How to Sign Up for The New Saylor Academy Community Forums

1. Visit


2. Click Sign Up

Even if you already have a Saylor Academy account, you will need to create a new account here.


3. Fill out the new account form

Your username is how people mention you directly in posts, so short and easy to type is best. You do not have to give your last name, though a first name or nickname is nice for people to be able to use sometimes. Anyone will be able to see the name you use on your profile page.


4. Check your email for a confirmation message

No message? We had to wait a few minutes for ours to come through, but you can also check in your spam folder or attempt to log in to generate a new confirmation message.


5. Click on the link in the confirmation message


6. Click the Activate your account button

7. Voila! You are signed in. Start exploring, introduce yourself to the community, and have fun!

Discourse - Quick Start Map.png

* Try these links to get started: