Los Fuegos


Hydroponics Research

What is it and how does it work?

-Water method of growing plants in a water based, nutrient rich solution

-Does not use oil

-Supported using an inert medium such as perlite, rockwool, clay pellets,peat moss, or vermiculite

-Deepwater Culture (DWC)

-Known as reservoir method

-Easiest method for growing plants

-An aquarium air pump oxygenates the nutrient solution

-Keeps the roots of the plants from drowning

-Prevent light from penetrating the system

-Might cause algae to grow


-Air Pump ($7-$10)

-Air Stone ($11.19)

-Airline Tubing ($1.88)

-Net Pots ($3.99)

-Hydroponic Nutrients ($13.76)

-PH Control Kit ($19.99)

-PPM Meter ($7.99)

-5 gal. bucket ($2.97)