Disciples. Heirs. Leaders.



School Vision

Through the transformative power of the Gospel, we will make disciples of Jesus Christ, who are heirs of eternity, and prepared with a Christ-centered, excellent education to be servant leaders in their community.

Program Philosophy

        The sports program at Mount Lebanon is an extracurricular privilege. It provides opportunities for growth and development of a child’s athletic skills that are difficult to duplicate in other activities. In doing so, it will help the child to develop physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.  The goal of our athletic program is to develop Christian maturity, Christian sportsmanship, and appreciation of their God-given abilities.

        Involvement in the athletic program encourages responsible team play and cooperation. It provides an opportunity for learning mental and physical self-discipline, loyalty, personal pride, school pride, respect for others, and dedication to succeed.

        Participation in the athletic program at Mount Lebanon is entirely voluntary. Participation is extended to all Scholar Athletes who are willing to assume the behavioral and academic responsibilities outlined in this handbook.

Athletic Program Objectives

  1. Develop their God-given talents to their fullest.
  2. Practice Christian sportsmanship in ALL situations.
  3. Teach the athletes the skills needed to participate in future activities to the glory of God.
  4. Provide a positive image of Mount Lebanon School, in its Scholar Athletes, coaches, teachers, directors, deans, staff minister and the pastor.
  5. Teach participants respect for their teammates, opponents, volunteers, coaches, fans, officials, and property.
  6. Keep in mind the overall health and well-being of the athlete.
  7. Provide for each participant with the opportunity to experience success.
  8. Give God glory!


Since participation is one of the main objectives of Mount Lebanon’s athletic program, every attempt will be made to allow participation by all Scholar Athletes indicating an interest in a particular sport.  

All sports with a B team have a goal of equal playing to all Scholar Athletes demonstrating proper attitude for the good of the team.

All sports with an A team have a strong purpose of using Scholar Athlete’s skills and proper attitudes for the good of the team’s success.

This will require the players to arrive a half hour before their scheduled game. If a player arrives late, the coach or Athletic Director will get the player’s uniform if time allows it to be possible. There is a chance they will not be able to get the uniform.


Every team at Mount Lebanon Lutheran School will need enough players for a team to play the sport:


Scholar Athletic Eligibility

        At Mount Lebanon Lutheran we value athletic activities. However, we emphasize that it is more important to use our God-given talents academically and behaviorally. Therefore, we have established a policy regarding eligibility standards at Mount Lebanon. The following standards are approved by the School Board. This should not be used as a deterrent for participating in extracurricular athletic activities, but rather as a focus on academics and Christian values.

Example of the cumulative missing / late / incomplete homework tracker. This tracker has the total number of missing / late / incomplete assignments for the term.

Parents have the authority and are encouraged to establish higher standards for their children than stated in this policy.


Scholar Athletes:



Scholar Athletes and Cell Phones

Please assist the Athletic Director and coaches by taking the following steps.

Please do not allow athletes to have their cell phones during games both at Mount Lebanon and at away games.


If a Scholar Athlete needs to communicate with you, coaches, the Athletic Director, and the front office have emergency contact information (as provided at family registration in August).

Questions and Concerns

        If Mount Lebanon’s athletic program and everyone in it were perfect there would never be a need to address questions and concerns. However, all the people involved with the athletic program, from the athletes, to the coaches, to the Athletic Director are human beings that make mistakes. Furthermore, we hope and pray that all concerns are small in nature and small in number.

        If you, as parents and guardians, have concerns about the athletic program, policies, or the people involved in it, please follow the procedures described here. This policy follows the guidelines of Matthew 18: 15-17, “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”

Calmly follow these steps:

  1. Begin by going directly to the person involved. For example, if you have concerns about what a particular coach is doing, speak directly to that coach. We would also ask that you would speak to the coach as soon as possible after the incident or problem has occurred.
  2. If the concern is not adequately resolved in the meeting with the person directly involved, please speak to the Athletic Director. He / She will then do the best job he / she can to resolve the concern.
  3. If the concern cannot be resolved by the athletic director, the person with the concern should speak with the concern should then speak with the principal. Again, there may be discussions with all parties involved.
  4. If the principal is not able to bring about a satisfactory resolution, the concerned person should speak to the Director of Operations and if no resolution, speak with the chairman of the School Board. When the concern reaches the School Board level, a final decision will be made and a course of action taken.

While it may seem that there are a lot of steps and perhaps a great amount of time involved with this procedure, in the long run this is the best way to handle concerns and to solve problems in a God-pleasing manner. All people involved in the athletic program in any way are encouraged to remember our Lord’s command to speak well of others and to take their words and actions in the kindest possible way.

We thank you for following these procedures.

Parent and Athlete Agreement of Responsibility


I __________________________________ (print name) have read the athletic handbook and understand that it is my responsibility to guide my Scholar Athlete in academic and behavioral success and success as an athlete. I will be a Christian role-model for my Scholar Athlete and supportive of Mount Lebanon Athletics.

Parent / guardian name (please sign):


Scholar Athlete

I _____________________________________ (print name) have read the athletic handbook and understand that it is my responsibility to keep up my grades and Christian conduct at Mount Lebanon, so that I may keep my status on a team for the Mount Lebanon Athletics.

Scholar athlete’s name (please sign):



 All coaches have read and understand their role in Mount Lebanon Athletics is to support each athlete growth in the sport, growth in academics, and growth as a child of God bringing God glory in all they do.

Parent Contact information:

        Phone #1:

Phone #2:

        Email (if possible):

Thank you for your support of Mount Lebanon.

Parent and Athlete Concussion Agreement

As a Parent and as an Athlete it is important to recognize the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of concussions. By signing this form you are stating that you understand the importance of recognizing and responding to the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of a concussion or head injury.

Parent Agreement:

I ______________________________________ (print name) have read and understand the information concerning what causes concussions.

I understand:


Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________

Scholar Athlete/Athlete Agreement:

I ______________________________________ __ (print name)have read and understand the information concerning what causes concussions.

I understand:

Scholar Athlete/Athlete

Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________

Mount Lebanon School Commitment

Parent / Guardian Commitment

As a parent / guardian in the Mount Lebanon community I WILL:

-do everything in my power to make certain the academic success of my child

        -make certain that my child is at school before 8:00 am (Omega) / 8:15 am (Alpha) every school day

        -make certain that my child is in a clean school uniform at the beginning of every school day

        -provide a quiet place and time where my child can read, learn, and complete homework

        -make certain the completion of homework, including reviewing and signing homework documents

        -call my child’s teachers when necessary

        -assist my child in problem solving by enabling my child to contact teachers regarding homework

        -attend parent-teacher conferences and other required parent meetings

        -enforce reasonable bedtimes to make certain adequate sleep

        -notify the school in advance of any necessary absences

-support the Biblical foundations of Mount Lebanon Church

Knowing my mistakes are always forgiven fully and freely by my Savior, I am committed to doing my very best to meet these commitments.

Student Commitment:

As a student in the Mount Lebanon community I WILL:

-do everything in my power to make certain my academic success and that of my fellow students

        -be seated and ready to begin learning by 8:00 (Omega) / 8:15 am (Alpha) every school day

        -follow the school uniform policy and maintain excellent appearance

        -complete all homework assignments thoroughly, including necessary signatures

        -seek out and find solutions to problems without making excuses

-strive to show Christ-like behavior in all that I do

Knowing my mistakes are always forgiven fully and freely by my Savior, I am committed to doing my very best to meet these commitments.

Teacher and Administrator Commitment:

As a teacher in the Mount Lebanon community I WILL:

-do everything in my power to make certain my students’ academic success

        -arrive at school at or before 7:15 (Omega) / 7:25 am (Alpha) every day

        -remain at school until 4:30 pm every regular school day

        -be accessible to my students in order to reach their individual needs

        -be prepared for the school day

        -create a classroom atmosphere that respects the individual rights of all students

-remain committed to Biblical teachings and strive to witness those teachings in all that I do

Knowing my mistakes are always forgiven fully and freely by my Savior, I am committed to doing my very best to meet these commitments.                
