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Part 22: The Love Bug!
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Part 22: The Love Bug!



                Both Salvadore and I sniggered again, glancing at Aly through the corner of our eyes. She was too hungry to scowl us and instead hung her head in exhaustion. Her stomach had been rumbling for food for over an hour. Togepi patted her belly and squealed for joy, also finding this amusing.

                Cubone let out a loud belch after taking one last gulp of warm milk from his baby bottle. Salvadore patted him on the back and put the empty bottle back in his bag pack. ‘Feeling better Cubone?’ he asked. Cubone nodded his head and stretched out with a satisfying yawn before drifting off to sleep in Salvadore’s arms. The lonely Pokémon hugged his bone tightly as he slept.

                ‘How come Cubone gets fed and we don’t?’ Aly pouted, glaring jealousy at the snoozing Cubone.

                ‘Because Cubone’s still an infant and needs all the nourishment he can get. That and I forgot to stock up on food supplies in HopHopHop Town’ said Salvadore with an edgy smile. ‘But don’t worry; we should be arriving at Crimson City at any minute. According to the guide they have a wide range of restaurants and cafes, and the city is green all year round with Pokémon shaped hedges along the main streets. They’re also building a new battle dome near there, but construction has only started recently’

                ‘A battle dome? That sounds awesome! And once we’re finished there it’s onto Vermillion City for my next badge!’ I yelled over excitedly. A wave of determination swept through my veins at the thought of my next gym battle. Celadon seemed like such a long time ago.


                Kiro let out a battle cry and danced around my feet with pride, spurred on by my focused gaze.

                ‘C’mon, Kiro. Let’s go!’ I urged my shiny Eevee and without warning, we both sprinted towards Crimson City.

                ‘There they go again’ Aly said with a resigned look on her face as she watched us race down the damp path.

                Salvadore shook his head and smirked ‘Some things never change’

                I ran effortlessly. My body and mind both ready to battle for my next badge. Kiro matched my fast pace, running right beside me as the forest began to disperse and make room for modern buildings and architecture. We were entering the outskirts of Crimson City.

                We slowed our pace down to a brisk walk as we stepped on to what seemed to be a main street in the city. At first I was allured by the bright coloured shops and cafes which lined the streets. They were all up market buildings with pretty designs over the entrances and an array of different plants lining the windows.

                Then I took a second look.

                The street was empty, no life, or at least no human life. Hoards of different types of bug Pokémon infested the pavements and alleyways. Caterpie and Weedle scuttled along the street; Spinarak dangled down loosely on their threads from the roof tops of buildings; Venonat rested peacefully among a group of Pineco. I don’t think I had ever seen so many bug Pokémon in the one place, even in a forest. Another startling aspect which grabbed my attention was lack of greenery which Salvadore had spoke so highly of. There were a few trees left in the city, but many of them were either leafless or were overcome with Kakuna and Metapod. I could just about make out a hedge piece which used to portray a Bellsprout. It was now riddled with hungry Weedle, eating its leaves mercilessly.

Kiro huddled close to my legs, insecure by the abundance of Pokémon critters inhabiting the city. He too could sense something was wrong.

                We moved anxiously threw the City, confused by the whole situation. I always felt as though people were watching me from the safety of their own homes, but whenever I turned my head all I saw were swaying curtains. As we ventured through different streets, I wondered where Aly and Salvadore were. It hadn’t been that long since I left them, but I thought they would have caught up at this stage.

                We passed by another bug swarmed street. My attention was immediately snatched by the dozens of cranes and work vehicles far down the road, at the edge of the city. This must be where they planned to build that battle dome, I thought to myself. I was tempted to investigate the site, but I knew it would be better to find a Pokémon Centre first. Maybe I would find out what was really going on here?


                I looked up in confusion and was suddenly entrapped in a large net. I squirmed in a panic, frantically trying to free myself, but to no avail. The lacing in the rope was tightly bound, making it almost impossible to grip or even see through. I almost lost my balance as I wrestled with the net, nearly tripping over Kiro who had also been caught.

                ‘Hah! Gotcha! Now Lazarus, use tackle!’ a muffled female voice ordered.

                ‘Wait! What’s going on!?’ I cried.

                I kept flailing my arms around the tight net in a desperate attempt to escape. I could just make out a purple blur surged threw the air before something crashed into my stomach, blowing all the air out of my body. I lurched over in pain and grunted loudly. I struggled to catch my breath- winded.

                ‘Ooh, this bug isn’t just big. It’s a feisty one too. This makes it an even better catch. Lazarus, let’s try one more tackle!’ the same voice commanded.

                I was disorientated and in a lot of pain. My head spun as I was overcome with confusion. I tried to steady my breath and focus my thoughts. Did someone really thing I was a bug. ‘Hang on! I’m not a-‘, I tried to mumbled some words of defence, but I was quickly set upon by the same purple blur as before. The impact was even greater this time as I took a blow to the back, knocking me off my feet. I dropped to the ground like a bag of soot. In all my troubles, I hoped that Kiro wasn’t suffering as badly as I was. I tried to sit myself upright.

                ‘Nice job, Lazarus!’ the voice shouted eagerly ‘Pokeball go!’



I cried out in pain as a pokeball thwarted my face at full force. I slumped back to the ground and held my face as I writhed in pain.

‘Hey! So not fair. What gives?’ the voice complained. The mesh net was whipped off me as I continued to nurse my throbbing cheek. ‘Wait a second! You’re not a bug!’ she hissed angrily.

I managed to perk myself upright and etched my eyes open. It hurt to concentrate and everything seemed blurry, but soon my vision started to focus until I could see properly again. I first glanced over at Kiro who was gazing up at something nervously.

I then looked up to see a young girl glaring down at me in disgust. She had messy straw blonde hair with a small green hat resting on her crown. She wore sandals with socks, shorts and a green t-shirt, partially covered by an open armless jacket, something similar to what fishermen ware. She was around my age, but her face scrunched with anger in such a way that made her look fifty years older. She clutched a pokeball in her trembling fist as a Butterfree landed elegantly on her shoulder.

She sniffed loudly and stuck her nose in the air in a pompous manner, almost as if she was composing herself. ‘You’re not a bug’ she muttered quickly, constantly glancing down at me through the corner of her eye before rolling them up to the skies.

‘Well, no duh! Of course I’m not a bug!’ I growled back at her, still tending to my forehead.

‘Then why were you in my bug net? Huh?’ she continued to stare at the sky with an occasional glance back at me.

‘Because you threw your stupid net at me!’ I barked back as I struggled to my feet. I didn’t know who this person was, but she was really starting to bug me.

She spun around to face me and cocked her head forward, glowering at me with her inquisitive eyes. ‘Well you must be mistaken because this net is only for bug Pokémon and you, mister... umm... PERSON are absolutely, definitely, undeniably, totally NOT a bug Pokémon’ she reasserted herself and poked my button nose as she continued to stare into my eyes. She then tilted her head curiously ‘Or are you?’

I almost fell over with disbelief. ‘NO!’ I roared in her face, completely losing the plot.

‘But you were in my bug net?’ she gawped at me once more.

‘But I’m a human

The girl chuckled heartily to herself ‘Then why didn’t you say so?’

I felt like ripping out my hair and curling up in a ball. I did not know what to believe in any more. She wasn’t making sense. This city wasn’t making sense. I started to doubt my mental health. Had I gone mad?

I suddenly snapped back to reality as I felt Kiro nuzzling my leg with his cheek. I sighed deeply and unclenched my balled fists. I dropped my arms in defeat and forced a smile. ‘Look, I’m sorry. I’m not a bug Pokémon and I should not have gone into your bug net. My name’s Robin and this is Kiro’ I said and offered my hand wearily.

The girl gave me a strange look and then smiled happily. ‘Apology accepted’ she said, shaking my hand firmly. I was a bit surprised at the strength of her grip.

‘So, what’s your name?’ I asked, somewhat relieved that her mental introduction had ended.

Suddenly, she leaped backwards and posed in various positions as she spoke. I jerked backwards as the hat on her head unravelled itself, revealing two beady eyes and a small mouth. It wasn’t a hat at all. It was a Pokémon!  

 ‘Ha! I am the one the creeps up your back, the one that leaves no cabbage patch unturned. The entomological expert! The assistant of Master Burgh! Scouting across the lands after conquering the bug habitats of Unova; I am the Insectable Artist, Kailyn! But please, call me-’ Kailyn came to a complete stop and stared motionless at me. Her eyes seemed fixed on one spot and her body was completely still like a statue.

I glanced behind me, worried what possibly could have petrified the girl, but there was nothing there. I then looked down at Kiro who gave me a puzzled look. I tried to snap my fingers a couple of times in front of her eyes, but she did not budge. I even patted her lightly on the cheek, but it was useless. She was like an empty shell. I was about to call for help when-

 ‘KAI! Call me Kai!’ she shouted startlingly. I was taken by surprise and gripped my chest as if I was suffering from a mini heart attack.

‘What the heck was that?’ I panted, still clenching my thumping chest.

‘What was what?’

‘You know... the... the...’ I didn’t know what to say so I made binocular shapes with my hands and then posed like a penguin in an attempt to articulate what just happened.

‘Oh, I must have had a narcoleptic seizure, or at least that’s what the doctors think it is. Don’t worry about it. It happens all the time’ she said and waved it off like it was nothing.

‘Kai... right...’ I looked nervously at her. It wasn’t just a bad start we had, I thought to myself. She is actually mad!

‘Also, please meet my friends’ she continued indifferently ‘This here is Lazarus’ she said as she petted the Butterfree on her shoulder. She then rolled her eyes up and giggled at the leaf coated Pokémon who peered down at her from her head ‘And this one here is Basiron Pesto or Basiron Pest for short’

I then stared at the unfamiliar Pokémon and checked my Dex:

Sewaddle, the sewing Pokémon. Sewaddle are famous in the Unova region for supplying unique leaves that are used in the clothing industry. They also use these leaves as an outer coat in which they sleep.

Unova? Entomology? Narco- something? Her purpose here? This City? Despite her “eccentric” nature, Kai seemed like a fascinating character that I could learn a lot from. I also admired the names she christened her Pokémon.

I was ready to ask the bug catcher a plethora of questions when she suddenly spun around on the spot and stared into the distance. Lazarus was flapping frantically around her head and Basiron Pesto scuttled excitedly around her bush of straw yellow hair. I was confused at first, but then I heard it.

It started out as a quiet rumble, but gradually grew louder and louder. I felt the ground begin to vibrate from the noise. We started to slowly step backwards, trying to keep our balance.

Suddenly, Aly, Salvadore and a young woman appeared down the street and began sprinting towards us. I was about to wave at them, but they seemed in a rush and somewhat scared. They didn’t even stop. They just kept on running.

‘Robin! Run you idiot!’ Aly screamed as she passed us. I was startled and confused by all the commotion. What on earth was going on?

We soon found out.

I stared in horror as a hoard of twenty, maybe thirty Pinsir came charging around the corner, pacing towards us. They roared as they approached us with their heads down and jagged horns ready to strike.


Without a second thought, Kai, Kiro and I turned on our heels and sprinted after the rest of the fleeing group, running for our lives. I had no idea where we were going, but anywhere rather than right behind us would do. We followed the others down the main street before taking a left down a secondary street. We weren’t too far behind them, but then again, neither were the Pinsir. As we turned right down another street, I was relieved to see a Pokémon Centre at the end of the road. It was a relief short lived.

Suddenly, Kai came to a halt and her body seemed to freeze on the spot. Her eyes bulged and became perplexed as she stood motionless in front of the raging Pinsir. I skid to a stop and stared at her in disbelief. She was completely defenceless. Her narcolepsy could not have occurred at a worse time. I couldn’t just leave her there. I was left with no other choice but to battle.

I quickly threw a pokeball to her defence ‘Hope I chose you! Use bug buzz!’ I commanded promptly.

The Butterfree soared out of her pokeball and zipped pass Kai, taking a quick second to eye up Lazarus before fluttering her wings in a frenzy and emitting an ear-piercing screech. The group of Pinsir immediately felt the effect of her attack as they slowed their pace and writhed in pain. Lazarus flew to Hope’s side and helped out using his own bug buzz attack. The two Butterfree worked well as a team, bringing the wave of Pinsir to their knees.

The sound of the double attack was deafening, but I managed to make my way to Kai. She was still under the effect of her narcolepsy and continued to stare off into the distance. I knew the Butterfree couldn’t hold out for much longer so I had no other choice. Without hesitation, I threw Kai over my shoulder and made a final burst for the Pokémon Centre. Hope and Lazarus ceased their attack and fluttered after us.

I saw Aly and Salvadore staring anxiously out at us from behind the entrance to the centre. I did not dare look behind us. I just kept running. The bug catcher was surprisingly heavy for her stature, but I kept moving, straining my legs passed their threshold of pain and safely into the Pokémon Centre. The two Butterfree flew in right behind us and the doors were shut immediately. It was a close call, but we made it.

In desperation for some air I hauled Kai into Salvadore’s arms and slouched against the wall. I gulped in deep gasps of air and rested my head on my bent knees.

Kai suddenly snapped out of her trance and gazed up at what she believed to be her saviour. Salvadore stared back at her startled, just about managing to not drop her.

‘Hubba, hubba’ she drooled over the breeder and blushed in his awe.

Hope and Lazarus continued to flutter around the Pokémon Centre together.

‘Is everyone ok?’ asked a worried young woman. It was the same woman that had also been chased by the Pinsir. Her lilac hair was tied neatly in a bow and she wore a pretty red dress. Salvadore actually dropped Kai in shock of the woman’s beauty.

‘I’m sorry we dragged you into this. We never even got to introduce ourselves properly. I’m Salvadore’ the breeder stuttered in his goofy voice. He cupped her hands in his own as he gazed lovingly into her eyes. ‘Please tell me, fair maiden; what is thy name?’

‘Umm... Jeanette Fisher...’ she squeaked with a nervous smile.

‘Jeanette’ Salvadore sighed warmly ‘J is for joy, like the joy you bring me when I see your beautiful face. E is for elegant, which no other woman can surpass. A is for angelic as your skin mirrors the-‘



Salvadore’s profession of love came to a swift close as Cubone struck his head with his bone. The breeder collapsed in a daze and was dragged away by the scruff of his collar by Cubone.

‘I bet he’s seeing more than one angel now’ Aly remarked slyly.

I laughed as I picked myself up off the floor and offered a polite handshake ‘Sorry about that. Salvadore can get a bit carried away at times. Anyways, my name’s Robin and this here is Kiro’

‘Please to meet you. My name’s Aly and this here is Togepi’

We both shook hands as we introduced ourselves. Togepi squealed and waved her hands joyously at the woman. Kiro poked his out quietly from behind my legs and nodded shyly.

‘Please to meet you too and welcome to Crimson City. I’m sorry about all the commotion earlier. It’s usually not like this’ she said quietly as her eyes dropped sadly to the floor.

‘Jeanette, what happened here? I heard this city was supposed to be busy and green all year round’ I asked.

‘It was up until a month ago. Then, hoards of bug Pokémon infested the entire city. They started eating all the flora within the city and made it their home. Most visitors were scared off and this greatly affected businesses here’

‘But why did the bug Pokémon just suddenly appear out of no where?’ Aly wondered to herself out loud.

‘No one knows’ sighed Jeanette ‘but as mayor of Crimson City it is my duty to stop this, no matter what the cost!’

‘And that’s where I, Kai, the Insectable Artist come in!’ interjected Kai.

‘Oh, Kai, how’s the bug hunting coming along?’ Jeanette asked wearily.

‘Umm... eh... Well it was going fine until Robin jumped into my bug net, even though he is clearly not a bug Pokémon... I think?’

I bit my lip, afraid of what curses I might bark out at the young bug catcher. I gradually composed myself and nodded grudgingly ‘Yes, it was all my fault’. I knew it was obviously not my fault that Kai sucked at her job, but it was better to bite the bullet rather than to start a hair ripping argument.

‘Sorry to interrupt, but when did you say the infestation began?’ asked Salvadore. He seemed a lot more composed and serious as he held the trainer guide in one hand and cradled Cubone in the other.

‘One month ago. Why?’ Jeanette said with a puzzled look.

‘Just as I suspected’ said Salvadore confidently.

We all gave the breeder a questioning look, except for Kai who stared at him dreamily.

‘The bug Pokémon swarmed the city one month ago’ Salvadore continued ‘The construction of the battle dome also began one month ago. Considering the building site is on the outskirts of the city, I presume it used to be part of the surrounding forest. I’m also presuming that a lot of Pokémon used to inhabit that area before it was turned into a construction site. Those bug Pokémon weren’t trying to cause any harm, they were just trying to find a new home since their old home was destroyed’

Jeanette covered her mouth with her hand and gasped ‘You’re right! It all makes sense. I cannot believe I didn’t notice this before. How could I have let this happen? I failed this city...’

‘Don’t be silly’ said Salvadore and laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder. ‘The battle dome is a great idea and will happen one day, but for now, I think it’s best if you put the idea on hold until you can find a space for it that won’t upset any Pokémon’

Jeanette sniffed a smile ‘I will, but what will we do about those bug Pokémon?’

‘We’ll take care that. Right guys?’ Salvadore nodded back to Aly and I.

We happily agreed.

‘I can lure them to the building site while you guys clear it?’ suggested Kai as she spun a poke ball on her finger.

Salvadore smiled in agreement ‘that would be great, Kai’

‘He knows my name! Bakka!’ the bug catcher shrieked and collapsed to the floor with excitement.

‘So it’s settled. Aly, Jeanette and I will clear the building site while Robin and Kai lure the Pokémon to us’ said Salvadore coolly, taking command of the whole situation.


Aly rubbed her stomach and blushed with embarrassment ‘That sounds like a great plan... after some food’

Everyone laughed.



* * *



After a quick lunch we left the Pokémon centre and split up. Aly, Jeanette and Salvadore made their way to the closed construction site while Kai and I headed for the city centre. Once we reached the main street, Kai unhinged a poke ball from her belt and tossed it into the air.

‘Quasimodo, I need your assistance please!’

A large insect Pokémon with a giant mushroom for a shell was summoned to the street. It clipped the air with its daunting pincers as it observed its surroundings. I curiously checked my Dex:

Parasect, the mushroom Pokémon and the evolved form of Paras. The mushroom on Parasect’s back controls its body and can emit spores with various abilities.

I felt somewhat unnerved as Parasect gave me a scrutinising look. It was very creepy. Then again, so was Kai.

‘Quasimodo, use sweet scent to lure all the bug Pokémon to us’ Kai ordered.


The Parasect hissed as it shook its giant mushroom body and emitted a cloud of spores. The sweet scent travelled up my nostrils and enchanted my body. It smelled similar to that of Beri’s only twice as strong. Even Kiro seemed to be lost in a daze as the beautiful aroma engulfed the street.

‘Great job! Ok Lazarus, it’s your turn. Use gust to spread the sweet scent’ commanded Kai.

‘Great idea. Use your gust attack too, Hope!’ I added promptly.

The two Butterfree worked back to back, fanning the cloud of enchanting spores around the city. The effect was instant as swarms of Pineco, Venonat, Beedrill and many other insect Pokémon drifted towards the source of the sweet scent.

‘Hmm, your Butterfree isn’t that bad. She seems like a good match for Lazarus’ Kai commented as the two Butterfree continued to flap their wings frantically.

I gazed up at Hope and Lazarus. Kai was right; they were a perfect match for each other. In fact, I had never seen Hope look this happy before. Lazarus was a well raised Pokémon. I knew, despite Kai’s eccentric appearance, she was a great trainer and cared deeply for her Pokémon. This made me start to think, what was best for Hope.

‘We seem to have most Pokémon, except for the Kakuna and Metapod’ shouted Kai over the chorus of Pokémon cries, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I struggled to think for a moment before an idea popped into my head. I smiled confidently and took a pokeball from my belt. ‘I know just the Pokémon that can rope ’em up in a jiffy! Sir Duke, I choose you!’

The Haunter surged from his pokeball at my commanded wearing a cowboy hat and brandishing a rope in his ghoulish claw. He sniggered menacingly as he swung the rope in a loop.

‘Sir Duke, I need you to round up all of the Kakuna and Metapod, and follow us to the building site’

The Haunter nodded and pulled a second rope out of his jaw. Without delay he began to lasso groups of lazing Kakuna and Metapod while Kai, Kiro, Quasimodo, Hope, Lazarus and I made our way to the building site. The Parasect continued to emit the fruity fragrance as we ran down the main street and the two Butterfree continued to fan the smell across the city. The entire bug population were now following us. Citizens of Crimson City peered out through their windows and doors to view this amazing spectacle.

I hardly recognised the old building site as we approached the area. Two enormous Venusaur were shifting cranes and trucks out of the clearing. I guessed that they belonged to Jeanette. Salvadore’s Geodude was unearthing the gravel while his Exeggcute planted seeds. Clefairy and Dratini also helped to lift the abandoned work tools and equipment.

Jeanette, Salvadore, Aly and a few locals were planting small stalks and trees. Togepi patted some earth around a tiny dandelion and took a big sniff. She sneezed and toppled over onto her back, squealing for joy.

Jeanette took a break from planting when she noticed our arrival and the droves of insect Pokémon behind us. She gave a nervous smile as she faced the swarms of Pokémon and cleared her throat ‘I’m sorry about your home. We took what was not ours and for that, I cannot apologise enough. Please forgive us and take back what is rightfully yours. I know it’s not the same, nor will it be for quite some time, but I can assure you that I, as well as all the citizens of Crimson City will do our best to make this land the same beautiful, green forest it once was. Welcome home’. Jeanette bowed respectfully and gestured the Pokémon to repopulate the area.

The various bug Pokémon gradually entered the clearing and began to graze and form their new homes.

We all sighed with a relief.

Sir Duke suddenly appeared before us, this time wearing a Santa hat and hauling a large red velvet sack in his grasp. He laughed heartily as he took Kakuna and Metapod out of the sack and placed them under a newly planted pine tree like Christmas presents.

‘Bakka! All these bug Pokémon in the one place make me squirm like a happy Sewaddle on the inside’ shrieked Kai with glee. Her body then froze like a statue and her eyes widened as she had another case of narcolepsy.

I grinned at the young bug catcher, but then my smile quickly faded as I turned my attention to Hope and Lazarus who were chasing each other playfully through the new forest. I approached the Butterfree and summoned Hope to my arm. She gazed up at me with loving eyes. I gave her a warm look and my eyes began to tear.

‘Hope, we’ve been friends for a long time’ I said softly, trying my best not to cry ‘you were the third Pokémon to enter my team when you were only a Metapod, and now you’re an amazing Butterfree. We’ve been through a lot together and I would have never made it this far without you, but now...’ I started to choke on my words. I never ever wanted to say this, but I knew I had no other choice ‘... now you’ve found a new friend- a partner. Lazarus is a fantastic Butterfree and you two are perfect for each other. It’s time to live the rest of your life in happiness. It’s time to move on. I’m gonna miss you buddy’

Tears began to trickle down my face as we gazed into each others eyes. Hope’s eyes began to tear up too as I squeezed her tightly against my chest. We embraced each other, zoning out everyone else as if they were nonexistent. I then placed her down on the ground and unclipped the Rainbow badge from the inner lining of my jacket, ‘Here, this is yours’ I sobbed as I carefully clipped the badge onto her antenna. ‘I know I will never forget you, and hopefully, with this, you’ll think of me sometimes. Now g-... good...’

A lump formed in my throat as tears began to flow rapidly down my face. I gazed into her eyes one last time.

‘Goodbye!’ I cried and quickly got to my feet, sprinting into the surrounding forest.

I ran. I ran away from Hope and my friends, leaving the pleas of Aly and Salvadore behind me. I didn’t know where I was running to, nor did I care. I just wanted to escape somewhere and cry.

Memories of Hope began to flood my mind as tears now gushed down my face. I remembered holding her pokeball in my hand for the very first time. I so excited and proud of my catch. I remembered how she evolved from a Metapod and into a stunning Butterfree, defeating Salvadore against all the odds and winning me my first badge. I remembered her heroic performance against Erika. She gave so much to me and I gave so little to her in return. After what felt like an eternity of running away, I collapsed to my knees and cried...

‘Robin, what are you doing?’

I didn’t turn around. I knew it was Aly. I could recognise her voice from a mile away. I just kept sobbing.

‘Why did you run off like that? And why did you just give your badge away like that? You worked hard for it!’ she scowled.

I gradually rose to my feet and turned to face her. My body was shaking with a mixture of anger and sorrow ‘No... NO! I didn’t work hard for it. Hope did! I would never have won that without her. She deserves it. Not me’ I cried out and sniffed loudly.

‘I’m... I’m sorry...’ she said quietly hung her head.

‘You’re crying’ said Kai, appearing suddenly beside me.

‘Yes...’ I muttered. She was the last person I wanted to talk to.

‘It’s ok to cry’ she said with a smile ‘I used to cry in secret when I was younger because people always made fun of me. They used to call me hurtful names because I was different, but eventually I learned how to ignore them. I learned how to ignore all the bad things and focus on all the good times, like playing with my Pokémon. You’re a nice person, Robin. I wouldn’t have let Lazarus go if I thought you weren’t. Hope is perfect for him. I could tell from the start that she had an amazing trainer and loved you dearly. Remember, I’m Kai, the Insectable Artist! I know these things’ she winked at me.

I managed to sniff a smile and wipe away the tears with my sleeve. I cleared my throat and composed myself ‘Thanks Kai. I know Lazarus will take good care of Hope. His trainer’s a bit insane, but he wouldn’t have you any other way’

We both laughed.


We both looked up as a swarm of Butterfree passed over us. I instantly noticed Hope with the Rainbow badge shining brightly from her antenna. Lazarus fluttered happily beside her.

‘You two mind each other and look out for one another. Goodbye Hope! See you around!’ I shouted up to her as another tear trickled down my cheek- this time a tear of joy. Kiro leaped onto my shoulder and cried out at Hope.

‘Bakka, Lazarus! Take care and don’t forget to wash!’ Kai called out after her Butterfree.

The two Butterfree fluttered and zipped passed each other, signalling their farewell before they joined the rest of the swarm. We stood and waved as the group of Butterfree flew off into the distance and out of sight.

‘Well, seems that my job here is done. Now to catch me some more bugs! Kbai! Bakka!’ Kai screamed as she ran off into the woods, swishing her bug net around aimlessly.

‘Goodbye Kai! See you around!’ I called out after her as she too disappeared from view.

Salvadore and Jeanette soon joined Aly and I. I unclipped Hope’s pokeball from my belt and placed it in a small compartment in my bag. It was then I remembered something. I dug deep into my bag and pulled out a pokeball.

‘Hey, is that the pokeball with the mystery Pokémon?’ Salvadore asked curiously.

I nodded back at the breeder with a smile as I thought back to the time when we met Kay-Bee. In an attempt to capture a mischievous Arbok, I accidently caught another, unknown Pokémon. Since Hope had left my party, the red light had disappeared and the pokeball was now unlocked.

I raised the pokeball firmly in my right hand as I reflected on life and this strange world we lived in. I then focused my attention on the pokeball which lay in my grasp and braced myself as I was finally about to see what I captured that fateful day. I cleared my throat and smiled confidently as I expanded the pokeball.

‘Pokémon, I choose you!’