nosly

Race: Kitsune

Sex: Female

HP: 15    Soak: 0   Defense: 0

MT: 14

Mana: 12/20


Might: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 2

Sly: 1

Willpower: 2

Charisma: 2



Foul Stench (All actions have an additional debuff die on the opposed roll while in the proximity of the source of the smell.)

Slightly Fatigued (Any actions involving a mig skill will receive an additional debuff die, resting will remove this debuff.)

Description: Jean has tan skin, black eyes, short black hair with red tips, and four black tails with red tips. She is shorter than the average 18 year old kitsune. She wears a black kimono with a red sash.

Personality: Jean is intelligent and serious. She holds herself and those around her to a high standard. She is very ambitious and will do anything to accomplish her goals. Due to this trait, her morals are very flexible.

Special Abilities:

Distracting Flame, Illusion Spell [Fire Affinity]: Creates a mesmerizing flame which can distract foes in combat, spell goes against target’s Resist Illusion roll or WP roll and lasts until the end of combat. Can be only be used 1/day however attacking a successful Distracting Flamed target grants a buff die. {0/1 uses remain.}

Scholar Parents: Gain 1/day ability to reroll a knowledge or lore check. {1/1 uses remain.}


Might Skills:

Endurance 1

Agility Skills:

Reflexes 1

Stealth 1

Int Skills:

Affinity Fire 1

Affinity Holy 1

Arcane Lore 1

Artifice 1

Sly Skills:

Willpower Skills:

Resist Curse 2

Readiness 1

Resist Fear 1

Resist Illusion 1

Charisma Skills:

Negotiate 1

Gather info 2

Character’s Magic Affinities: Fire and Holy


Fire Magic

Misc. Fire Manipulation: Allows user to warm up food or water, Light small fires, create a bright light which originates from the magic focus and etc. Requires 1 min of concentration to cast and spell cannot be maintained if engaged in combat. Costs 1 mana. Ranges {H2H or P}.

Flame Shot: Deals 2 damage. Range {M}, cost 1 mana, Cannot Crit.

Flare Blast: Deals 4 damage. Range {M}, cost 5 mana, Cannot Crit.

Ignite: Deals 1 fire damage per turn, lasts 2 turns per point in Intelligence stat. Target must roll a reflex-agility roll(or a normal agility roll)  vs caster’s Fire affinity, to determine if the spell hits or not. [Max. 5 turns]. Range {M}, Costs 2 mana.

Fire Cloak: Summons a fire cloak around yourself whenever you are struck by a melee attack your attacker takes 2 point of fire damage [ Attackers with melee weapons with range {S} or better, do not] cloak lasts 1.5 turns per point in Intelligence Stat. [Max. 4 rounds, in the case of decimals round down] Range {P}, Costs 5 mana

Life Magic

Smite: Deals 2 damage, cannot harm living creatures that are healed by Holy/Life Magic. Range {S}, cost 1 mana to cast, Cannot Crit.

Minor Heal: Heals yourself 4 Hp. Can only be used on willing targets. Range {H2H}, costs 3 mana.  

Minor Mindrest: Restores 4 MT. Can only be used on willing targets. Range {H2H}, costs 5 mana.

Minor Detox: Cures Poisons with easy difficulty. Range {P}, Costs 3 mana.

Weak Seal: Choose a single stat, any action that falls under it rolls a single debuff die in addition to what they would normally roll. Lasts 5 rounds, only one weak seal can be applied to any single target. Range {S}, Cost 5 Mana

Equipment (3/4 carried weight, 2/3 SD Bag slots)

Hatchet / 3 / Slashing / 5 / H2H / - / (Sheathed, Right hand)

Wand / -1 mana cost / NA / - / - / (Sheathed, Left hand)

Small Dimension Bag (Equipped)

(2) Healing paste (bag)

(2) Mana Crystals (bag)

Red and Black Ore (Held)



Craft Magic Armor/Weapons: Requires: Material component, magic component and mana. (Varies in mana cost)

Spiderling Stone: 2 Minor Detox Doses and 5 clear stone. Time 1 hr, Costs 5 mana. Requires successful (E) Artifice roll.  Prevents 1 Poison (E) from taking effect for 10 mins upon use. After 10 mins or curing 1 Poison (E) the stone turns to dusks.