Syllabi Policies for AI Generative Tools

If you would like to submit your course guidelines/policy or revise your submission,

please submit it in this form.  

Update:  If you would like a more searchable version of this document, try out this spreadsheet that allows you to sort by Course, Discipline, Institution, etc.  

This resource is created by Lance Eaton (contact him via email, Twitter, LinkedIn, or sign up for his AI+Edu=Simplified newsletter) for the purposes of sharing and helping other instructors see the range of policies available by other educators to help in the development of their own for navigating AI-Generative Tools (such as ChatGPT, MidJourney, Dall-E, etc).  

If you would like to revise your submission, please just fill out the form and clarify in the comments that it’s a replacement.  

Folks are welcomed to download or share this resource or parts of it with their colleagues, institutions, and communities of practice.  

For a Spanish version of these policies, please check out this great resource by Tatiana Torres Zapata/Para obtener una versión en español de estas políticas, consulte este excelente recurso de Tatiana Torres Zapata.

Created 1/16/2023.

Last updated: 3/31/2024


Course & Institution


Other info (name, soc media handle, link etc)


Digital Interventions - AI & Education

College Unbound

There are situations and contexts within this course where you will be asked to use AI tools to explore how they can be used.  Outside of those circumstances, you are discouraged from using AI tools to generate content (text, video, audio, images) that will end up in any student work (assignments, activities, responses, etc) that is part of your evaluation in this course. Any student  work submitted using AI tools should clearly indicate what work is the student’s work and what part is generated by the AI.  In such cases, no more than 25% of the student work should be generated by AI.  If any part of this is confusing or uncertain, please reach out to me for a conversation before submitting your work.

Lance Eaton

@leaton01 (Twitter)



CU’s Institutional Strategy for AI Generative Tools


SSU Writing In the Workplace, CU Writer's workshop/Learning From Experience NS First Year Seminar

Salem State University, College Unbound, North Shore Community College

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) USE POLICY This policy covers any generative AI tool, such as ChatGtP, Elicit, etc. This includes text and artwork/graphics/video/audio. 1. You are discouraged from using AI tools UNLESS under direct instruction from your instructor to do so. Please contact your instructor if you are unsure or have questions BEFORE using AI for any assignment. 2. If AI is permitted to be used, you must indicate what part of the assignment was written by AI and what was written by you. No more than 25% of an assignment should be created with AI if the instructor gives permission for its use. 3. You must sign the AI contract that you understand and agree to these policies.

Sandy Fyfe


INSDSG 601 - Foundations of Instructional design and learning technology

University of Massachusetts Boston

No restrictions

Rebecca Hogue

I'm going to create an assignment around it - to see what they think and how they might use it.


Theater courses at a small liberal arts college

“All work submitted in this course must be your own. Contributions from anyone or anything else- including AI sources, must be properly quoted and cited every time they are used. Failure to do so constitués an academic integrity violation, and I will follow the institution’s policy to the letter in those instances.”

Shared by Harmania on Reddit



any text- generating software (such as ChatGPT, Marmot or Botowski) is not permitted, and it will be treated as plagiarism”

Shared by AtheistET on Reddit.


University of Pennsylvania

You may use AI programs e.g. ChatGPT to help generate ideas and brainstorm.  However, you should note that the material generated by these programs may be inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic.  Beware that use may also stifle your own independent thinking and creativity.

You may not submit any work generated by an AI program as your own.  If you include material generated by an AI program, it should be cited like any other reference material (with due consideration for the quality of the reference, which may be poor).  

Any plagiarism or other form of cheating will be dealt with severely under relevant Penn policies.

Holly Fernandez-Lynch shared on Twitter


EDUC 6191: Core Methods in Educational Data Mining

University of Pennsylvania

Within this class, you are welcome to use foundation models (ChatGPT, GPT, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, GitHub Copilot, and anything after) in a totally unrestricted fashion, for any purpose, at no penalty. However, you should note that all large language models still have a tendency to make up incorrect facts and fake citations, code generation models have a tendency to produce inaccurate outputs, and image generation models can occasionally come up with highly offensive products. You will be responsible for any inaccurate, biased, offensive, or otherwise unethical content you submit regardless of whether it originally comes from you or a foundation model. If you use a foundation model, its contribution must be acknowledged in the handin; you will be penalized for using a foundation model without acknowledgement. Having said all these disclaimers, the use of foundation models is encouraged, as it may make it possible for you to submit assignments with higher quality, in less time.

The university's policy on plagiarism still applies to any uncited or improperly cited use of work by other human beings, or submission of work by other human beings as your own.

Ryan S. Baker

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike



All cases of academic misconduct will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Academic Misconduct includes (but is not necessarily limited to) using ideas, words, images, or content in any other media that you did not create and presenting that content as if you were the creator. Copying content that other people created–either directly or in a modified form–without properly acknowledging the creator qualifies as academic misconduct, as does utilizing unauthorized digital tools such as artificial intelligence to create content. An assignment that is found to have been plagiarized or to have used unauthorized tools will automatically receive a zero and you will not be given an opportunity to repeat the assignment for a passing grade. Depending on the severity of the case, academic misconduct may result in a failing grade in the course.



Social Media Marketing

UMASS Lowell

The beta release of Dall-E-Mini in July 2022 and ChatGPT in November 2022 are among many tools using artificial intelligence. There is a good possibility that using tools like these are going to become an important skill for careers in the not distant future ( In the meantime though, it's going to take a while for society to figure out when using these tools is/isn't acceptable. There are three reasons why:

* Work created by AI tools may not be considered original work and instead, considered automated plagiarism. It is derived from previously created texts from other sources that the models were trained on, yet doesn't cite sources.

* AI models have built-in biases (ie, they are trained on limited underlying sources; they reproduce, rather than challenge, errors in the sources)

* AI tools have limitations (ie, they lack critical thinking to evaluate and reflect on criteria; they lack abductive reasoning to make judgments with incomplete information at hand)

Given these (important) ethical caveats, some scholars in computational sciences debate if the hype over AI-based tools-- especially as "automated plagiarism" tools-- should be heeded at all ( For the time being, I'm tentatively, pragmatically augmenting my academic integrity policy with a policy regarding a responsible use of AI-based tools in my class. This policy was developed from a response by ChatGPT-3 (2023) and edited on critical reflection by me:

Academic integrity is a core principle at UMass Lowell and it's vital that all students uphold this principle-- whether using AI-based tools or otherwise. For my class, a responsible use of AI-based tools in completing coursework or assessments must be done in accordance with the following:

1. You must clearly identify the use of AI-based tools in your work. Any work that utilizes AI-based tools must be clearly marked as such, including the specific tool(s) used. For example, if you use ChatGPT-3, you must cite "ChatGPT-3. (YYYY, Month DD of query). "Text of your query." Generated using OpenAI."

2. You must be transparent in how you used the AI-based tool, including what work is your original contribution. An AI detector such as GPTZero ( may be used to detect AI-driven work.

3. You must ensure your use of AI-based tools does not violate any copyright or intellectual property laws.

4. You must not use AI-based tools to cheat on assessments.

5. You must not use AI-based tools to plagiarize without citation.

Violations of this policy will be dealt with in accordance with UMass Lowell's academic integrity policy. If you are found in violation of this policy, you may face penalties such as a reduction in grade, failure of the assignment or assessment, or even failure of the course. Finally, it's your responsibility to be aware of the academic integrity policy and take the necessary steps to ensure that your use of AI-based tools is in compliance with this policy. If you have questions, please speak with me first, as we navigate together how best to responsibly use these tools.

ChatGPT-3. (2023, January 10). "Write a syllabus policy about the academic integrity of students using ai-based tools." Generated using OpenAI.

Spencer Ross


Digital Analytics

As most of us have had a chance to explore new AI tools like ChatGPT, they can be an amazing assist much like a calculator is for math classes.  The best way to use it for idea generation, synthesis, rephrasing, essentializing and gathering information about the typical understanding of a topic. However, it should be you that guides, verifies and crafts your ultimate answers, so please don't just cut and paste without understanding. Let's leverage the tools as an extension of ourselves with a base of knowledge to make them powerful.

Thinker Metrics


Creative Writing

Salem State University

Since writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of the learning outcomes of this course, all writing assignments should be prepared by the student.

Developing strong competencies in this area will prepare you for a competitive workplace. Therefore, AI-generated submissions are not permitted and will be treated as plagiarism.

Ethics still matter and plagiarism is a serious Salem State University offense.

Lis Horowitz


MBA 650 Capstone Strategic Management

Daemen University

Policy on Use of Chatbots, such as ChatGPT and Moonbeam, or similar programs, for MBA/ACC 650 Writing Assignments.

Your instructor will discuss in class the ways in which students could use ChatGPT or similar systems that are acceptable. Except for those situations, the following policy will apply.

  • Purpose: This policy aims to ensure the academic integrity and originality of university writing assignments by prohibiting the use of chatbots to complete assignments.
  • Scope: This policy applies to all students in the Daemen University MBA/ACC 650 spring 2023 course. The policy applies to any writing assignments submitted for academic credit, including but not limited to essays, research papers, and projects.
  • Policy: It is strictly forbidden to use chatbots or any other automated software to complete university writing assignments except under the conditions explained in class by your instructor.

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including revocation of credit for the assignment, and other sanctions as described for plagiarism in the university's academic honesty policy.

Dr. Paul McAfee

Because ChatGPT is so new, and because I have not taught when ChatGPT was available to my students, it is difficult to write a closed-ended policy for its use. I will have to work with the students this semester to explore how they can use the tool without crossing academic integrity lines. We also will explore the "stochastic parrot" ethical aspects of ChatGPT and other new AI tools.


Introduction to Sociology

Columbus State Community College

Some student work may be submitted to AI or plagiarism detection tools in order to ensure that student work product is human created.  The submission of AI generated answers constitutes plagiarism and is a violation of CSCC's student code of conduct.

Mary Reiter

Rights: Public Domain

Each assignment has an academic integrity statement that reads, "Submitting AI generated text is not permitted"


Writing 2: Rhetoric and Composition, Theme: Writing and Memory

University of California, Santa Cruz

All assignments should be your own original work, created for this class. We will discuss what constitutes plagiarism, cheating, or academic dishonesty more in class. [...] You must do your own work. You cannot reuse work written for another class. You should not use paraphrasing software (“spinbots”) or AI writing software (like ChatGTP).

Dan Copulsky


In class we discussed how academic integrity rules vary by class and that the rules I've offered are tied to the learning outcomes for this class as a writing class.


CORE-2096: Digital Literacies and Intercultural Learning   

American University in Cairo

Transparency: When/if you use Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms in your assignments, please write a note to clarify where in your process you used AI and which platform(s) you used. We will discuss this more throughout the semester in class, and you are encouraged to reflect on this in your writing as well. Please note that what the AI writing tools generate is often inaccurate and you may have to exert effort to create something meaningful out of them. I also hope that when the assignment is about reflecting on your own opinion or experience, you will do so.        

Maha Bali



Advanced Quantitative Analyses

Clemson University        

Artificial Intelligence Policy: Are all of our classes now AI classes?

A. I expect you to use AI (e.g., ChatGPT, Dall-e-2) in this class. In fact, some assignments will require it. Learning to use AI is an emerging skill, and I will provide basic tutorials about how to leverage it for our work. However, be aware of the limits of these software systems.

B. AI is vulnerable to discrimination because it can inadvertently (or intentionally) perpetuate existing biases present in the data it is trained on. For example, if an AI system is trained on data that contains a bias against a certain group of people, the system may make decisions that are unfair or discriminatory towards that group.

C. There are several reasons why AI systems can perpetuate discrimination:

    i.    Bias in the training data: If the training data contains biases, the AI system may learn and replicate those biases in its decision-making.

    ii.    Lack of diversity in the training data: If the training data does not include a diverse range of examples, the AI system may not perform well on diverse inputs, which may lead to discrimination.

    iii.    Lack of transparency: Some AI systems can be difficult to understand and interpret, making it challenging to detect and correct for biases.

    iv.    Lack of accountability: Without proper oversight and accountability, it can be difficult to identify and address discrimination in AI systems.

    v.    It is important to keep in mind that these biases can be unconscious, unintended and hard to detect, but they can have serious consequences if they are not addressed.

D. AI can be a valuable tool for augmenting human decision-making and critical thinking, but it is not a replacement.

E. AI is a tool, just like a pencil or a computer. However, unlike most tools you need to acknowledge using it. Pay close attention to whatever information you use in your own work that is produced from Ai, and explain how/what you used at the end of assignments. My recommendation is to screen shot and save everything (i.e., what prompts you used, what answers were produced, where, why, and how). This is new territory, but basic attribution rules still apply. Cite everything, otherwise you are likely violating academic integrity policies.  

F. If you provide minimum effort prompts, you will get low quality results. You will need to refine your prompts to get better outcomes. This will take time and practice.

G. Don't trust anything the systems says. Assume it is wrong, unless you already know the answer and can verify with trusted sources. It works best for topics you deeply understand.

H. Use your best judgement to determine if/where/when to use these tools. They don't always make products easier and/or better.

I. Large language models and chatbots are ""look back"" machines. They don't advance knowledge (yet). ChatGPT-3 uses data from 2021 and earlier (a lot has changed since 2021).

Note...some of this was written with Ai; OpenAI. (2021). GPT-3 API. Retrieved from

Ryan Gagnon

Rights: Public Domain


Draft of AI statement for any syllabus

Middle Tennessee State University

Use of an AI Generator such as ChatGPT, MidJourney, DALL-E, etc. is explicitly prohibited unless otherwise noted by the instructor.  The information derived from these tools is based on previously published materials. Therefore, using these tools without proper citation constitutes plagiarism.  Additionally, be aware that the information derived from these tools is often inaccurate or incomplete. It’s imperative that all work submitted should be your own. Any assignment that is found to have been plagiarized or to have used unauthorized AI tools may receive a zero and / or be reported for academic misconduct.        

Tara Perrin,  Instructional Designer


Specialization for Insects

Wharton School University of Pennsylvania

I expect you to use AI (ChatGPT and image generation tools, at a minimum), in this class. In fact, some assignments will require it. Learning to use AI is an emerging skill, and I provide tutorials in Canvas about how to use them. I am happy to meet and help with these tools during office hours or after class.

Be aware of the limits of ChatGPT:

If you provide minimum effort prompts, you will get low quality results. You will need to refine your prompts in order to get good outcomes. This will take work.

Don’t trust anything it says. If it gives you a number or fact, assume it is wrong unless you either know the answer or can check in with another source. You will be responsible for any errors or omissions provided by the tool. It works best for topics you understand.

AI is a tool, but one that you need to acknowledge using. Please include a paragraph at the end of any assignment that uses AI explaining what you used the AI for and what prompts you used to get the results. Failure to do so is in violation of the academic honesty policies.

Be thoughtful about when this tool is useful. Don’t use it if it isn’t appropriate for the case or circumstance.

Ethan Mollick


Teaching HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) Curriculum in Primary School    "Use of AI tools in EDUC2760*

University of Queensland (UQ), Australia        

We will use AI tools that harness large language models, including ChatGPT (and DALL-E 2 among others), as pedagogical opportunities for learning and teaching in the course. Doing so aligns with the course objective on digital literacies (course objective 4) and opens up a class dialogue about the role of AI in education, including opportunities and complexities for teachers' everyday work in facilitating the learning of diverse student cohorts. AI in education is a vital topic for pre-service teachers who have to navigate ongoing changes in the educational landscape caused by digital technologies like AI and machine learning.

Maintaining high ethical standards of integrity as per UQ policy and as professional teachers mean any use the AI in assessment tasks will be identified and referenced.

At the beginning of the course, we will co-create a class agreement on the use of AI tools that ensures everyone has equal access to such tools and knowledge of their benefits and limitations; understands the appropriate use of them; and is clear on policies and procedures for their use.

The co-created class agreement will align with UQ's academic integrity policies and procedures. We will revisit the agreement throughout the semester to ensure all students and the teaching team have a shared understanding of expectations and policies while recognising we will hold differing personal and professional views on AI in education.

*I wrote this text and then input it into ChatGPT with the following prompt: Review some text for grammar and spelling. The output found no spelling errors but is limited to US English spelling. The output also made three suggestions to revise sentences for conciseness. One suggestion made no sense, another messed up comma use but reduced some words that I adopted, and the last one I took on board (reduced repetition in the first sentence where I had referred to 'in the course' twice).

Kelly Matthews


Publicly Accessible Syllabus


Examples provided for all courses

University of Delaware        

The Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning at the University of Delaware has developed four sample syllabus statements at Additional text for most of these recommendations is included at that webpage, including an acknowledgement of Spencer Ross's sample citation language for GPT-3.

Use prohibited

Students are not allowed to use advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2) on assignments in this course. Each student is expected to complete each assignment without substantive assistance from others, including automated tools.

Use only with prior permission

Students are allowed to use advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2) on assignments in this course if instructor permission is obtained in advance. Unless given permission to use those tools, each student is expected to complete each assignment without substantive assistance from others, including automated tools.

Use only with acknowledgement

Students are allowed to use advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2) on assignments in this course if that use is properly documented and credited. For example, text generated using ChatGPT-3 should include a citation such as: “Chat-GPT-3. (YYYY, Month DD of query). “Text of your query.” Generated using OpenAI.” Material generated using other tools should follow a similar citation convention.

Use is freely permitted with no acknowledgement

Students are allowed to use advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2) on assignments in this course; no special documentation or citation is required.

Kevin R. Guidry

Rights:  Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


Freshman Composition

Old Dominion University

Submitting work containing any content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) when not explicitly directed to do so by the instructor will be considered an act of academic dishonesty.

Elizabeth Vincelette


Introduction to Critical Theory

George Washington University

Policy on the use of generative artificial intelligence tools:

Using an AI-content generator such as ChatGPT to complete assignment without proper attribution violates academic integrity. By submitting assignments in this class, you pledge to affirm that they are your own work and you attribute use of any tools and sources.

Learning to use AI responsibly and ethically is an important skill in today’s society. Be aware of the limits of conversational, generative AI tools such as ChatGPT.

  • Quality of your prompts: The quality of its output directly correlates to the quality of your input. Master “prompt engineering” by refining your prompts in order to get good outcomes.
  • Fact-check all of the AI outputs. Assume it is wrong unless you cross-check the claims with reliable sources. The currently AI models will confidently reassert factual errors. You will be responsible for any errors or omissions.
  • Full disclosure: Like any other tool, the use of AI should be acknowledged. At the end of your assignment, write a short paragraph to explain which AI tool and how you used it, if applicable. Include the prompts you used to get the results. Failure to do so is in violation of academic integrity policies. If you merely use the instructional AI embedded within Packback, no disclosure is needed. That is a pre-authorized tool.

Here are approved uses of AI in this course. You can take advantage of a generative AI to:

  • Fine tune your research questions by using this tool  Enter a draft research question. The tool can help you find related, open-ended questions
  • Brainstorm and fine tune your ideas; use AI to draft an outline to clarify your thoughts
  • Check grammar, rigor, and style; help you find an expression

Alexa Alice Joubin    


ENG101, ENG102 for Cybersecurity, Applied A.I. & Business Fields of Interest

Chandler Gilbert Community College

Policy on CHATGPT or other A.I. created/A.I. Augmented work :

1)Using a product or technology (ChatGPT,  Dall-E, etc.) in the course to create or aggregate synthetic content for the course such as any course writing, brainstorming, generating a draft, a works cited source bank, answering discussion groups, substitute or impersonate you in zoom, classroom, breakout rooms, collaboration, group work, or other attendance activities, is considered academic misconduct similar to plagiarism or violations of the honor code.

2)Using a product or technology as identified above to help you edit your work (improve your quality as defined by course instruction, course definitions, standards & expectations, and rubrics) is not a violation of the honor code statement, as long as you cite the tool or identify it as a partner or augmentation in use for a course related activity before submitting your work.

Miguel Fernandez

Rights: Public Domain


HI 371, Baseball as American History

Bentley University

A Few Words about Generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT)

Writing is integral to thinking. It is also hard. Natural language processing (NLP) applications like ChatGPT or Sudowrite are useful tools for helping us improve our writing and stimulate our thinking. However, they should never serve as a substitute for either. And, in this course, they cannot.    

Think of the help you get from NLP apps as a much less sophisticated version of the assistance you can receive (for free!) from a Bentley Writing Center tutor. That person might legitimately ask you a question to jump-start your imagination, steer you away from the passive voice, or identify a poorly organized paragraph, but should never do the writing for you. A major difference here, of course, is that an NLP app is not a person. It’s a machine which is adept at recognizing patterns and reflecting those patterns back at us. It cannot think for itself. And it cannot think for you.  

With that analogy in mind, you will need to adhere to the following guidelines in our class.  

Appropriate use of AI when writing essays or discussion board entries  

•    You are free to use spell check, grammar check, and synonym identification tools (e.g., Grammarly, and MS Word)

•    You are free to use app recommendations when it comes to rephrasing sentences or reorganizing paragraphs you have drafted yourself  

•    You are free to use app recommendations when it comes to tweaking outlines you have drafted yourself


Inappropriate use of AI when writing essays or discussion board entries  

•    You may not use entire sentences or paragraphs suggested by an app without providing quotation marks and a citation, just as you would to any other source. Citations should take this form: OpenAI, chatGPT. Response to prompt: “Explain what is meant by the term  ‘Triple Bottom Line’” (February 15, 2023,

•    You may not have an app write a draft (either rough or final) of an assignment for you

Evidence of inappropriate AI use will be grounds for submission of an Academic Integrity report. Sanctions will range from a zero for the assignment to an F for the course.

I’m assuming we won’t have a problem in this regard but want to make sure that the expectations are clear so that we can spend the semester learning things together—and not worrying about the origins of your work.

Be aware that other classes may have different policies and that some may forbid AI use altogether

Chris Beneke

Rights Public Domain



BIOL 4293:  Scientific Communication

Texas Woman's University

“All assignments in this course are individual assignments. In this class, you will often be discussing course concepts with your classmates and with me, but when you sit down to complete a quiz, write a discussion post, or work on a project, I expect you to do the actual work independently. This is the only way that I will be able to tell what you have learned.

You may not use non-TWU “tutoring services” such as Chegg or Course Hero for this course. Paying someone else to do your classwork is the opposite of learning.

You may not use artificial intelligence tools to complete your assignments in this course.


Your major projects in this course are open-book and open-note. However, plagiarism from any source is prohibited, both by university policy and by federal law. Any written assignments, including quizzes, projects, and discussion posts, must be your own, original work. You cannot directly copy word-for-word from any source, including a textbook, even if you provide a citation. Copying someone else’s words denies credit to the original author, and it also robs you of the opportunity to deepen your understanding by putting things in your own words. We will be using the Turnitin tool on many assignments in this course as a way to teach you to identify and avoid plagiarism. You will be able to see your similarity report as soon as you submit an assignment. If you notice that you have accidentally committed plagiarism, you should rewrite your assignment and resubmit it. If I notice that you have accidentally plagiarized, I will contact you and ask you to rewrite and resubmit, and I will not grade your assignment until I receive your new submission."    

Ann Davis, Ph.D.

Rights: Public Domain

This is an online asynchronous course teaching students how to communicate science to scientist and non-scientist audiences; as such, it is extremely important that students do the writing themselves rather than outsourcing it.  I have a discussion assignment early in the course on ethical challenges in science publishing (plagiarism, reproducibility, predatory publishing, etc), and this semester I included an article about the promises and pitfalls of AI tools as part of this assignment.  Many of the students were startled to discover that these tools can return biased or factually incorrect answers.


Computing & Data Sciences

Boston University

Students shall

  1. Give credit to AI tools whenever used, even if only to generate ideas rather than usable text or illustrations.
  2. When using AI tools on assignments, add an appendix showing (a) the entire exchange, highlighting the most relevant sections; (b) a description of precisely which AI tools were used (e.g. ChatGPT private subscription version or DALL-E free version), (c) an explanation of how the AI tools were used (e.g. to generate ideas, turns of phrase, elements of text, long stretches of text, lines of argument, pieces of evidence, maps of conceptual territory, illustrations of key concepts, etc.); (d) an account of why AI tools were used (e.g. to save time, to surmount writer’s block, to stimulate thinking, to handle mounting stress, to clarify prose, to translate text, to experiment for fun, etc.).
  3. Not use AI tools during in-class examinations, or assignments, unless explicitly permitted and instructed.
  4. Employ AI detection tools and originality checks prior to submission, ensuring that their submitted work is not mistakenly flagged.
  5. Use AI tools wisely and intelligently, aiming to deepen understanding of subject matter and to support learning.

Instructors shall

  1. Seek to understand how AI tools work, including their strengths and weaknesses, to optimize their value for student learning.
  2. Treat work by students who declare no use of AI tools as the baseline for grading.
  3. Use a lower baseline for students who declare use of AI tools, depending on how extensive the usage, while rewarding creativity, critical nuance, and the correction of inaccuracies or superficial interpretations in response to suggestions made by AI tools.
  4. Employ AI detection tools to evaluate the degree to which AI tools have likely been employed.
  5. Impose a significant penalty for low-energy or unreflective reuse of material generated by AI tools and assigning zero points for merely reproducing the output from AI tools.

This policy recognizes that

  1. This policy depends on goodwill, a sense of fairness, and honorable character.
  2. Some instructors may prefer stronger restrictions on the use of AI tools and they are free to impose them so long as care is taken to maintain transparency and fairness in grading.
  3. This policy takes account of the existence of subscription versions of AI tools, which are not affordable for some students; the policy may need to be revised as the differences between subscription and free versions become better understood.
  4. This policy may be revised in light of other policies and novel technological developments in AI tools.

More Details


English Division Policy for ENGL 1301, 1302, 2322, 2323, 2328

Northeast Lakeview College

Unless otherwise explicitly instructed, students are not allowed to use any alternative generation tool for any type of submission in this course. Every submission should be an original composition that the student themselves wholly created for this course.

Faculty reserve the right to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) detection software to find instances of AI-generated writing in student submissions. The findings are binding and can be subject to student code of conduct, academic dishonesty, and plagiarism policies in the course. Students who use AI software to compose assignments will face disciplinary action.

Angela Brazeal Hager


Innovation Design Engineering

Imperial College, London

General points:

• AI models are powerful and can be an effective way to check the quality of your written work, prompt new ideas, or generate simplified explanations of complex topics to support your learning.

• Submitting work and assessments created by someone or something else, as if it was your own, is plagiarism and is a form of cheating and this includes AI-generated content. Please refer to Imperial College’s Academic Misconduct Procedures for further information.

• Natural language processing models work by predicting what text is most likely to follow previous text based on the information it has ingested. Therefore, it can often return incorrect or false information. For example, it may return non-existent academic references.

Imperial College Guidance: 

Image Generation/ Video/ Design Production for IDE project work:

• Identify which AI-powered platform or tool was used to generate the image(s) and/or video(s) in your work, such as Midjourney, DALL-E, or Stable Diffusion (and others).

• Provide the specific input parameters, prompts, or preferences that you provided to the platform or tool to guide the image/video generation process.

• Clearly state that the image(s)/video(s) were generated using AI with the platform referenced.

• If you have used AI extensively in images, videos or project parts, we need to see a flowchart with a chain of commands and prompts to evaluate your technical skill in creating assets with AI.

Text/Code Generation:

• Identify which AI-powered platform or tool was used to generate the text in your work, such as Chat GPT, Bard etc.

• Provide the specific input parameters, prompts, or preferences that you provided to the platform.

• Please be advised that you cannot use the platforms to create substantial parts of your Report, as this can be defined as plagiarism.

Example: “Write me an introduction on xyz” is not acceptable, however spell-checking for example is acceptable- also refining the style and quality of text through, as long as you generated the input.

• Please be aware that any text uploaded on the platforms will feed into training data, hence it may account for a publication of your work. This is potentially an issue for future patent protection.

• If you have used AI extensively to create code or project parts, we need to see a flowchart with a chain of commands and prompts to evaluate your technical skill in creating assets with AI.

Elena Dieckmann

Rights: Public Domain        


CS 601.471/671 NLP: Self-supervised Models

Johns Hopkins University

Cheating is wrong. Cheating hurts our community by undermining academic integrity, creating mistrust, and fostering unfair competition. The university will punish cheaters with failure on an assignment, failure in a course, permanent transcript notation, suspension, and/or expulsion. Offenses may be reported to medical, law or other professional or graduate schools when a cheater applies. Violations can include cheating on exams, plagiarism, reuse of assignments without permission, improper use of the Internet and electronic devices, unauthorized collaboration, alteration of graded assignments, forgery and falsification, lying, facilitating academic dishonesty, and unfair competition. Ignorance of these rules is not an excuse.

Academic honesty is required in all work you submit to be graded. Except where the instructor specifies group work, you must solve all homework and programming assignments without the help of others. For example, you must not look at anyone else’s solutions (including program code) to your homework problems. However, you may discuss assignment specifications (not solutions) with others to be sure you understand what is required by the assignment. If your instructor permits using fragments of source code from outside sources, such as your textbook or on-line resources, you must properly cite the source. Not citing it constitutes plagiarism. Similarly, your group projects must list everyone who participated.

In the above paragraph ""outside sources"" also include content that was produced by an AI assistant like ChatGPT. This follows either by treating the AI assistant as a person for the purposes of this policy (controversial) or acknowledging that the AI assistant was trained directly on people's original work. Thus, while you are not forbidden from using these tools, you should consider the above policy carefully and quote where appropriate. Assignments that are in large part quoted from an AI assistant are very unlikely to be evaluated positively. In addition, if a student's work is substantially identical to another student's work, that will be grounds for an investigation of plagiarism regardless of whether the prose was produced by an AI assistant.

Daniel Khashabi

More information here.

Rights: Copyright maintained, new reuse or repurpose rights granded.


ENG 1510

Ohio University

Development as a writer requires personal investment and practice. Chat GPT and AI platforms are tools that good writers may rely on in some situations. Part of your development as a writer entails critically considering different occasions and developing a rationale for the appropriate use of AI writing tools. In this class, we ask that you keep an open line of communication with the instructor regarding the use of AI writing tools. It is important to consult your instructor BEFORE using them in an assignment. If, in consideration with your instructor, you do use Chat GPT or other AI tools, cite them in your Works Cited page and be prepared to argue a rationale for the appropriateness of their use. These are matters of concern because over reliance on technology can impede the growth of your writing skills and offset the learning outcomes for the course.

Paul Shovlin


Advanced Legal Writing

Howard University School of Law        

I expect you to use technology in this class. Technology can be as useful for writers as a calculator is for mathematicians. Some tools, such as styles and automated cross-references and tables of contents in MS Word, may already be familiar to you. Other tools, such as Zotero for citation management, West or Lexis’ brief-check tools, or ChatGPT for summarizing articles, may be less so.

Learning to use technology appropriately is important for lawyers. We will cover some of them in class. Others you are expected to experiment with at home. You must use them in order to learn their limits. Generative AI tools can be invaluable for generating ideas, identifying sources, synthesizing text, and starting to understand what is essential about a topic. But YOU must guide, verify and craft your work product; do not just cut and paste without understanding.

In particular, I want to warn you about the limits of tools like ChatGPT:

  • If you provide minimum effort prompts, you will get low quality results. You will need to refine your prompts in order to get good outcomes. This will take work.
  • Don’t trust anything it says. If it gives you a number or fact, assume it is wrong unless you either know the answer or can check in with another source. You will be responsible for any errors or omissions provided by the tool. It works best for topics you understand.
  • AI is a tool, but one that you need to acknowledge using. Often that means a citation explaining what tool you used and how you used it that follows immediately after its use. Using these tools without proper citation constitutes plagiarism.
  • If you copy verbatim from an AI tool, you must provide a citation and quotation marks, which will indicate that the words used were not your own.
  • If you paraphrase an output from an AI tool, you must provide a citation (but not necessarily quotation marks), indicating that the idea, format, and syntax were not originally your own.
  • Other times, it may be appropriate to include a paragraph at the end of any assignment where you used an AI tool in which you explain what you used the AI for and what prompts you used to get the results.
  • Failure to do so is in violation of the academic honesty policies because the information derived from these tools is based on previously published materials and is not the product of your own, unaided mind.

Matthew Bruckner

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


DLHE 7305: Introduction to Digital Learning Environments (doctoral level)

St. Edward's University        

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

You may use generative AI programs, e.g. ChatGPT, to help generate ideas and brainstorm.  You should note, however, that the material generated by these programs may be inaccurate, incomplete, biased or otherwise problematic.  Beware that use may also stifle your own independent thinking and creativity.

Generative AI also derives its output from previously created texts from other sources that the models were trained on, yet doesn't cite sources.  You may not submit any work generated by an AI program as your own.  If you include material generated by an AI program, it should be cited like any other reference material (with due consideration for the quality of the reference, which may be poor).  When/if you use Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms in your assignments, please write a note to clarify where in your process you used AI and which platform(s) you used. See this article for proper APA formatting of such citations: How to cite ChatGPT

Rebecca Frost Davis

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike

APA instructions on citing Thanks to the models shared through this resource.  I specifically modeled mine on #6 by Holly Fernandez-Lynch, #9 by Spencer Ross and #15 by Maha Bali.


Business Law

Grand Rapids Community College

Academic Dishonesty

Submit your own work. If you use a source for support, include quotes and a citation. Academic dishonesty includes taking content from an Internet search, another person/entity, or AI technology such as ChatGPT (either directly or with modification) and representing it as your answer.


RELE515 - Faith and Flourshing

Linda University

AI tools like ChatGPT are designed to assist humans with their work. However, it is important that students understand the appropriate use of AI to avoid academic misconduct. The following guidelines apply to the use of AI in this course:

  • If utilized, AI should be used to enhance and supplement academic work, not to replace it.
  • Students must properly cite any information obtained from AI.
  • Students must not use AI to obtain answers on assessments.

While AI can provide a wealth of information and insights, it is important to remember that it is a machine and not a human expert. It is not capable of independent thinking or making judgments based on personal experiences, cultural contexts, or ethical considerations. Therefore, it is important, if used, to use AI as a complementary tool to academic work, and not as a replacement for one's own thinking and analysis.

Moreover, academic work involves developing essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, which cannot be fully developed by relying solely on AI. Engaging in independent research, reading, writing, and discussion with peers and instructors are crucial components of academic work that should not be overlooked or replaced by technology.

In conclusion, while AI can be a valuable resource in enhancing academic work, it should be used judiciously as a supplementary tool, rather than a replacement for independent thinking and academic inquiry. (This was generated utilizing Chat GPT (AI) March 16, 2023.)

Zane Yi    Loma


Introduction to public policy

Universidad del Rosario        

Guidelines for the use of AI in university courses    

Additionally, this is short statement that may be included in syllabi: «In this course, the use of artificial intelligence systems is allowed as long as such use complies with four rules: (1) Informed use: that the student knows how the system works, its limitations and risks: (1) Informed use: that the student knows how the system works, its limitations and risks. (2) Transparent use: that the students report the used tool and how they used it. (3) Ethical use: that they do not pass off as their own the text generated by the system and that they apply citation rules (e.g., APA rules for ChatGPT). (4) Responsible use: that all information obtained through the system is checked against other reliable sources and that no personal or confidential information (their own or others’) is entered into the system when making queries. For more detailed guidance on these rules, see the ‘Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in university contexts (version 5.0)‘.»

Juan David Gutiérrez

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


Draft policy for undergraduate writing courses

St. Edward's University

Policy for Ethical Use of Generative AI Technologies  

Drew M. Loewe

Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


Master's Level Library Media, and Digital Learning Program

Plymouth State University

Use of Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Tools

Within this course, you are welcome to use generative artificial intelligence (Ai) models (ChatGPT, DALL-E, GitHub Copilot, and anything after) with acknowledgment. However, you should note that all large language models have a tendency to make up incorrect facts and fake citations, they may perpetuate biases, and image generation models can occasionally come up with offensive products. You will be responsible for any inaccurate, biased, offensive, or otherwise unethical content you submit regardless of whether it originally comes from you or an Ai model.

If you use an Ai model, its contribution must be cited and discussed:

  • What was your prompt?
  • Did you revise the Ai model’s original output for your submission?
  • Did you ask follow-up questions?
  • What did you learn?

Having said all these disclaimers, the use of Ai models is encouraged, as it may make it possible for you to submit assignments and your work in the field with higher quality and in less time.

Pam Harland

Rights: Public Domain


ChatGPT for Business (MBA590)

State University of New York - Oswego        


This course encourages and embraces the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Throughout the course, it is essential to utilize generative AI systems, including but not limited to Text to Text, Text to Image, Text to Audio, and Image to Video, in a manner that upholds integrity.

As a student in this course, you are expected to actively incorporate AI tools while upholding integrity. You hold the responsibility to assess the integrity and impartiality of your submissions, ensuring they remain unbiased. It is important to recognize that AI has inherent limitations, and human supervision is necessary to verify the quality and appropriateness of the output. Thus, exercising responsible AI usage requires human oversight and verification.

Moreover, you are required to thoroughly read and certify the content of each submission. This entails a careful review to confirm the accuracy and suitability of the AI-generated content before submission.

AI Acknowledgement: To promote transparency, every assignment must include an ""AI Acknowledgement"" section. This section should clearly explain how AI was employed in the preparation and composition of the assignment. This acknowledgement allows us to acknowledge the role of AI in the learning process and understand its impact on the work produced.

By adhering to this AI policy, we aim to cultivate a learning environment where AI tools are utilized responsibly, ensuring the integrity of our work and promoting ethical AI practices throughout the course.

Mohammad Tajvarpour

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommercial & No Derviatives


CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction; CS7637: Knowledge-Based AI    

Georgia Institute of Technology

We treat AI-based assistance, such as ChatGPT and Github Copilot, the same way we treat collaboration with other people: you are welcome to talk about your ideas and work with other people, both inside and outside the class, as well as with AI-based assistants. However, all work you submit must be your own. You should never include in your assignment anything that was not written directly by you without proper citation (including quotation marks and in-line citation for direct quotes). Including anything you did not write in your assignment without proper citation will be treated as an academic misconduct case.

If you are unsure where the line is between collaborating with AI and copying from AI, we recommend the following heuristics:

  •  Never hit “Copy” within your conversation with an AI assistant. You can copy your own work into your conversation, but do not copy anything from the conversation back into your assignment. Instead, use your interaction with the AI assistant as a learning experience, then let your assignment reflect your improved understanding.
  • Do not have your assignment and the AI agent itself open on your device at the same time. Similar to above, use your conversation with the AI as a learning experience, then close the interaction down, open your assignment, and let your assignment reflect your revised knowledge. This heuristic includes avoiding using AI assistants that are directly integrated into your composition environment: just as you should not let a classmate write content or code directly into your submission, so also you should avoid using tools that directly add content to your submission.

Deviating from these heuristics does not automatically qualify as academic misconduct; however, following these heuristics essentially guarantees your collaboration will not cross the line into misconduct.

David Joyner, also shared on Twitter

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


HSC 100 Introduction to Social Services;  HSC 200 Theories & Methods of Social Services

Volunteer State Community College

The purpose of assignments in this course is for you to demonstrate your writing and critical thinking skills while providing you with opportunities to grow as a communicator, thinker, and scholar. Writing skills, along with the course concepts you learn while writing, will help you develop as a person and valued employee who will succeed in your future career(s). I may sometimes incorporate the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT into your lessons and assignments. In these cases, AI is a valuable tool for learning. However, in instances where you are not specifically told to use AI, I ask you to embrace the challenges of learning, scholarship, and personal growth and write without using AI. Please let me know if you have any questions about the use of AI in this class.        

Bryan Saums

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


ENGL 102, ENGL 211, ENGL 215, CWI 101

College of Western Idaho

CWI’s academic integrity policy has been updated and identifies the following as a violation of academic integrity: “submission of work created by artificial intelligence tools as one’s own work.” However, I use ChatGPT every day and think it’s a fascinating new tool to assist with learning and writing. Thus, I encourage students to use ChatGPT for the following types of tasks:

  1. Outlining content
  2. Providing background knowledge (with the understanding that ChatGPT is often wrong—Wikipedia is a better resource for this right now)
  3. Checking grammar and syntax.

If you choose to use ChatGPT in this class, you MUST do the following:

Cite ChatGPT (see this resource for more information on how to do this).

  1. Write a brief paragraph at the end of your work explaining how and why you used ChatGPT. Include the prompts you used, and answer this question: Who is the author of this work? Then explain your answer. I reserve the right based on my assessment of your assignment to require you to revise and resubmit all or parts of the assignment if I conclude that you have not used ChatGPT appropriately.
  2. If I suspect that you have used ChatGPT, and you have not included the required citation and reflection, then you will need to meet with me either in person or through Zoom to talk about the assignment. This conversation will include knowledge checks for course content.

Liza Long

Here's the resource I ask students to use (from our OER CWI 101 Pathways textbook)

Rights: Public Domain


 ENGL3362 "Crafting Activism: Democracy, Composition, and DIY Rhetorics" (upper division elective); 

First Year Writing Seminar (required first-year composition course)

Boston College  

This is the current state of a draft policy: While Artificial Intelligence has been around us for some time (map-based navigation and virtual assistants— just to name a few!), the release of Generative AI (GenAI) like Chat GPT has caused quite a stir, especially in the world of education. GenAI does not replace human experience and has some known issues:

GenAI has a tendency to “hallucinate,” making up information that is incomplete, incorrect, or nonexistent.

GenAI reiterates bias and is prone to discriminatory, non-inclusive language.

For this reason, you should assume that every fact or information it gives you is wrong. Make it a habit to verify the information that it gives you.  

Each of your professors might feel differently about using GenAI, but for the purposes of this class, here are some guidelines on using AI in your work. Please note, these are “emerging best practices,” and will likely be refined as time goes on.

In Professor Noël’s class, the use of GenAI is permitted for the following activities:

  • Brainstorming and refining your ideas
  • Fine-tuning research questions
  • Drafting an outline to organize your thoughts
  • Checking grammar and style

You may not use GenAI to produce an assignment in its entirety.

In Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor, Lynda Barry, when discussing the quality of lines that she sees in student work at the beginning of her class says, “There is something beautiful in the lines made by people who stopped drawing a long time ago” (26). She continues,

“But what if the way kids draw— that kind of line that we call ‘childish’-- what if that is what a line looks like when someone is having an experience by hand? A live wire! There is an aliveness in these drawings that can’t be faked, and when I look at them, that aliveness seems to come into me. I’m glad to see and feel them. Real aliveness of line is hard to come by. When someone learns to draw— to render— that goes— the aliveness— And it’s what some artists spend their whole lives trying to get back” (31-32).

What Lynda Barry calls “aliveness,” we often call “voice” in writing. In this class, I care more about your voice, the “aliveness” of your writing, than I do about polish, perfection, or sheen. GenAI tools are very good at producing writing that is technically proficient, that has a sort of “sheen,” but aliveness? That can only come from you. Like Lynda Barry’s students, you come to this class with varying backgrounds and skill levels. Depending on your previous educational experience, you likely have adopted habits and mindsets about writing that may or may not serve you at this point in your life. Part of our work together is to figure out what to keep and what to rebuild. Central to this process is your willingness to engage with your own writing voice, to put your unique “aliveness” on the page or into pixels. That’s work that will allow you to learn and grow, and it’s work that only you can do.

Noël Ingram

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


CBAD 350, Marketing; MKTG 351, Consumer Market Analysis, MKTG 455, Personal Selling and Sales Management

Coastal Carolina University

You might be permitted to use generative AI tools for specific assignments or class activities. However, assignments created with AI should not exceed 25% of the work submitted and must identify the AI-generated portions. Presenting AI-generated work as your own will have consequences according to university policies. Importantly, while AI programs like ChatGPT can help with idea generation, they are not immune to inaccuracies and limitations. Further, overreliance on AI can hinder independent thinking and creativity. Note that, in the spirit of this policy, it was written in part by ChatGPT.

Matthew A. Gilbert









Technical communications courses taught by the instructor listed

University of North Texas

Rules for Use of Writing Tools

Because the effective use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools is increasingly important to the work of technical communicators, their use is sometimes required or allowed in course assignments. AI tools can support a content creator during all phases of their work:

  • pre-writing: before content is created, writers can use some tools to research topics, collect genre samples, brainstorm ideas, craft outlines, etc.
  • drafting: some tools support the generation of content
  • revising: after content is generated, many tools aid writers in identifying and altering style/tone, spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.

Note: These phases also apply to the creation of oral or visual content.

In the course, the specific rules for the use of AI tools appear in the Canvas descriptions for all assignments. Failure to follow these specific rules constitutes academic dishonesty. For a description of academic dishonesty, see the section below on UNT policies.

Kim Sydow Campbell

 Sample syllabus with policy (p. 4)


English Composition (1101 and 1102)

Georgia Gwinnett College

From Syllabus:

During this class, we will be exploring and discussing the appropriate use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT in the writing process. For preliminary guidance on the appropriate use of AI and ChatGPT, see “Plagiarism and Academic Integrity”, below, and “Policy on Use of AI and ChatGPT” on D2L.

From Syllabus Section on Plagiarism:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT:

  • I do not consider the use of Artificial Intelligence or ChatGPT in the writing process to inherently constitute plagiarism. I do believe, however, that AI should be used appropriately, and that you should describe how you used it.
  • For a further description of what constitutes appropriate use of AI or ChatGPT in this class, see the “Policy on Use of AI and ChatGPT” on D2L. As noted in that policy, over-reliance on AI, which includes submitting an AI-generated response without personal adaptation, constitutes plagiarism.
  • Different professors treat the use of AI and/or ChatGPT differently. You should check with your professor before using AI in his or her class.

From ""Policy on Use of AI and Chat GPT""

Appropriate use of AI and/or ChatGPT is permitted in this class. We will be discussing what constitutes appropriate use of AI as the semester progresses. For now, I believe that it is appropriate to use AI as a tool to help you improve your writing and your writing ability. It is not appropriate to use it as a substitute for the critical reading, critical thinking, and initial drafting that go into many writing assignments. This course is designed to help you improve these skills, skills which I believe will be critical to your success, both during college and in your future career, regardless of what career you pursue.

David Weiss

Rights: Public Domain


Sociology (multiple courses)

UC Santa Cruz

A Word About Integrity

Integrity – other people’s perception of your word as true – is one of the most valuable assets you can cultivate in life. Being attentive to integrity in academic settings allows others to trust that you have completed work for which you are taking credit. This is symbolic of the public trust from which you will benefit in your future occupation and activism after you graduate.  A good rule to live by: if you haven’t done the work, you’re always better off just being honest about it and taking the hit. You can take a course again but it's much harder to repair ruptured trust.

AI Policy

In this class, I ask that you complete your work without using AI-generated sources to augment, think through, or write your assignments.

There is one exception: you are welcome to use AI tools for pre-submission editing (spell-check and grammar-check) as long as you do not use them for thinking or drafting.

On rare occasions, I may create an assignment in which I ask you to critique content generated by AI; if this occurs, I will provide clear assignment-specific AI-use guidelines within the prompt.

If you submit work that appears to have been written using AI sources, I will ask you to meet with me to discuss your thinking and writing process. If, after our conversation, I conclude it’s more likely than not that you did not personally complete an assignment you submitted under your name, I will refer you to your college provost for further conversation.

If you have questions about AI use and/or proper attribution of other people’s work, please come ask me! Scholarly citing is not particularly intuitive, and part of my role is to help you learn the rules for intellectual attribution.

Megan McNamara

Rights: Public Domain


Center for the Advancement of Teaching

Temple University

Sample Syllabus Statements for Acceptable/Unaccepted About Use, Use Encouraged & Permitted, and Use Prohibited usage for the Use of AI Tools in Your Course


Russia: culture, politics, & foreign policy

Boston College    Modern

A special note about artificial intelligence writing tools

Understanding how to live and work with digital tools and platforms – from statistical software to data visualization tools to artificial intelligence tools – is an essential skill for all students in this day in age. In this course I encourage you to use all the tools available to you (and that you are familiar enough with to use efficiently and effectively) to aid your learning. This includes artificial intelligence (AI) copywriting and chatbot tools such as ChatGPT,, DALL-E 2, and others. However, as with any other resource you use to aid your work in this course, you must acknowledge any and all AI tools that you use in the development of your work. You must also substantially revise any writing or work produced by an AI tool before submitting it for credit in this course.

If you use an AI tool at any point in the development and/or creation of your work for this course – including discussion board posts, exams, and projects – you must include appropriate citations and the acknowledgment below in your Reference list:

Name of publisher/tool producer. (year). Name of AI tool (version date) [Large language model].

You must also include a full transcript of the writing or work produced by the AI tool in an appendix to your work.

For more details on how to cite ChatGPT and other generative AI tools see this resource from the American Psychological Association.

Erin Baumann

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


First-year seminars and sociology courses

Lasell University

Policy on artificial intelligence (AI, meaning apps such as Chat GPT): It is fine to get research assistance from AI as long as you put both your prompt and the resulting text as an appendix at the end of your paper, and list it in your reference list. Just as with any other source, if you use an AI bot’s exact words, enclose them in quotes and put the citation in parentheses. You are expected to compose the sentences in your written assignments yourself, except for a small amount of well-cited quoting.  Be cautious in using AI for research assistance, as all existing AI apps ‘hallucinate’ and supply false information; don’t rely on AI for accurate information, but always fact-check.

Betsy Leondar-Wright


Instructional Methods for for the Middle & High School (ED576)

Warner Pacific University

The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools in ED 576

The Warner Pacific University recognizes the potential benefits of incorporating AI tools in the classroom environment. AI tools are powerful aids in academic work, but they have limitations that must be understood to use effectively and responsibly. These tools are not developed to provide users with creative output and often cannot process complex subject matter. AI lacks human judgment and relies heavily on input data and may inadvertently perpetuate biases. (Stanford University Human-centered Artificial Intelligence, 2023). While AI can assist, it cannot replicate the nuanced guidance of a human instructor and cannot be used as a replacement for personal effort and critical thinking.  


Understanding these limitations is crucial to responsible AI use in academic work. This policy was developed to reinforce and support the Warner Pacific University Academic Integrity policy.  


The Warner Pacific University Academic Integrity Policy

Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of honorable conduct in academic matters. If students and faculty are to build a learning community, it is essential that students present their own work in their classes.

The following situations constitute a breach in academic integrity:  

1.    Cheating (the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids)

2.    Fabrication/falsification (intentional falsification or invention of information, including false sign-in)  

3.    Plagiarism (the use of another's ideas, words, data, or product, including tables and figures, without proper acknowledgment)

4.    Identical work (submitting work for multiple purposes without permission or submitting work that closely parallels another student's submission when collaboration is not allowed)

5.    Assisting in dishonesty (helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty, tampering with evaluation materials, distributing unauthorized questions or answers related to an examination/test)

6.    Misuse of electronic resources (the use of unauthorized electronic resources to complete an assignment)  


All incidents of willful dishonesty or plagiarism will be reported in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). Possible actions that may be taken by a faculty member who suspects a student of academic dishonesty (after conversation with the student in order to determine the student’s awareness of the problem) are listed below. In order to protect both student and faculty involved, the VPAA must be present during any action taken beyond the oral reprimand/ counseling stage:  

1.    Oral reprimand (by faculty member)  

2.    Requirement to resubmit work or retake an examination/test (by faculty member)  

3.    Reduction of grade or failing grade on assignment/exam (by faculty member with Division Dean or VPAA)  

4.    Reduction of grade for the course (by faculty member with Division Dean or VPAA)  

5.    Failing grade for the course (by faculty member with Division Dean or VPAA)  


If a satisfactory resolution is not reached after these actions have been taken, either faculty or student may refer the matter to the Academic Policies Committee for resolution, which will address the issue using the regularly established procedures for academic appeals.  


At the discretion of the VPAA, repeat offenses may result in suspension or administrative dismissal from the university.  


All the above procedures must be carried out in accordance with the Warner Pacific University Education

Records Policy in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (Public Law 93-380). (""Warner Pacific University Catalog,"" 2022)


Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools in [insert course number]

To ensure responsible and ethical use of AI tools, the following policy has been established:


1.    Permitted Use:  

a)    AI tools are permitted in this course to enhance learning and supplement students' understanding of course material.  

b)    Students are encouraged to explore various AI tools that align with the course objectives, with the understanding that the responsibility for their appropriate use lies with the students.


2.    Responsible Use Guidelines:  

a)    AI as Support, Not Replacement: AI tools should augment the learning process, not replace original thinking. While these tools can support idea generation, fact-checking, or language revision, they must not substitute the individual's critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and thought process. Students should consider AI a tool for enhancement and refinement, but the essence of the work must come from their intellectual effort. This ensures that the final work retains originality and reflects the student's perspective and understanding.

b)    Ownership of Work: With the above understanding, students should maintain ownership of their work by actively engaging with the material, independently formulating ideas, and using AI tools to support their learning process.


3.    Academic Integrity:  

a)    Plagiarism: Students must not use AI tools to generate or modify content with the intention of evading plagiarism detection. All sources, including AI tools, must be properly cited within the text and included in the bibliography.  

b)    Authenticity: Students should use AI tools to augment their understanding and generate ideas, while ensuring that the final work reflects their own analysis, synthesis, and originality.  

c)    Critical Evaluation: Students must critically evaluate the output of AI tools, considering potential biases and limitations, and corroborate information obtained from AI tools with other credible sources.


4.    Instructor Support:  

a)    The instructor is available to provide guidance, clarification, and support to students regarding the appropriate use of AI tools in [insert course number].

b)    Students are encouraged to consult the instructor if they have questions or require assistance related to the responsible and ethical use of AI tools.

5.    Citation Guidelines:  

a)    Direct quotes or paraphrased content generated by AI tools should be treated as any other source and attributed correctly. See for further information.

b)    Students must acknowledge the use of AI in any work they submit for class. Text directly copied from AI sites must be treated as any other direct quote and properly cited. Other uses of AI must be clearly described at the end of the assignment. For example, a student might write:


""In this paper, I used the AI tool ChatGPT to generate some of the ideas for my argument. I have cited ChatGPT in the bibliography and included a note at the end of the paper explaining how I used ChatGPT."" (""Teaching and Learning at Cleveland State University,"" n.d.)


By adhering to this policy, students will benefit from the responsible and ethical use of AI tools, promoting academic integrity, critical thinking, and enhanced learning outcomes. This policy provides a framework for the appropriate use of AI tools in ED 611A, while allowing flexibility for individual instructors to establish additional guidelines or requirements aligned with course objectives.


Suggested uses for AI

1.    Brainstorming and idea generation: Students can use AI tools to generate ideas, prompts, or potential research topics. For example, they can use AI-powered chatbots or text-generation tools to explore different angles or perspectives related to their assignments. However, they should ensure the final work reflects their analysis and synthesis of the generated ideas.


2.    Language enhancement and revision: AI tools can improve clarity, grammar, and written work style. Students can utilize AI-powered writing assistants or proofreading tools to identify errors, suggest edits, or provide alternative phrasing. However, students must review and incorporate these suggestions to align with their voices and maintain their original work's integrity. This might be done using a tool such as Grammarly.


3.    Fact-checking and information gathering: AI tools can assist students in finding relevant information, verifying facts, or identifying credible sources. Students can use AI-powered search engines or data analytics tools to gather supporting evidence or explore different perspectives. It is essential that students critically evaluate and corroborate the information obtained from AI tools before incorporating it into their assignments while also providing appropriate citations.


4.    Language translation and communication support: AI tools can aid students who are non-native speakers or need assistance in language translation. Students can use AI translation tools to enhance their understanding of academic texts or to communicate their ideas more effectively. However, they should ensure that they fully comprehend the translated content and make necessary adjustments to align with the requirements of their assignments.


5.    Data analysis and visualization: In research-focused courses, students might employ AI tools to analyze and visualize complex datasets. Students can use AI-powered data analysis tools or visualization software to gain insights from data and present their findings. It is crucial that students understand the underlying principles of data analysis and interpretation and can explain the results derived from AI tools in their own words.


In all these examples, responsible use of AI tools involves using them as aids or tools to enhance the student's work rather than relying on them as a substitute for critical thinking or originality. Students should exercise judgment, critically evaluate the output of AI tools, and take ownership of their final work by incorporating their analysis, ideas, and interpretations.



American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).


Center for Faculty Excellence. (n.d.). Example policy statements for AI in higher education. In Teaching and

Learning at Cleveland State University. Retrieved June 1, 2023, from


Chan, C. K. (2023). A Comprehensive AI Policy Education Framework for University Teaching and Learning. ArXiv.


Google. (2023). Google Bard: Personal communication. Google Bard [Large Language Model]. Retrieved from


McAdoo, T. (2023, April 7). How to cite ChatGPT. Apa Style. Retrieved June 2, 2023, from


OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (June 1 version) Retrieved from


Stanford University Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (2023, March 9). AI will transform teaching and learning. Let’s get it right. HAI. Retrieved June 2, 2023, from


Warner Pacific University. (2023). Warner Pacific University Catalog 2022-2023 [PDF]. Retrieved from


Please note: This policy was drafted using the AI tool Google Bard to generate some of the ideas. (Google Bard AI language model, 2023).  Additionally, AI tool ChatGPT was used to refine some of the language and provide feedback (OpenAI., 2023)

Andrew Torris

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


U.S. History

Berry College

This class allows the use of AI tools (such as ChatGPT, Bing chat, and others) for your out-of-class assignments. AI is a new and valuable skill to master. Students who use AI correctly can become more productive, efficient, and skilled scholars. AI should not be viewed as a way to avoid learning the material, but rather as an assistant that can help you master content and produce better results.

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly evolving field that has many applications and implications for various disciplines. Different courses and instructors will have different policies regarding the use of AI tools and services for academic purposes. It is your responsibility to follow the AI policies for each of the courses that you are enrolled. Violating the AI policies of any course may result in serious consequences, such as a lower grade, a failing mark, or academic probation.

1. To get high quality results from AI, you need to craft good prompts. Simple prompts lead to weak results. OpenAI the company that built ChatGPT has put out documentation on some of the best practices to use with AI chats to achieve good results.

2. Don't believe anything that AI tells you. If it provides a number or a fact, verify it with a trustworthy source. You will be held accountable for any mistakes the tool produces.

AI fabricates or ""hallucinates"" seemingly credible data all the time. It can generate wholly inaccurate content that is nonetheless highly persuasive. This is especially true when asking it for references, quotations, citations, and calculations. Among the various different models, Bing tends to have the least hallucinations, primarily due to its internet connectivity. However, Bing will still lie to you; especially if you ask it to expand upon a topic for which it doesn't have information. AI can also produced biased answers. It was likely trained on material primarily created by by straight, white, men. Your grade will be penalized for each wrong fact or inappropriate text submitted. Make sure, therefore, to closely read and verify anything AI generates to ensure that it accurately reflects the facts and your position on a topic or issue.

3. AI is a tool that needs to be cited. If you use AI on an assignment, you need to acknowledge that in a paragraph describing how AI was used and listing the prompts used. Failure to provide this information is a violation of academic integrity. Your paragraph about AI use and prompts should be submitted a downloadable attachment in the 'Add Comment' feedback section of the assignment.

4. AI is not appropriate for all situations and contexts. Be thoughtful in how you use it. AI is not a replacement for knowing and understanding the material, but it can be helpful in getting you started, learning the information more deeply, and maybe even proof-reading and improving your papers. Be aware, however, that the texts and images produced by AI prompts are currently not protected by U.S. copyright law.

Christy Snider

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


CS 412 Algorithms: Design and Analysis

Habib University

Using AI tools in this course

The AI winter (links to an external site) is over. Last year made that point with a bang, especially in the context of education. Going by how these things work, we will only see an acceleration from here. We like technology and find these exciting times. We are sure that you do, too.

This is to ask for your help in understanding the impact of AI in our classroom. The technology is still unfolding, there is a lot to keep up with, a lot of the teaching-focused literature seems to be coming from an adversarial standpoint, and I am getting slow with age. Thankfully, your minds are young and sharp, and can assist me in the process.

In this course, the use of AI tools carries NO PENALTY and is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. You should however be aware of the concerns regarding privacy (e.g., see slide 7 here (links to an external site.)) and veracity (e.g., see here (links to an external site.)).

For any course assessment, you are encouraged to attempt to solve it using AI. The usual practice of attribution applies, and sample citation formats are given below. Your submission will still be graded on correctness. As we proceed, the assessments may even contain an explicit question on this. You will be required to report the AI service that you used, the question(s) that you used it for, the prompts that you gave it, whether you revised your prompts and why, whether you edited the AI's response for submission and why. We want to know about both failed and successful attempts.

We are excited to see what this experiment yields.


Sample citation formats:


BibLaTeX (links to an external site.)


  title = {ChatGPT},

  author = {OpenAI},

  url = {},

  urldate = {2023-01-25},

  note = {Prompt: how do i cite a chatgpt chat in bibtex format?}



BibTeX (links to an external site.)


  title = {ChatGPT},

  author = {OpenAI},

  howpublished = {},

  date = {2023-01-25},

  note = {Prompt: how do i cite a chatgpt chat in bibtex format?}



bibitem (links to an external site.)


OpenAI. \textit{ChatGPT}. [Online]. Available: . Last accessed: 26 Jan 2023. Prompt: how do i cite a chatgpt chat in bibtex format?"    The instructions were not shared in the syllabus, rather as an announcement to the students a couple of weeks into the course.

Waqar Saleem

Rights: Public Domain


Judaism; Jewish Language in the 21st Century

University of Southern California (and Hebrew Union College)

ChatGPT and other AI generators that use large language models can be powerful tools for researching and writing papers. However, you should be aware of their limitations:

  1. Errors: AI generators make mistakes. Assume the output is incorrect unless you check the claims with reliable sources.
  2. Bias: Their output may reflect bias because the data they are trained on may reflect bias or may not include sufficient data from certain groups.
  3. Citation: These tools use existing sources without citation. Therefore using their outputs puts you at risk of plagiarism.
  4. Environmental impact: Each ChatGPT search uses non-trivial amounts of electricity and water.

With these concerns in mind, you are welcome to use AI generators to brainstorm and refine ideas, find sources (that you subsequently read), draft outlines, check grammar, refine wording, and format bibliographies. Beyond bibliographic references, you are not allowed to copy and paste material generated by AI and use it in your assignments. At the end of your bibliography, add a note indicating which AI tool you used and how you used it, including the prompt(s) you used and the date(s).

Sarah Bunin Benor

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


CIE 413

University of Maine

You are likely to use generative AI such as ChatGPT this semester. As with other any other tool or resource, remember two important things:

  1. You are ultimately responsible for what you submit.
  2. In order to facilitate review of your work, provide appropriate references.

For generative AI, this may include prompts used, the specific AI used, and a short description of your methodology (how did you use it).  We will have a chance to discuss use of generative AI in class.

Uncited use of generative AI will be considered a violation of academic honesty and reported through appropriate channels.

Edwin Nagy

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


AP Literature and Composition

Berthoud High School

A Note about AI/Chapt GPT: On occasion, we will be using AI in this course as a tool to better understand how to improve our writing or our comprehensions of the texts we read. As such, there may also be instances where you could potentially use AI for your own benefit on particular writing assignments. That being said:

Any use of AI/ChaptGPT must be cited. Take screenshots and include them (in addition to the necessary in-text citation) as a part of an assignment so that I may compare that tool’s language with your own, more advanced interpretation of it.

It is important to note that any use of AI is more than technically plagiarism regardless of how you’re using it; any person who has submitted work online, including any work that you and millions of others have completed on the Google suite, is subject to having their material stolen by online AI tools. This is obviously problematic and bridges ethical issues around writing and art (to say the least).

AI should be a tool and not your own submission. Often, ChaptGPT and similar sites are often wrong in their interpretations of a text. It will be up to you to take the information provided for you and make necessary changes to be more accurate in your own writing. Again, AI can be great for inspiration, especially when you’re stuck in an interpretation, but you must clearly demonstrate your own knowledge surrounding content in this course.

Your work may include 20% AI (this is not recommended overall, but this is as much as I’m willing to bear). If it is not cited, or if your entire work is done using AI, you will receive a zero. You may not make up this work.

(This note on AI was developed using language from Brently University)

Jo Ruddy


REL 103: Introduction to Religious and Theological Studies

University of Dayton

About AI:

AI writing is a “brave new world” for all of us.  In order for me to understand how it’s being used, this classroom has an *AI full disclosure policy*: at the end of any assignment where you used AI (ChatGPT, Grammarly, etc.), please tell me what you used it to do.  /You will not be penalized just for using AI./  I simply want to understand where and how it’s helpful for students like you.

  • IF your AI use appears to entail plagiarizing, I will contact you directly to talk about how to use AI in an acceptable way.  You might have to redo the assignment in some cases, but you won’t be in trouble unless you repeat the behavior.
  • ChatGPT is a great resource for brainstorming ideas; I use it too!  But it’s really bad at providing citations.  Always check any quotations or citations against their original source.
  • If you are uncertain about whether a particular use of AI is acceptable, just ask me.

Esther Brownsmith

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


Various Geography and Teaching Methods

Central Michigan University

Generative AI technologies have the potential to enhance learning experiences and promote critical thinking in this course. However, it is important to note that the use of AI should be supplementary and should not replace the development of essential cognitive skills.  I think of it as the new Wikipedia…a great place to start but you, as the author, are responsible for ensuring that the information and outputs are appropriate.

When using generative AI tools, students are expected to exercise responsible and ethical practices. This includes critically evaluating the outputs of AI-generated content, understanding the limitations and potential biases of AI algorithms, and maintaining academic integrity by appropriately citing and acknowledging sources, including AI. It is crucial that students develop a deep understanding of the subject matter independently, only utilizing generative AI as a tool to augment their learning process. If there is any question of appropriate use, students should seek clarification and guidance from the instructor regarding the appropriate use of generative AI tools to ensure alignment with the course objectives and requirements. (OpenAI, 2023)


OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (July 6 version) [Large Language Model]/ 

Gabrielle Likavec

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


(Note: this was created with students in Spring 2023, using referenced LLM with edits from our input)


First Year Writing

Regis University

Scholarship and Outside Sources

As scholars, we have an obligation to share with our readers the sources and tools we used in creating our scholarship. This is both because it is dishonest to portray other people’s ideas as our own and because it is helpful to our audience to put our work in the context of the greater scholarly conversation. Readers may be curious to learn more about our subject; they may want to verify our information; or they may even want to create their own scholarship inspired by ours. In all cases, they will need to know what our sources were.

To this end, every paper should have two features indicating our reliance on outside sources:

The first should be in-text parenthetical citation paired with a Works Cited list (in APA or MLA style); or Footnotes/Endnotes and Bibliography (in Chicago Style) with the authors, titles, publishers, dates, and URLs (if appropriate) of each source. This is for sources we have quoted directly (which should be in quotation marks), those we have paraphrased in our own words, and those that we have used for background information. All sources for the text should be properly introduced, with their connection to our own ideas clearly stated.

The second should be an Artificial Intelligence Disclosure, which should contain the following statements:

I did not use artificial intelligence in creating this paper.


I did use artificial intelligence in creating this paper, namely ____________ (ChatGPT, Bard, etc.). I used it in the following ways (check which of the following acceptable uses were utilized):

  • Brainstorming help
  • Outlining help
  • Background information
  • Grammar/spelling/punctuation/mechanics help


I affirm I did not generate text with artificial intelligence and directly copy it into my paper.

Why is it important not to directly copy words from an AI engine into our texts? There are multiple reasons: first, this would be considered plagiarism (which means presenting others’ words as if they were our own); second, AI engines are notoriously unreliable on facts—anything they assert must be checked against reliable sources; third, AI engines reproduce biases and prejudices from their source material—it is incumbent on us to check and correct for bias; and finally, using AI to generate text may rob us of the chance to develop our own thinking on a subject. Think about it this way: the point in education is not to generate text artifacts. Rather, the point is to help us develop our own ability to think critically. Writing is a means to critical thinking, and we must do our own writing to cultivate our own true, not artificial, intelligence.

Loretta Notareschi


ENGL 430: UX Research Methods

University of Arizona

My AI Policy: Use, reflect, refine

## We live in exciting and scary times!

Since last year, the emergence of various generative AI tools like ChatGPT has been challenging our conventional notions of what it means to write, what it means to be an author, what it means to cite, and what it means to plagiarise. Nobody has final answers yet, but many people are exploring this new world to make sense of it. Being in this class allows us the privilege to participate in that ongoing conversation. I invite you to tweak this policy as we go along.

**Here are some starting guidelines on Generative AI Use for our ENGL 430: UX Research class** that I’ve developed thanks to my learnings from this wonderful list curated by [Eaton (2023)].

**Am I Allowed to use ChatGPT or other such tools?** In short, yes, but terms & conditions apply:

- 🔍 **A.1) Attribution is still important**: Citing the work of other humans 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 is a morally valuable 💖 and legally required ⚖ principle that academia upholds 🎓. That principle continues to apply to human writing 📝 you use for this class. It also transfers to content generated by generative AI tools 🤖. Organizations like the [MLA]( and [APA](  📚 have come up with guidelines on how to cite such content, which we will follow 👍.

- **🤖 A.2)** **Responsibility of content is still yours**: Please note that Generative AI tools can sometimes produce factually incorrect ❌, biased 😒 or potentially harmful 🚫 outputs. As an author ✍️, it's your responsibility to verify any content you use from these tools for factual correctness, bias, and potential for social harm 🌎.

- 📋 **A.3)** **Documentation of your use of AI is key**: If asked 🤔, you should be able to demonstrate how much of the work was done by you 👩‍💻, and what role AI tools played in assisting you 🤖➡️👩‍💻. How you choose to demonstrate that is up to you 🤷‍♂️. Some suggestions include sharing transcripts of your ChatGPT chats 🗣 using the “share” feature, adding statements about AI use at the end of your submissions etc.

- 🤔 A.4) **Reflect on your experiences with AI for better documentation:** If you use AI, try to reflect on your experiences 🤔. What parts of your work flow has it improved✨? What has it harmed❌? How do you feel after using it? How do you think writers should be using these tools📝? This will help with the documentation principle above. 👆📊

        - **Here is an example**: While creating this policy, I used ChatGPT to add emojis to make this text more engaging. I also used the spell-check in Google Docs to change British spellings to American ones. I also asked ChatGPT for feedback on an initial draft of the policy. It gave some useful suggestions and I included one of them about developing a feedback loop with students about their AI use. Finally, I asked it to give me some catchy titles for this policy, and among the many options it gave based on my prompt tweaking, I liked the phrase “use, reflect, refine” so I’ve incorporated that in the policy. This also led me to add a new point for “reflection” within the policy itself. So while using ChatGPT helped me revise my ideas, having these ideas to start with was important, otherwise I wouldn’t have developer a deeper understanding of AI ethics. For further details, you can also view my transcript with ChatGPT [here](

- 🚀 A.5) **Challenging these principles is encouraged; conversation is key; we’ll refine as we go**: Since we're still in the early stages of experimenting with AI, I encourage you 👏 to challenge these principles based on your experiences, and share thoughts 💭 about how they should be revised, if needed. I encourage you to contact me anytime you face issues while using AI tools and applying these principles. Through these conversations, we will refine the policy as we go along.

👩‍🏫 A.6) This policy is for this class only: Please check with instructors of other classes 🏫 to see what their AI policies may be. The guidelines for this class do not automatically apply to other classes 🚫🔄.

Anuj Gupta


ENGR 1100 - Fundamentals of Computation

University of Colorado Denver

Special Note on AI: Utilizing ChatGPT or other AI tools is becoming more common. While I would prefer you not use these tools and instead commit to the productive struggle that is learning, I recognize that these tools are not going away. Rather than ban them, we will treat them similarly to other resources you use. This means you MUST follow the four points above. 1. Give notice that you used the AI tool, which one you used and how you used it in the comments of your code. 2. Rigorously test and alter the program to suit the assignment and your understanding. 3. You must understand any code you submit and be prepared to explain it to me. And 4. all comments should be your own words.  Sample code with the appropriate credit statement will be shown in class.        

Kate Goodman


Writing Seminar

SUNY Geneseo

One of the goals of Writing Seminar is to develop an understanding of writing in the digital age. This goal involves understanding how composition has changed to adapt to new concerns; most recently, these have taken the form of automated writing platforms such as ChatGPT. In this course, you are permitted to employ ChatGPT in the composition of one of the four major papers you will submit. Should you choose to use ChatGPT for an assignment, you must:

  1. Acknowledge ChatGPT as a co-author. This means listing ChatGPT in the author section of your MLA heading. Because you are sharing co-authorship with an automated writing platform, you must acknowledge their position and your relationship to them. Listing ChatGPT as a co-author also signals to me that you are sharing authorship on this particular assignment—any paper that uses ChatGPT without acknowledging co-authorship will be considered plagiarized.
  2. Cite ChatGPT whenever used to pull word-for-word content. Although you do not need to put the material ChatGPT generated in quotations marks, you do need to end each sentence of word-for-word content with an in-text citation reading: (ChatGPT WFW).
  3. Do not cite ChatGPT—in any form—when used to facilitate idea generation or organization of ideas. See below for more information.
  4. Submit a reflection of at least 500 words detailing how the automated writing platform contributed to the assignment’s completion, acknowledging both its strengths and limitations. The reflection should be specific (ie. I need to know where you’ve shared authorship with ChatGPT and where your ideas are your own). Additionally, the reflection must also address how you have gained insights about course material and the writing process in general. Again, you will need to be specific—I am looking for higher level analysis of your creative process, not a list of sentences and ideas that ChatGPT generated for you.
  5. Finally, it should go without saying, but nonetheless…
  • Understand that this policy is unique to INTD 105: The Witch
  • This policy does not apply to any other course on our campus
  • Do not expect other professors to allow (much less encourage) the use of ChatGPT
  • Do not use this policy as justification in a future class for your use of ChatGPT (either ethically or unethically)

George Goga

Rights: Public Domain


Public Policy and Public Administration courses

Universidad de los Andes

Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in university contexts (version 5.0)» (There's a Spanish version titled ""Lineamientos para el uso de inteligencia artificial en contextos universitarios (versión 5.0)].

This is an update from the previous versions that are already in your list (see #35).

Additionally, this is short statement that may be included in syllabi: «In this course, the use of artificial intelligence systems is allowed as long as such use complies with four rules: (1) Informed use: that the student knows how the system works, its limitations and risks: (1) Informed use: that the student knows how the system works, its limitations and risks. (2) Transparent use: that the students report the used tool and how they used it. (3) Ethical use: that they do not pass off as their own the text generated by the system and that they apply citation rules (e.g., APA rules for ChatGPT). (4) Responsible use: that all information obtained through the system is checked against other reliable sources and that no personal or confidential information (their own or others’) is entered into the system when making queries. For more detailed guidance on these rules, see the ‘Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in university contexts (version 5.0)‘.»


College English

Bethune-Cookman University


Academic honesty is essential to student success. Copying or paraphrasing another author’s work without proper documentation and acknowledgement amounts to plagiarism. It is also academically dishonest to purchase assignments/papers from other people.

Cheating, plagiarism, and all other forms of academic dishonesty are contrary to the policies of the university. By virtue of your student status at our university, you have proven that your own ideas and thoughts are more than sufficient to contribute to the body of scholarly work at this institution.

Therefore, the first instance of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for an assignment. Any subsequent cases or instances of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the course, academic suspension and/ or dismissal from the university. If you are unsure about what constitutes cheating and/or plagiarism, please ask. Ignorance of the university’s policies will not absolve you from punishment.

Use of AI: Students may use AI to general base level ideas, clarify concepts, and conduct simple research, and students must properly cite their use of AI. Students may not use AI to generate their essays or assignments. I expect the assignments students submit to be their own work or writing, not an artificially intelligent large language model’s.

Rondrea Danielle Mathis        


MEA: 3290: Applied Media Analytics

Elon University        

I encourage you to use AI-related technologies in this class, such as Chat GPT. But I would like it recognized as a tool.

For research, AI use is encouraged: use it to come up with ideas for your project or try to find data sets online. You can even try uploading a data set and asking for some basic insights.

For coding, you are welcome to treat AI as a tutor, asking it how to program something, or what’s wrong with your code. I find that AI provides code examples, and completely lacks context. Therefore, if you do not understand the syntax of the programming language you are using, AI will be of little help.

For written content, please write a draft of your project before using AI to help improve it.

Brian Walsh

Rights: Public Domain


Chemistry (General Chemistry (for majors), Introductory General, Organic, and Biochemistry (for nonmajors), Chemistry and the Environment (for nonscience nonmajors)

Queensborough Community College - City University of New York        

Academic integrity is at the core of a college or university education. Faculty assign essays, exams, quizzes, projects, and so on both to extend the learning done in the classroom and as a means of assessing that learning. When students violate the academic integrity policy (i.e., “cheat”), they are committing an act of theft that can cause real harm to themselves and others including, but not limited to, their classmates, their faculty, and the caregivers who may be funding their education. Academic dishonesty confers an unfair advantage over others, which undermines educational equity and fairness. Students who cheat place their college’s accreditation and their own future prospects in jeopardy.

Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York. Penalties for academic dishonesty include academic sanctions, such as failing or otherwise reduced grades, and/or disciplinary sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.

Academic honesty is expected of all students. Any violation of academic integrity is taken extremely seriously. All assignments and projects must be the original work of the student, not any other person or artificial intelligence (AI). Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Work suspected of not being original may require an oral presentation to demonstrate authorship in order to receive credit. It should be noted that the time and effort required to “cheat” probably exceeds that required to simply complete the assignment as given. Any questions regarding academic integrity should be brought to me. The college’s policy on Academic Integrity can be found at 

Kevin Kolack





CH 420 - Medicinal Plant Chemistry I    

Northern Michigan University

Your instructors believe that constructive and judicious use of AI tools (such as Bard and ChatGPT), can augment learning experiences when used appropriately, such as for finding scientific literature or other relevant references, or gathering citations. However, AI-written submissions are not allowed in this course and will be treated as plagiarism (as in, you will receive a zero). CH 420 aims to foster your analytical, critical thinking, and writing skills—key competencies that will give you an edge in a competitive workplace. As such, all writing assignments (paper discussions, take-home assignments, and lab reports) should be exclusively your own work.        

Maris Cinelli


Macalester College

AI Sample Syllabus Statements

Britt Abel


Health Sciences Center    & Nutritional Sciences

University of Oklahoma

Use of AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard, Claude) are encouraged in this course to facilitate the student learning experience and overall productivity. However, such use should follow three clear principles:

1) any and all use should be transparent, properly cited, and otherwise declared in any final work product produced for grading or credit;

2) students are responsible for ensuring accuracy of content produced including references and citations; and

3) students acknowledge that improper attribution or authorization is a form of academic dishonesty and subject to the OUHSC Academic Misconduct Code as outlined in Section 2.4 of the Student Handbook and Appendix C; 12-11 in the Faculty Handbook.

All work turned into the instructor for grading is assumed to be original unless otherwise identified and cited. If there is uncertainty about any content in regard to the above guidelines, please contact the instructor to discuss these questions prior to turning anything in for grading.

Franklin Hays

Rights: Public Domain


Rock, Popular Music, and Society

SUNY-Stony Brook        

AI writing tools can be helpful resources for thinking as well as writing. I encourage students to use them to think through questions throughout the course. Bear a few things in mind, however. First, AI is a weak writing tool, and even setting aside the matter of academic integrity, they don’t produce very good papers on their own. Second, they are often factually inaccurate, and thus should not be relied on for concrete details. Third, the writing prompts for this class are designed to be fulfilling and fun (truly!), and I don’t want anyone to miss the chance to hone their writing in a context where the professor and TAs will genuinely want to read what you have to say.        

Benjamin Tausig

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


(Honors) English 210: Technical and Professional Writing

Texas A&M University

The English Department’s statement on the usage of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) reflects the importance of writing as our field’s primary method of formative assessment of student knowledge. As a result, writing should be an individual endeavor of crafting words, sentences, paragraphs, and essays that demonstrate your own critical thinking, analysis, and judgment. The department emphasizes that writing tools, such as ChatGPT and Bard, are not a replacement for crafting your own writing.

My general stance as an instructor is that writing has always been impacted by available technologies, so our current technological moment is no different in that basic sense. Nonetheless, students now have access to increasingly powerful writing tools in this modern technological landscape. As a result, writing teachers must teach efficient and ethical use of such tools as a requisite component of digital information literacy. Thus, our class policy on GenAI follows:

GenAI tools, such as ChatGPT, Bard, Dall-E, and others, are allowed (even welcomed) in this course with proper attribution. I will provide specific guidance throughout the course for constructing efficient prompts, how to employ them within the writing process, and how to attend to the ethics of proper GenAI use. Though I encourage GenAI tool use, you must understand that such generative tools can both facilitate and complicate the writing process. Even when used properly, they can introduce biased, offensive, untrue, and/or inappropriate content. Additionally, if not cited properly, you can be charged with forms of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and/or fabrication, so use GenAI tools cautiously, wisely, and appropriately with guidance from me. Just as you will benefit from the clarity AI tools can bring to the writing process and the polish achievable in final drafts, you will be held accountable for any negative consequences that result from their use. Ignorance of the issue will not be an acceptable excuse for any misuse; always reach out to me with any questions.

Gwendolyn Inocencio


Media and Society

Keene State College

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool Guidelines

As part of my ongoing commitment to promoting the development of 21st-century information literacy skills for learning, I encourage the effective and responsible use of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, and Grammarly, among others, to assist with your coursework.

However, it is essential for you to understand that these tools are to be applied to augment your own intellectual work, not replace it. Any verbatim copying and pasting of these tools' output and presenting it as your original work is considered plagiarism and constitutes a violation of the KSC academic honesty policy.

[Note: The preceding section will constitute the syllabus statement, the full document that follows is linked from that statement as a page in Canvas.]

Here are some recommended ways to use AI tools in your academic endeavors:

  • Research Assistance: AI can aid in topic selection, source finding, key concept identification, and exploring diverse perspectives on a subject.
  • Brainstorming and Outlining: AI can be prompted to generate ideas, create outlines, and structure arguments for essays or presentations.
  • Thesis/Claim Generation: AI can aid in formulating strong, clear, and arguable thesis statements or claims for written assignments.
  • Summarization: AI can help distill lengthy journal articles or academic research papers into concise summaries, assisting in understanding complex materials. Any summaries used in assignments must cite their original sources (not the AI).
  • Paraphrasing: AI can assist in rephrasing sentences or paragraphs while retaining the original meaning, thereby improving clarity and avoiding plagiarism. Citations also apply in this case.
  • Grammar and Syntax Checks: AI can proofread your work, correct grammatical errors, improve sentence structure, and enhance syntax.
  • Vocabulary Enhancement: AI can suggest more precise or sophisticated word choices, thereby enhancing the overall quality of your writing.
  • Collaborative Writing: AI can aid real-time collaboration, idea sharing, and document editing among group members for team projects.
  • Feedback and Revision: AI can offer instant feedback on writing clarity, coherence, and structure, guiding students through the revision process.
  • Data Visualization: AI tools can be used to create charts, graphs, and other visual representations of data, enhancing the presentation of research findings.
  • Multimodal Assignments: AI can assist in integrating various forms of media (e.g., images, audio, video) into written assignments, fostering creativity and engagement.
  • Accessibility Support: AI can be employed for text-to-speech or voice recognition, provide captioning or transcripts of media sources, and otherwise convert learning materials into multimodal forms, enabling more effective support for the diverse needs of learners.

Important Considerations

  • At the present time, AI tools typically produce unique responses to each prompt, making their output unpredictable and non-repeatable. Furthermore, their responses can't be attributed to a specific author or organization. Therefore, AI tools should not be regarded as a primary, verifiable source of information. Instead, they should be seen as tools that can assist in locating or organizing other sources, comparable to the way one may use Wikipedia.
  • AI models like ChatGPT do not access or understand reality or check facts. They predict and generate language based on probability, sometimes providing biased results, misinformation, or non-existent sources (“hallucinations”), necessitating the verification of all content.
  • AI tools often struggle with accurate source citation; so once again, careful verification of any sources provided in responses is crucial.
  • These models have been trained on limited datasets and many do not have access to current data, yet another reason why thorough verification is essential.
  • Remember that there are no guarantees or expectations of privacy when using AI, so avoid including any personal information in prompts.
  • It is essential to understand that all AI tools are in an unprecedented period of rapid change in their development, and as their behaviors and characteristics are in constant evolution, their output is unpredictable.
  • When using AI tools in completing assignments, you are expected to include a statement as appropriate in a separate section of your work acknowledging and citing the specific tool(s) used and the prompt(s) you used to generate responses.

If you're uncertain about how and when to use AI:

  • Consider AI as an assistant, not a replacement.
  • Approach AI as you would a human assistant or coach: use it as a sounding board for ideas, source hunting, structuring help, etc., but avoid letting it complete the assignment for you (this constitutes plagiarism).
  • Remember, AI can generate and synthesize information but cannot create or think critically - only you can do that!
  • When in doubt, don't hesitate to ask me for guidance.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can make the most effective use of AI tools to enhance your learning experience while maintaining academic integrity.

Mike Wakefield

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


Data Structures and Algorithms    

Colgate University

Generative AI systems (like ChatGPT), if used correctly, can serve as powerful tools for learning and idea refinement. In this course, you can use generative AI systems to learn about concepts iteratively through a conversation (much like you would have a conversation with a peer, TA or an instructor). However, you cannot ask these systems to directly give you answers or write code for you. One reason for this is because the answers that the system generates can be inaccurate (no matter how confident the system might sound). But more importantly, I believe the intellectual growth you can get from working through a difficult problem and discovering the answer for yourself cannot be replicated by just reading a pre-generated answer. Here are some concrete rules that exemplify this (but are not intended to be comprehensive):


- Give the model a problem description and ask it to sketch an algorithm for you or write you pseudo code.

- Give the model the homework description and ask it to organize the code for you (e.g., generate the necessary function headers, write the main functions etc).  

- Give the model a function description and ask it to generate code for you.

- Have your conversation with the model and your assignment open at the same time. Use your conversation with the AI as a learning experience, then close the interaction down, open your assignment, and let your assignment reflect your revised knowledge.

Using the AI system in ways as described above will count as cheating even if you cite the AI system as a source.

You CAN:

- Ask clarification questions about the fundamentals of programming (e.g., “When should I use a public vs. private method in Java?”)

- Ask for conceptual clarifications (e.g., “What is the difference between average case and best case run times?”)

- Try to work through the logic of something you don’t understand (e.g., “Why is the run time of this algorithm [describe] n^2?”)

- Given a problem description and your proposed algorithm and “talk” through the potential fallacies.

Note, for any of these models having the correct “prompt” is necessary. So you may have varying levels of success using these models to gain conceptual understanding, and in many cases just talking to your instructors/ TA/ peers or even doing straight up googling is likely to yield better results.  If you do decide to use these models, it is your responsibility to also fact check the insights that you gain

Grusha Prasad

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


Introduction to Professional Writing

University of North Carolina Wilmington        

Hey everyone! I take a unique approach to writing and content creation compared to some other professors. To me, writing happens in a network between people and technology (not just you sitting in front of a computer typing away). AI is now part of this network, whether we want it to be or not.

My view is that AI will impact us no matter what. But we also have the power to shape how AI develops if we engage with it thoughtfully. This class gives you a safe space to creatively experiment with AI without shame, fear, or guilt.

⭐ I want to be clear: You will not be penalized just for using AI in this course. Unless I say otherwise for a specific assignment, feel free to try out AI writing assistants and generate content with these tools.

I'll share prompts and activities to guide your AI exploration. These are optional - use what's helpful to you! AI is not always the right or best choice for a given writing activity. We'll also discuss our experiences openly as a class to promote mindful AI integration.

While experimenting freely, keep these points in mind:

‣ AI can demonstrate biases and inaccuracies at times. Always validate the content before accepting it.

‣ Be cautious with data privacy. Don't input anything too personal or private. You can't control where it ends up. If you wouldn’t post it on the internet, don’t give it to an AI.

‣ Recognize the limitations. AI doesn't truly comprehend facts or meaning yet. It makes guesses, which means it can confidently provide false information.

AI content may initially seem impressive, but usually is not as good as you think it is. I call these AI goggles. Take care whenever using AI-generated text.

⭐ Also keep in mind that my AI-forward policy only applies to this class. Other professors likely have different rules. Using AI without permission could violate academic integrity policies. So always check the specific guidelines for each class first!

Let's explore AI as a creative tool to augment our skills, not replace them. I'm excited to see what we can discover together! Let me know if you ever have any other questions.

Lance Cummings

Rights: Public Domain


Marketing Research, Business Web Design

University of West Georgia

Policy on use of ChatGPT and other AI tools: Any use of AI tools to generate original works or complete assignments must be clearly cited and acknowledged, as failure to do so could constitute plagiarism. AI output must be supported and documented with additional research sources such as Google Scholar and UWG Galileo databases. Any violations of these guidelines will be subject to the academic and disciplinary policies listed in the UWG Honor Code.

The following link has information on how to cite Generative AI

material using APA:

Sunil Hazari

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


First-Year Seminar: The Power of Metacognition: Learning to Learn

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Course Policy on the Use of Generative AI Tools like ChatGPT

I want to be explicit about my expectations in this course. Please note that you will need to check with each of your instructors about their expectations to ensure that using AI tools isn't in violation of your academic honesty (see the next few sections on that topic)!

First, what are generative AI tools? Generative AI tools are computer programs that utilize algorithms to create new content, such as text, images, or music, by learning from existing data and applying patterns and structures found in that data, as human beings provide them with prompts. OpenAI's ChatGPT is probably the most well-known generative AI tool, but it is only one of many.

Second, I acknowledge that we live in a world experiencing exponential evolution of generative AI tools, and that developing the knowledge and skills to work with AI tools will be necessary for future workplaces.

Third, generative AI tools can be used to enhance your learning (if you know how), or they can hinder your learning if you misuse them to bypass critical thinking tasks that you need to engage in. As beginners in your field(s) of study, you are not (yet) able to identify gaps, biases, or outright misinformation in AI output. As human beings, you can do certain things that AI tools cannot – such as thinking creatively and critically, or making judgments based on experience.

What is allowed in this course?

I do encourage you to experiment with these tools, and we will even spend one class session on this topic. Since this is a class on metacognition, I invite you to explore, in particular, how you can use these tools to support learning.

Always remember, you need to use these tools responsibly and transparently, and without violating academic honesty.

What is not allowed in this course?

Your major assignment in this class is to regularly write your Reflection Journal. These journal assignments aim to cultivate your personal insights and introspective abilities, and using an AI tool is simply not suitable for that.

My expectation is that you do this without the help of generative AI tools, except to help you edit for grammar and spelling.

Kirsten Helmer


English 101, English 105, English 205

San Diego Miramar College

AI Policy - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the emerging web3 tools that promises to shake up both the academic and professional landscape. Regardless of how you feel about it, learning to use it well is an emerging and valuable skill. That being said, you can expect to use AI in my classes (ChatGPT and Midjourney AI, at a minimum). Please be aware:

  • If you provide minimum prompts, you will get low quality results. You will need to refine your prompts in order to achieve better outcomes. This will take work.
  • Don’t trust anything AI (ChatGPT) says. Assume facts it gives you are wrong unless you know the answer or can check it with another source. You will be responsible for any errors or omissions provided by the tool. It works best for topics you understand.
  • Any use of AI tools must be acknowledged. Please be sure to include a paragraph at the end of any assignment that uses AI explaining what you used it for and the specific prompts you used to get your results. Failure to do so is in violation of academic honesty policies.

Rodrigo Gomez


ENGL 102 Introduction to Academic Writing, ENGL 223 Introduction to Creative Writing

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Ethical Use of Generative AI Policy

In this class, the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (such as GPT-4) to assist with your papers is absolutely encouraged. AI can be a valuable tool to help you develop ideas, constructively question sources, and integrate sources effectively into your paragraphs. However, the use of AI must be done responsibly and ethically. Here are the specific guidelines for using AI in your assignments:

Use Real Sources:

● Always ground your work in credible and authentic sources. AI can help you

understand and work with these sources, but it should not replace them.

Cite AI Use:

● If you use Generative AI to help draft or edit any part of your paper, you must cite this in your paper. Treat the AI as you would another kind of source.

Document Your Interaction:

● If you use GPT-4 or a similar tool, maintain a copy of the thread used (the input you provided and the output you received). This must be available upon request to validate your work and process.

Summarize AI Usage in Bibliography:

● In your bibliography or works cited page, include a summary of how you used the AI. For example: ""Used GPT-4 to help rephrase and condense background information on [topic].""

In-text Citation for AI Assistance:

● For every paragraph where Generative AI was used in crafting or editing the

content, include an in-text citation. For example: (GPT-4, 2023).

Original Thought Requirement:

● While AI can assist you in forming paragraphs and questioning sources, the

majority of your paper’s insights and arguments should be your own. Using AI to help with phrasing or structure is acceptable, but the core ideas and arguments must be your original thoughts.

Avoid Plagiarism:

● Remember that using AI doesn't excuse plagiarism. All work submitted must be your own and properly cited, and AI should not be used to simply generate a paper for you.

Use AI Responsibly:

● AI is a tool, not a crutch. Use it to enhance your thinking and writing, not to

bypass the critical thinking and creative processes that are central to academic work.

Ask for Guidance:

● If you are unsure about how to use AI appropriately or how to cite it in your

paper, please ask. I am here to help you navigate this tool responsibly.

By adhering to this policy, we can maintain a high standard of academic integrity while also taking advantage of the unique opportunities that AI technology offers for our writing and learning processes.

Tanner Menard



ENGL102, ENGL101, ENGL235  


Olympic College

I view writing as an epistemic activity: the act of writing leads to the creation or discovery of knowledge, both from society and from the self. I believe that writing is a learning activity that is “crucial to the cognitive and social development of learners and writers” (“Statement on Artificial Intelligence Writing Tools in Writing Across the Curriculum Settings” 2023). Because I view writing as an act of knowledge production, I likewise see the wholesale use of artificial intelligence text generators as a plagiaristic circumvention of the important act of using language and writing to create novel insights or discover important ideas during the creative process.

While I recognize that using AI-generated writing as a substitute for student writing constitutes academic dishonesty, I also recognize that some AI tools can assist students (and faculty) in the broader writing process. As such, I support faculty that choose to incorporate critical AI-based activities to help students more thoughtfully engage in acts like invention and revision while also recognizing that each individual instructor has the autonomy, authority, and expertise about how, when, and why they use AI-tools in their teaching practice(s). In my classes, I will let you know what assignments are eligible for augmenting with AI and which are to be completed without the assistance of AI.

When using AI in writing pedagogy, I also prioritize a critical stance toward these tools to highlight not only their potentialities in assisting writing as an epistemic process but also their shortcomings and limitations. By foregrounding the ethical considerations of AI writing tool use (e.g., intellectual property, amorality, probability vs. reality) in conversations with my students and with each other, I advocate that any adoption of AI technologies in writing courses will be accompanied by a critical consideration of who the tools serve, whose language they represent, and who/what is erased in algorithm-assisted writing practices.

Undoubtedly, AI-tools will continue to be used by students and some instructors in the months and years ahead. As a faculty member, I hope to engage in thoughtful pedagogical investigation and reflection around how and why we use these technologies while also recognizing that - at its heart - writing remains an epistemic activity bound to particular situations, audiences, and contexts. Because the act of writing reveals and produces knowledge that is situated, rhetorically attuned, and ethically considered, it cannot be supplanted by artificial intelligence tools and technologies now or any time in the near future.

Works Cited

AWAC. (2023). Statement on Artificial Intelligence Writing Tools in Writing Across the     Curriculum Settings. Association for Writing across the Curriculum. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from

Justin Lewis

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


Elmar Hashimov and EWP Team    

English 100, 112, 313

Biola University

An Affirmation of Humanity: God created humans in his image, and gifted us with creativity and language. Although we acknowledge that AI systems, such as ChatGPT, can play a role in generating certain forms of text and symbols, we hold that in most cases writing is a creative form of human expression that involves inquiry, intent, imagination, problem-solving, and meaning-making. In the EWP, we understand these processes to be uniquely human endeavors and will therefore ask you to refrain from using AI, unless granted permission by your instructor for a particular reason. In some cases, using AI to help complete writing assignments may violate Biola’s Academic Honesty policy. While this issue requires serious ethical consideration, it is not our role to police our students but rather to cultivate an environment of mutual trust and support, in which they can grow and thrive.

Elmar Hashimov and English Writing Program Team        


Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Vanderbilt University        

Definitions of cheating and plagiarism

Cheating and plagiarism are violations of the Vanderbilt Honor Code and a betrayal of an honest teaching relationship.  The following definitions are designed to clarify the meaning of these words:

Cheating is the attempted or unauthorized use of materials, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise. Examples include but are not limited to:

1.    …

2.    …

3.    …

4.    Allowing others to research or write assigned papers for you, including the use of commercial paper services, and automatic text generation software such as ChatGPT and other large language models.

While collaboration in working out the meaning of course readings is encouraged, you should not work with other students on formulating your response posts. Invest the necessary time to be able to provide your own answers. While you are encouraged to use one another as resources for finding resources and references for the Wikipedia and essay assignments, your words and thoughts must be your own, based on your own reading of the materials. If your topics do not overlap, you are encouraged to use one another as resources for editing.

Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writing as your own, such as:

1.    …

2.    …

3.    Presenting another person’s ideas or theories in your own words without acknowledging them

4.    Failure to acknowledge collaborators on homework assignments

In addition, any automatically generated text used in this course must be identified as such, with a footnote indicating its source and the prompt used to generate it. The use of manual or automated tools (thesaurus, large language model, etc.) to disguise plagiarized text as your own does not change that the text is plagiarized.

Lastly, and most importantly, every assignment in this course has its purpose to encourage you to reach your own synthesis of the facts, to thoughtfully reflect, and to formulate and express your own opinions and perspectives. The value of your writing for this class—and for yourself—ultimately depends on cultivating this ability, for which no amount of well-cited facts and wise opinions of others can be a substitute.

A further note on large-language models and this course

One focus of this course is unlearning commonly circulated misinformation and misunderstandings about Indigenous people. The training data for large language models includes these ideas in large quantities. Their output should be approached as an object for criticism rather than a starting point for research.

Carwil Bjork-James


First Year Seminar on Sexual Ethics

Wake Forest University        

[note: this is an ethics class where The Good Place will be a central theme, and the students have been watching it this summer]

Imagine you lived in a world where everyone had immediate access to an anthropomorphized vessel of knowledge built to make their lives easier—an all-knowing informational assistant that was not a human, but not exactly a robot, either. Imagine, that is, we had a Janet. Yet this Janet had also just been rebooted, so she would sometimes give us a cactus when we asked for water. How would you use this Janet, if at all? And how would schools need to adapt? Would we even need school if Janet were fully functioning?

Although large language models like GPT-4 are a lot less fun than Janet, they raise many of the same questions. Those of us spending most of our time teaching or learning (e.g., you and me!) have a lot to think about, and we will all be experimenting with different approaches before there is anything like a settled view of how AI should be used within an educational setting. This means you will likely need to navigate various—and sometimes conflicting—policies in your courses semester. This will be a pain, but I hope you will also see it as an opportunity to shape your own thinking about artificial intelligence and the regulations we may (or may not!) need to ensure our use is aligned with our deepest values.

In that spirit, the (tentative) policy for AI use in this course can be summarized in two sentences: You may not use AI if your use will make it harder for you to learn or harder for me to assess whether you have learned. All other uses are welcome and encouraged. Importantly, this does not mean you are free to use AI whenever you wish, or that you can use it if you don’t think it will be harmful. What, then, does it mean?

You are all welcome and encouraged to use AI to:

1. Explain the course material to you (i.e., help you better understand the concepts/arguments/relationships/processes you need to learn)

2. Demonstrate and/or model the skills you are learning (e.g., request examples of worked problems, critical questions, or well-written essays)

3. Self-assess your learning (e.g., ask for feedback on works-in-progress, ask to be quizzed on the subject matter, or ask to be engaged in a Socratic dialogue)

4. Complete activities that explicitly require AI use (e.g., activities designed to develop or assess your AI literacy)

With the exception of activities that explicitly require AI use, you may not use AI to:

1. Complete practice assignments. Most of the assignments in this course are opportunities for you to learn through practice. In these assignments, it is the process that matters and not the result. If you wanted to learn to swim, you might ask Janet to explain it to you, to show you how to swim, and maybe even provide feedback on your stroke. But you wouldn’t ask her to show up at the gym at 6 AM and swim your practice laps for you. Unlike the other support she is providing, this would actually make it harder for you to learn. In fact, practice is so essential to learning that it’s doubtful you would ever learn to swim at all.

Note that, among other things, this course aims to develop your ability to “read increasingly sophisticated texts,” and you will practice this skill by completing the assigned readings before each class period. This means you may not use AI summaries or explanations as a replacement for doing the actual reading. AI may be a useful pre- or post-reading aid, but understanding the substance of the text is not the same as understanding how to read that text.

2. Demonstrate that you have learned. Although most activities in this course are designed to help you learn, some are designed to assess what you’ve learned at specific points throughout the semester. In most cases, I’m interested in your independent development, so I need to determine whether your work, on its own, demonstrates growth. In these cases, I need to see what you can do without AI assistance. If I wanted to know how well you could swim, I would need to watch you swim, not Janet.

This is a lot to keep in mind this semester, so I will be sure to let you know when I want you to complete an assignment, or part of an assignment, without AI assistance. But as a general rule, remember that you will get the most out of AI if you think of it as a tutor, helping you to develop, rather than replace, your own thinking.

One last very important point: remember that the Janet we have has just been rebooted, and may give us a 🌵cactus 🌵at any moment. You should be prepared for these mistakes and verify all results before you rely on them. It is ultimately you, not Janet, who will be responsible for what you’ve learned.


[Note: I am not going to include the following language this semester because I’m still unsure how I would make it work logistically, but I include it here in case anyone wants to be more ambitious than me:

In some situations, negotiated with me in advance, students may also make targeted use of AI to overcome learning challenges peripheral to the goals of the assignment (e.g., second-language learners could use AI tools to translate exam questions into their native language). However, these accommodations do not extend to the knowledge, skills, or dispositions that are the primary focus of the assignment.]

Betsy Barre

Rights: Public Domain


CD115  Design Studio 1

Fashion Institute of Technology        

Submit your own work. If you use a source for support, include quotes and a citation. Academic dishonesty includes taking content from an Internet search, another person/entity, or AI technology such as ChatGPT (either directly or with modification) and representing it as your answer.        

Susan Leopold


School Wide

The Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center (The Met)

They are more guidelines with the key two being:

Approach with a Growth Mindset: The Met should address and embrace the use of this technology with students. Students should know how it works and when to use it.  We need to understand it and teach what it is, how it works, its benefits, biases and limitations, and when to use it. As a community, we aim to stay flexibly current: AI changes all of the time, so an approach of collaborative exploration, current guidelines, and continual conversation and revisiting guidelines as the tools and context change.

“Good Teacher” @ the Met approach:  At the Met, a good teacher is a facilitator of learning. We should use AI  as a good teacher. What would a good teacher do?  It wouldn’t write a full  task for you, they would look at your essay and give you feedback on it.   The use of AI should support, not negate student learning by supporting keeping the student's brain engaged and student learning in the learning zone.  It should not take away opportunities for learning by doing more of the cognitive lift than the student can do. It should reinforce Met values: personalization and RAA relationships, authenticity, academic rigor

Joe Battaglia


Digital Tools, Trends, & Debates


You are welcome to use AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot) in this class unless otherwise specified.  However, you must cite it as a source, including a description of how you used it to contribute to your work.  This will typically include which model(s) (e.g., ChatGPT) and what prompts you used.  You will be responsible for any inaccurate (a frequent problem with AI generated content), biased, offensive, or otherwise unethical content you submit, regardless of source.  Thoughtful use is encouraged, use that replaces learning is frowned upon.  Plagiarism from AI, like any other source, is a violation of academic integrity principles.

David McHugh


Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


Building Peace

Barnard College, Columbia University

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In this class, you are welcome to utilize Artificial Intelligence (e.g., ChatGTP, Bard, etc.) as an editor (e.g., to correct grammar mistakes and other English infelicities), translator (e.g., to read sources on your research topics that were published in a language that you do not speak), idea generator (e.g., to generate counter-arguments), data visualization tool (e.g., to create illustrations for your PowerPoint slides), or tutor (e.g., to provide feedback on a draft assignment).

If you do so, please follow the guidance posted on the Barnard CEP website (, always keep in mind the inherent limitations of any AI tool, and use footnotes to acknowledge any and all uses of AI (please place your footnotes in each relevant sentence, paragraph, and section).

At the beginning of any written assignment you submit and oral presentation you deliver, please include a one-sentence statement disclosing whether, and if so to which extent and in which way, you used AI to help produce this specific assignment. (E.g.: “I wrote this draft outline by using AI as an editor, translator, idea generator, and tutor.”)

Apart from the specific applications mentioned in the first paragraph of this section, employing an AI text generator for any assignments, including written material and oral presentations, constitutes plagiarism and is in violation of the Barnard Honor Code. In particular, you may not use an AI text generator to write part or all of a draft of any assignments. When you use AI as an idea generator, you may not use (meaning, copy – paste) entire sentences or paragraphs of the AI-generated answers.

Should progress in AI this semester require us to significantly revise the AI policy –and/or any of the assignments and/or grading criteria— outlined in this syllabus, we will do so as a group, as part of an in-class exercise and brainstorming.

Please be aware that other Barnard and Columbia classes and instructors may have different policies on the appropriate use of Artificial Intelligence. The above policy applies only to my class. It is your responsibility to check with each of your other instructors if ever you are unsure about what constitutes academic honesty in their classes.

Severine Autesserre

Public facing syllabus



Harrisburg Area Community College

It is vital to note from day one, that the expectations in this class are that ALL work will be in the student's OWN voice, whether or not ChatGPT is part of any assignment, and that it needs to be very clear you are using the course materials in the class Content Learning Modules when creating your work. I realize it is VERY tempting to use AI to fabricate and/or complete your assignments, all or in part, and then pass it off as your own work. We are all busy people.

Nadia Jacobs


Digital Design Studio

Fashion Institute of Technology

Use of AI such as Chat GPT:

This is somewhat new territory at academic institutions and policies are being developed to address the potential negative impact of AI, which might lead to acts of plagiarism as well as diminish learning overall. In this course all your work must be your own, including the small bits of writing that are part of the course project criteria. In an ideal world, Chat GPT can be/become an excellent teaching and learning tool, to help writers learn to edit, to expedite certain repetitive tasks, and to potentially free one up for the more creative parts of a job. This is to say if used judiciously and with integrity, AI/Chat GPT can be a plus. The concern here, however, is that it might diminish outcomes if not utilized properly. Again, for this course, all your work is your own and original, so stay clear of Chat GPT and other AI that creates any work, or part of the work for you. Thank you.

Maura Jurgrau


BIOM 1720 Intro to Biomedical Engineering Tools

University of Memphis

Course Policy on Ethical Use of Generative AI

NOTE: This policy is ONLY applicable in this class (BIOM 1720, Fall 2023, Dr. Strain).

Generative AI (GAI), such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and many others, is beginning to transform various aspects of society, including academic and technical fields. We will integrate AI literacy into this course's curriculum, focusing on its application in biomedical engineering, particularly in MATLAB programming and technical writing.

Scope of Use

Inappropriate and/or unethical use of GAI can negatively impact your education and professional development. Therefore, the following guidelines apply:

1.    No Academic Dishonesty: Do not use GAI to generate answers for graded assignments or tests. Violations will be referred to the University’s Office of Student Accountability.

2.    Permissible Use: You may use GAI to

a.    understand concepts or questions related to lectures or assignments;

b.    generate ideas for code, reports, or team project topics;

c.    get suggestions for code improvement, reports, or presentations; or

d.    assist in debugging code.

Additional Guidelines

1.    Cite AI Use: Treat AI like any other source. If AI helps draft or edit a MATLAB script or report, cite it appropriately.

2.    Document Interaction: When using GPT-4 or similar tools, provide a transcript of your interaction in MATLAB comments (for code) or in an appendix (for reports).

3.    Bibliography Summary: Include a summary in your bibliography or works cited page detailing how you used the AI.

4.    In-text Citation for AI: For each paragraph aided by AI, include an in-text citation.

5.    Original Thought Requirement: The majority of the insights and arguments in your work should be your own. Using AI for phrasing or structure is acceptable, but the core ideas must be original.

6.    Be Responsible: Use AI responsibly to enhance your work, not to bypass critical thinking and creativity. Consult the instructor or TA if in doubt.

Additional Points to Consider

1.    Ethical AI Usage: When using AI for topics related to healthcare and biomedical engineering, ensure the data and methods you employ adhere to privacy laws and ethical considerations.

2.    Data Integrity: When using AI for data generation or simulation, clearly state the limitations and potential biases of the model in your report.

3.    Transparency in Team Projects: In the case of team projects, disclose the extent of AI use to your team members.

4.    Quality Control: Ensure that information generated by AI is factually accurate and scientifically valid. Verify generated content with peer-reviewed sources.

5.    Consultation and Approval: For substantial use of AI in a project or paper, obtain approval from the instructor to ensure it aligns with course objectives and ethics.

6.    Regular Updates: This policy may be subject to changes or updates as we uncover more about the capabilities and limitations of AI technology.

NOTE: In case of new developments in AI ethics or technology during the semester, the instructor reserves the right to amend this policy to protect academic integrity and ethical standards.

By adhering to this policy, you commit to responsible and ethical use of generative AI in this course.

[DISCLAIMER: To develop this policy, I first modified Tanner Menard's policy into a draft, then I submitted the draft to ChatGPT for suggested revisions. Finally, I made further modifications into the final form of this policy. --SFS]

Stephen Strain

Rights:  Creative Commons 4.0 By


EN 105 (Expository Writing) and EN 303H (Peer Tutor Training Course)

Skidmore College

On Generative AI

Generative AI programs like ChatGPT, Bard AI, and others are transforming our relationship to writing. These tremendously powerful tools can be useful to you in a number of ways in this course. These include

  • explaining course material (that is, helping you understand the concepts used in this course),
  • producing models of typical assignments (such as discussion posts, essays, and reflections),
  • brainstorming and refining ideas (by finding support for or objections to an argument you’re making),
  • translating text to supplement English comprehension,
  • checking grammar and refining style.

When you use AI for an assignment, you should screenshot any queries and output from AI and submit it with your work. You should also indicate this in your submission by clearly noting what part(s) were written by AI and what part(s) were written by you. Within your written text, use in-text citations, for example, writing in parentheses (ChatGPT) and including a Works Cited entry, for example, “Search Query.” ChatGPT (with version). Date. OR you may wish to write a few sentences describing your use of AI and include that at the end of your submission. If you are open with me about your uses of AI, I can help you make the most of it without penalizing you.

Generative AI has limitations and weaknesses that you should become aware of. You are responsible for any and all material you submit, including any inaccurate, biased, or otherwise unethical content whether generated by you, another source, or a generative AI model. You should not use AI for any of these purposes:

  • using AI summaries or commentaries as a replacement for actually reading and responding to the text,
  • generating whole assignments or essays,
  • serving as a source for information,
  • replacing your original thought and intellectual growth.

Inappropriate use of AI is a violation of academic integrity that will result in grade penalties, including failure on a specific assignment or failure for the course. All violations of the Honor Code will be reported to the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs.

Caitlin Jorgensen

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


CHS History 103

Bermudian Springs High School

You will not get credit or credit will be deducted if either of the two things are detected: you haven’t used the materials given in the learning module for your assignment, and the second being your personal writer's voice is not detected whatsoever.

Jack Gautsch



Bermudian Springs High School         

No credit will be given if you are caught using an AI tool.

Gabriel Crews


HIST 103

Bermudian Springs High School

Credit will be either reduced or not given at all if AI is used and obvious that it’s not the writer's voice.        

Cal Chubb


PUBL363 Cybersecurity Policy and Law

Rochester Institute of Technology

General Statement

Generative AI is a tool. Use of that tool in this course is as follows:

  • Quizzes —use of Generative AI is prohibited. Note that the quizzes are “open book” and are used to help ensure that you’re keeping up with the course readings.
  • Reflection papers—use of generative AI is prohibited. I determine your grade based on your ability to respond thoughtfully to the prompt and stay within the word count. Reflection papers are a subset of quizzes.
  • Blog posts (individual presentations)—generative AI can be used to help generate ideas but the text of the blog post needs to be in your own words. If you do use generative AI, provide the prompts used to the professor in an email or in Slack. You may discuss the prompts you used as part of your presentation, but don’t include the prompts in your post. The posts are public.
  • Presentations of class materials (group presentations)—you may use generative AI to help organize the structure of your group presentation, but do not ingest the course materials into generative AI. In other words, provide generative AI with the topics you want to cover, but don’t provide the actual sources to it. You likely have ample course materials for this presentation. Generative AI may be helpful in bringing in supplementary materials. If you use generative AI, provide the prompts in your presentation. (These are internal to the class.) You are responsible for fact-checking your sources.
  • Midterm and Final Policy Briefs—You may use generative AI to find sources for your arguments. You may not use generative AI to generate the original content or rephrase the content. You may use it for proofreading. Please provide the prompts you used as a reference in your paper. You are responsible for fact-checking your sources.
  • Debate—You may use generative AI to help structure your debate and to find resources. Do not use generative AI to write your debate script. Your debate words are your own. Provide any prompts you used to the instructor through email or Slack. You are responsible for fact-checking your sources.
  • Any other use of generative AI without the express written permission of the instructor and agreement by the class is prohibited and is a violation of D08.0 Student Academic Integrity Policy.

Ben Woelk

We may refine this a bit, but here’s what came out of an in-class discussion and follow-up online discussion around this policy. Class blog and syllabus are at 


History 103

HACC York Campus

It is vital to note from day one, that the expectations in this class are that ALL work will be in the student's OWN voice, whether or not ChatGPT is part of any assignment, and that it needs to be very clear you are using the course materials in the class Content Learning Modules when creating your work. I realize it is VERY tempting to use AI to fabricate and/or complete your assignments, all or in part, and then pass it off as your own work. We are all busy people.        

Ameen Syed



University of Massachusetts Amherst

ChatGPT and other generative AI usage policy

The University prohibits the usage of AI for schoolwork. However, I have made an exception and I expect you to use generative AI tools (also called foundational models). Some examples include ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, etc.

Learning to use AI is an emerging skill and I would like to prepare you for your future, and I am happy to meet and help with these tools during office hours or after class.

However, if you do use AI to generate content, you must show:

  • The prompts you used to generate text
  • The original generated text by ChatGPT or such tools
  • The changes you made to the generated text with your annotations
  • The factualness in the form of scientific references in APA or MLA format

When you use AI as an idea generator, you may not use (meaning, copy – paste) entire sentences or paragraphs of the AI-generated answers.

You will be responsible for any inaccurate, biased, offensive, or otherwise unethical content you submit regardless of whether it originally comes from you or a foundation model. If you use a foundation model, its contribution must be acknowledged in your work; you will be penalized for using a foundation model without acknowledgement.

Having said all these disclaimers, the use of foundational models is encouraged, as it may make it possible for you to submit assignments with higher readability and quality.

Any submitted work without annotations and citations will be treated as plagiarism.

Sai Gattupalli

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


New Student Experience

Montclair State University

Generative artificial intelligence tools—software that creates new text, images, computer code, audio, video, and other content—have become widely available. Well-known examples include ChatGPT for text and DALL•E for images. This policy applies to all these tools, including those released during our semester together.

You may use generative AI tools in this course for some assignments, though for this class it will seldom be appropriate or useful. When you use generative AI tools, you must properly document and credit the tools themselves.

What writing on one’s own does most of all – without help from anyone or any digital tool – is help you develop your thinking, discover your own beliefs and ideas, and express yourself to another person. Your own writing may not be as “correct” as what Gen AI or a more experienced writer can produce, but it is your most powerful tool for self-discovery and development of your abilities to think deeply and critically.

Please use the following website as a guide -- you may use any of the three styles listed.

Additionally, please include a brief description of how you used the tool and keep a record of the outputs you receive (saving to a doc with screenshots or other capture is one way).

If you choose to use generative AI tools, remember that they are typically trained on limited datasets that may be out of date. What's more, they may hallucinate -- that is to say, they may present output that contains incorrect information, falsehoods, and biases. It is your responsibility—not the tool’s—to assure the quality, integrity, and accuracy of work you submit in any college course.

Generative AI is rapidly advancing. My guidance may change over the course of the semester.

Emily Isaacs


EDLD 710 Professional as Writer & Researcher

Pacific University

While there is a place for technology in the scholarly writing process, this course holds the philosophical position that writing is primarily a human social pursuit. The writing that students submit must consist exclusively of the product of their own cognitive, creative, interpretive, and decision-making processes.

The goal of this course is to “practice writing skills,” and students are expected to “demonstrate the ability to produce writing that is clear, concise, and mechanically proficient.” The use of generative artificial intelligence or other automated methods for producing text directly contradicts these goals. Additionally, the use of generative artificial intelligence in scholarly writing risks the so-called “hallucination” of plausible-sounding references that do not actually exist, undermining the scholarly basis for the work.

Submission of text generated by artificial intelligence or other automated methods, whether or not mediated by human revision, cannot demonstrate achievement of course or activity learning objectives.

If the use of generative artificial intelligence is suspected, instructors will check the revision history of documents to verify that the writing was generated iteratively over a period of time realistic for human production, and references will be checked to verify authenticity. If suspicions persist, instructors will discuss their concerns with the student and with the Program Director to determine the appropriate course of action.

Andrew Longhofer

Rights: Public Domain


ACM271 - Intro to Arts & Cultural Management

Michigan State University

Use of generative AI in class and for assignments

You are welcome to use generative AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT, Dall-e, etc.) in this class as doing so aligns with the course objectives of Creating Mission and Vision Statements, Creating a Sample Budget, and Creating Plans for your own Performing Arts Organization or Museum. You may not use generative AI for the remaining assignments. You are responsible for the information you submit based on an AI query (for instance, that it does not violate intellectual property laws, or contain misinformation or unethical content). Your use of AI tools must be properly documented and cited in order to stay within university policies on academic integrity and the Spartan Code of Honor Academic Pledge.

Remember, AI is not likely to generate a response that would be seen as quality work and should be modified and improved.

Max Evjen

Twitter: @cantus94



SPN320: Spanish Writing and Composition

Michigan State University

[The information related to AI-generative tools is included in (5) and (6) if you wish to edit and remove (1-4)]


Academic Integrity: In accordance with MSU’s policies on the “PROTECTION OF SCHOLARSHIP AND GRADES,” students are expected to honor the principles of truth and honesty in their academic work. Academic honesty entails that students will not plagiarize. This means that the student will not:

  1. Submit someone else’s work as their own (e.g., they will not submit another student’s paper, nor will they hand in a paper copied from the web, another published source, or a paper that was written for them).
  2. Knowingly permit another student to copy and submit their work as that student’s own.
  3. Use unacknowledged quotations or paraphrases as part of their work. As provided by university policy, such academic dishonesty or plagiarism may be penalized with a failing grade on the assignment or for the course.
  4. Present the same paper in two or more different courses, even if they are written in different languages.
  5. Use any automatic application/software to write an essay. This constitutes a violation of the academic integrity policy for this class. The use of writing apps will result in a grade of zero for that assignment.
  6. All of the above include the creation of work using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools (Chat GTP, among others) and presenting it as the student’s own work. This constitutes an unethical and dishonest use of generative AI and will result in a grade of zero for that assignment and possibly a report to the Dean’s office of the student’s major.

Rocio Quispe-Agnoli

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By

Twitter @MSUcollaborates

IG @QuispeAgnoli @womenwritescifi


CHEM 449A - Chemistry Capstone

Pacific Lutheran University

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT can assist in providing explanations and suggestions and can be very useful when used correctly. However, these tools should not be used for direct answers to graded assignments. You should not submit AI-generated content as your own work; I consider this to be a form of cheating and plagiarism. Additionally, AI does not discriminate between fact and fiction; information provided by AI can be inaccurate or incomplete. If you use AI as part of your writing process you must explicitly describe how you used it and provide a link to your chat history. You are always invited to meet with me for clarification on my policy surrounding the use of AI.             

Angie Boysen

Rights: Public Domain


NUTR SCI 132: Nutrition Today

University of Wisconsin-Madison

6) If AI is permitted to be used, you must indicate what part of the assignment was written by AI and what was written by you. If permitted by the instructor and you include material generated by an AI program, it should be cited like any other reference material (with due consideration for the quality of the reference, which may be poor). My recommendation is to screenshot and save everything (i.e., what prompts you used, what answers were produced, where, why, and how). This is a new territory, but basic attribution rules still apply. Cite everything, otherwise you are likely violating academic integrity policies and will be considered an act of academic dishonesty. 7) In fact, some discussions will require AI. Learning to use AI is an emerging skill, and I will provide tutorials in Canvas about how to use them. We will use AI tools that harness large language models, including ChatGPT, as pedagogical opportunities for learning and teaching in the course. Doing so aligns with the course objectives and opens up a class dialogue about the role of AI in nutrition education, including opportunities and complexities for nutrition professionals' everyday work in facilitating the learning of diverse client/patient needs. AI in education is a vital topic for professionals, who must navigate ongoing changes in the workforce and information access caused by digital technologies like AI and machine learning.

Naomi Gonzalez


UN 1015: Composition

Michigan Technological University    

Increasingly, AI tools like ChatGPT (an example of what are called generative AI or LLMs–Large Language Models) are tools that students and teachers are using for various purposes. Likewise, they are becoming integrated into some of our everyday composing resources like Word or Google Doc. The key goal of our course, like any writing experience, is to use words, sources, and technology tools in transparent, accountable, and ethical ways. Consult the full UN 1015 AI and Writing Policy for guidance on how to reflect the use of such tools in your submitted work, and read the “A Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights for Education” for a snapshot of where experts are right now in their thinking about the use of AI for academic purposes.

UN 1015 AI and Writing Policy

Increasingly, AI tools like ChatGPT (an example of what are called generative AI or LLMs–Large Language Models) are tools that students and teachers are using for various purposes. Likewise, they are becoming integrated into some of our everyday composing resources like Word or Google Doc. The key goal of our course, like any writing experience, is to use words, sources, and technology tools in transparent, accountable, and ethical ways. For this course, if you decide to use a Generative AI (GAI) tool like ChatGPT, reflect that use in the following ways


Drafts/Texts Submitted for Credit: If you use GAI in a way that includes text you are fully integrating into your final submitted draft for assessment, you must enclose it in quotation marks (four or more words in a row) and include a parenthetical citation according to the guidelines listed below under “mechanics.”

Process Uses: If you use GAI as part of your writing process, explain in your author’s note how you used it and with what outcome.


Drafts and Process: The most important thing to know about GAI at this time in its development and use is that it often produces false information and invented sources. Experts call this “hallucinations.” Read this story, this story, and this story for the professional consequences of not critically analyzing the information produced by GAI. In other words, it will be essential that anything you input, generate, and use from GAI be vetted. ChatGPT, specifically, invents sources that do not exist, can reproduce misinformation, and does not have a “Fact checker” for truth. Only your human brain can do that! And for work submitted for university credit, you are the responsible person for the ideas and words you present.

Rutgers’ university’s current policy recommendations are useful to understanding the variety of ways that faculty may be setting guidelines around use of GAI. The important thing to note is that, at present, the university does not have an institutional policy around the use of GAI and so it is important for you as a student to attend carefully to the different attitudes faculty might have about the use of GAI for academic purposes.


Generally speaking, writers are responsible for the words and ideas they put out into the world, whether in a public venue, or for evaluation by a reader of some kind. Words and ideas that are submitted for assessment by an instructor are bound by a particular set of guidelines and rules (review the MTU Academic Integrity Policy for more information). You can review this link for information about sanctions and students rights related to academic misconduct: Senate Procedure 109.1.1

Ultimately, the ethics of using GAI for you personally as a writer and communicator will be driven by your goals, values, and context. In your career as a college student, you will develop both a personal code of ethics and an understanding of the codes of ethics that govern the academic and other communities of which you are a part.


As with any typical citation style, language that is not your own (typically the use of four or more words in a row from a source that you did not generate independently) must be enclosed in quotation marks. Reworked or paraphrased language should be signaled by a parenthetical citation.

The American Psychological Association’s APA style guide webpage has prepared these guidelines on how to cite chat GPT: How to cite ChatGPT

The Modern Language Association’s style guide has this page on how to cite chatGPT or other generative AI tools: How do I cite generative AI in MLA style?

If you are using a citation style specific to the journal you have selected or your area of study, do a google search to determine whether the governing body responsible for the maintenance of citation guidelines has a similar resource.

Here is the full policy language that is a separate document provided in our LMS for students.

Holly Hassel

Rights: Public Domain


Computer Programming For Lawyers

Georgetown University Law Center

Large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT create opportunities for students to pass off work (whether in English or Python) as their own. Attempts to pass LLM-generated code as one’s own original work will be treated as an act of academic dishonesty in accordance with the University’s policies.

However, LLMs are rapidly changing the practice of computer programming, enabling programmers to quickly generate code in order to do more complex and useful things with far greater ease. We think it would be a mistake to not equip you with the ability to leverage this new technology. Therefore, in the final assignments for this class we will, for the first time, experiment with teaching you how to use LLMs as collaborators in writing code.

The key to collaborating with an LLM is the ability to understand and debug the code that it generates for you. You will not achieve this level of fluency with Python for several weeks. Therefore, for problem sets 0–5, we ask that you refrain from using LLMs except for very general questions about Python (and even in this case, we encourage you to ask your question on Ed). For these problem sets, do not copy and paste, re-type, or paraphrase, any text from the problem set, and do not copy and paste or re-type any code that it generates into your solution. Attempts to violate the spirit of this policy in these first problem sets will impede your ability to internalize fundamental programming concepts. You will also likely have an extremely difficult time in the final assignments of the course, when you will be expected to read, implement, and debug LLM-generated code.

It is a brave new world for programmers, for teachers, and for programming teachers! We appreciate any feedback you have about how this experiment goes for you.

Will Adler

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike

Twitter: @wtadler



FMS 139W, FMS291, CLTTHY289

UC Irvine

The use of ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) programs has become increasingly popular inside and outside of academia. The goal of this course is to help you develop basic and advanced writing skills related to the analysis of film and media. Gen AI can be a useful tool but should not replace your personal skillset and your ideas. You are responsible for all content (ideas, facts, citations) that appears in the work you submit for the class. I highly discourage the uncritical use of GenAI, which can lead to mistakes and, when used without attribution, can be a violation of academic integrity.

Catherine Benamou

@luzaccion (Twitter)  

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By        


Intro to Human Communication

Lewis University

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology that can enhance your learning experience in this course. AI can help you with various academic tasks, such as writing, research, editing, and more. You can use AI to generate ideas, outlines, or drafts for your assignments, to check your grammar, spelling, or style, to find relevant sources or references for your topics, or to paraphrase or summarize information from other sources. However, AI also has some limitations and challenges that you need to be aware of and overcome. Therefore, I ask you to follow these rules and guidelines when using AI in this course:

When you use AI, you should acknowledge the AI tool or service you used, as well as the original sources of information. This is not only to avoid plagiarism, but also to show respect and appreciation for the creators and contributors of the AI and the information. You can use the following format to acknowledge AI tools:

Name of AI tool. (Year). Title of service [AI service]. URL

For example:

GPT-3. (2023). OpenAI API [AI service].

Bing Chat. (2023). Chat Bing [Ai Service].

  • You should be critical of the information generated by AI. AI tools are not perfect and may produce inaccurate, incomplete, or biased information. You should always verify and evaluate the quality and reliability of the information generated by AI. You should also be aware of the potential ethical and social implications of using or spreading false or misleading information.
  • You should be accountable for your use of AI. You are responsible for any consequences or damages caused by your use of AI. You should not use AI to violate academic integrity, intellectual property, privacy, or human rights. You should also consider the environmental impacts of your use of AI and avoid contributing to harmful or unsustainable practices.
  • You should use AI ethically and responsibly, respecting the rights and dignity of others. You should not use AI to harm or deceive others. You should also be mindful of the diversity and inclusion of different perspectives and experiences in your use of AI. You should avoid using AI to reinforce stereotypes, prejudices, or discrimination.
  • You should use AI as a tool to learn, not just to produce content. AI can help you improve your skills and knowledge, but it cannot replace your creativity, critical thinking, or judgment. You should use AI as a supplement, not a substitute, for your own efforts and contributions. You should also use AI as an opportunity to explore new possibilities and perspectives, not just to confirm what you already know.

I hope this policy helps you understand how to use AI in this course in a positive and productive way. I encourage you to experiment with different AI tools and services and see how they can help achieve the learning goals in this class. I also invite you to share your feedback and experiences with me and your classmates about using AI in this course.

This policy was created with the assistance of Bing Chat AI.

Samantha Ivetic        

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By



The University of Texas at San Antonio        

In this course, we may use generative AI tools to examine how AI impacts our field, with the aim of promoting critical thinking and becoming informed digital citizens. When using generative AI, please make sure to:

  1. Validate the accuracy of any AI-generated content with at least one reliable reference, because generative AI can produce questionable and biased results, including misinformation and “hallucinations”.
  2. Properly attribute your use of AI tools in accordance with the class citation requirements.
  1. Do not share any personal identifiable information (PII) or other sensitive information in your prompts to an AI platform, because generative AI tools may store your prompts (review the AI tool’s “terms of use” regarding data privacy).
  1. Include any limitations of and/or concerns about content you have curated from generative AI.
  2. Revise any AI-generated output to create authentic content that reflect your unique experience with the course material.        

Rita Mitra

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike



Drexel University

Are generative AI tools like ChatGPT allowed in this course?

It’s very important that you understand exactly how AI tools work and how to use them in ways that do not limit your own agency and creativity, and do not perpetuate harmful (or false) ideas and discriminatory epistemological frameworks. To this end, we will talk about generative AI, and, more specifically, Large Language Models like ChatGPT and GPT4 in this class. You are welcome to experiment with generative AI for some assignments—I will ask you to keep track of how exactly you used AI tools, and we will debrief and reflect together to get a sense of how people are making new AI applications work for them in academic contexts. Some assignments, on the other hand, will be designated as “human only” so that you can practice essential skills like reflection or analysis, and get into a state of creative flow without algorithmic interference.

Magdalena Maczynska

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By        


Introduction to Makerspaces

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Under Academic Dishonesty-

Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

-Copying someone else's work and turning it in as your own work.

-Someone else's work means someone else's work, whether it is the work of your classmate, the work of some anonymous stranger on the internet, or a computer program (AI). You may not copy someone else's work on the internet and turn it in as your own.

- - This applies for AI-generated content as well. AI-generated content is not your own creation, both being generated as a result from the training data (created by others) and the algorithm (also created by others). Without the content (images or text) scraped from other creators, the generated output would not be possible. Currently, you are not able to reliably cite the works from the training data that resulted in your output, and therefore AI-generated content can result in indirectly copying someone else’s work without proper attribution.


Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication


See full policy here.

Michael Trice    

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning

Northwestern Pritzker School of Law & McCormick School of Engineering

I encourage you to use tools like ChatGPT to help you improve your papers and other work, so long as you include an attribution saying how you used ChatGPT. This should be in a footnote explaining how you used ChatGPT (or multiple footnotes if different usages required explanation), erring on the side of providing more description in the drafts that you submit to me, which leaves the opportunity to revisit this before you submit your papers for consideration for publication.

This is in line with journal policies, which prohibit listing ChatGPT as a co-author and provide for acknowledging the use of ChatGPT. For example, the PNAS Author Guidelines state:

“Use of artificial intelligence (AI) software, such as ChatGPT, must be noted in the Materials and Methods (or Acknowledgments, if no Materials and Methods section is available) section of the manuscript and may not be listed as an author.”

Implicit in these policies is that you should not use ChatGPT to generate text and paste it into your papers without attribution or review. An exception is when you are experimenting with a tool, and then you must make it clear to the reader that a tool was used to create the text (or an initial draft of the text). The author of the work is responsible for the accuracy of the work and ensuring proper citations to resources. One problem with using ChatGPT and similar tools, as we will discuss in class, is that it generates text without attribution and could be plagiarizing others' work or borrowing ideas from others without giving credit. Your papers are required to be supported with sources. As the author of the paper, you are responsible for checking any text produced or revised by tools like ChatGPT to confirm accuracy and proper citations to supporting resources.

One way to use ChatGPT could be to paste in your introduction or other sections and ask how to improve the writing, such as to make it more concise, clear, etc. I encourage you to experiment with ChatGPT to find ways to improve your writing process and final work product. I also expect you to use these tools responsibly and in an ethical manner. We will continue to discuss in class what it means and requires to use these tools responsibly and ethically.

Many law firms are already using tools that leverage large language models, the technology underlying ChatGPT. The gap that we perceive today between the use of autocomplete and spelling and grammar checking, on the one hand, and tools like ChatGPT, on the other hand, will continue to close. Professionals who are able to effectively use these tools (and, better yet, who are able to work with their organization to develop systems that leverage these tools and the organization’s knowledge and data) will outperform those who cannot. That’s why it’s important that we learn to use these tools. Not only can computational technologies help make us better professionals, but tools like this can help us fulfill our most important ethical obligations as lawyers to expand access to law, legal systems, legal services, and justice.

Dan Linna

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By        


Integrated Reading & Writing

University of Texas at El Paso

The Developmental English Program encourages the use of AI as a tool to assist students in the writing process. However, the use of ChatGPT, Claude2, or other AI in your writing must be declared in a short statement following the assignment. Please include which parts of your paper were AI-generated.

  1. Any suspected use of AI assisted writing without declaration will be immediately referred to the Dean of Students, which could result in disciplinary action. Professors will not be responsible for determining if content was written by AI, and so cannot give second chances if academic dishonesty has occurred.
  2. Students are responsible for the content of their written assignments even if it was written by AI—that means that all information must be accurate, logical, and appropriately detailed. Any errors committed by AI will be attributed to the student and graded accordingly        

Emily Durham

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


4th Year Introduction to Research Methods Course

Ontario Tech University

Course Policy on Artificial Intelligence Platforms

A large component of the assessments in this course requires critical thinking and synthesis of ideas in writing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms such as ChatGPT could easily be used as a “student proxy” for this work. The danger in letting an AI platform do the synthesis and writing is that the student will not develop these important skills as part of the course learning objectives. Additionally, AI platforms such as ChatGPT are notorious for making things up, and it is difficult to ascertain if the information is correct or not. Therefore, the course policy is for students not to use AI platforms at all in this course. It is critical for students to develop core research and writing skills first before adding AI and other technological tools to their research toolbox. For additional details on the misuse of AI assistive technology, please go to the Academic Integrity section of the course syllabus.

Andrea Kirkwood

Rights: Public Domain


ISTM705: Information Management for Decision Making

Texas A&M University

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined, for the purpose of this course, as any computer system or program that simulates, substitutes, and/or enhances problem-solving that typically requires human intelligence. While students may use simple AI, such as built-in features of a word processor like spelling and grammar checks, they are not permitted to utilize Generative AI at any stage of completing work (graded or ungraded) unless explicitly noted in the instructions for a deliverable. Generative AI is defined here as AI which has the capacity to ideate, summarize, generate, rewrite, or validate content; including, but not limited to, tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, and DALL-E.

Students may formally request, in writing, an exception to the above. Such requests must include: (1) which assignment the student is requesting to use AI with, (2) which specific AI tool the student wishes to use, (3) what they plan to use the tool for (e.g. to generate ideas, summarize a longer document, create a unique scenario, etc.), and (4) why, specifically, they are requesting the exception (e.g. to reduce time spent on a tedious task, to identify relevant sources for further investigation, to experiment with AI, etc.). Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In the event of any exception (whether it is an individual exception, or that a given deliverable permits the use of Generative AI), the professor will specify guidelines, if any, upon which the student’s use of Generative AI must be documented.

Michael Scialdone

Rights: Public Domain        


Latin American Film

University of Delaware

I expect all work you submit to me to be strictly your own. I urge you to be particularly careful in your research on the internet. Do not use Google Translate. I welcome your questions about specific issues related to the proper attribution of sources in your work, as well as any suggestions about improving the learning environment in this course.

•        Programas de traducción: No se permite utilizar Google Translate, SpanishDict o cualquier otro software de traducción.

•        Sí se puede utilizar,, y los correctores ortográficos y gramaticales de Word.

Sí se puede usar ChatGPT para corregir antes de entregar, con una copia del chat.

•        Sí se puede utilizar ChatGPT o Dall-E 2: si ese uso está debidamente documentado y acreditado. Por ejemplo, el texto generado con ChatGPT-3 debe incluir una cita como: “Chat-GPT-3. “[your prompt].” y una descripción de cómo usaron la herramienta: “usé ChatGPT para generar una lista de palabras clave.”

•        OJO: “ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.

Persephone Braham

Rights: Public Domain


Cyber Security Policy and Law        

Rochester Institute of Technology

You should be able to use generative AIs but only to use to help with finding sources or to correct spelling and grammar for an assignment.

Amrit Sinha

Rights: Public Domain


Finance 101 - Money and Banking

Santa Barbara Community College

Introduction to AI Use in the Course

Finance 101 is committed to leveraging the latest technological advancements, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), to enhance the educational experience. However, it is crucial to use these tools in a way that supports learning objectives without compromising academic integrity and the development of individual analytical skills.

General Guidelines for AI Tool Usage

Restricted Use of AI for Assignments: AI-generated content, particularly from tools like ChatGPT, is generally not permitted for use in assignments. This policy ensures the preservation of academic integrity and the authenticity of student work.

Specific Assignments Permitting AI Use:

There will be designated assignments where the use of AI tools like ChatGPT is allowed and encouraged. These assignments aim to foster an understanding of AI functionalities and their application in financial analysis.

In these cases, clear instructions will be provided regarding how AI tools should be utilized. Typically, they may be used for generating preliminary ideas or exploring different analytical perspectives.

AI Detection and Plagiarism Prevention:

To uphold academic standards, AI detection tools will be employed to identify submissions that may have utilized AI inappropriately.

Students must understand that passing off AI-generated content as their own without proper citation is considered plagiarism and will be subject to academic penalties.

Guided Exploration of AI Tools:

The course will include a module or session dedicated to understanding and exploring AI tools. This will cover their capabilities, limitations, and ethical implications in the context of finance.

The session will encourage critical evaluation of AI outputs, discussing potential biases and accuracy concerns, especially in financial data interpretation.

Citation and Ethical Incorporation of AI Content:

When AI-generated content is allowed, students must cite it appropriately, clearly indicating which parts of their submission are AI-assisted.

This approach is essential for maintaining a balance between the use of technological assistance and the student's original analysis and insights.

Support and Resources:

The course will provide resources and guidance on the ethical use of AI tools in academic work.

Students are encouraged to seek clarification or discuss the implications of AI in finance with the instructor.

Feedback and Policy Adaptation:

Student feedback on the AI policy is welcomed and will be considered for future iterations of the course.

The policy may be revised in response to technological advancements and evolving educational standards in finance education.


This AI policy is designed to ensure that Finance 101 remains at the forefront of educational innovation while maintaining the highest standards of academic rigor and integrity. Students are encouraged to approach AI as a supplementary tool that enhances, rather than replaces, their critical thinking and analytical skills in finance.

This was the policy created by CHATGPT

Michael Novotny

Contact me for specific permissions


UNIV 112 (Focused Inquiry)

Virginia Commonwealth University

AI in writing should not be more than half of each assignment. Generative Text engines such as ChatGPT should be used as a tool to help better communicate the information one is presenting, but should not be the entirety of it.

Bradyn Barr


English 295 Workplace Writing

University of Tennessee- Knoxville

Artificial intelligence is emerging as an important force in many workplaces, and AI-enhanced writing tools are reshaping workplace writing processes in ways that we are only beginning to understand.

To address this quickly-evolving trend, our class will include several assignments that specifically ask you to use AI-enhanced writing tools and reflect on their effectiveness.

For other assignments, you should follow these guidelines:

Guidelines for using AI writing tools in English 295

1) Do NOT mindlessly replace your own intentional, purposeful writing with AI output or try to present an AI-generated text as your own writing. Copying  AI output directly into an assignment submission both short-circuits your learning process and violates UT's honor code, which states, “As a student of the University, I pledge that I will neither knowingly give nor receive any inappropriate assistance in academic work, thus affirming my own personal commitment to honor and integrity.”""

2) If you choose to employ Ai writing tools  as a part of your own self-directed writing process (for example, to brainstorm ideas or generate drafts)  include the following statement in the comment section when you submit the assignment on Canvas:

 “I would like to acknowledge the use of [Generative AI Tool Name], a language model developed by [Generative AI Tool Provider], in the preparation of this assignment.  I used [Generative AI Tool Name]  in the following way(s)  [e.g., brainstorming, grammatical correction, citation, which portion of the assignment].”

3)   Fact check and critically evaluate all AI output before relying on it in any way, Beware that AI-output WILL include inaccurate information--that's simply how it works unless you’re doing closed prompting (making queries only about sources you provide in your prompt) and may  also generate text that is biased or inappropriate.

4) if an assignment prompt specifically forbids the use of AI writing tools, do the work on your own.  Recognize that there is great value for you, as a learner, in working through the process of generating your own ideas and finding your own words.

Enforcement of plagiarism policy

It is nearly impossible for instructors to discern an inappropriate use of AI writing tools, so I am counting your honest desire to have authentic learning experience--and your honor--to make sure these policies are enforced.

To monitor students' writing process on assignments that require self-generated text, I  reserve the right to ask the student to document and recount their writing process in an situations where suspect that  a student has intentionally used AI tools in ways that violate UT's honor code,  Therefore, you should take care to save drafts, notes, and other work that you have done to prepare your assignments, so that you can verify your work.  For some assignments, I may require students to prepare their assignments using google docs, which allow access to the document's history.  If substantial evidence of plagiarism is found, penalties may be applied consistent with Section 11.7 in the Student Code of Conduct

Laurie Knox

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


POS 4932 Honors Public Policy Process

Florida Atlantic University

This class permits the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in all assignments. The application of AI is an important, still-developing skillset that may be expected in the workplace and even within academia. Please note: AI tools can produce inaccurate statements, and the language models on which they are built do not always translate correctly across various contexts. It is the student's responsibility to remain critical of any AI generated content and to ensure that such content is accurate within the context of the assignment. A submission that does not make sense will be subject to the rubric in the assignment prompt. The instructor will penalize nonsensical submissions according to the rubric.  Source.

James Capp

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


Liberal Studies core, History (LBST 210, HIST 220)

Mercer University


Basic Policy:  AI is going to become an ever-more important productivity tool over the next decade.  However, it is critical that we learn together how to use AI content generators mindfully, responsibly, and ethically.  That includes thinking about the context in which we are using AI -- and in an academic setting, that involves the often-frustrating struggle to learn new material and skills, for a grade.  Although there are responsible, ethical ways to use AI within academia (see below), we need to be clear: using an AI content generator such ChatGPT, Sudowrite, Google Bard, Claude2.AI, Bing, or any other such generator to complete assignments (either entirely or with modification) and representing that material as your own work is both plagiarism and a violation of academic integrity, and is wildly unfair to your fellow students. AI should be used to enhance and supplement academic work, not to replace it.  

 If you include material generated by an AI program, it should be cited like any other reference material.  Use the APA or MLA approved forms of AI citation.  As well, at the end of your assignment, write a short paragraph to explain which AI tool and how you used it, if applicable. Include the prompts you used to get the results, and the various versions of your response. Failure to do so is in violation of academic integrity policies.

Limitations on AI generated content to keep in mind:

AI content generators can definitely help students in an academic setting learn to write better or to figure out difficult readings.  Before you dive in, though, be aware of the limits of conversational, generative AI tools such as ChatGPT.

Quality of your prompts: The quality of its output often correlates to the quality of your input.  Remember, GIGO -- ""Garbage In, Garbage Out"".  You should be prepared to use specific prompts and follow-up questions.

  • The current AI models will confidently and very persuasively reassert factual errors. You will be responsible for any errors, biases, or omissions.  Be sure to fact check everything, particularly the citations.
  • AI will provide material that sounds authoritative and academic. In most cases, that material will not provide the level of detail that you can achieve by thoroughly mining your assigned reading. Although it may sound great, never be satisfied with AI output.
  • Be aware that AI use may stifle your own independent thinking and creativity.  AI can definitely help students see possibilities that they missed, but it can also narrow insights or ideas to a smaller responsive range or blind you to other possibilities.  Remember, in a Liberal Studies course, you are not looking for THE right answer; there can be a wide range of appropriate answers.  
  • Generative AI also derives its output from previously human-created texts and images from other sources that the models were trained on.  Although it may cite sources, it uses that mass of training material –the work of others -- without permission or acknowledgment. It may also replicate the biases of that material.  

How CAN You Use Generative AI Ethically and Responsibly? You can take advantage of a generative AI to:


  • Explain a passage or concept you didn’t understand, if you use the following procedure:  1) Before you use any AI, write down 1-2 sentences about what you *think* the passage means.  2) Ask the AI of your choice to explain the passage.  3) Re-read the passage for yourself, and see if you were on the right track.  If not, why not?  4) Ask any follow up questions.  5) Post a copy of your interactions with the AI to the “Reading Buddies” discussion board.
  • Explain the background of a reading if you want to explore further. If you reference this material in a discussion post, class discussion, or other assignment, you must cite it according to MLA / APA rules.  (In discussion, you can just say, “I got this from” or whatever generator you chose.)

 Ask Questions:

  • Brainstorm and fine tune your ideas
  • Refine potential discussion questions.
  • Help you recognize open-ended questions (use this tool:  )  Enter a draft question. The tool can help you find related, open-ended questions, which are stronger starting points for thinking about your readings and assignments.  Open-ended questions help you find *your* voice, not AI’s.  


  • You are free to use app recommendations when it comes to tweaking outlines you have drafted yourself.
  • If stuck, you may use AI to draft an outline to clarify your thoughts.  However, here you *must* keep track of your prompts and the AI responses, as you will need to turn in a copy of your interactions with AI together with your assignment, AND cite AI usage where appropriate.  
  • You are free to use spell check, grammar check, and synonym identification tools (e.g., Grammarly, and MS Word).   However, you must cite if you use material gained from the Google ""Help Me Write"" button.
  • You are free to use app recommendations when it comes to rephrasing sentences or reorganizing paragraphs you have drafted yourself.  However, you should acknowledge this usage in a note at the end of the assignment.  

How Far is Too Far? Inappropriate use of AI:

  • You may not use entire sentences or paragraphs suggested by an AI content generator without providing quotation marks and a citation, just as you would for any other source.  If you use AI to write a starting sentence or paragraph, you must substantively rewrite it (not just change around wording, eliminate words, or use synonyms) or go back and write your own introduction after you have completed the paper.  If you wind up using any of the starting sentence or paragraph, it must be quoted and cited.
  • You may not have an AI content generator write the whole or substantive part of any draft (either rough or final) of an assignment for you.
  • You may not rely on generative AI to do your thinking for you.  Like Wikipedia, AI is a tool that you can use to help jump-start or fine tune your work – but you should do the hard work yourself.
  • By submitting assignments in this class, you affirm that they are your own work and you attribute the use of any tools and sources, including any and all AI content generators.  

I don’t think that any of you would deliberately plagiarize, but I am also aware that 1) This tech is new and people aren't sure about usage or appropriate boundaries, 2) People are busy with multiple expectations for their time, and 3) People have various levels of academic knowledge and practice.  Just remember that other people face the same challenges you do! I want to make sure that the expectations are clear so that we can spend the semester learning things together—and not worrying about the origins of your work.  

 Be aware that Mercer does not yet have a blanket policy on AI, so you should always check with each individual professor to see what you may use.


Who Cares if AI Does My Work? People cut and paste from AI all the time, and anyway, it's just an intro class that doesn’t have anything directly to do with my job or interests:  Different contexts have different rules and standards.  When you are in the context of an academic class, you are committed to -- and paying for -- learning skills and information, as well as learning to think and to analyze.  While AI can provide a wealth of information and insights, it is important to remember that it is a machine. It is not capable of independent or deep thinking or making judgments based on personal experiences, cultural contexts, or ethical considerations.  Therefore, it is important, if used, to use AI as a complementary tool to academic work, and not as a replacement for one's own thinking and analysis.

Even if AI could do these things, the specific context of academic work –especially liberal studies courses -- involves developing essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, which cannot be fully developed by relying solely on AI.  Learning to think through new or difficult material is the point of Gen-Ed classes -- learning how different disciplines approach problems so you have a more robust intellectual ""tool kit"" at your disposal.  That is why you are paying for a Mercer education, after all. Real learning can be hard, and is often frustrating.  It is extremely tempting to rely on AI for something that seems initially ""much better"" than you can do -- but giving in to that temptation only leaves you less and less prepared -- and feeling more and more like an impostor.  Not only that, but doing so wastes your time and money.  Instead, put in the work that I know you are capable of as Mercer students.  I guarantee that the effort will not be wasted!  (The second to last paragraph was generated utilizing Chat GPT (AI) March 16, 2023.  Other parts of this policy are modeled after or use language drawn from (with permission) policies drafted and shared by Holly Fernandez-Lynch, Spencer Ross, Maha Bali, Zane Yi Loma, Ethan Mollick, and Cynthia Alby.)

Andrea Winkler

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


United Nations & Globalization

Columbia University

Statement about the use of generative AI (genAI)

genAI can be a powerful tool. When using genAI, such as large language models (ChatGPT, etc.), for course assignments for this course, you must (a) use genAI only as additional tools and in limited ways; (b) always critically (question and check the results); (c) think hard about how you use it & your prompts; (d) genAI outputs can never replace your intellectual inputs; (e) you must add a note about how you use genAI.

Let me explain the reasoning: Applications, such as ChatGPT, may give you an output that looks and reads good but (a) genAI can perpetuate social biases (gender, race, etc.); (b) genAI can hallucinate, that is, ChatGPT makes up stuff; and (c) the outputs it generates are almost always incomplete. For this reason, if you use genAI fact-check everything, rethink everything and polish the language. At a more substantive level, more than ever, we need “people who can imagine freedom and real alternatives to what exists today [...] ChatGPT cannot imagine freedom or alternatives; it can only present you with plagiarized mash-ups of the data it’s been trained on. [...] it will further narrow the possibilities on offer to us.”*

The final output (a memo, analysis, program proposal, or reflection) is not the main reason for course assignments. The assignments and the process of writing them are meant to train you. Possibly in 10-20 years, AI programs can do most of the writing and thinking, but if you enter the job market in 1-2 years, key skills and determinants for success in the job are the ability to come up with innovative ideas, discuss and evaluate alternatives, write in a compelling way, analyze and conceptualize analysis, etc. Make sure the convenience of genAI does not rob you of a learning opportunity!

What genAi can do:

  • genAI can be a great tool to make pictures for presentations or to accompany publications.
  • You can use genAI to get some ideas, inputs, and editorial suggestions for your writing.

But you must (a) think, tinker with and edit prompts; (b) check all citations and facts; (c) make sure you think it through yourself, not just based on the text you get from ChatGPT; (d) rethink everything and the order of thoughts, etc.; (e) You can use genAI as a help to polish your texts but be careful: it does not necessarily make them good; you need to learn good prompts to help LLMs to do that job well; you must check the texts afterwards.

As mentioned above, for transparency, if you use genAI for any of the assignments, you must add a short note about how you used genAI.

* Paris Marx. 2023. Generative AI closes off a better future, available at

Daniel Naujok

Twitter: @danaujoks


Rights: Public Domain


Research Methods

DePaul University

My expectation is that the work you submit in class is authored by you. We will be developing skills that are important to practice on your own. Furthermore, since these skills are interdependent and build upon each other, using generative AI can get in the way of understanding these skills step by step, which will ultimately prevent you from being able to succeed in this course.

However, while I would prefer you not use these tools to complete the written assignments for this course, AI tools can be helpful resources for thinking, and I encourage students to use them to think through questions throughout the course.  Students should use AI tools to augment their understanding and generate ideas, while ensuring that the final work reflects their own analysis, synthesis, and originality.  

In this course, you are permitted to use generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Microsoft Bing, Anthropic Claude, DALL-E, etc.), for the following activities ONLY:

•        Brainstorming ideas

•        Fine tuning your research questions

•        Drafting outlines

•        Checking grammar

If you use generative AI in any of the above ways, you must:

(1)        describe the tools you used, and how you used them at the end of your discussion post or essay according to class guidelines (found in the ‘Supplemental Materials’ folder on the course D2L page) and,

(2)        document and credit the AI tool.  For example, generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA generative AI citation guidelines.  Material generated using other AI tools should follow a similar citation convention.  

Bear a few things in mind, however: if you didn’t write it, it’s not your work.  The information derived from these tools is based on previously published materials.  Therefore, presenting AI-generated output as your original work and/or without proper citation is considered plagiarism and constitutes a violation of DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.  Some of the software DePaul uses to check for plagiarism/originality now includes features to detect AI-generated text, so please just don’t do it.  Beyond that, they are often factually inaccurate.  Natural language processing models work by predicting what text is most likely to follow previous text based on the information it has ingested. Therefore, it can often return incorrect or false information. For example, it may return non-existent academic references.

Additional information and guidelines for the use of AI can be found in the ‘Supplemental Materials’ folder under ‘Content’ on the D2L page.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions about this policy.

If you’re unsure if a specific tool makes use of AI, or if a specific tool is permitted for use on assignments in this course, please contact me. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own, and/or un-cited use of AI will be considered a violation of academic honesty and addressed through appropriate channels.

Sarah Elizabeth Wellard

Rights: Public Domain


Thesis: Neuroscience & Education

Teachers College, Columbia University

TC’s Student Conduct Code, Section 2.3.1 defines cheating as using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, technology (including the uncited use of generative artificial intelligence), material or study aids in examinations or other academic work.

I do not prohibit the use of ChatGPT or other AI tools. However, I note that these tools are prone to error, and their output requires substantial editing. If you make use of these tools, you MUST evaluate and edit their output to ensure appropriate levels of accuracy, language, and content. ANY use of AI must be acknowledged and cited in your thesis.


 We follow the APA 7 guidelines on the use of ChatGPT and other AIs:

And I encourage the use of AI Archives to facilitate unique identifiers for AI exchanges.

Karen Froud

Contact me for specific permissions


First-Year Composition

Monmouth University        

College Composition I and II present rare opportunities in life: to think about expression, talk about writing, and to write itself, mostly to explore and discover. Much of life outside this class doesn’t give us time for these things, so we urge you to make the most of it here. There is more to “good” writing beyond correctness and summary, and this class seeks out opportunities for you, as students, to experience the fullness of those possibilities. You will certainly learn what you need to for the rest of college (and beyond), but how much you learn depends on your belief that you can grow and your willingness to take risks along the way. In this program, instructors do not expect perfection: they expect mistakes.

Technology has been important to writing since its ancient invention, but the constant has been (and will be) the human imagination and the conversation of humanity that drives us to seek technology to accomplish our ambitions. Therefore, technology offers shortcuts and efficiency, but it is nothing without the creative and passionate human impulse behind it. This class fosters that creative, passionate, and self-actualized intellectualism that fuels critical thinking and success in your chosen pursuits.

To these ends, prepare for the following:

•        Saving drafts of your work as separate files that can chart your progress

•        Writing in a mixture of digital documents and on paper both in and out of class

•        Reflecting on your writing, both at intervals during the semester and at the end as part of forming a portfolio of your growth and work

•        Conversation with your classmates about your and their writing, in the spirit of assisting and influencing one another as writers

•        Conversation with your instructor about your writing, expressing both strengths and weaknesses, your thought processes behind given pieces of writing, and advice to you as a writer responding to your work

•        Learning about various tools and technologies, both digital and not, that enable writing and communication, including their limitations, who made them and why, and their social and environmental impact

•        Learning about how we use technology while forming opinions and knowledge, both as research tools and for communicating with other people.

•        Adhering to University level policies and the student code of conduct regarding disclosure of all AI usage in classwork

Overall, your instructor in this class will assume your writing is an indicator of your interests, creativity, and awareness of your own thought process. In turn, your instructor will respond with the same, and support your growth as an individual and member of the class’s community.

Evidence of using technology to circumvent the purpose of this course (i.e. “Course Description” and “Pedagogical Rationale”) will be cause for concern because it means you are denying yourself opportunities for the critical thinking instructors across the University and future employers will expect you to have regardless of the technology available. If your instructor is concerned, you can expect requests to talk about your writing, required revisions, or negative impacts to your grade.

Patrick Love

twitter: @patlovephd bluesy:@patlove

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


GOVT 108: Introduction to International Relations

St. Lawrence University

Using AI in this course:

In this class you are allowed and encouraged to use outside sources. The use of AI generated technology (here in: “AI”) is strictly forbidden to answer quiz questions. If you use AI, such as ChatGPT, in other assignments, you must note how you have used it. AI uses previously published work so if you use it without acknowledgement, you are committing plagiarism.  Cutting and pasting whole text from the application will be considered academic dishonesty. You may use the technology to improve text you have already written, or to generate ideas for your work but you must include how you have used the technology in your assignments.

Appropriate/Approved Use of AI Tools

•        Brainstorm and fine tune your ideas.

•        Use AI to draft an outline to clarify your  


•        Check grammar, rigor, and style; help you find

an expression.

•        Use recommendations when it comes to

rephrasing sentences or reorganizing paragraphs

you have drafted yourself.

•        Use recommendations when it comes to tweaking outlines you have drafted yourself.

•        Learn background knowledge on a topic (beware: AI tech are not always correct, so double check this information).

Inappropriate/Not Approved Use of AI Tools

•        You may not use AI to answer questions on your quiz designed to deepen your understanding of the reading for that class and support your learning in this course.

•        You may not use entire sentences or paragraphs suggested by an app without providing quotation marks and a citation, just as you would to any other source.

•        You may not have an app write a draft (either rough or final) of an assignment for you.

Cautionary Note on AI Bias:

AI systems, while powerful, can inherit biases present in data/algorithms, leading to unintended discrimination and skewed outcomes. This course highlights the critical importance of recognizing and addressing these biases. I aim to empower you with the critical thinking skills to address these biases and you will never develop these skills if you blindly rely on AI to do your writing and thinking for you, or worse, you will present skewed and biased information.*

*This paragraph has been modified using the assistance of OpenAI Chat GPT.

Ronnie Olesker

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


English 112 - Composition 2

Colorado Mesa University


You will need basic computer skills and should be comfortable using a word processing program, browsing for files, and copying and pasting between programs. You will need a computer that connects to high-speed Internet. Your username and password are required for access. If you do not own a computer or if your computer malfunctions during the term, you will be expected to identify a computer to use. Technology issues are not an excuse for missed or late work.

An integral component in our writing process this term will be the exploration and wielding of a large language model, or new generative technology from Open AI, called ChatGPT. This new technology is appropriate for our learning community in that it offers users generative capabilities free of charge. Please do not pay for ChatGPT, but do sign in and bookmark the page in your learning machine. We will want to pay attention to the way access to this technology changes over time. Using the technology repeatedly allows the large language model to use and augment the writing that you do more effectively over time. ChatGPT is becoming a (free?) tool, like word processing, social media apps, and digital search engines. Thinking and writing with generative technology like this strengthens our critical thinking skills, extends our writing as a process, and augments our information literacy, helping to make us more comfortable and effective in content production. In addition, ChatGPT is relevant in that it is a way to generate information around user-specific ideas for this learning community ground in reading, writing, thinking, research, and argumentation. Our use of ChatGPT may not be relevant to your other classes, or learning communities. Other faculty may not allow you to use generative technology, so I encourage you to ask the teacher and cite the tool if you are going to use it. We will be using the technology to help us generate and model bibliographies, annotations, outlines, and rhetorical or written arguments. We may well use the technology to demonstrate rhetorical shifts in voice, too. Generative technology as a tool is also relevant in the way it affords thinkers and writers opportunities to write as a collaborative process. What large language models produce is a thing like the thing you desire, but not the thing. As such, our use is relevant only as long as we are collaborating, editing, revising, and writing as a process; never copying, pasting, and submitting in place of our work. Moreover, Chat GPT is meaningful in both the content produced and its wide-spread application in the world today, especially in business. You have likely seen advertising for the merging of humans and artificial intelligence (or AI) from brands like or  Expedia, and you’ve seen advertising made with generative technology, like this one from Nestle. A great deal of content we are now seeing on the webs and in social media, both textual and visual, is produced by generative technology. This onslaught of content will change how we view digital content.    


This new technology has been widely accepted and asks critical questions around intellectual property. In the academic realm, we are also asking serious questions about academic integrity and ownership of the material we generate with this tool. In the fields of composition and literature, both the Modern Language Association (or MLA) and the American Psychological Association (or APA) affirm the use of generative technology and share ways to cite it.


Finally, unlike static web pages to be accessed in search engines, this new tool produces material in ways that are like our own, human, organic ways of writing as a process. Generative technology is always already an extension of our own human production in the interwebs. As such it is relevant to our process of writing as a way to know.  However, as we have learned with the internet, the existence alone of a digital space does not make it reliable, true, correct, appropriate, or effective. We ought to use generative technology, like the internet, with caution and discretion. Through the application of generative technology across fifteen weeks in this learning community, learners will be able to wield the tech in support of critical writing with an emphasis on logical reasoning, in response to a wide range of texts.  Our use will include prompt engineering, sharing the results, and reflections on what our experience with the tool produces and means. You are already a better writer than ChatGPT.  Learning how to use the tools effectively will make you an even better writer, critical thinker, critical reader, researcher, and rhetorician.  

To have the best learning experience possible, please be sure you have access to Colorado Mesa University's recommended technology.

Brooke A. Carlson

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


Writing Center Support Principles

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Academic Integrity

        Originality: The core content, ideas, and analysis in your academic work must be your own. AI tools should assist you in improving your writing but not replace your intellectual contributions.

        Avoiding Plagiarism: Any content generated or significantly altered by AI must be properly attributed. Cite AI tools appropriately when they are used to paraphrase, summarize, or generate text to avoid plagiarism.


        Disclosure: Clearly disclose the use of AI in your writing process. Indicate which AI tools were used and how they contributed to your work, such as grammar correction, content generation, or data analysis.

        Acknowledgment: Properly acknowledge any significant AI-generated content in your work. This transparency helps maintain academic honesty and allows others to understand the extent of AI assistance in your work.

    Critical Self-Reflection

        Evaluate AI Outputs: Critically assess the suggestions and outputs provided by AI tools. Ensure that AI-generated content aligns with your academic objectives and meets the quality standards expected in graduate-level work.

        Skill Development: Use AI to complement and enhance your writing skills. Continuously work on improving your own abilities in critical thinking, analysis, and writing, rather than relying solely on AI tools.

    AI Literacy

        Understanding AI Capabilities: Develop a thorough understanding of the AI tools you use, including their capabilities, limitations, and potential biases. This knowledge is essential for making informed and ethical decisions about AI use.

        Ethical Training: Engage in training sessions and workshops on the ethical use of AI in academic writing. Stay informed about best practices, ethical considerations, and institutional guidelines.

Implementation Strategies

    Educational Programs

        Workshops and Training: Participate in workshops and training programs focused on the ethical use of AI in academic writing. These sessions should cover the technical aspects of AI tools, ethical considerations, and practical applications.

        Institutional Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with your institution’s specific policies and guidelines on AI use. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and ensuring consistent standards.

    Regular Review and Feedback

        Self-Assessment: Regularly review your use of AI tools to ensure they align with ethical standards and academic expectations. Reflect on how AI impacts your writing process and seek feedback from advisors, mentors, or peers to guide your responsible use of AI.

        Reporting Misuse: Report any misuse or ethical concerns related to AI in academic writing to appropriate institutional authorities. This helps maintain a culture of integrity and accountability.

    Collaborative Efforts

        Peer Discussions: Engage in discussions with peers and faculty about the ethical implications and best practices for using AI in academic writing. Sharing experiences and insights can contribute to a responsible AI usage culture within your academic community.

        Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborate with experts from various fields, including ethics, AI technology, and education, to stay informed about advancements and evolving ethical standards in AI use.

Katherine Morelli

Rights: Contact me for specific permissions


Social Science Teaching Methods

Sacramento State University

See policy and guidance for the use of AI generative tools here

Andrea Adins

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


First-Year Composition

Monmouth University

College Composition I and II present rare opportunities in life: to think about expression, talk about writing, and to write itself, mostly to explore and discover. Much of life outside this class doesn’t give us time for these things, so we urge you to make the most of it here. There is more to “good” writing beyond correctness and summary, and this class seeks out opportunities for you, as students, to experience the fullness of those possibilities. You will certainly learn what you need to for the rest of college (and beyond), but how much you learn depends on your belief that you can grow and your willingness to take risks along the way. In this program, instructors do not expect perfection: they expect mistakes.

Technology has been important to writing since its ancient invention, but the constant has been (and will be) the human imagination and the conversation of humanity that drives us to seek technology to accomplish our ambitions. Therefore, technology offers shortcuts and efficiency, but it is nothing without the creative and passionate human impulse behind it. This class fosters that creative, passionate, and self-actualized intellectualism that fuels critical thinking and success in your chosen pursuits.

To these ends, prepare for the following:

•        Saving drafts of your work as separate files that can chart your progress

•        Writing in a mixture of digital documents and on paper both in and out of class

•        Reflecting on your writing, both at intervals during the semester and at the end as part of forming a portfolio of your growth and work

•        Conversation with your classmates about your and their writing, in the spirit of assisting and influencing one another as writers

•        Conversation with your instructor about your writing, expressing both strengths and weaknesses, your thought processes behind given pieces of writing, and advice to you as a writer responding to your work

•        Learning about various tools and technologies, both digital and not, that enable writing and communication, including their limitations, who made them and why, and their social and environmental impact

•        Learning about how we use technology while forming opinions and knowledge, both as research tools and for communicating with other people.

•        Adhering to University level policies and the student code of conduct regarding disclosure of all AI usage in classwork

Overall, your instructor in this class will assume your writing is an indicator of your interests, creativity, and awareness of your own thought process. In turn, your instructor will respond with the same, and support your growth as an individual and member of the class’s community.

Evidence of using technology to circumvent the purpose of this course (i.e. “Course Description” and “Pedagogical Rationale”) will be cause for concern because it means you are denying yourself opportunities for the critical thinking instructors across the University and future employers will expect you to have regardless of the technology available. If your instructor is concerned, you can expect requests to talk about your writing, required revisions, or negative impacts to your grade.

Patrick Love

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


Cognitive Psychology

University of Texas at Tyler

UT Tyler’s AI Policy

UT Tyler is committed to exploring and using artificial intelligence (AI) tools as appropriate for the discipline and task undertaken. We encourage discussing AI tools’ ethical, societal, philosophical, and disciplinary implications. All uses of AI should be acknowledged as this aligns with our commitment to honor and integrity, as noted in UT Tyler’s Honor Code. Faculty and students must not use protected information, data, or copyrighted materials when using any AI tool. Additionally, users should be aware that AI tools rely on predictive models to generate content that may appear correct but is sometimes shown to be incomplete, inaccurate, taken without attribution from other sources, and/or biased. Consequently, an AI tool should not be considered a substitute for traditional approaches to research. You are ultimately responsible for the quality and content of the information you submit. Misusing AI tools that violate the guidelines specified for this course (see below) is considered a breach of academic integrity. The student will be subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in UT Tyler’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Dr. Kirby’s AI Policy

For this course, AI is not permitted at all: I expect all work students submit for this course to be their own. I have carefully designed all assignments and class activities to support your learning. Doing your own work, without human or artificial intelligence assistance, is best for your efforts in mastering course learning objectives. For this course, I expressly forbid using ChatGPT or any other Large Language Model (LLM) or image generation tools for any stages of the work process, including brainstorming. Deviations from these guidelines will be considered a violation of UT Tyler’s Honor Code and academic honesty values. Acceptable “AI” programs include only the spelling and grammar checking features in the Microsoft Office products. This means you are also not allowed to use Grammarly.

Although many courses are beginning to embrace generative AI, I have decided not to allow it in my courses at this time for the following reasons:

Lauren Kirby

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical


History of American Music, Music Appreciation

Centralia College

I am interested in YOUR thoughts, as this class is all about developing your critical listening skills, deepening your understanding of music, and exploring your own ideas.  As such, I hope that you will choose to engage with our course content and share your own words, not those of any AI.  However, I recognize that AI can be useful for brainstorming and is sometimes used for information-gathering.  If you choose to use AI in your work for this class, I ask that you do the following two things, in the following order: 1. Fact-check any information you have included from AI.  AI frequently makes mistakes, or ""hallucinates"", and even creates made-up citations.  It is in your best interest to double-check information you find via AI. 2. Disclose in your writing that you used AI, and how.

Most of the currently available AI tools are fairly recognizable in their output; there is a good chance I will recognize your use of AI, even if you don't disclose that you use it.  There is no real reason to use AI and not disclose that information for this class - but if you use AI and do not disclose that you did so, your work will be considered an example of academic dishonesty (see below)

Beth May

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


Research Methods

SUNY Albany        

During this course, you may use generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT, Bard, Copilot) to assist with assignments providing that you also do the following:

1.        Include a disclaimer statement at the start of your submission that states which AI tool was used, and for what purpose. Examples: Grammarly was used to assist with proofreading. ChatGPT was used to develop an outline for this section.

2.        Validate the output and reflect on why this non-peer reviewed source is a useful addition to your assignment. Submit the AI Use Statement and Reflection (available on Brightspace) along with your assignment. Attach or paste in the contents the file to your discussion board post or hyperlink it in your disclaimer statement.

Failure to acknowledge the use of AI on course assignments will result in a required 1-on-1 meeting where we will discuss the topic and I will assign you a grade based on your ability to explain (not recite) your submission. If you cannot appropriately demonstrate your understanding of the course material, you will receive a Violation of Academic Integrity Report (VAIR) submission, a zero on the assignment and required resubmission for no credit to proceed in the course.

"        "Here is the wording from the AI Use Statement:

AI Use Statement & Reflection

Fill out this form and attach it to your assignment uploads. If this is a discussion board post, you may copy and paste the contents to the end of your posting. You will not be graded on the contents of this document, but rather this document will be used to demonstrate that you used AI with academic integrity. If you have questions about what it means to use AI with academic integrity, please contact Dr. Rath at

1.        Name of AI used:        


2.        How was the AI used:

Brief description of how you used AI.

3.        Initial Prompt Submitted:

Paste prompt here.

4.        Initial Output from AI:

Paste response here.

5.        How did you modify the output?

Describe the changes you made to the original output. You do not need to use complete sentences here (bullet points are okay). For each change, explain your thought process. Specifically:

•        If you kept part of the output, validate the output of the AI. Explain why you know that that the output was good. You may need to include citations to connect to course readings or external sources.

•        If you changed part of the output, describe both how you changed it and why. Again, connect to readings where appropriate.

Logan Rath

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


ECON 225 Economic Development and Growth

Kalamazoo College

AI Policy for ECON 225: Economic Development and Growth (DRAFT)

Purpose and Rationale

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, being able to use AI tools effectively is becoming a crucial skill for future employment. This course acknowledges the growing importance of AI literacy and aims to equip students with the ability to effectively leverage AI technologies. However, mere reliance on AI without the ability to critically analyze, write, and discern high-quality work will not suffice for long-term success in the workplace. Therefore, this AI policy attempts to balance integration of AI tools with the development of fundamental communication and analytical skills.

AI Tool Usage and Acknowledgment

Students are encouraged to use AI tools as part of their learning process and coursework to enhance their understanding and productivity. The following guidelines are meant to ensure transparency and academic integrity in the use of AI:

1.        Disclosure of AI Usage: Any use of AI tools in the completion of assignments, projects, or other coursework must be explicitly disclosed. Students must include a statement specifying the AI tools used, the extent of their use, and the specific tasks for which AI assistance was sought.

2.        Prompt Disclosure: Students are required to provide a list of all prompts entered into the AI tools. This disclosure should be included as an appendix in the submitted work.

3.        Manual Transcription of AI-Generated Text: To ensure that students engage with and critically evaluate AI-generated content, any text generated by AI tools must be manually typed into the final document by the student. This process encourages students to review, reflect on, and comprehend the material, thereby reinforcing learning and promoting intellectual engagement.

Academic Integrity and Evaluation

The integration of AI tools must align with the principles of academic integrity. The K College honors states: ""To safeguard the integrity of academic work and research, we accept responsibility for our own scholarly performance. We regard false representation of our scholarly work as unacceptable because it undermines our integrity and that of the community."" Evaluation of student work will consider not only proper use and acknowledgment of AI tools, but also demonstration of critical thinking, originality, and ability to produce high-quality academic work independently of AI assistance.

Encouragement for Skill Development

The objectives of this policy are to (1) prepare students for the evolving demands of the job market by advancing AI literacy, (2) promote essential cognitive skills, and (3) promote deep and personalized learning. Students are encouraged to experiment with AI tools to enhance their learning experience, while simultaneously developing the ability to think critically, write effectively, and produce high-quality work that reflects their understanding, values, and insights.


This AI policy highlights the importance of transparency, academic integrity, and the development of a comprehensive skill set that integrates AI proficiency with essential academic competencies. Students are encouraged to embrace the opportunities presented by AI while maintaining a commitment to critical thinking and high-quality scholarly work.

Patrik Hultberg

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By & Share Alike


Writing 101        

American University

The academic integrity code at American University requires all work to be your own. You probably learned about the code in Writing 100, but we will review what is (and is not) considered your own work.

We will also learn and practice strategies for using AI tools during the writing process, but I consider unauthorized use of AI to be a violation of the academic integrity code. If you would like to use AI when we have not explicitly discussed doing so for an assignment, you must do so with me during office hours. This will allow us to learn from each other as we experiment with different prompts, responses, and changes.

Marnie Twigg

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By Noncommerical & Share Alike


COLA 1500 - College Advising Seminar

University of Virginia

Generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and other language model frameworks, have become widely accessible. These tools are capable of generating diverse forms of content, including text, images, computer code, audio, video, and more.


In this course, you are encouraged to use generative AI tools for assignments where appropriate. When using such tools, it is essential to document and credit them properly. Additionally, provide a brief description of how you used the tool in your work.


Please take into consideration when using generative AI tools: they are typically trained on datasets that may be outdated and can include copyrighted material. Therefore, relying on a generative AI tool may result in plagiarism or copyright violations.


Furthermore, generative AI tools aim to simulate human-like content creation rather than ensuring accuracy or reliability. Therefore, it remains your responsibility, not the tool's, to ensure the quality, integrity, and accuracy of any work submitted for this course.


During lectures, we will discuss how AI tools can assist in project preparation by enhancing creativity and helping in brainstorming ideas. We will also explore AI limitations. Integrating these tools into your workflow has the potential to significantly elevate your project development process.

Jelena Samonina

Rights: Public Domain


Gender and Technology, Gender as Technology?

Harvard University

Use of “AI” or Large Language Model Based Tools


Unless you receive explicit instructor permission, do not submit materials produced by large language models or “generative AI” in this course. You also may not use them for research or summarization of course materials. Doing so will be considered academic misconduct.

More specifically, we will discuss “AI” in the course, on April 1, 2024. (That is actually not a joke.) Using such tools prior to that is prohibited. If you wish to use such tools after that, I would be happy to discuss it with you. Additionally, because the course is ungraded, the use of these tools ultimately will not improve your grade and will likely jeopardize it.

Kendra Albert

Rights: Creative Commons 4.0 By


Institution level course outline template

University of Newcastle (Australia)        

Use of generative artificial intelligence in course assessments

It is critical that any work submitted for assessment is your own original work. Before using generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT, Perplexity, Microsoft Copilot, etc) in any assessable work you must ensure that such use is in line with the requirements for the course and expectations of your Course Coordinator.

Misuse of AI tools may be considered a breach of the University's Student Conduct Rule ( and could result in disciplinary action.

Artificial Intelligence detection software may be used to review any work you submit. If you have used AI in any way other than has been expressly permitted by your course coordinator, you may be engaging in academic misconduct and be subject to penalties.

For more information, refer to:

Generative AI Tools (

Academic Integrity ("        Our University includes this statement in all course outlines. Specific requirements are set by individual course (unit) coordinators.

Sam Doherty

Rights: Contact me for specific permissions


Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities

Tidewater Community College

3.1.1 Cheating: Unauthorized use of notes, study aides, electronic devices, artificial intelligence, or acquiring information from another student’s papers on an examination; obtaining a copy of an examination or questions from an exam prior to taking the exam; altering graded work with the intent to deceive; using another person’s work and then submitting as one’s own work; allowing another to take an examination in one’s name; submitting identical or similar papers for credit in more than one course without obtaining permission from the instructors of all the courses involved.

3.1.3 Plagiarism: Presenting within one’s own work the ideas, representations, or words of another person, or artificial intelligence, without customary and proper acknowledgment or citation of that proper authorship is considered plagiarism. Students who are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism should consult with their instructors.

Heather Brown

Rights: Public Domain


Sample Course Policies for Syllabus

Tidewater Community College

Generative AI Usage Notifications for your courses:

Note: The notifications provided below should be tailored and incorporated into the course syllabus as appropriate, depending on the specific guidelines and policies of the course. Please include your statement in the “Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) Policy” section of the syllabus.

Notification 1: Broadly Acceptable Generative AI Usage

In this course, you may leverage the benefits of Generative AI tools to enhance your learning experience. AI tools can be utilized to supplement your understanding of course material, conduct research, and explore different perspectives. However, it is important to exercise discernment and ensure that their usage remains within the boundaries of academic integrity. Remember to appropriately cite and reference any AI-produced content to acknowledge the sources. Embrace the opportunity to harness the power of Generative AI while maintaining the principles of honesty and intellectual growth throughout the course.

Notification 2: Conditional Generate AI Usage

In this course, the use of Generative AI is permissible only under specific circumstances, as outlined in the assignment instructions. When AI tool usage is allowed, exercise caution and ensure that you appropriately cite and attribute any content generated through their use. It is essential to strike a balance between leveraging the advantages of AI resources and preserving your individual creativity and problem-solving abilities. Failure to adhere to the specified Generative AI usage guidelines may result in academic consequences. Pay careful attention to the assignment requirements to determine whether AI tools are permitted and follow the instructions accordingly.

Notification 3: No Generative AI Usage Permitted

For the duration of this course, the use of Generative AI in assignments is strictly prohibited. Assignments are opportunities for personal growth, critical thinking, and applying your acquired knowledge. Your individual effort and creativity are essential in demonstrating your understanding of the course material. Dependence on AI undermines these objectives and compromises the integrity of the learning process. We appreciate your commitment to academic honesty and dedication to upholding this course's principles by refraining from using Generative AI in your assignments.


Faculty may choose any of these AI usage statements for inclusion in their syllabus OR they can create their own.

Heather Brown

Rights: Public Domain