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Decolonize This Place, “Open Letter to the Brooklyn Museum: Your Curatorial Crisis is an Opportunity to Decolonize,” Decolonize Brooklyn Museum blog, April 3, 2018, April 5, 2018,
Decolonize This Place, “Statement 2: Growing Coalition Calls Brooklyn Museum ‘Out of Touch’ and Demands Decolonization Commission,” Decolonize Brooklyn Museum blog, April 12, 2018,
Decolonize This Place, “Why We Need to Decolonize the Brooklyn Museum,” Now This News,, May 8, 2018.
Decolonize Our Museums, Official Response to the MFA Panel “Kimono Wednesdays, A Conversation,” Tumbler, May 31, 2016,
Gross, Daniel A., “The Troubling Origins of the Skeletons in a New York Museum,” New Yorker, January 24, 2018,
Hicks, Dan, “UK Welcomes Restitution, Just Not Anti-Colonialism,” Hyperallergic, August 26, 2022,
Holton, Adalaine, “Decolonizing History: Arthur Schomburg’s Afrodiasporic Archive,” The Journal of African American History, 92,2 (Spring 2007): 218-238.
Kassim, Sumaya, “The Museum Will Not Be Decolonised,” Media Diversified, November 15, 2017,
Kassim, Sumaya, and Arwa Aburawa, “The Museum Will Not Be Decolonised,” (video, 9 minutes 27 seconds) uploaded November 2018,
Kassim, Sumaya, “There is No Mutual Fascination: Why the British Museum’s ‘Inspired by the East’ Is Not Inspired (At Least, Not to Me, a Heartbroken Muslim Middle Easterner),” Lucy Writers Platform, February 7, 2020,
Kini, Aditi Natasha, “How Might We Decolonize the Brooklyn Museum?,” Pacific Standard, May 8, 2018,
Lonetree, Amy, Decolonizing Museums: Representing Native America in National and Tribal Museums, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 2012.
Luker, Trish, “Decolonising Archives: Indigenous Challenges to Record Keeping in ‘Reconciling’ Settler Colonial States” Australian Feminist Studies: 32, 91-92, 2017, 108-125.
Matthes, Erich Hatala, “Repatriation and the Radical Redistribution of Art,” Ergo, Vol. 4, No. 32:;rgn=main
Marlowe, Elizabeth, “The Met’s Antiquated Views of Antiquities Need Updating,” Art Newspaper, January 2019:
Marlowe, Elizabeth, “Seizure of Looted Antiquities Illuminates What Museums Want Hidden,” Hyperallergic, September 5, 2018:
Marlowe, Kathryn and Courtney Dickson, “Hugs, smiles and tears greet Nuxalk totem pole as it leaves Victoria, B.C., museum,” CBC News, February 13, 2023,
Nunes, Zita Cristina, “Remembering the Howard University Librarian Who Decolonized the Way Books Were Catalogued,” Smithsonian Magazine, November 26, 2018,
Ostiana, Jermain, “Don’t Believe the Hype about Decolonizing Dutch Museums,” Hyperallergic, July 10, 2023,
Samudzi, Zoé, “On Museums and Human Remains,” Artforum, July 7, 2021,
Samudzi, Zoé, “We Need a Decolonized, Not a “Diverse”, Education, Harlot Media, March 29, 2016,
Schwartz, Erin, “How Do You Decolonize an Arts Institution?,” Garage, April 5, 2018,
See, Sarita Echavez, The Filipino Primitive: Accumulation and Resistance in the American Museum, New York: New York University, 2017.
Kathleen Sharpe, "Is the Metropolitan Museum of Art Displaying Objects That Belong to Native American Tribes?," Propublica, April 25, 2023,
Nathan mudyi Sentance, “Too Many White Experts,” Archival Decolonist blog, November 16, 2017,
Nathan mudyi Sentance, “Why Do We Collect,” Archival Decolonist blog, August 18, 2018,
Siddique, Haroon, “‘Not Everything Was Looted’: British Museum to Fight Critics,” The Guardian, October 12, 2018,
Singh, Kavita, “Universal Museums: The View from Below,” in Witnesses to History: A Compendium of Documents and Writings on the Return of Cultural Objects, ed. Lyndell V. Prott. Paris: UNESCO, 2009.
Small, Zachary, “Push to Return 116,000 Native American Remains Is Long-Awaited,” New York Times, August 6, 2021,
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. 2nd ed., Zed Books, 2012.
Stewart, Ella, “Auckland Gallery Maori Arts Curator Calls Out Colonial Institutions After Resigning,” RNZ, 1/19/2021,
Strike MoMA,
“A Conversation with Sandy Grande, Stefano Harney, Fred Moten, Jasbir Puar, and Dylan Rodriguez, Strike MoMA, May 27, 2021,
Small, Zachary, “MoMA Survived Ten Weeks of Protest. But Inside the Museum, Some Employees Are Feeling the Strain,” Artnet, July 19, 2021,
Vartanian, Hrag, “Coalition of Anti-Gentrification Groups Pressures Brooklyn Museum to “Decolonize,” Hyperallergic, April 5, 2018,
Vartanian, Hrag,“Decolonize This Place Announces January 26 Town Hall Regarding Whitney Museum’s Tear Gas Problem,” Hyperallergic, December 26, 2018,
Vartanian, Hrag,“Growing Coalition Calls Brooklyn Museum “Out of Touch” and Demands Decolonization Commission,” Hyperallergic, April 12, 2018,
Vikram, Anuradha, Decolonizing Culture: Essays on the Intersection of Art and Politics (San Francisco: Art Practical/Sming Sming Books, 2017),
Whitepigeon, Monica, “Native in the Arts Spotlight: Visual Artist Andrea Carlson Talks About Her Chicago “You Are on Potawatomi Land’ Mural,” Native News Online, July 15, 2021,
*** social media ***
Decolonize Our Museums, @decolonizeOM via Twitter
Decolonize This Place, @decolonizethis via Twitter
Decolonise the Museum!, Episode 26, Podcast audio, Museopunks, April 2018,
Decolonization and its Discontents, Ep 38, Podcast audio, Museopunks, Sept 2019
Features Sumaya Kassim and Nathan “Mudyi” Sentance
Devich-Cyril, Malkia, “Grief Belongs in Social Movements. Can We Embrace It?,” In These Times, July 28, 2021,
Critiques of Empathy
Bloom, Paul, Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion, New York: Harper Collins, 2016.
Buick, Kirsten P., “At E.A.S.E.: Representation and the Limits of Social Justice,” Rice University, October 6, 2020,
description of the lecture -!view/event/event_id/118174
D’Souza, Aruna. Creative Time Summit X: Media & Technology,
Arguments for Empathy as Tool in Museums
Empathetic Museum, Maturity Model - outlines 4 levels of practice,
Laurence Brassueur, “An empathetic study on young people and museums in Luxembourg,” Social Justice Alliance for Museums, 2018,
Daryl Cameron, Michael Inzlicht, and William A. Cunningham, “Empathy is Actually a Choice,” Opinion, New York Times, July 10, 2015,
Roman Krznaric, “Welcome to the Empathy Wars,” Transformation, June 29, 2015,
Carolyn Pedwell, “Empathy, Accuracy and Transnational Politics,” Theory, Culture & Society, December 22, 2014,
Jason Silverstein, “I Don’t Feel Your Pain: A Failure of Empathy Perpetuates Racial Disparities,” Slate, June 27, 2013,
Gokcigdem, Elif M. 2016. Fostering Empathy Through Museums. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Radical Empathy in Museums, Blog Anabel Roque Rodríguez, February 8, 2018,
Lacey Lieberthal, June 18 2018. Engaging with Empathy: Staff Support for Emotionally-Charged Exhibitions, Theory and Practice: The Emerging Museum Professionals Journal.
Ellen Fernandez-Sacco, "Museums" Philomena Essed, Audrey Koyabashi & David Theo Goldberg, eds. The Blackwell Companion to Gender Studies. Blackwell Publishers, 2004, 484-494.
Darlene E. Clover and Sarah Williamson, The Feminist Museum Hack as an aesthetic practice of possibility, European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, Vol.10, No.2, 2019, pp. 143-159
Jonathan D. Katz and David Ward, Hide & Seek,, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute, 2010.
Amy K. Levin, ed., Gender, Sexuality, and Museums, A Routledge Reader, Routledge, 2011.
Margaret Middleton, “The Queer Inclusive Museum,” Exhibition, journal of National Association for Museums Exhibition, AAM, Fall 2017
Catherine Morris and Rujeko Hockley, We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women 1965-1985 A Sourcebook, Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Museum 2017.
Jose Muñoz, Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, 1999.
Quinn, Therese. (1995). Breaking silence: Lesbian and gay issues in midwestern cultural institutions. Midwest Museum Conference Review 1993 – 1994, 39-42.
Akiba Solomon, “I Assumed It Was Racism - It Was Patriarchy,” Yes Magazine, June 20, 2016,
“About,” Disability Visibility Project,
Sandra Alland, “Sins Invalid: Skin, Tooth, and Bone - The Basis of Movement is Our People: A Disability Justice Primer, Disability Arts Online, February 16, 2017,
Moya Bailey and Izetta Autumn Mobley, “Working at the Intersections: A Black Feminist Disability Framework,” Gender & Society, 20 (10), 2018,
Patty Berne, “Disability Justice, Sins Invalid blog, June 2015,
Keith Hetherington “Accountability and disposal: visual impairment and the museum,” Museum and Society, 1(2) 104-115, 2003,
Liz Jackson, “I never write threads. And so I hope my disabled friends and my supporters will take a moment to read this, as I am beginning to fall apart…,” Twitter thread @elizejackson, April 30, 2018,
Disability Solidarity, Solidarity Syllabus, May 2018,
Podcast: Episode 11, Disability Solidarity, May 2018,
Elizabeth Guffey, “The Disabling Art Museum,” Journal of Visual Culture 14 (1) 61-73
Twitter accounts -
Dilenschneider, Colleen, “Why Cultural Organizations Are Not Reaching Low-Income Visitors (DATA)” in Community Engagement, IMPACTS Data, Myth Busting, Nonprofit Marketing, Sector Evolution, Trends, May 18, 2016,
Luis, Adriel “The Public Puts Trust in Museums, Now It’s Time for Museums to Put Trust the Public,” Smithsonian,, May 2016,
Singer, Isabel, “Museums are Predators,” It’s All How You Remember It, blog, November 29, 2021,
Visitors of Color, Tumblr,
Partridge, E. E. (2016). Access to art and materials: Considerations for art therapists (Accès à l’art et aux matériaux : facteurs à prendre en compte par les art-thérapeutes). Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, 29(2), 100–104.
Ackerson, Anne and Joan Baldwin, “The Internship Commitment,” Leadership Matters: Thoughts on 21st Century Museum Leadership blog, July 30, 2018
Gilsdorf, Ben “Help Desk: Internship Woes,” Daily Serving, December 17, 2012,
Greene, Nikki, “The Staggering Cost of Unpaid Art Internships,” WBUR, August 2, 2022,
Turner, Emily, Equitable Internship Resources, annotated bibliography, as of May 23, 2018,
Michelle Millar Fisher (with Art+Museum Transparency), “Culture Workers, Just Say No to All Unpaid Internships,” July 16, 2019.
This details how to add your story to a spreadsheet that this group has acquired of internship stories that detail what it is like to not only be an intern but what tasks are asked upon us and the hours we work. It talks about not reporting unpaid internships to sites and potentially donating your own money to need based internships. I think HCC should re word the job position when showcasing the job and exactly what the stipend entails- especially because it's paid in installments that take awhile, additionally since it is a stipend I am not sure it can be given weekly or not- but some preparation of financial status should be added!
Association of Art Museum Directors Passes Resolution Urging Art Museums to Provide Paid Internships, June 20, 2019
This talks about the importance of paid internships- it is pivotal to students who often pay their own bills that we do not work unpaid jobs when money is available. This talked about the program that implemented paid internships in 10 museums and how it was essential to the workforce, additionally for students, it creates a desire to be competitive within the internship field.
Art + Museum Transparency @AMTransparency
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience,
Arc of Dialogue, Facilitated Dialogue model,
Janeen Bryant, Benjamin Filene, Louis Nelson, Jennifer Scott, and Suzanne Seriff, “Are Museums the Rightful Home for Confederate Monuments?,” Center for the Future of Museums blog, AAM, April 3, 2018,
Huey Copeland and Frank Wilderson, "Red, Black, and Blue: The National Museum of African American History and Culture and the National Museum of the American Indian, Artforum, September 2017,
Dell Upton, “Confederate Monuments and Civic Values in the Wake of Charlottesville,” Society of Architectural Historians blog, September 17, 2017,
Dana Carlisle Kletcha, Adéwálé Adénlé, Shannon Thacker Cregg, Anna Freeman, Damarius Johnson, Megan Wanttie, Logan Ward, “Imagining the Not-Museum: Power, Pleasure, and Radical Museological Community,” Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, 37, 2020,
Daniel Buren, “Function of the Museum,” Artforum XII, September 1973, 68.
Anuradha Vikram. “Black Mirrors: Hammons, Wilson, and Julien on Capital in the Art Market.” X-TRA Vol. 22 No. 3 (Spring 2020)
David Osa Amadasun. “‘Black People Don’t Go to Galleries’—The reproduction of taste” “and cultural value.” Media Diversified, October 21, 2013.
Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, “Imagine Going on Strike: Museum Workers.” Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism. London and New York: Verso, 2019.
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Rescinds Fred L. Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award, January 2019
Executive Committee of the National Council of the American Studies Association, “To the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, in Defense of Angela Davis,” American Studies Association, January 10, 2019,
“Exclusive: Angela Davis Speaks Out about Palestine, BDS & More After Civil Rights Award Is Revoked,” Democracy Now, January 11, 2019,
Roy S. Johnson, “Angela Davis Alternative Event, Organized by Broad Coalition, Will Be ‘Grassroots,’ Open to Public,”, January 9, 2019,
British Museum
Critiques regarding museum’s colonialist ties
Haroon Siddique, “‘Not Everything Was Looted’: British Museum to Fight Critics,” Guardian, October 12, 2018,
Carla Herreria, “Twitter Calls Out Museum Curator for Saying Asian Names are ‘Confusing,’” Huffington Post, September 14, 2017,
Agence France Press in Santiago “Easter Island people want British Museum to return Moai statue” Guardian, August 7th, 2018.
Curatorial Hiring Controversy - Calls for Decolonization Commission March 2018
Brooklyn Museum, The Brooklyn Museum Appoints Two New Curators, press release, March 2018,
Decolonize This Place, “Open Letter to the Brooklyn Museum: Your Curatorial Crisis is an Opportunity to Decolonize,” Decolonize Brooklyn Museum blog, April 3, 2018, April 5, 2018,
Decolonize This Place, “Statement 2: Growing Coalition Calls Brooklyn Museum ‘Out of Touch’ and Demands Decolonization Commission,” Decolonize Brooklyn Museum blog, April 12, 2018,
Decolonize This, “Why We Need to Decolonize the Brooklyn Museum,” Now This News,, May 8, 2018.
Carla Herreria, “People Want to Know Why Brooklyn Museum’s New African Art Curator is White,” Huffington Post, March 28, 2018,
Chika Okeke-Agulu, “Outrage over Hiring a White Woman as African Art Curator Misunderstands Expertise,” Frieze, April 18, 2018,
Maya Salam, “Brooklyn Museum Defends Its Hiring of a White Curator of African Art, New York Times, April 7, 2018,
Tim Schneider, “The Gray Market: Why the Brooklyn Museum Hiring Decision Shows We Need Structural Action on Arts Diversity and Other Insights, Artnet, April 2, 2018,
Erin Schwartz, “How Do You Decolonize an Arts Institution?,” Garage, April 5, 2018,
Ryan Sit, “Museum Appoints White Woman as Curator of African Art, Sparks Outrage,” Newsweek, March 28, 2018,
Hrag Vartanian, “Coalition of Anti-Gentrification Groups Pressures Brooklyn Museum to “Decolonize,” Hyperallergic, April 5, 2018,
Hrag Vartanian, “Growing Coalition Calls Brooklyn Museum “Out of Touch” and Demands Decolonization Commission,” Hyperallergic, April 12, 2018,
Cal State Long Beach fired Kimberli Meyer from her position as director at the University Art Museum
lauren woods, “Paused: American Monument 25/2018,” American Monument (blog), September 17, 2018,
[statement regarding her decision to pause her exhibition American Monument in light of Cal State Long Beach's firing of museum director Kimberli Meyer]
Matt Stromberg, “After Museum Director is Fired, Artist Shuts Down Her Exhibition on Police Brutality,” Hyperallergic, September 18, 2018,
Nina Felshin, “A Curator Reflects on Exhibiting Police Violence in University Art Museums,” Hyperallergic, September 25, 2018,
Asia Morris, “Fired CSULB Museum Director Told Staff to Answers Questions about Police Brutality Exhibit According to Race, Union Chief Says,” Long Beach Post, October 1, 2018,
Melissa Raybon, “An Open Letter to the California State University, Long Beach Office of the President, Office of the Provost, Division of Administration & Finance, Office of Equity & Diversity, College of the Arts, Office of the Dean, and University Art Museum,” (Google Doc), October 8, 2018,
[letter from Melissa Raybon, former Getty Multicultural Intern at the University Art Museum, Cal State- Long Beach. In her open letter regarding firing of museum director Kimberli Meyer, Raybon outlines the racial oppression she experienced at the institution and lack of university support during her internship.]
Angella d’Avignon, Union at Cal State Long Beach Leaks Email from Fired Museum Director, Revealing Divisive Perspectives, Hyperallergic, October 10, 2018,
“Student Response to College of the Arts (COTA) Dean Cyrus Parker-Jeannette, California State University Long Beach (CSULB) Spokesperson Terri Carbaugh, California State University Employees Union (CSUEU) Chapter 315 President Jennifer Moran, and whom else it may concern,” (Google Doc) October 20, 2018,
Matt Stromberg, “Cal State Long Beach Students Protest Museum Director’s Firing,” Hyperallergic, November 19, 2018
Deborah D. Bass, “Uproar Continues Over Racially Charged Exhibit at Contemporary Art Museum in St. Louis,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 24, 2016
Damon Davis, “In the Face of White Male Privilege Run Amok, a Plea for Artistic Responsibility,” Hyperallergic, September 28, 2016
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, “Culture Lab Manifesto,” Poetry Magazine, July 5, 2017
Critique of Davis Museum’s decision to remove art by immigrants
Pampi, “Reflections from Paneling at NEMA’s “Museums and the Travel Ban” at the Davis Museum,” Third Eye Fell, May 19, 2017,
Annie Wang, “An Open Letter to the Davis Museum,” Wellesley Underground (Tumbler), February 17, 2017,
Mainstream press about Davis Museum’s decision to remove art by immigrants
“In Protest of Trump’s Travel Ban, Davis Museum Will Remove All Art Made or Donated by Immigrants,”
Malcolm Gay, “Davis Museum to Remove Artwork as Trump Travel-Ban Protest,” Boston Globe, February 15, 2017,
“Protesting Trump, Wellesley’s Davis Museum Will Remove,”
Decolonize Our Museums, @decolonizeOM on Twitter
Malcolm Gay, “Kimono Controversy Erupts Anew MFA Panel,” Boston Globe, February 8, 2016,
Brian Boucher, “Outrage at Museum of Fine Arts Boston over Disgraceful “Dress Up in a Kimono” Event,” Artnet News, July 6, 2015,
Brian Boucher, “Museum of Fine Arts Boston Cancel Kimono Dress-Up Event After Being Accused of Racism,” Artnet News, July 7, 2015,
Decolonize Our Museums, Official Response to the MFA Panel “Kimono Wednesdays, A Conversation,” Tumbler, May 31, 2016,
Malcolm Gay, “MFA Recasts Kimono Days After Complaints of Stereotyping,” The Boston Globe, July 7, 2015,
Mia Nakaji Monnier, “MFA’s Kimono Controversy Should Spark Deeper Conversation,” Boston Globe, July 9, 2015,
MFA Boston Apologizes For Racist Incident During School Visit, Teacher Responds
“Report of the Steering Committee on Human Remains in University Museum Collections,” Harvard University, Fall 2022,
Brockell, Gillian, “Harvard has remains of 7,000 Native Americans and enslaved people, leaked report says, Washington Post, June 2, 2022,
Chang, Cara J. and Tarah D. Gilles , “Descendants Call for Immediate Return of Human Remains in Harvard Museum Collections, Criticize University Report,” The Harvard Crimson, September 26, 2022,
Chung, Christine, “Harvard Museum Will Return Hundreds of Native American Hair Samples,” New York Times, November 10, 2022,
Tamara Lanier v. President & Fellows of Harvard College (SJC 13138), Middlesex. November 1, 2021. - June 23, 2022.
Harvard Coalition to Free Renty,
Carmichael, Mary, “Louis Agassiz Exhibit Divides Harvard, Swiss Group,” Boston Globe, June 27, 2012,
Drake, Jarrett, M., “A Vision of (In)Justice: Harvard Archives Bear a Strange Fruit,” Medium, May 24, 2019,
Hartocollis, Anemona, "Images of Slaves Are Property of Harvard, Not a Descendant, Judge Rules." New York Times, March 4, 2021,
Hava, Guillermo S., “The Silencing of Tamara Lanier,” The Harvard Crimson, April 5, 2021,
McDougall, Maya H., and Garrett W. O’Brien, “Five Generations of Renty,” The Harvard Crimson, March 18, 2021,
Jones, Layla A., “Judge Tosses Opposition to Penn’s Plan to Rebury Black Philadelphians in Morton Collection,” Philadelphia Inquirer, February 2, 2023,
Muhammad, Abdul-Aliy A., and Lyra Monteiro, “Finding Ceremony for Our Ancestors Held in Penn Museum’s ‘Morton Cranial Collection’,” Medium, January 28, 2023,
Paz, Franco. “Who Should Own Historical Images of Enslaved People?,” Washington Post, October 5, 2022,
Schuessler, Jennifer, “Your Ancestors Were Slaves. Who Owns the Photos of Them?,” New York Times, March 22, 2019,
Vartanian, Hrag, “The Continuing Fight to #FreeRenty,” Hyperallergic, October 27 2021,
Vartanian, Hrag, “Tamara Lanier’s Fight for the Photographs of Her Enslaved Ancestors at Harvard,” Hyperallergic, April 21, 2022,
"Why initially did Harvard choose to ignore all of my requests to talk to me, to go over my research, to honor Renty's legacy, to tell his true story, to not celebrate and elevate Louis Agassiz because he's the villain in this story" - Tamara Lanier
Fwd: Truth, An open letter and living archive made in collective (re:)action from Black women, femmes, and gender non-conforming artists harmed by the 2022 Wisconsin Triennial Exhibition at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, launched August 19, 2022,
“Civil Rights Movement Protestors Return to Memphis Brooks Museum of Art,”, March 13, 2015,
Day, Gary L., “Museum of the American Revolution staff oppose Moms for Liberty event in their venue,” Philadelphia Gay News, June 5, 2023,
Weber, Jasmine, “Samaria Rice, Mother of Tamir Rice, Speaks Out About Art Depicting Her Son After Canceled Exhibition in Cleveland,” Hyperallergic, July 8, 2020,
MoMA - New York
Bishara, Hakim, “Over 150 Artists Call for Leon Black’s Removal from MoMA’s Board Over Jeffrey Epstein Financial Ties,” Hyperallergic, February 4, 2021,
Small, Zachary, “MoMA Survived Ten Weeks of Protest. But Inside the Museum, Some Employees Are Feeling the Strain,” Artnet, July 19, 2021,
Autry, La Tanya S., “A Critical Lens on Diversity and Inclusion in Museums: #museumsrespondtoferguson,” Museums and Civic Discourse Working Group, National Council of Public History, January 25, 2016,
National September 11th Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center
Fine, Todd and Asad Dandia, “We Need to Reform the September 11 Museum,” Hyperallergic, August 1, 2021,
Philip Kennicott “NGA’s Exhibit of Dutch Marine Art Skates Over Issues of Slavery and Colonialism,” Washington Post, August 10, 2018,
Morton Cranial Collection
“Penn Museum Moves to Bury Skulls of Enslaved People,” Artforum, August 10, 2022,
Germain, Jacquelyne, “Stolen skulls of Black Philadelphians were displayed in an Ivy League classroom for years. They may soon receive a proper burial,” CNN, August 13, 2022,
Mitchell, Paul Wolfe, “Black Philadelphians in the Samuel George Morton Cranial Collection,” February 15, 2021,
Pilkington, Ed, “Ivy League University Set to Rebury Skulls of Black People Kept for Centuries,” Guardian, August 7, 2022,
Police Free Penn, “Repatriation & Reparations Now! Restating What We Mean By Abolish the Morton Collection,” Medium, July 15, 2020,
Turin, Remy, “Penn Museum to Bury Skulls of Enslaved People,” New York Times, August 9, 2022,
Whelan, Aubrey and Zoe Greenberg, “Penn Museum Morton Skull Collection Reburial Plan Ignites Controversy,” Philadelphia Inquirer, August 6, 2022,
MOVE Bombing
6ABC Digital Staff, “'A nightmare': Brother of MOVE bombing Victims Wants City Turn Over Remains,” 6ABC, April 28, 2022,
MOVE Press Conference 4/26, Addressing UPenn’s and Princeton’s Theft of Bones of Murdered MOVE Children, April 26, 2021,
“Marc Lamont Hill talks Penn Museum apology for housing human remains from MOVE bombing,” BNC News, April 26, 2021,
Collective Statement Concerning the Possession and Unethical Use of Remains, April 28, 2021,
Chang, David, “Philly Health Commish Ousted After MOVE Victims' Remains Cremated and Discarded,” NBC 10 Philadelphia, May 13, 2021,
Conde, Ximena, “MOVE relatives say Penn Museum curator had more remains than previously said,” Inquirer, August 31, 2023,
Crimmins, Peter, “Penn Museum Apologizes For 'Unethical Possession Of Human Remains,’”, April 27, 2021,
Dave, Kinjal and Jake Nussbaum, “How the Possession of Human Remains Lead to a Public Reckoning at the Penn Museum,” Hyperallergic, October 31, 2021,
Muhammad, Abdul-Aliy A., “Decades After Philadelphia’s MOVE Bombing, Penn Museum Still Keeps Secrets on the Remains of 12-Year-Old Girl,” Hyperallergic, April 20, 2022,
Thompson, Heather Ann, “Saying Her Name, New Yorker, May 16, 2021,
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (PAFA)
Baxter, Mary Enoch Elizabeth, “Let’s Talk About Thomas Eakins, Philly’s Reverend Sexual Predator,” Op-Ed, Philadelphia Inquirer, October 21, 2021,
Queens Museum
Dungca, Nicole and Claire Healy, “Revealing the Smithsonian’s ‘Racial Brain Collection,’” Washington Post, August 14, 2023,
Bunch, Lonnie, “This is how the Smithsonian will reckon with our dark inheritance,” Op-Ed, Washington Post, August 20, 2023,
Jaffe, Logan, Mary Hudetz, and Ash Ngu, “America’s Biggest Museums Fail to Return Native American Human Remains: The Repatriation Project,” Propublica, January, 11, 2023,
Joey Orr, “What Do You Do When a Project You Curate Is Censored by the State?,” Hyperallergic, August 17, 2018,
Ted Kerr, “A History of Erasing Black Artists and Bodies from the AIDS Conversation,” Hyperallergic, December 31, 2015,
Menchaca, Megan, “Indigenous Tribe Continues to Push UT to Return Human Remains,” Austin American-Statesman, September 16, 2022,
Roldan, Riane, “Indigenous Tribe Renews Yearslong Fight to Reclaim Human Remains from UT,” KUT 90.5, September 21, 2022,
Brown, Mark, “Looted Ethiopian treasures in UK could be returned on loan”, The Guardian, April 3, 2018,
“V&A boss proud of funding from US family linked to opioid crisis: Tristram Hunt says museum is grateful for support of Sacklers, owners of Purdue Pharma,” The Guardian,
Amy Rector, “The VMFA’S ‘Congo Masks’ Exhibit Leaves Out Much Needed Historical Context,” RVA Mag, December 10, 2018,
Durant, Sam. "A Statement from Sam Durant." Walker Art Center. May 29, 2017.
Cascone, Sara. "After Outcry From the Dakota Nation, the Walker Art Center May Dismantle a ‘Traumatizing’ Gallows Sculpture by Sam Durant," Artnet News, May 30, 2017.
Miranda, Caroline. "Sculpture of a gallows by L.A. artist in Minneapolis may be removed after Native American outcry," Los Angeles Times, May 30, 2017.
Cascone, Sara. "Walker Art Center’s Controversial Gallows Sculpture Will Be Removed and Ceremonially Burned," Artnet News, May 31, 2017
Miranda, Caroline. "Sam Durant sculpture of gallows in Minneapolis to be dismantled and ceremonially burned," Los Angeles Times, June 1, 2017.
Eldred, Sheila M. "Dakota Plan to Bury, Not Burn, ‘Scaffold’ Sculpture," New York Times, September 1, 2017.
Voon, Claire. "Dakota Elders Decide to Bury Sam Durant’s Controversial Sculpture," Hyperallergic, September 5, 2017.
Eldred, Sheila M. "Walker Art Center’s Reckoning With ‘Scaffold’ Isn’t Over Yet," New York Times, September 13, 2017.
Chow, Andrew R. "Olga Viso, Embattled Leader of Walker Art Center, Steps Down," New York Times, November 14, 2017.
Andy Battaglia, Sarah Douglas, and Andrew Russeth. "After Announcement That Olga Viso Will Step Down as Walker Director, Museum Professionals Largely Praise Handling of ‘Scaffold’ Controversy," Art News, November 17, 2017.
Olga Viso, “Decolonizing the Art Museum: The Next Wave,” New York Times, May 1, 2018,
“Activists Call for a Town Hall to Address Controversy over Whitney Museum’s Vice Chair’s Ties to Defense Company,” Artforum, January 2, 2019,
Hrag Vartanian, “Decolonize This Place Announces January 26 Town Hall Regarding Whitney Museum’s Tear Gas Problem,” Hyperallergic, December 26, 2018,
Hrag Vartanian, “Whitney Staffers Demand Answers After Vice Chair’s Relationship to Tear Gas Manufacturer is Revealed,” Hyperallergic, November 30, 2018,
Whitney Curry Wimbish, “Benefactors and Malefactors: Why the Whitney Museum Embraces a Tear Gas Tycoon; and Other Compromises of High Culture,” The Baffler, December 27, 2018,
Caroline Goldstein, “The Whitney ‘Cannot Right All the Ills of an Unjust World’: Adam Weinberg Responds to Staff Protests Over a Board Member,” ArtNet, December 3, 2018,
Activists Protest at Whitney Museum, Demanding Vice Chairman and Owner of Tear Gas Manufacturer “Must Go”
Decolonize This Place, “From Crisis to Decolonization,” May 19, 2019
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Lyric Prince, “A Beginner’s Guide: 10 Dos and Don’ts for a First Time Curator,” Medium, January, 14, 2019,
Nathan mudyi Sentance, “Why Do We Collect,” Archival Decolonist blog, August 18, 2018,
R.I. Simon, A Pedagogy of Witnessing: Curatorial Practice and the Pursuit of Social Justice. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2014.
Pablo Helguera, Education for Socially Engaged Art: A Materials and Techniques Handbook, New York: Jorge Pinto Books, 2011.
Hrag Vartanian, “What Does a Black Radical Art Education Look Like?,” podcast [1:17:09], Hyperallergic, September 20, 2018,
The Black School, Shani Peters and Joseph Cullier, 21:53
Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power
Journal of Museum Education, 42 (2), June 2017,
Journal of Museum Education, 42 (1), March 2017,
Crosslines: A Culture Lab on Intersectionality, Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, May 2016
Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture, National Portrait Gallery, Oct 30, 2010 - February 13, 2011
Movement Is Rising: Journey of #BlackLivesMatter at Museum of Impact
The Art of Black Dissent, #artoblackdissent, (2016 - ),, organized by La Tanya S. Autry and Gabriella Svenningsen
We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women 1965-1985, Brooklyn Museum, April 21 - September 17, 2017.
RESPOND, Smack Mellon Gallery,, Brooklyn, 2015
Titus Kaphar: The Jerome Project, Studio Museum in Harlem, through Mar 8, 2015,
Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in the U.S., traveling exhibition
Black Male: Representations of Masculinity in Contemporary American Art, Whitney Museum, 1994
Mining the Museum, by Fred Wilson, Maryland Historical Society, 1992 - 1993
Harlem on My Mind, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1969
Kingsley, Jennifer P.. 2019. "The Canon as Provocation: Partnering with Museums for the Future of Art History." Art History Pedagogy & Practice 4, (1).
“Rights of Passage,” Art 21,
Levitt, Peggy and Markella B. Rutherford. 2019. "Beyond the West: Barriers to Globalizing Art History." Art History Pedagogy & Practice 4, (1).
Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, New York: Harper Collins, [2017], 2015,
Kopel, Dana, “Against Artsploitation: Unionizing the New Museum,” The Baffler, 59, September 2021,
Ward, Amy Sample, “You’re Not Serious About Equity if You Don’t Post Salaries,” NTEN, November 19, 2019,,organization%20may%20have%20in%20place.&text=When%20you're%20not%20willing,don't%20respect%20their%20time.
AFSCME Cultural Workers United, “Cultural Institutions Cashed In, Workers Got Sold Out,” October 2021, report- analysis of Payroll Protection Protection (PPP) loan data 2020, PDF,
La Tanya S. Autry, ed., “#BlackLivesMatter Teach-In: Dismantling Anti-black Racism in Visual Culture,” CAA ThatCamp 2015, February 2015, Google document,
NYU Sanctuary Syllabus, Public Books, December 5, 2017, #SanctuarySyllabus
Solidarity Is This Podcast Syllabus, by Deepa Iyer, #SolidarityIsThis, @dviyer and @solidarity_is,
MASSAction, Museums As Site for Social Action, toolkit,
USDAC, Honor Native Land: A Guide and Call to Acknowledgement,
Hiring Toolkit from Avarna
"How I Got Over: Vision & Justice in Racialized America," LaToya Ruby Frazier, Carrie Mae Weems, Sarah Lewis and moderator Rebecca Carroll, December 9, 2016, The Greene Space,
“Artists and the Archive: Deconstructing Racial Imagination,” Claudia Rankine, Hank Willis Thomas, Alexandra Bell in conversation with LeRonn P. Brooks, Livestream, Schomburg Center for Black Culture , September 26, 2017,
“Can Art Amend History?” Titus Kaphar at Ted April 2017,
'Stop Telling Women To Smile' Artist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh On Her Movement
The Gallery Gap. A podcast that focuses on equity and inequity in museums, collections, exhibitions, and programming. We start with our home institutions, and situate the conversation in the broader context.
Museopunks. A podcast for a progressive museum. Some of their recent podcasts focus on areas of social justice (e.g. episodes 19, 20, 23, 27)
How The Art World Works is an inquiry into the logistics, values, ethics, expectations and operations of how an artist “makes it” in the art world. Unmarred by academic impetus and vocabulary, your hosts Karen Atkinson and Megan Flanders condense experiences commercial, academic and otherwise from their special guests and get straight to the point: Can someone please tell me how the art world works? Recent episodes focus on storytelling and shedding light on how artists throughout history have been discriminated against by the “Art World” and what they did to fight back.
Cultura Conscious
“Join Paula Santos, a podcast addict and lover of everything arts and culture, in conversation with other museums and cultural workers, educators, artists, activists, and leaders about how we work with our communities and the public at large. She is particularly interested in how the work we do in museums, non-profits or other cultural organizations intersects and is informed by larger questions of race and inequity in society.
Museum Archipelago - A tiny show guiding you through the rocky landscape of museums. Museum Archipelago believes that no museum is an island and that museums are not neutral. Taking a broad definition of museums, host Ian Elsner brings you to different museum spaces around the world, dives deep into institutional problems, and introduces you to the people working to fix them. Each episode is never longer than 15 minutes, so let’s get started.
60. Stephanie Cunningham on the Creation and Growth of Museum Hue:
62. David Gough Reclaims Stewardship of Tiagarra for Aboriginal Tasmanians
59. The Colored Conventions Project Resurrects Disremembered History With Denise Burgher, Jim Casey, Gabrielle Foreman, & Many Others
55. Barbara Hicks-collins Is Turning Her Family Home Into the Bogalusa Civil Rights Museum
@VisitorsOfColor - Twitter
@knowyourcaribbean - Instagram
Art Education + Social Justice Book Club (Los Angeles, California),
Connections to White Supremacy, Imperialism, Exploitation
Francis, Megan Ming and Erica Kohl-Arenas, “Here We Go Again: Philanthropy & Movement Capture,” The Forge, June 17, 2021,
Fritze, John, “Supreme Court Rules for Conservative Charities in Challenge to Donor Disclosure, USA Today, July 2021
Fusco, Coco, “We Need New Institutions, Not New Art,” Hyperallergic, October 26, 2020,
INCITE!, ed., The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, Durham, NC: Duke University, 2007.
Lefebvre, Sam, “Ruling Class Solidarity: Conflict & Growth at SFMOMA Reexamined,”
Beatback, Substack, February 15, 2021,
McGowan, Jordan, “The Black Elite Won’t Save Us,” Medium, 9/11/2020,
Rosler, Martha, “Theses on Defunding,” Art, Activism, & Oppositionality: Essays from Afterimage, ed. Grant H. Kester, Durham, NC: Duke University, 1998, 94-102.
Shaked, Nizan, Museums and Wealth: The Politics of Contemporary Art Collections, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship-- $1000 given to a graduate student working on a historical dissertation that interrogates race and gender, not necessarily in a history department
James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference-- $25,000 stipend for visiting fellow
James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference-- Visiting Fellowship for Advanced Scholars
CASVA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship-- $50,000 (For appointment to the A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2018–2020, the Center encourages applications in the fields of the visual arts and culture of African Americans, Africa, and the African diaspora.)
American Philosophical Society-- $47,000 Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship
Robert Rauschenberg Foundation-- Artist as Activist Grants
A Blade of Grass Fellowship
Surdna Foundation Grants
“2015 AAM Annual Meeting Theme: The Social Value of Museums: Inspiring Change, American Alliance of Museums,”
Lourdes Prados Torreira y Clara López Rúiz (Eds.). 2017. Museos Arqueológicos y género. Educando en la igualdad. UAM ediciones, España.
Allison, David B., ed. 2018. Controversial Monuments and Memorials: A Guide for Community Leaders. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Citation: Autry, La Tanya S., et al, “Social Justice & Museums Resource List,” crowdsourced document, Date, URL.
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