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sacred economics free write 2
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In  Charles Eisenstein's essay, Sacred Economics from The author tells us about the fundamental of economics and how its suits our everyday use to our everyday lives.

When we consider the issue of Economic, some might wonder: How has the economy affected our humanity? Eisenstein's blog post addresses this question because we can observe and think as to how the economy actually affects our behavior and what we do for money.

“If we are to have a world with technology, with cinema and symphony orchestras, with

telecommunications and great architecture, with cosmopolitan cities and world literature, we need money, or something like it, as a way to coordinate human activity on the vast scale necessary to create such things”.

This might make one wonder if money can really alternate peoples reactions towards the monetary value and just what they might do but honestly it is beneficial in a way to have money because without money we wouldn't be so technologically advanced as a country we wouldn't be able to help the sick or shelter those that are poor or we wouldn't be able to have half the things we would have if it  wasn't for  money coming a long way the machines we have the cars that went from a gas disaster to how these hybrids that barely run on gas and a fuel efficient we strive today for a better tomorrow not only for ourselves but to those that will continue living and by that i mean generation after generation.

Another point Eisenstein makes in his blog post is: “Money is a system of social agreements, meanings, and symbols that develops over time. It is, in a word, a story, existing in social reality along with such things as laws, nations, institutions, calendar and clock time, religion, and science.


“ This is interesting because when you hear the saying time is money it makes sense because time now a days cannot  be wasted because jobs, business,etc.. gets put into place with money has been here for a long time not the same as it looks now but it has transformed who knows how money will look in the future.

What we can appreciate about this writer’s work is how he tells you about money is put into everything, time how money plays a role in the concept of life no matter what we do somehow money will be connected to it it all plays a part basically how it can alternate peoples lives and our environment, how it has its good and bads too. We can look forward to seeing what he writes next, because when this author writes about life and money it is very insightful and i like it because he has all my attention when i read, also i look at money differently and see what is beneficial i try to save money for when i need it instead of just spending it recklessly because of things i want or desire who knows if this book can be an  inspiration to me or any other readers out there on the same book.