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(6) HPUMC Kids Nursery-2/3s LP - Small Group Activity.docx
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December 10, 2017              

NURSERY - 2/3's

Get to know each child’s name and use it often!  This will help the children and you, the leader, help create an environment where each child feels known and loved!

God gave us Jesus.

“God has given a son to us.”



Jesus Is Born

LUKE 2:1-7

Going on a Trip

Made to Move: An activity that uses a preschooler’s natural desire to move to help them learn


What You Need: No supplies needed


What You Do:

Before the Activity: Have the children stand in a line behind you.


During the Activity: Tell the children that you are going on a trip. Lead the children all around the room. If possible, go into a hallway or other areas of the preschool environment/church. Return to the original activity area.


What You Say:

Before the Activity: “We are going on a trip!”


During the Activity: “Everyone stand behind me and follow me. We are going on a trip!” (Do activity.)


After the Activity: “Whew! That was a great trip. In our Bible story today, Mary and Joseph are going on a trip too. I can’t wait to find out where they were going!”


Transition: Move to Bible story time by telling the children that they are going on another trip. Have them follow you to the story area while chanting, “Going on a trip!”