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LRFC Cougars U15 - End of Season Report
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LRFC Cougars U15’s End of Season Report

A successful season!


Finishing third in the league and winning the cup final is a successful season. Particularly when considered against last season where we were bottom of Division 1, 27 points behind the winners and nowhere in the cup. We finished behind Lydney, who were champions, and Painswick who were second. We led the league for the early part of the season and took points off both of the teams that finished ahead of us. Our challenge, though, faltered with three draws and losing against both Lydney and Painswick as the season drew to its conclusion.


Where we improved this season was in being more combative. We are no longer the soft touch that we used to be. In recent seasons teams would just play through us or over us and we struggled to match them physically. This season that changed and we were much more robust, we were winning 50/50 balls and competed through the team and the squad. Look back at previous seasons reports and there’s lots said about heading and winning headers. This season we did that and while too simplistic to say that is what we were missing it has contributed to our improvement.


In possession we continue to play some great football but we do not shy away from the other elements of the game any longer.


There were some great moments this season, the league match away to Painswick where with a bare eleven, George in goal, Will and Taylor out of position as full backs we battled to a 2-2 draw after being 2-0 down. Painswick would later hand us our most complete defeat of the season beating us 2-0 in one of our final league matches. A result that we would repay with interest come the cup final.


As the season drew to a close our match away to Charlton Rovers saw us win handsomely and dominate possession like we never have before.


There were goals too - 80 in total across all competitions. Jorge led the way with 22, George scored a screamer in our opening game with a free kick that flew into the top corner from an improbable distance. Lewis scored twice through the season. Ben and Ryan left it late to open their accounts but managed to away to Cashes, as did Tommy. Jacob was second top scorer with 15 which is impressive when you consider that through the season he played in more or less every position; goalkeeper, centre back, midfield, number 10, striker and on both wings.

We scored 8 goals in a single game on two occasions and only failed to score in three matches, the 0-0 with Gotherington in the cup and then league matches against Lydney and Painswick that decided our league fate.


There were penalty shoot-outs, Gotherington and Charlton Rovers Blues in the league cup and Cashes in the County Cup. We never missed a penalty.


Fintan continued to be our bogey team, they knocked us out of the County Cup and then beat us in the league too. They remain the only team that we have not only never beaten, but a team we have never taken points from.

But it is the Matthew Wyatt Cup Final that was our crowning glory this season - to beat a team that have we have never beaten was impressive, the spirit and togetherness on the day was what made it possible. Even going a goal down heads never dropped and that desire shone through. There was quality too and that is what has been different this season. Games that we might previously have lost we have dug deep and come back and got results.


There were a number of great performances that day and it’s no exaggeration to say that a number of the lads saved their best performances of the season for that match. Dan G, Ben and Lewis all had their best matches for the Cougars. Tommy showed the quality he has with two fine finishes and the other lads in the match squad all did their jobs exactly as instructed, attacking when we had the chance through the pace of Jacob and Luca and defending when necessary with Tom, Ryan and Freddie all putting in huge efforts in central midfield. With quality in the other positions and on the bench, Max, George, Jorge, Sam and Louis all played more than their part working as part of a solid team effort.


Will was the official match day MotM for a keeping display where bravery was required more than technical ability. He made a couple of saves but it was his dealing with crosses and loose balls that caught the eye. He just wanted to win more than anyone else.


As the season closes we say goodbye to four players, Louis who is off to play golf, Taylor and Finn who will be seeking new challenges elsewhere and George who has decided that he might need some time from all the football to actually study for his exams. As always when a player leaves we wish them well…


To leave as a cup winner is a good way to bow out.


We should also remember that Will Tunnicliff left us after a couple of games in order to rest, this extends to his approach to doing his paper round where he has been seen being chauffeur driven to deliver the Sunday papers.

It hasn’t all been departures though with Adam joining us in November and quickly settling into the squad and team. Tommy also joined us late on and had a massive impact on the team particularly in the cup final.


Players Report

Will Fenley

Goalkeeper, Right-back (Captain)

Played 23/25 games


An excellent season from our constantly improving goalkeeper. This season he has marshalled his box with improved confidence and being adept with his feet shown good decision making to burst from his area to make vital clearances. Will has kept us in games where we have been under pressure and really improved his communication, leading the team, keeping them in position and driving them on.


To improve…

Best moments...


George Garrad

Central Defender (wannabe striker!)

Played 18/25. Goals - 1.


George has had a typically excellent season. One of the most consistent performers in the squad George always seems to make the right decision and even if he makes the wrong one he has the speed of foot and thought to recover most situations. Improved heading and showing more leadership qualities he even took a turn in goal against Painswick when his hamstring couldn't take it (and then again against Charlton Rovers Blues). He turned out to be a revelation in goal so much so that the opposition manager singled him out. George’s value to the team was evident with a dip in squad form while he recovered from broken foot.


To improve...

Best moments…


Lewis Carter

Played 22/25 games. Goals - 2.


Lewis has all the attributes to dominate matches. Strong and powerful he is an excellent athlete. All that needs to happen is for Lewis to see himself as the player that we all see. Strong in the tackle and adept when bringing the ball forward Lewis played some excellent football this season really growing into the role and improving as the year progressed. Saved his best for the cup final where he showed excellent decision making knowing when to clear and when to play the ball out of defence.


To improve...

Best moments...

Dan Griffiths

Full back

Played 20/25 games.


Building on his most improved player award from last season Dan has developed into an excellent full back. By far the strongest player in the squad, earning him the Hercules nickname, not much gets past him. When you need a defender that defends first and foremost he is the player. Combative and full blooded he never pulls out of a tackle or a header, what might look like a 50/50 quickly becomes a 70/30 in his favour. Dan also shows good composure when playing the ball forward and supporting attacks. Dan is far more athletic that he realises he is and this season should give him great confidence as we move into next.


To improve...

Best moments...


Sam Hansson-Willey

Full back.

Played 25/25 games.


Steady-Eddie or is it stable-Sam? An excellent season as an attacking full back, always happy to run onto the ball and support the attack. Can deliver lovely crosses from dead ball or on the move and started to communicate more and more with his winger. A really excellent season from an intelligent player and one of the best communicators on the pitch.


To improve...

Best moments...

Adam Fielding

Full back.

Played 15/15 (signed in November 2015)


Adam signed for us in November after training with the team for a number of weeks. Has really improved and grown into the full back position. With ability to play further forward too he uses this to support attacks when the moments arise. Brave in the tackle as evidenced in the cup final where he took a heavy blow that ended his participation clearing a header. Strong with both feet Adam’s positional sense has improved and


To improve...

Best moment...

Ryan Coldridge

Defensive Midfielder

Played 25/25 games. Goals - 1.


A fantastic first season for this team. Ryan has settled into the defensive midfield role where his energy and drive have seen him destroy many teams’ best efforts to break us down. Once in possession his economy and decision making see him rarely give the ball away. That economy extends to his talking where it was reported by Opta that he had said five words this season. A quiet lad but a very important one for this team.


To improve...

Best moments...


Jacob Burgess

Played 25/25 games. Goals - 15 (second top scorer).


Jacob has always been a vital player in this team and this season has played a more expansive role that has seen him able to contribute more assists and goals. He has also played more positions than ever even playing at centre back this season such is his versatility. Another of the 100%’ers with a 25/25 games played ratio. Jacob has started to find his voice this season too communicating with team mates and talking more during games.


To improve...

Best moments…..


Freddie Palmer

Played 25/25 games. Goals - 6.


A midfield powerhouse who formed an excellent partnership with Ryan as part of the holding pair. This season Freddie’s fitness has been significantly improved and given him the platform to dominate the midfield. Strong in the air, robust in the challenge and with dainty feet for a big lad Freddie can do it all. Freddie also showed versatility playing centre back for a couple of matches where we were struggling for numbers. It is midfield that is his best position though.


To improve…

Best moments...


Luca Bosano

Winger, Striker

Played 17/25 games. Goals - 11 (third top scorer).


This season Luca has been the outlet for the team where his pace and ability on the ball has been as important as ever. He missed 8 games through injury (broken wrist) and then illness – time when our form dropped. That he finished third top scorer despite missing a lot of games shows his ability. Was key in the cup final giving Painswick something to worry about with his pace and having a hand in both goals.


To improve...

Best moments...


Jorge Mooney


Played 24/25 games. Goals - 22 (top scorer!)


Finishing the season as top scorer is excellent reward for Jorge who kept the goals flowing and the team in games.  George not only scored lots of goals – but many of them were important ones to either win tight games or get us going.  Against some of the better teams he struggled because we were unable to get him the service he needs to torment an opposition. Even when things were not going his way Jorge worked hard, defending from the front and chasing down lost causes.


To improve...

Best moments…..


Ben Higgs


Played 16/25 games. Goals - 1.


Ben has had another strong season for the Cougars, turning out in either holding midfield or when needed at fullback.   Injury has also hampered part of his season, but Ben can always be relied on to put in a solid performance when called upon – his composure on the ball and excellent distribution making defensive midfield play look easy and allowing others space and time.  He saved his best game of the season for the final where he played a key role in winning back the midfield battle and giving the team a platform to go on and win.


To improve….

Best moments….


Louis Casey

Midfield dynamo, left winger.

Played 22/25 games. Goals - 7.


When not battering Dan Hodgin, Louis can be found on the left wing. Possessing a sweet left foot and an ability to strike a ball so cleanly he is the only player that when outside the box the other lads call to him to shoot.


Louis leaves us to pursue his golfing ambitions although he seems a bit young to have retired just yet.


To improve

Best moments…


Taylor Unett

Winger, Striker

Played 22/25 games. Goals - 4.


Taylor has had a challenging season, always available and having a great attitude to training and match days.  He has struggled to make a position his own playing at times, on both wings, up front and as number 10. Oh and left back in the match away to Painswick.   Taylor always showed great technical ability on the ball and was always unselfish in looking to release other forwards into space whenever he had the opportunity.   He also cropped up with some important goals in tight matches,


To improve...

Best moments…


Finn McDonnell


Played 21/25 games.


One of the most skilful players in the squad, Finn is an excellent street footballer. Drag backs, flicks and tricks a-plenty, what Finn has started to do more and more this season was use these and then move the ball on. Using his skill to get space and then pass the ball to retain possession.  Finn also demonstrated more positional awareness this year and covered his defensive duties much more effectively than in previous seasons.

To improve...

Best moments...

Tom Carter

Midfielder, Full-back

Played 17/25 games. Goals - 2.


Despite his heavy social diary with tennis/other sporting commitments, Tom still put in a strong 17 games this season.  Often starting as a sub, Tom always gives 100 per cent when he comes on and is Mr Versatile in that he will happily play full-back, midfield or even up front(often all at the same time!).  Tom has always covered more acres than most, but this season continued to display much more positional discipline especially when deployed in defensive roles.   He finished the season as one of the squad’s most improving and influential players.


To improve...

Best moments...

Tommy Callinan

Number 10

Played 7/25 games. Goals - 3.


Only joined late in the season but what a late signing!  Started slowly, but quickly grew in confidence as he gained an understanding with the players around him.  Tommy has become one of the best passers in the team and uses the ball intelligently every time he gets it, linking up midfield with attack and creating many goal scoring opportunities.   He finally added the goals which his overall game deserved in the last few games – great timing for the cup final.

To improve...

Best moments….



Max Timothy

Number 10

Played 20/25 games. Goals - 4.


Max had another great season, mainly playing in the 10 role but also happy to play out wide or deeper in midfield when required.  He still has the vision to unlock defences with killer passes and his touch and control help him glide past defenders with ease.   In a congested front line where we have had to rotate, Max has always taken his opportunity when presented and consistently causes defences problems when matches become more broken up and he has time and space on the ball.


To improve...

Best moments...


Will Tunnicliff

Full back

Played 2/25 games. Goals - 1.


Despite his early goal in the opening match of the season, we were not able to see much of Will T this year due to other football commitments.  We wish him well wherever his football journey (and his paper round) take him in 2015/6.