DLA123-0141  Transcription

[in another hand] 10-17.

10, Downing Street,

Whitehall. S.W.

26th [accompanying envelope postmarked “Jun26[19]08”][1]

Dear Mr. Laszlo

You wrote me to 20 Cav Sq & I live here now! – Sorry about East[2] I did my best it was too late –

If you make a very slight sketch of me [9769] I wd love you to do my husband[3] but I will be very

[Page 2]


honest – we are poor & spend every penny on entertaining & [illegible] sort of necessary duty.

I cd go to your studio Tuesday 11 o’clock

You had better lunch here Monday 1 30 

Make up your mind to make me plain but interesting & show my eyes wh have more meaning than

[Page 3]

my mouth wh is rather mixed & my nose was broken out hunting & is not so much a feature now as a limb! –


M Asquith

Editorial Note:

Margaret Asquith, Countess of Oxford and Asquith, née Margaret Emma Alice ‘Margot’ Tennant (1864-1945); for biographical notes, see [9769].



[1] [Envelope verso in Margaret Asquith’s hand]: Lady Lugard

[2] Sir Alfred Edward East (1844-1913) [3385], British landscape painter and Royal Academician. A few days later, Margaret Asquith would again write, “I’m so sorry about alfred East”, see DLA123-0142, letter from Margaret Asquith to de László, 30 June 1908.

[3] Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith (1852-1928), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1908 to 1915.