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2017-2018 Concert Choir Course Syllabus and Handbook



The Van Horn Concert Choir rehearses daily with a focus on musical literacy, musicianship, rehearsal technique, and vocal fundamentals such as good tone production, vocal health, and creating a good choral sound.  The Junior Varsity Concert Choir rehearses with an emphasis on excellence in performance.




Philip Enloe is in his 8th year of teaching in the Independence School District, and serves as the Director of Choirs at Van Horn High School.  Mr. Enloe holds a Bachelors of Music Education from Southwest Baptist University.  Mr. Enloe Graduated from Fort Osage High School.  Mr Enloe is beginning his 7th year with the Grammy Award Winning Kansas City Chorale.



Mr. Enloe can be reached by phone or e-mail.  Phone calls during the school day will be sent to voicemail and returned as soon as possible.  Emails are usually answered within 24 hours, though this is not always possible.  Phone calls and emails on concert days will not be returned until the following day.

Phone: 816-521-5360              Extension: 17221                Email:


Classroom Expectations





Practice materials are posted at the Van Horn Choirs website: or will be sent out on the Facebook page with a Google Drive link.

Practice makes performing more interesting and challenging music possible.  When you practice, you and your choir will have a more rewarding choir experience.  When you do not practice, your choir will sing less interesting music and have a less rewarding experience.

Grade Structure


Concert Choir will follow the district grading scale.


Concerts/Performances:  200 points each


 Fall Concert: October 16- 7:00 PM - call time: 6:00 PM  @Van Horn

Holiday Concert: December 15 - 6:00 PM - call time: 5:00 PM  @Van Horn

Crossroads Music Festival:  February 17th- ALL DAY @ SHERWOOD

Pre-contest Concert: March 12 - 7:00 PM - call time: 6:00 PM @ Van Horn  

MSHSAA Large Ensemble State Contest: March 24 - Time TBD  @Paseo

Spring Concert: May 7th- 7:00 PM - call time: 6:00 PM  @Van Horn

Additional performances may include, but are not limited to: National anthem performances at sporting events and other ceremonies, Holiday caroling, etc.  

The point value of these performances will be at the discretion of the director 

Rehearsal Etiquette: 10 points per class, 20 points per block class


Rehearsal etiquette includes, but is not limited to: participation, effort, preparation, following classroom expectations, following musical directions, good citizenship. Loss of points will be at the discretion of the director. Unexcused absence from class will result in a full loss of participation points for that day. Students with excused absences will be allowed to make up participation points. Poor participation habits will result in a call home, a parent conference with the director, and/or a conference with your principal and director. Poor rehearsal etiquette negatively impacts not just your learning, but the preparation of the entire choir. You are not the only person involved in choir: you are a team. Disrupting rehearsal lets down your entire team, and will not be tolerated.


Concert Choir is a performance based class. All rehearsals are very important, and performances are critical. Poor attendance habits at rehearsals or performances will result in a call home, a parent conference with the director, and/or a conference with your principal and director. Poor attendance negatively impacts not just your learning, but the preparation of the entire choir. You are not the only person involved in choir: you are a team. Failing to attend performances or rehearsals lets down your entire team, and will not be tolerated.



A student is tardy if they are not in their seat when the bell rings.  The class begins when the bell rings and warm-ups are where choir students learn essential choral skills.  It is disruptive to rehearsal to walk in late.  Excessive tardies will result in a call home, a parent conference with the director, and/or a conference with your principal and director.

Independence School District Music Performing Ensemble Concert Attendance Policy:


It is the expectation in Independence School District performance-based ensembles that every effort is made to attend every performance. These performances are the summative evaluation of our learning, and the culmination of all of our hard work. This is in line with Common Anchor #6 of the Core Music Standards and NAfME National Anchor Standard #6. Missing a performance not only affects our ability to assess a student’s learning, it changes the quality of the performance for the other students.


Dates, locations, and times of all mandatory performances are listed in the syllabus, which is given out at the beginning of the year. Student and parent(s) are to sign and return the syllabus as an agreement to the expectation that the student will be present for performances and dates listed. Reminders via email and handouts are sent home as teacher to student, teacher to parent, student to parent communication about upcoming events.


Students who do not attend a mandatory performance for an excused reason, will be given the opportunity to make up the performance with the director. For the event to be excused, the student must fill out the Performance Recovery Application. The director will then assess the student’s performance at a scheduled time and date before or after school.


Examples of Excused Absences


If the student has an excused absence, but fails to complete the application or performance, this will result in a lack of evidence for learning targets: Singing Technique, Musicianship, Concert Etiquette supporting the Reporting Standards: Performance and Rehearsal Technique & Responsibility.


Examples of Inexcusable Absences:


Students who are absent from performances for unexcused reasons will not be able to make up the performance.


Reminders about Junior Varsity Concert Choir performances will be sent home as printed handouts approximately one month and one week prior to each concert. Reminders will be sent with approximately one month, one week and one day prior to each concert. Additional performance reminders will be sent with It is the responsibility of students and families to sign up for text or e-mail reminders with (information included with syllabus)

Pre-concert attendance policy

Any student missing 6 or more rehearsals in the three weeks prior to a performance, or 4 or more rehearsals in the two weeks prior to a performance will be required to complete a concert-readiness check the day before the concert, after school. Block rehearsals are equivalent to 2 standard rehearsals. Students who cannot demonstrate concert readiness due to a lack of attendance will be required to complete a performance reflection during the performance and will not perform with their choir. Students who do not attend the concert-readiness check will be required to complete a performance reflection during the concert and will not perform with their choir.

Performance Appearance

Garment Care


Students are expected to care for all district owned performance attire at any time it is in their care. Some classes will require a separate garment care agreement to be signed and returned.

Sheet Music Policy


The music for each choir is chosen at the discretion of the director and may include music from diverse religious and nonreligious cultures and traditions. As a choir member, you are asked to accept and respect the choir's entire music repertoire from an educational standpoint.


Music will be checked out to each singer at the start of the performance season and additional music may be added.  Choir students will sign a music check out form indicating music they have received.  Each student is responsible for keeping his/her borrowed music safe and in good condition. Music will be collected at the end of the season. Students are responsible for replacing lost or damaged music at his/her own expense, and will be billed for any lost or damaged music.

Communication Policy


Students are expected to personally communicate with their director in regards to performance conflicts, multiple absences, illness, etc.  District policy states that students may e-mail teachers directly from their school provided e-mail address.  This is an important communication tool that students are expected to use.  Students may also call the school and leave a message for their director.  Students may NOT contact teachers via personal e-mail, social media, or any other method.  Passing information to your director through other students is not acceptable.

Additional Opportunities

Students in Concert Choir are strongly encouraged to participate in solo and small ensemble contest and all-district choir auditions.  These experiences will help build skills and confidence that will directly translate to a better choir experience.

All-district Auditions: October 7th @ Oak Park HS

All-district Performance: January 20th @ TBA

All-state Auditions: October 28th @ Oak Park HS  2PM


MSHSAA Solo and Small Ensemble District Contest: April 7th @ Grain Valley

MSHSAA Solo and Small Ensemble State Contest: April 26-28th @ TBA


Students are expected to agree to the policies set forth in this syllabus and handbook.

2017-2018 Concert Choir Course Syllabus and Handbook

I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the expectations of the Van Horn Junior Varsity Concert Choir as laid out in the 2017-2018 Concert Choir Course Syllabus and Handbook.

Student Name (printed)                                                        Date

_____________________________________                        _______________

Student Signature


Guardian Name (printed)                                                        Date

_____________________________________                        _______________

Guardian Signature


Please return this form to your director asap for a grade.  Every choir student and guardian must sign that they have read, acknowledge and agree to the expectations of their choir’s syllabus and handbook.