‘The Greenway’ is a modification of ‘Get the Scoop,’ originally designed on 8-9.October.2011 at the Fall 2011 Cardboard Jam. This new implementation was begun after witnessing the live videocast of the Occupy Boston arrests at the Rose Kennedy Greenway on the morning of 11.October.2011.
This is an active document. What you see here today may change tomorrow.
Originally Designed as ‘Get the Scoop’ By:
Rik Eberhardt <reberhar@mit.edu> http://rikeberhardt.com
Jonathan Johnson
David Ludwig
Dale Miller
Re-implemented as ‘The Greenway’ By:
Rik Eberhardt <reberhar@mit.edu> http://rikeberhardt.com
Thanks to our playtesters!
‘Get the Scoop’ playtesters:
Ian Aguiar, Mitchell N. Charity, Goober, Alex Gurany, Calvin Crane Nelson III, Tam Miller, Brad Momberger, Tim Stellmach, Jon Venezian, Tim Volpe
‘The Greenway’ playtesters:
Jason Begy, Jason Beene, Owen Macindoe, Michael Rapa
And Special Thanks to Boston Game Jams’ Darren Torpey and Vicki Torpey for organizing the Cardboard Jam (and partnered Food Jam), and to the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab for hosting the Jam!
The Greenway “Civil Disobedience ... doesn’t work for anyone”
The Green has been invaded. Occupiers stand in the center of the Green, surrounded by their Veteran allies. As a leader of Protectors you must talk the Occupiers into leaving the Green and entering your safe zone, or use force if necessary.
- Game Board: a 12x12 grid of .75” (or 1.5cm) squares, the four sides of the board labeled with suits from a poker deck (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades) - Download it (11"x17" size)
- 20 Protector pieces (5 meeples of each color red, blue, orange, and grey)
- 4 Occupier pieces (black or multicolored d4’s)
- 8 Veteran pieces (yellow or multicolored d8s)
- Poker cards, Ace through 9 cards of all 4 suits (no 10’s or face cards)
- 1 First Player badge (or dealer button)
- 4 d4’s: 1 each red, blue, orange, and grey
- 4 Quarters, 1 contributed by each Player (if players don’t have one: beg, borrow, steal)
- Place 5 Protectors (P) of a single color (P1-P4) around each of the corners, surrounding a 2x2 block on two sides (labeled with the player’s number/color)
- Each player contributes a Quarter (qh) placed heads side-up diagonally from their corner Protector, on the Green
- Place 4 Occupiers (O1-O4) in the center 2x2 block of the Green (each turned to a unique number on the d4)
- Place 8 Veterans (V1-V8), each 2 spaces orthogonal from each of the Occupiers and the Quarters, in the Green.
- Deal 3 cards to each player, place the deck face down and in reach of all players
- The person with the most change in their pocket gets the First Player badge.
| | P1 |
| P2 | |
| | P1 |
| P2 | |
P1 | P1 | P1 |
| P2 | P2 | P2 |
| qh |
| V1 | V2 |
| qh |
| |
| V8 |
| O4 | O3 |
| V3 |
| V7 |
| O1 | O2 |
| V4 |
| qh |
| V6 | V5 |
| qh |
P4 | P4 | P4 |
| P3 | P3 | P3 |
| P4 |
| P3 | |
| P4 |
| P3 | |
The game is divided into rounds and turns. Each round consists of:
- The Occupiers’ turn, controlled by all of the players’ cards and dice
During the Occupiers’ turn, the players talk to the Occupiers simultaneously, trying to cajole them into coming towards the players’ own safe zone, or away from the other players’ safe zones.
- The Protectors’ turn, controlled by each player in clockwise order
During the Protectors’ turn, each player (individually and in clockwise order) uses 3 actions trying to either push the Occupiers closer to the players’ own safe zone by moving their Protectors or build a better argument for the next Occupiers’ turn by changing the cards in their hand.
- The Veterans’ turn, controlled by the First Player badge.
During the Veteran’s turn, the Veterans move in a prescripted order, clockwise around the Green, creating a cordon 2 spaces away from the Occupier’s original placement. They will push Protectors out of their way.
- The First Player badge is then passed to the next Player, clockwise
The player with the First Player badge goes first during the Protectors’ turn.
Win Condition
The goal is to get one Occupier to your safe zone and not have it leave during the Occupiers’ turn.
For each round of play:
First: the Occupiers’ turn
- Each player may choose 1 card to direct a Occupier.
- The players place 1 card face down and turn their d4 to the number representing the Occupier they will move (hiding the d4 with their hand - and not putting down the die at all if the player wants to bluff and/or abstain)
- The face value moves the Occupier the following number of spaces:
- 1 = Ace, 2, or 3
- 2 = 4, 5, or 6
- 3 = 7, 8, or 9
- The suit dictates the direction of movement, toward the side labeled with that suit
- During this turn, Occupiers move orthogonally: only horizontally or vertically
- If the card value is 3, 6, or 9, Occupiers will push other Occupiers or Protectors in their way, but not Veterans
- Pushing always happens in the direction of movement and only one square
- All players reveal their moves
- Occupier movement is resolved in the order of lowest number Occupier to highest
- If more than one player directs the same Occupier, the cards are shuffled face down, and turned over one at a time with each card resolved before the next is turned over.
- Alternately, the players can agree on an order -- if they can agree!
- Unless directed with a 3, 6, or 9 card, Occupiers end their movement when they are blocked by any other piece on the board.
- Cards are then discarded next to the deck
- Check to see if anyone won!
- If there is a Occupier in a Player’s safe zone (their own 2x2 corner) that person is a winner and the game is over!
- There can be multiple winners.
- Throw away any of the tails side-up quarters. Divide the heads up quarters between the players.
Next: the 4 Protectors’ turns
- The player with the First Player badge takes their turn first, followed by the next three Players, in clockwise order.
- Each player has 3 actions - they can spend each action doing one of the following:
- Players can have no more than 3 cards in their hand
- Players may discard in order to draw - discarding does not count as an action
- Move 1 of their own Protectors in one of the following ways:
- one square in any one direction
- Players can push a Occupier to move it one square in the direction of movement, but cannot push any Protectors or Veterans
- Occupier movement is blocked by other Occupiers, Protectors, or Veterans
- No pieces may be pushed off the board
- to any square with at least 2 of the player’s Protectors adjacent, but more of that player’s Protectors than any other players’ Protectors adjacent
- If any piece, a Protector, Occupier, or Veteran enters a square with a heads up quarter, flip the quarter tails up.
Last: the Veteran’s Turn
- The First Player moves each of the Veterans one square clockwise (see the Veterans movement tables below)
- Veterans push any number of Protectors in the direction of movement if they are in the way
- Protectors pushed by Veterans will push other pieces.
- If the line of Protectors and Occupiers have already reached the edge of the board, the Veterans are blocked.
- Other Veterans will continue to move clockwise, until blocked in this manner or by other Veterans.
Round end:
- At the end of the round, the First Player token is passed to the next player, clockwise, and the next round begins.
Veteran movement tables:
This example shows the starting setup for the Veterans. (‘c’ denotes the center 4 squares of the board)
During the Veterans’ turn they move 1 square, clockwise:
1 & 2 move 1 square Right
3 & 4 move 1 square Down
5 & 6 move 1 square Left
7 & 8 move 1 square Up
At the Veterans’ turn on the next round Veterans 2, 4, 6, & 7 move diagonally, clockwise:
Movement continues in this way one square per round, if you track Veteran 1, it moves right x 2, diagonally-down, down x 2, diagonally-left, left x 2, diagonally-up, up x 2, diagonally-right, and right again, back to its original position.