The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints And The United Nations Conundrum:

If you are a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, you must consider this:

Multiple past prophets warned against the United Nations and said it was evil and part of tyranny. Today, the church has done a complete 180.

Here are some of the exact quotes:

David O. McKay

“Unless the spirit of Christianity permeate the deliberations of the United Nations, dire tragedies await humanity.” (Source: David O. McKay. General Conference, October 1947)"

“. . . Latter-day Saints should have nothing to do with the secret combinations and groups antagonistic to the constitutional law of the land, which the Lord ‘suffered to be established,’ and which ‘should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh according to just and holy principles.’ ” (Gospel Ideals, by David O. McKay p. 306. Italics added.)

“In furtherance of the general plan in contemplation of a world-state, we have made treaties of alliance containing obligations that infringed upon our sovereignty. We have made multipartite treaties – the League of Nations (which, when it was understood, the people rejected), the United Nations Charter, to which the Senate gave its advice and consent just one month and two days after its signature, the people having no time to examine its merits before it became operative. All of these surrendered some of our sovereignty. Not infrequently they involve commitments for the Chief Executive which he cannot fulfill, as also for the nation which the Chief Executive cannot guarantee shall be carried out. (Source: An Address Delivered by J. Reuben Clark, Jr. to the 67th Annual Congress of The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, July 1957)

Last, but not least, my friend Ezra Taft Benson:

“The UN is planned tyranny.”

-Chapter 14 of An Enemy Hath Done This

Quotes by Ezra Taft Benson on the UN from his book An Enemy Hath Done This:

“After many years of observing the UN in operation, after carefully researching the less publicized aspects of this organization and after a great deal of soul-searching, I reluctantly have been forced to the conclusion that the U.N’s potential for evil far outweighs its potential for good. Furthermore, the very nature of the organization is such that this evil cannot be corrected without disbanding and starting all over from the bottom up.” Pg. 202

“It has more or less become accepted without particular concern that communists are present at the U.N., not only as delegates, but as full-time employees on the Secretariat staff.” Pg. 205

“Each year for the last ten years, J Edgar Hoover has testified before the appropriations subcommittees of both Houses of Congress and warned the American people that the U.N is not merely an occasional haven for a Soviet agent, but is, in fact, the center of communist espionage in America! The diplomatic immunity afforded to these people due to their U.N. status automatically protects them against arrest for violating the laws of this country.”

Pg. 205, An Enemy Hath Done It

“The U.N. record should start us to thinking. Is it an accident? Is it planned? - or is it merely the product of historical forces? It is both! It is the product of historical forces which were planned many years ago. These forces were made inevitable by the very nature and structure of the U.N.”  Pg. 207

“We should get out of the U.N. and get the U.N. out of the United States.”

Pg. 208, An Enemy Hath Done It

“We should pay no attention to the recommendations of men who call the Constitution an eighteenth-century agrarian document — who apologize for capitalism and free enterprise. We should refuse to follow their siren song of concentrating, increasingly, the powers of government in the Chief Executive, of delegating American sovereign authority to non-American institutions in the United Nations, and pretending that it will bring peace to the world by turning our armed forces over to a U.N. world-wide police force.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson, Title of Liberty 176; from an address given at Los Angeles, CA, 11 Dec 1961 ))

"Meantime let us have no further blind devotion to the communist-dominated United Nations.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson December 10 1963. A Race Against Time))

Notice how President Benson mentions that the UN is communist. Here are some scriptures and quotes from early church leaders that refer to communism:

“Should we disarm? And does it really make any difference whether we disarm unilaterally or collaterally? Either course of action would surrender our military independence. Should we pool our economic resources or our monetary system with those of other nations to create some kind of regional common market? It would constitute the surrender of our economic independence. Should we enter into treaties such as the U.N. Covenants which would obligate our citizens to conform their social behavior, their educational practices to rules and regulations set down by international agencies? Such treaty obligations amount to the voluntary and piece-meal surrender of our political independence. The answer to all such questions is a resounding “no,” for the simple reason that the only way America can survive in this basically hostile and topsy-turvy world is to remain militarily, economically and politically strong and independent.

“We must put off our rose-colored glasses, quit repeating those soothing but entirely false statements about world unity and brotherhood, and look to the world as it is, not as we would like it to become. Such an objective, and perhaps painful, survey leads to but one conclusion. We would be committing national suicide to surrender any of our independence, and chain ourselves to other nations in such a sick and turbulent world. President George Washington, in his immortal Farewell Address, explained our true policy in this regard:

‘The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible…’Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…Taking care always to keep ourselves, by suitable establishments on a respectably defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies.’” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson. Address delivered on June 21, 1968, at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho)

“Among the nations of the world today, there are precious few common bonds that could help overcome the clash of cross-purposes that inevitably must arise between groups with such divergent ethnic, linguistic, legal, religious, cultural, and political environments. To add fuel to the fire, the concept woven into all of the present-day proposals for world government (The U.N. foremost among these) is one of unlimited governmental power to impose by force a monolithic set of values and conduct on all groups and individuals whether they like it or not. Far from ensuring peace, such conditions can only enhance the chances of war.

“In this connection it is interesting to point out that the late J. Reuben Clark, who was recently described as ‘probably the greatest authority on [the Constitution] during the past fifty years’ (American Opinion, April 1966, p. 113), in 1945 – the year the United Nations charter was adopted – made this prediction in his devastating and prophetic ‘cursory analysis’ of the United Nations Charter:

‘There seems no reason to doubt that such real approval as the Charter has among the people is based upon the belief that if the Charter is put into effect, wars will end… The Charter will not certainly end war. Some will ask – why not? In the first place, there is no provision in the Charter itself that contemplates ending war. It is true the Charter provides for force to bring peace, but such use of force is itself war… It is true the Charter is built to prepare for war, not to promote peace… The Charter is a war document, not a peace document.

‘Not only does the Charter Organization not prevent future wars, but it makes it practically certain that we will have future wars, and as to such wars it takes from us the power to declare them, to choose the side on which we shall fight, to determine what forces and military equipment we shall use in the war, and to control and command our sons who do the fighting.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson. Address delivered on June 21, 1968, at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho)


Now, fast forward some decades:

(Comments from United Nations Secretary General about President Hinckley)

“A true friend of the United Nations, he was deeply committed to the advancing of our shared goal of improving the lives of people in need around the globe,” said Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations."

(Elder gong on sustainable development)

"We conclude by reviewing seven ways religious inputs and values can contribute in practical, principle-based policy approaches to address sustainable development goals and advance peace, people, and planet."

The 6 links below are showing how much the church supports and is involved with the United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals" and false doctrines that are part of their hidden agenda:……/its-time-to-start-talking-about-t……/the-moral-impera…

"Climate change is real, and it’s our responsibility as stewards to do what we can to limit the damage done to God’s creation."

- This address was given by Elder Steven E. Snow of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during a panel discussion Wednesday, October 10, 2018, at an environmental stewardship symposium at Utah State University.…/church-history-l……/byu-students-stand-tall……/sister-bingham-united-nati…


Do you know what one of the aspects of the "sustainable development goals" and the United Nations agenda 2030 are? Vaccines. There is proof that the church may have spent tithing money on vaccines, as part of their "humanitarian" purposes. The church also made an article for the Liahona in 1978 that condescended to anti-vaxxers and said that anyone who didn't vaccinate was because of "ignorance and apathy". The church since added a stipulation underneath of that article to make it sound less demanding.

Here are some links about the church's use and support of vaccines:…/mormon-gavi-alliance-video…/random-samp…/immunizations-a-reminder……/information-statistics-graphics-lds-c……/saving-children-measles-vac……/church-works-toward-w……/mormon-gavi-alli…


The projections for the new Salt Lake Temple grounds look like the United Nations headquarters. Notice how there is the symbol of the world which is similar to the UN logo on the base of the church office building and also the circle of flags, which is similar to the UN headquarters:

Go to 16:50 to hear a positive advertisement by the church for the United Nations:

Something important to note is that I came across evidence that the United Nations has a plan to work with church leaders of all denominations and religions behind closed doors in order to have them convince their members to get vaccinated. I think that initiative started in the 90's, if my memory serves me. I can't remember exactly where that link is, but I could probably find it.

LDS charities is officially partnered with the UN. The bottom portion shows that LDSC is in “special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council/ECOSOC.”


Our humanitarian signature programs are built on the principles of personal responsibility, community support, self-reliance, and sustainability. We employ these principles even during times of critical aid and emergency response. Our efforts are designed to give individuals and communities the tools they need to improve their own circumstances in permanent and meaningful ways.

We work worldwide and seek to align ourselves with partners that share our desire and commitment to meeting humanitarian needs around the world. By working with those organizations most capable of meeting the needs outlined in our various initiatives, we are able to put the donations we receive to the best use. By working with us, our partners are able to increase their impact through our funding and volunteer resources.

LDS Areas of Work: Food – Clean Water – Emergency Response – Immunization – Maternal and Newborn Care – Vision Care – Wheelchairs – Community Projects.

LDSC is in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council/ ECOSOC.

UNOG Representatives: Robert and Joy Orton”

The link below, shows Sister Eubank supporting the UN Agenda 2030. It also shows connections with the church and Global Citizen:

“. . . Latter-day Saints should have nothing to do with the secret combinations and groups antagonistic to the constitutional law of the land, which the Lord ‘suffered to be established,’ and which ‘should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh according to just and holy principles.’ ” (Gospel Ideals, by David O. McKay p. 306. Italics added.)

So who is right and who is wrong? Is David O. McKay right? If he is, then why has the church since supported the communist UN?

Here is more evidence for why the UN is evil: