Where i’m at in my reading?

At the start of the year I was at level 3b, Which means I was below the national standard My goal was try to make it just above the national standard  and It came out that i was just  under the national standard and I got a 4b which mean I have improved 3 sublevels

One of my Weakness is to Make a conclusion or an assumption .

Why am I there

At the start of the year one of my goals was to Find, select and retrieve information and in the next test we did I achieved the goals that I set for myself  which was  Find,select and retrieve information by that I  worked on sra cards which is that you have to read the little story  and answer the question which is based on the story that you have reed .

What are my next step ?

My next for me is

is to Find and understand the main idea in the text.

Which means the iI have to read the text properly to find and understand the w

hole meaning of the text.

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Where i'm at in my maths

As a year 8 I started of as a 3a which show that I was  below the national standard by working hard I ended up as a 4b which means I have moved up 1 sub level  which was just under the national standard. One of my strengths was explain the meaning of digits in number using tenths hundredths and thousandths. One of my weakness was solve problems using negative numbers and positive

Why am I there

One of the goals that i set myself for maths was to make and explain patterns with translation, rotation and reflection and at the end of term 2  it came out in my achieved box in my e asttle console

my goals for  maths is?    

my goals for term 3 is to be above the national standard  at a 4a

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where am I in writing

 In writing i am  a 3b, in the beginning  of the year i was 2a which means i have moved up 1 sub level in writing. one of strengths is  organisation one of my weakness is  spelling  in  term 1  spelling was in my achieved box but maybe I need to work more on my spelling.

Why am I there

as a year 8 it is my responsibility to know what i need to work and where i’m at with my learning for writing one of my weakness is spelling

My goal for writing

My goal for writing  is spelling  but the way that I can achieve this goal is by learning hard words practice and ask my parents to test me on these words

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Friday 21st August 2015


In my last reading test I got a 4b and the I moved  2 sublevels down which set me at a 3p

the thing