Ocean trenches: Long depressions on the seafloor. They are the deepest parts of the ocean. Some ocean trenches are formed by subduction between oceanic plate and a continental plate.

Marianas Trench: it is the deepest part of the earth's oceans, and the deepest location of the earth itself.  It was created by ocean-to-ocean subduction

Mid-Ocean ridge:
Mid-ocean ridges are a series of largely underwater mountain ranges that are present beneath many seas of the world. Mid-ocean ridges are topographic features found where divergent tectonic plate processes are moving two pieces of oceanic crust away from each other.

San Andreas Fault:The san andreas fault is the plate that separate the pacific and the north american plate

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Formations of Islands:There are 6 types of islands: Continental (1) Tidal(2) Barrier(3) Oceanic (4) Coral(5) Artificial(6). The continental ones are formed when 2 earth plates separate.

Resultado de imagen para imagenes que se pueden reutilizar de la formacion de islas con las placas tectonicas

Formation of Mountains:they are the result of tectonic forces or volcanism.When two plates chush and one goes down and the other on goes up.

Resultado de imagen para imagenes que se pueden reutilizar de la formacion de montañas con las placas tectonicas


In geology, a fault is rock mass movements that make significant displacement. Made because of constructive movements. Consequence: very hard sismics.