Take Action Together to defend our human right to mask protection.
Take Action Together to Defend Our Human Right to Mask Protection.
Letter Campaign
on Action Network
Link to This Doc bit.ly/StopMaskBans 1
Action - MA Mask Rights Protection Act 8
Nassau County, Long Island, New York 14
💗Support Mask Advocates and Pro-Mask Organizations! 23
See the following document for the full mission statement for this campaign! StopMaskBans Mission Statement.docx
Mask Bans are unfair, discriminatory, and a big violation of human rights. No one should have to defend their mask-wearing. Asking people to take off their masks or making them explain why they are wearing one is an invasion of privacy.
On June 27, North Carolina’s mask ban bill (HB 237), was passed into law. See recap. On August 5, the New York Long Island Nassau County Legislature passed the Mask Transparency Act (142-24), and it was made into law on August 14. See recap. UC campuses now prohibit masking to conceal identity, indicated in an August 19 letter from UC President Michael V. Drake, MD. See ACTIONS created to stop mask bans on campuses.
On October 2, in Kentucky, Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg announced plans for Louisville Metro Police to begin enforcing Ordinance 130.01 to ban masking. People who wear masks can be fined up to $100 or imprisoned for up to 50 days, or both.
Other cities and states where officials are promoting mask ban proposals include Philadelphia, Los Angeles,Chicago, New York City and State , Ocean City, NJ, New Jersey state, St. Louis, MO and Texas.
We need to stop mask bans, even if there are health exemptions. We need to wear masks to protect our health for many reasons. COVID-19 can rise at any time of the year, the CDC says. Besides preventing the spread of contagious pathogens, people also mask up for allergies, intolerance to chemicals or fragrances, and pollution, including the toxic air from wildfires.
Fear of arrest, jail time and hefty fines, people who wear masks for their health might be forced into social isolation. Less people masking will have a detrimental impact on infection control. A mask ban will also embolden businesses to deny service to maskers, including people with disabilities. Banning masks will increase discrimination! We need our government to normalize masking, instead of taking away our last bit of protection for our survival.
Let’s all ask our elected officials to make public health a priority. Nobody should be banned from protecting their health. Rather than banning masks, they should prohibit mask bans!
ALT: #StopMaskBans in white is in the middle of a red heart against a white background. The “o” in “Stop” is shaped like a spike virus.
Many people wear masks to protect themselves and their loved ones from infectious diseases. People with compromised immune systems or disabilities cannot survive without mask protection. Banning masks will abandon the vulnerable populations. Masking is community care. Banning masks will ban LOVE instead of hate. Let’s normalize masking. Mask Together America!
MaskTogetherAmerica started a letter campaign to fight the mask bans cropping up around the country. Read our mission statement and use our Action Toolkit to take action and stay informed.
Mission statement: bit.ly/StopMaskBans4LOVE
Letter campaign: bit.ly/3XLuhqG
AAction Toolkit: bit.ly/StopMaskBans
Left Image: #StopMaskBans in red is in the middle. The text below says Defend our human right to mask protection.
Right Image: #StopMaskBans in red is on the top. The text below says Action Toolkit and its link: bit.ly/StopMaskBans. And below that, Letter Campaign On Action Network and its link: bit.ly/3XLuhqG. Protect Each Other. MaskTogetherAmerica.
Growing list of press coverage on mask bans:
[#StopMaskBans] Press Coverage
Data on current levels of respiratory illnesses:
Maryland state reps Boafo, Simpson, Spiegel, Toles, and Vogel have introduced HB 1081 (the “Unmask Hate Act,” SB0709 in the Senate), banning masks for the purpose of “harassing” people or “intimidation.” Of course, these concepts are subjective, so the enforcement of this ban would put medical mask-wearers in a vulnerable position. Full bill text: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2025RS/bills/hb/hb1081F.pdf. More details: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/SB0709. News coverage: https://archive.is/0gjvL
Amplify our posts on X, Facebook, Instagram, Threads and Bluesky to invite more people to take action.
See posts from MEActMaryland, sharing our toolkit on Bluesky.
See posts from Mask Bloc DC, No MaskBanMD, Clean Air Solidarity, MaskUpBalt and CharmCityCleanAir on Instagram. #NoMaskBanMD
This is actually good news: Illinois State Rep Hoan Huynh has filed HB3853, stating that “every individual has the right to wear protective medical equipment in any place of public accommodation where they have a lawful right to be without obligation to disclose health status or any other protected information, and no person, entity, or authority shall deny, restrict, or infringe upon this right. This should be law in every state! Read the full bill here: https://bit.ly/Illinois_HB3853
Need help coming up with what to say to your legislator?
Amplify these posts in X, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and Bluesky to spread awareness and invite more people to take action together.
This one is also good news: we are encouraged that the MA state senate’s President Pro Tempore, Will Brownsberger, has introduced SD.245, a bill to prohibit municipal mask bans, guaranteeing that local governments and health boards preserve the right to wear masks for “protective or medical use.” Read the full bill text here: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/194/SD245. We hope other states follow suit!
Need help coming up with what to say to your legislator?
Amplify these posts in X, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and Bluesky to spread awareness and invite more people to take action together.
Rep Karianne Lisonbee introduced H.B. 312, creating a criminal offense for the intentional concealment of identity in a public gathering. The exceptions are only Halloween activities or celebrations, masquerade parties, or “a similar activity or celebration”---not even medical or health exceptions. Link to full bill: https://le.utah.gov/~2025/bills/static/HB0312.html
If you live in Utah, find your rep here and contact them to oppose this bill! https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp
Indiana State Senator Gary Byrne has introduced Senate Bill 286, which would ban mask-wearing in “public assemblies” (one of the highest-risk situations for viral transmission)! Read about the bill here: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/286/details
Alt: Senate Bill 286 Masks at public assemblies. Introduced Senate Bill (S) Authored by: Sen. Gary Byrne.
“Makes wearing a mask at a public assembly a Class C misdemeanor, and increases the penalty to a Class A misdemeanor for a second or subsequent offense. Increases the penalty for rioting and disorderly conduct to a Level 6 felony if the offense is committed while wearing a mask.”
Texas state Rep. Tom Oliverson filed HB 3061, a bill that increases the punishment for someone who commits a crime if they committed the crime while masked. Part of the bill reads as follows: “At the punishment stage of a trial in which the attorney representing the state seeks the increase in punishment authorized by this section, the defendant may raise the issue as to whether the purpose of wearing the disguise or mask was for Halloween, a
masquerade ball, or a similar celebration.” This sentence contains no mention of the medical need to wear a mask and implies that the defendant has to go all the way through trial (and jail time before the trial) before even having a chance to justify themselves—which no one should be forced to do in the first place. As with all mask ban bills, enforcement of the bill depends on biased perceptions of who is a “threat” or intends to commit a crime; it also stigmatizes masks in general, discouraging the use of a crucial public health tool. Stigmatizing masks for any reason also fuels violence and harassment against people wearing masks, not just from people in charge of actually enforcing the law.
Full bill text: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/89R/billtext/pdf/HB03061I.pdf
This state-wide bill enhances the punishment for committing certain criminal offenses while masked, not just serious crimes like robbery, burglary, or arson but also subjective disorderly conduct, or participation in a riot (e.g. assemblage of 7 or more persons or obstructing law enforcement or governmental functions or services), as in Title 9, Sec 42.
HB3061 can put a masker in prison for 180 days if arrested for simply using indecent language/gestures, or making unreasonable noise in public, incl. school campuses. There are exemptions for Halloween or a masquerade ball, but not for infection control or prevention.
In 2024, the idea of mask bans was previously mentioned in government meetings and hearings in 2024. See documentation here of our past coverage on this topic: [StopMaskBans] Past Actions for Texas
🚨St. Louis’ Board Bill 2 criminalizes wearing a medical mask, hood or face covering in public or while breaking another law. A mask ban hearing was scheduled on 10/3, but it was canceled at the last minute. See Posts from Mask Bloc St. Louis, as well as our post on X, a post from @MsJulieSLam on X, and a KMOV news report annotation here: [#StopMaskBans] STL Post
🚨On October 2 in Kentucky, Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg announced plans for Louisville Metro Police to begin enforcing Ordinance 130.01 (signed into law in 1983) to ban masking. People who wear masks can be fined up to $100 or imprisoned for up to 50 days, or both. The existing list of exemptions do not include people who wear masks in public to defend against COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
“Louisville is enacting a mask ban to prevent crime. Many feel this is a civil rights issue aimed at peaceful protestors but in actuality it is a serious public health issue. As of now, an exemption for health issues is not present. Needless to say, the theme of Risky Behavior, Violence, and Spreading the virus is being played out here (our Zombie Apocalypse Metaphor).” Dr. Kevin Kavanagh, founder of Health Watch USA, strongly opposes mask banning that would greatly undermine infection control, as pathogens like COVID-19 spreads year-round.
See posts: X, Threads, Facebook and Instagram
Share Julie Lam’s post on X.
🚨New Jersey Senator Jon Bramnick introduced bills S3578 and A4804 on September 12th to ban masks at public gatherings in NJ, even as COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to rise.
Star-Ledger's editorial, "Mask Bans Are Dumb, Dangerous."
See posts on Instagram, Facebook, Threads and X.
On July 11, NBC NewYork reported that the Nassau County legislature proposed an anti-mask law on Long Island, which could mean jail time and $1,000 fines for wearing a mask! This mask ban was initiated by Legislator Mazi Pilip. Mask bans, even with health exemptions, violate human and disability rights.
On July 15, the 7-member Public Safety Committee of the Nassau County Legislature approved the mask ban bill, with 4 yes votes and 3 abstaining.
Watch the hearing: https://bit.ly/NYMaskBan
On August 5, the full 19-member County Legislature voted, with 12-0 (7 abstentions) and passed the Mask Transparency Act. Democratic Legislators, New Yorkers who need mask protection for health and public health and human right advocates shared powerful testimonies to oppose the ban but their concerns were dismissed by Republican legislators.
On Aug 14, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman signed the Mask Ban into local law, making it a crime to wear a mask in public and private spaces.
Disabled People sued Nassau County! Anumita Kaur from the Washington Post reported on the lawsuit filed by DRNY.org. But the lawsuit was dismissed by a federal judge on September 25. (APNews)
See this document for more documentation on actions and responses to this proposed ban: [#StopMaskBans] Past Actions For Nassau County
The anti-mask bill in North Carolina says people can wear a mask to prevent the spread of disease, but it excludes prevention as a reason. Anyone can be forced to remove their mask if asked by law enforcement or the owner/occupant of public or private property. Taking off our masks, even for a short time, could lead to more infections. It’s not clear who the “occupant of public or private property” is, and since the NC legislature won’t define it, it could mean anyone.
This bill will increase anti-mask harassment, lead to more infections, and create profiling by law enforcement. It’s unacceptable!
See this recent North Carolina news story about how this bill has already been used by anti-mask people to harass a cancer patient:
On June 27, North Carolina moved forward with the anti-mask bill. The House overrode three vetoes from Governor Cooper, including a bill restricting public mask-wearing, ABC-11 reports.
With a summer surge upon us, Victoria Coble @Victoriacoble15, founder of @CovidActionGSO will continue to wear a mask to protect each other from illness. On July 2, we posted her advice on X, Threads, Instagram and Facebook.
A mask ban increases the spread of disease and puts everyone at risk. In North Carolina, according to NCDHHS, 1 in 6 North Carolinians have Long COVID. With a population of over 10 million people, that means about 1.6 million people in the state have Long COVID.
The New York State Assembly bill A3133 was introduced by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz. His Anti-Mask Bill (A3133/S3070, introduced by James Skoufis) allows people to wear masks to protect their health, but only during a Declared Public Health Emergency! See here for a mayoral forum where several constituents challenged the mask ban (around 1:19:30), and see here for some press coverage of the forum.
Besides this, Senator Steven D. Rhoads proposed Bill S9194 against ‘Deceptive wearing of a mask.’ This anti-mask bill S9194 (the same as A10043) requires people to get permission from authorities just to wear a mask. This would give law enforcement too much power to harass and arrest people wearing masks in public. People with medical conditions or their family members/coworkers shouldn’t have to get approval to use a lifesaving tool.
See below for details:
“A person is guilty of deceptive wearing of a mask when, such person being masked or in any manner disguised by unusual or unnatural attire or facial alteration, loiters, remains or congregates in a public place with other persons so masked or disguised while engaged in a protest, rally or other public assembly, or knowingly permits or aids persons so masked or disguised to congregate in a public place; except that such conduct is not unlawful when it is worn for religious observance or customs or when it occurs in connection with a masquerade party or like entertainment if, when such entertainment is held in a city which has promulgated regulations in connection with such affairs, permission is first obtained from the police or other appropriate authorities.
Deceptive wearing of a mask is a class B misdemeanor.
§ 190.91 Aggravated deceptive wearing of a mask. A person is guilty of aggravated deceptive wearing of a mask when, such person being masked or in any manner disguised by unusual or unnatural attire or facial alteration, loiters, remains or congregates in a public place with other persons so masked or disguised while engaged in the conduct of deceptive wearing of a mask and cause injury to a person or damage to property or theft of property belonging to another person, or knowingly permits or aids persons so masked or disguised to congregate in a public place; except that such conduct is not unlawful when it is worn for religious observance or customs or when it occurs in connection with a masquerade party or like entertainment if, when such entertainment is held in a city which has promulgated regulations in connection with such affairs, permission is first obtained from the 2 police or other appropriate authorities.
Aggravated deceptive wearing of a mask is a class A misdemeanor.”
In a Dec 9th in-person media event, Mayor Adams received the following question: “About the mask ban, I know that the governor has also been talking about pushing for a ban. Maybe in some ways you've talked about. Would you go to some kind of legal, [inaudible] something you present for City Council?”
Mayor Adams responded: “I think it's a combination from our preliminary review is a combination from the City Council and a combination from the state. We had a ban in place and it was removed after COVID. I think we need to re-examine having that put back in place. And I know the governor has voiced some interest in it. And I think that what we saw here, it is… maybe this would give the wind in the sail to bring this home. One thing is clear that, you know, thank God, this person didn't go out and harm other individuals. The longer he stayed on the streets, the more dangerous it could have been.”
This is wrong! People wear masks for many reasons, including pollution, allergies, wildfires, flu, COVID, common colds, and other contagious respiratory diseases, as well as intolerances to chemicals and fragrances, all year round.
MaskTogetherAmerica,along with other Long Haulers from across the U.S., a mostly immunocompromised group, demonstrated at the Long Covid Awareness Demonstration in D.C. on March 15. Organizers, concerned for everyone’s safety, required masking..
“The right of the people to peaceably assemble” is in the Constitution's First Amendment. No one should be harassed or arrested for wearing a mask. No one should need permission to wear a mask!
On May 22, 2024, Democratic ALDERMAN RAYMOND LOPEZ of Chicago’s 15th Ward, who was pro-mask in 2020, submitted a proposal to increase penalties on any protesters arrested while wearing a mask. We must oppose his Proposed Ordinance Introduced to Chicago’s City Council.
MaskTogetherAmerica advisor, Paul Hennessy, is in charge of posting updates and ways to help push back against proposed mask bans and restrictions in Los Angeles. Currently he encourages Angelenos to call the Mayor’s office and LA City Council members and speak out against the proposed ban. If you live outside of L.A, please contact the L..A. Tourism Board and say you won’t visit Los Angeles if there are mask bans in any capacity. Follow him for continued updates and future actions. See post on Facebook, Instagram, X and Threads, and further details on our recent action: [#StopMaskBans] LA Action
#StopMaskBans is a national awareness campaign created by MaskTogetherAmerica to help advocates and organizations in the U.S. fight for the right to wear masks. We apologize for any confusion, as we are working in real time to share our efforts and invite you to join us—by reading and sharing our posts. We need your support to raise awareness so more people will take action.
June 19 The history of the Flu Pandemic
June 21 The US Summer Surge
June 24 Harvard Poll shows Mask policies were welcomed by majority Americans.
June 24 We Protest in masks
June 25 A patient with Cancer was harassed by Anti-Masker
June 25 Launch Letter Campaign on X, Threads, Facebook and Instagram
June 27 A Survey on Discrimination by Jessica Wildfire X, Threads, Facebook and Instagram
July 1 CBS News Report on rising COVID X, Threads, Facebook and Instagram
July 8 Call CDC to speak out to Stop Mask Bans, and to put in place better guidance and advocate for policies and programs that protect everyone! Join event: http://bit.ly/CDCDay
(Promotion on July 2 X, Threads, Facebook and Instagram)
July 10 Share Violet Affleck’s inspiring testimony to LA County Board of Supervisors, in which she criticized mask bans and demanded for mask, test & treatment availability, mask mandates in hospitals, and clean air in all government buildings, including jails and detention centers.
( X, Threads, Facebook and Instagram) Please support our actions: X1, X2.
July 11 Feature Serita and Bri’anna from Act Up NY to raise awareness about the detrimental impact of Mask Bans. (X, Threads, Facebook and Instagram)
(Please email masktogetheramerica@gmail.com your actions so we can include them in this tool kit. Thank you.)
MA Mask Rights Protection Act
We are encouraged that MA Sen. Brownsberger proposed SD.245, a law prohibiting mask bans, guaranteeing that municipalities and health boards preserve the right to mask for “protective or medical use”! Urge your MA state senator to support SD.245. We hope other states follow suit!
See our posts on multiple platforms:
Tweet 1: https://x.com/TogetherWeMask/status/1878241067536912454
Tweet 2: https://x.com/TogetherWeMask/status/1878243160696009162
Julie: https://x.com/MsJulieSLam/status/1878243977972842994
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/togetherwemask.bsky.social/post/3lfj26vwruc2t
Julie: https://bsky.app/profile/msjulieslam.bsky.social/post/3lfj2bgslgk2x
Bill SD.245
An act prohibiting municipal bans of face coverings for protective or medical use
Source: https://bit.ly/3ChDazY
SECTION 1. Chapter 40 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 69 the following section:-
Section 70. No city or town shall enact an ordinance or by-law, or establish any policy, that prohibits the wearing of face coverings for protective or medical use in any indoor or outdoor space open to the public including, but not limited to: Any publicly-owned facility; Grocery stores, pharmacies, and other retail stores;
Public streets, parks, and ways; and Any location, including hotels, event venues, and private clubs, that hosts indoor or outdoor events or performances.
SECTION 2. Chapter 111 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 31E the following section:-
Section 31F. No board of health shall adopt a regulation that prohibits the wearing of face coverings for protective or medical use in any indoor or outdoor space open to the public including, but not limited to: Any publicly-owned facility; Grocery stores, pharmacies, and other retail stores; Public streets, parks, and ways; and Any location, including hotels, event venues, and private clubs, that hosts indoor or outdoor events or performances.
Attribute: #StopMaskBans, created by MaskTogetherAmerica, using stock art from Vecteezy